The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 359 General Mobilization of the Village

Chapter 359 General Mobilization of the Village

In the evening, everyone in the program group gathered at Zhang Jiao's home.

"Director Xu, almost all the pear growers in the village have signed their names." Zhang Jiao handed the registration book to Xu Jie with an excited smile on his face.

"Things seem to be going better than expected!" Song Huanhuan looked at the others. What happened this afternoon really surprised her.

"Well, I thought the villagers would not dare to sign because they were afraid of Wu Liang and his group. I didn't expect that everyone would be so enthusiastic after the broadcast!" Liu Jinbao was very excited. It's a happy thing.

Xu Jie was not surprised.

In fact, the moment the sales price is announced, the result is already doomed.

In the past, the villagers felt that their pears were worthless, and it was not worth fighting against the purchaser Wu Liang, which might cut off their future livelihood, but now it is different. Wu Liang's fear.

In fact, this is not the difference between 3 cents and 1 yuan and 5 yuan, but the difference of tens of thousands of yuan. For example, if you sell 3000 catties of pears to Wu Liang, you can only sell them for 5000 yuan, but if you sell them to the program group, that is [-] yuan. Yuan, a total difference of [-] yuan, [-] catties is [-] yuan, such a huge amount is enough to ignite the enthusiasm of the villagers.

Money can not only buy things, but also bring courage and strength to people!

For thousands of dollars, the villagers feel that it is not worth resisting, but for tens of thousands of dollars, the villagers may go all out!
However, one thing exceeded his expectations, that is, there were more pears than expected. He thought it was only tens of thousands of catties, but it turned out to be hundreds of thousands of catties.

"I did the math. There are nearly 40 catties of crispy pears in Lishu Village. Can we sell them?" Lu Zhanpeng asked.

Hearing Lu Zhanpeng's words, the happy people fell silent immediately.

Yes, 40 catties is too much!
Calculated on the basis of ten catties per box, 40 catties is [-] boxes, and live broadcast sales are [-] copies. Can it be sold?Will so many people buy it?
Xu Jie thought for a while and said: "Although the station has helped us promote it, we also need to promote it ourselves. Xiao Wei, you edited the pictures and videos you took on the mountain during the day and uploaded them to the official Weibo of our program. Song Huanhuan , you go to contact the actors who have worked with us and ask them to help reproduce it, the power of these stars cannot be ignored."

It is necessary to use all available resources to promote this live broadcast sale.

He knows very well that only when the pears are sold, the villagers get the money and see hope, will they unite and have the courage to deal with Wu Liang, otherwise, if the sales are not good, the villagers will not only lose their trust in him, In the future, I will be more dependent and afraid of Wu Liang.


Xiao Wei and Song Huanhuan nodded.

Xu Jie continued: "Today we are broadcasting in the village with such great fanfare. Wu Liang and his group must have known about it by now. Based on the villagers' evaluation of them, Wu Liang will definitely not give up this time, so we must be prepared. , we can’t let them retaliate against the villagers, let alone sabotage our live broadcast sales.”

Everyone looked at each other, their expressions became serious.

That's right, the biggest enemy hindering their live broadcast sales is Wu Liang and his group.

Tian Haobo said at this time: "I heard from the villagers that the most common thing that Wu Liang and his gang do is to cut down trees. Whoever sells pears behind their backs will cut down their pear trees. Brother Zhang, do you think they will do it?" To secretly cut down your pear tree?"

"He dares!" Zhang Jiao said loudly, but there was a bit of worry in his eyes.

"Haobo is right, so starting tonight, we will take turns on duty." Xu Jie looked at Zhang Jiao and asked, "How many ways are there to enter your village?"

"Two!" Zhang Jiao said.

"We are not familiar with the situation here, so I will trouble you and your brother tonight. You two will go the same way. If any stranger enters the village, please inform us immediately. Brother Lu, you can drive to the city tomorrow to buy a few surveillance cameras. On the way into the village, if Wu Liang and his gang are found cutting down trees, they will be beaten first and then thrown to the police station," Xu Jie said.

"it is good!"

After they broke up, the women drove back to the hotel in the town, and all the men stayed and spent the night at Zhang Jiao's house, in case Wu Liang and his gang came to cut down trees.

"Second son, I asked your colleague to come out for dinner." Zhang Jiao's mother's voice sounded from outside the house.

"Mom, I got it." Zhang Jiao responded, and then called everyone out for dinner.

Xu Jie walked out of Zhang Jiao's house. Although it was already six o'clock, the sky outside was still very bright. The dining table was set in the courtyard, and it was full of vegetables, which was very rich.

"There are so many dishes, Uncle, this is too rich, it will cause you trouble." Xu Jie said after seeing it.

"It's troublesome or not. It's out of the question to talk about it. It's too late for us to thank you for helping our village sell pears." Zhang Zhongde said happily.

At first, he heard from his elder son that the second son came back to sell pears for the family, and he was very worried. He wanted to persuade his son to return to the capital as soon as possible, but later he heard that he was selling pears for the whole village, and everyone in the village praised him for raising them. When I was a good son, my thoughts changed accordingly.

"Uncle, it's too early to thank you, and it's not too late to thank you after the sale." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"No, you are so busy, you can come to help our village, and you are grateful for this." Zhang Zhongde said seriously, and then pointed to the stool next to the table, "Sit down quickly, you are welcome, just like returning to your own home .”

"Uncle, aunt, sit down too." Xu Jie said.

Zhang Jiao's parents sat down, and Xu Jie and others sat down.

After taking a few bites, I saw a middle-aged woman stop as she passed by the door of Zhang's house.

"Third brother and third sister-in-law, how about eating?" The woman greeted Zhang Jiao's parents.

"Siblings, come in and eat together?" Zhang Jiao's mother greeted.

"No, my family has finished eating." The woman said, and then walked in from outside the gate, "Second son, thank you so much this time. If it weren't for you, my pears would have rotted on the mountain this year."

"Auntie, you're welcome. In fact, we didn't do anything, just help you build a bridge." Zhang Jiao said after hearing it.

"The pears in our village have not been marketed, so they have been allowed to be slaughtered by the purchasing station in the town for a few years. If you can help the village to build bridges, you will help the villagers the most," said the woman.

"That's right!"

At this time, a few more people walked in from the door, both men and women, all around 60 or [-] years old.

"In the past, our pears were sold at buying stations. It has been many years. Now the buying stations have suddenly lowered the price so low. We don't know where to find other buyers. We can only let the pears rot."

"Thanks to you, our pears finally have a new market, and we are all here to thank you."

"Don't talk like that, it's really nothing!" Zhang Jiao quickly stood up, and went around to get some small benches for the neighbors.

"I watched Beijing Satellite TV all afternoon, and it said that public welfare helps farmers and rural development. It's about you, right?" an old man asked.

"Well, yes." Zhang Jiao replied.

Originally, some people in the village were skeptical about selling pears, but after watching the publicity on Beijing Satellite TV, their doubts disappeared immediately.

More and more people came to Zhang Jiao's house, and soon the entire courtyard was crowded, chatting about everything from shows to crispy pears, from live broadcasts to Wu Liang's group.

"Wu Liang's group is really bad. Relying on their own sales, they lower the purchase price year after year."

"Well, eat meat by yourself, and don't even give us soup."

"Doing evil and doing all kinds of bad things, people like them will be punished sooner or later."

Everyone said angrily.

"How many people are there in Wu Liang's group?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"There are dozens of people working with Wu Liang at the purchasing station, and some gangsters in the town also listen to him. There are more than 100 people in total." A villager said.

"So few?" Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, and said flatly, "Everyone in the town is afraid of them. I thought there were thousands of them."

Hearing Xu Jie's words, many villagers showed embarrassing expressions.

"The main reason is that he has a market, but we have no market. If we go to the town to sell, we won't be able to make a lot of money in one autumn."

"We are also forced to be helpless."

"What if I sell pears for you and they come to make trouble?" Xu Jie looked at the villagers and asked.

"If he comes here to make trouble this time, I'll go home and beat him to death with a shovel!" a woman said fiercely.

"Yes, you can sell with confidence, we will protect you!" An old man said seriously.

I didn’t dare before because there was no market, and they all relied on the buying station. Now someone sells pears for them, and they can sell them for 1 yuan a catty.

"What if they go to cut down your fruit trees at night?" Xu Jie asked again.

"Fight them!"

"Yes, if they dare to cut off my money this time, I will cut off their hands and feet!"

Xu Jie nodded and said, "I think as long as everyone gets together and fights against each other, Wu Liang will not be able to shine."

"Yes!" said the villager.

"However, in order to prevent the fruit trees in the village from being destroyed by them, I think we should take preventive measures and send more people to patrol the village and the mountains before the pears are sold. What do you think?" Xu Jie suggested. Relying on Zhang Jiao and his eldest brother is not enough. People in the village should also be involved. Only by building momentum can Wu Liang's group be overwhelmed.

"Well, that makes sense!"

"We're going to find the village chief!"

"Yes, find the village chief!"

The people in the courtyard quickly disappeared.

For thousands of dollars, it's not worth it. After all, if you go to work in the town, you can earn back in two or three months, but for tens of thousands of dollars, it's worth doing anything. That's their family's annual income!
"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, Xu Jie's cell phone rang suddenly, and he took it out to look at the caller ID, it was from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

"Editor Lu..." Xu Jie connected the phone.

"Xiao Xu, the publicity about public welfare support has already started to be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV this year. How are your preparations going?" Lu Hong asked concerned.

Xu Jie looked at the backs of the villagers leaving, and said with a smile: "Everything is going well!"

"Haha, I don't worry about your business. If you need anything, just come to me. I'll wait for your good news!"

"Yes, Director Lu!"


(End of this chapter)

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