Chapter 360 Here Comes
In the evening, the first episode of "Delicious History" was broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV in August.

What is different from the past is that before the broadcast of the program, a promotional video appeared, the main content of which is that "Delicious History" will go out of TV in response to the call of the country, and the program group will conduct live broadcast sales for the first time. Farmers, help rural development, and sell pears for villages where fruit is unsalable.

After the show was broadcast, the promotional video was broadcast again.

One stone caused a thousand waves. No one thought that the "Delicious History" program group would actually sell the goods live, but this also aroused the interest of many viewers. Although it is not a traditional Beijing cuisine, the "Delicious History" program group sells Things will definitely not be bad.

At the same time, the official Weibo of "Delicious History" also released a promotional video for live broadcast sales, showing the orchard and pear trees to the public.

The comment area was instantly overwhelmed by fans of the show.

""Delicious" is produced, it must be a high-quality product, so book an order in advance."

"For the sake of the program group and to contribute to the revitalization of the countryside, I also want to make an order."

"I'm from Shanghai. I'm usually busy and don't have time to go to Beijing. Although I can't eat the food on the show, I can eat the fruits on the show. It's a small wish fulfilled. I must support it!"

"I don't know how the program group will sell the goods, whether it will play routines like other anchors who sell goods, and whether it will be made into a story, looking forward to it!"


"Buy, buy, buy!"


Fans have expressed their support for the show with practical actions.

In addition to the fans of "Delicious History", celebrities also joined the publicity team and reposted the Weibo of the live broadcast of "Delicious History".

The first reposted star is Su Yun, the national goddess who has recently become popular with "Crossover Actor".

"Participating in "Delicious History" many times, I have already regarded myself as a member of the program group, and I will also book a single."

In the comment area, fans followed up one after another.

"Support the goddess, I will also book an order."

"Make a reservation!"


The second reprint is the popular actor Jiang Cheng.

"I am honored to participate in the filming of "Delicious", the fruit recommended by "Delicious History" must be very delicious, make a reservation!"

Actress Jiang Liying.

"I like pears the most. Director Xu's recommendation is definitely not bad. Make a reservation!"

First-line actor Huang Zibo.

"Ningzhou, my hometown, [-] reservations, studio benefits!"

Chen Yixing, Zhao Xiaotong, etc., the stars who participated in the filming of "Delicious History" all spoke for the show.

There are also some stars, such as Lu Dayu, Dai Qingqing, Ding Lingyi, Jin Qianqian, and Zheng Anqi. Although they have not participated in "Delicious History", they have participated in the program of Beijing Satellite TV. Director Xu Jie has collaborated before, so he also reproduced this matter.

For a while, half of the stars in the entertainment industry were promoting the live broadcast of "Delicious History". Apart from the fans of the show, the fans of the stars also knew about it.

It was even on the hot search for a while and became a hot topic.


On Tuesday, Xu Jie woke up early.

He came to the entrance of the village and found Zhang Jiao who was guarding here.

"How about it, did you find anyone suspicious?"

"No, neither does my brother." Zhang Jiao shook his head.

"It's not the best, you stay here for one night, go back and rest quickly, and leave the other things to us." Xu Jie said to Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Jiao nodded, took out his mobile phone and called his eldest brother, then went home to catch up on sleep.

The two of them didn't go far when suddenly a voice came from a distance.

"Director Xu, Zhang Jiao, wait for me!"

Xu Jie looked back and saw that it was the head of Lishu Village.

The other party walked over quickly, and said with a smile: "Director Xu, I have already arranged the patrol. Starting today, the villagers will be in groups of three, a total of five groups, and will patrol the village and the orchard throughout the day to prevent Wu Liang and his gang are here to make trouble."

"Yes, village chief, we should have done this a long time ago. There are more than 1000 people in our village, how many people are afraid of Wu Liang?" Zhang Jiao said after hearing it.

"Village chief, with your support, I have more confidence in selling pears live." Xu Jie said with a smile.

In fact, it is not important for him to have confidence, what is important is to give the villagers confidence. As long as the villagers have confidence, they will not be afraid of Wu Liang's group and are willing to work with Wu Liang's group, so that they will not be bullied in the future.

Xu Jie returned to Zhang Jiao's house and immediately called the others together.

"Brother Bao, you and Haobo continue to go to the mountains to shoot promotional videos. Brother Peng, you and I will go to the city. Isn't the courier station in the town not taking our orders? Let's go directly to the city!"

Can a living person suffocate urine?

Xu Jie had a simple breakfast at Zhang's house, and then drove away from Lishu Village with Lu Zhanpeng.

After driving for more than two hours on the road, I finally arrived in Ningzhou City.

The two first went to the computer city, bought some monitors, and then found a first-level express outlet called Shuntong according to the navigation.

"Send or pick up?" a staff member asked.

"I want to talk to your manager about cooperation." Xu Jie said.

"Cooperation?" The staff looked at Xu Jie suspiciously.

Xu Jie took out his press card from his pocket and said, "I'm a reporter from Beijing TV Station. Don't be nervous. I'm not here for a visit. We have important business to discuss with your manager."

The staff took Xu Jie's press card, and after looking at it, he was immediately stunned.

"Xu Jie? Are you Xu Jie? The star of "Delicious History"?" The staff looked carefully, and then said with surprise: "Yes, it's you. Why did you come to our Ningzhou? By the way, I remember the promotional video last night saying, you come to our Ningzhou live broadcast to sell goods?"

"Yes." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Wait, I'll go find our manager right away." The staff hurried upstairs immediately.

Xu Jie put his press card in his pocket. He used to think that being famous was not good. He was surrounded by people everywhere he went.

Not long after, a middle-aged man came down from upstairs. He walked quickly and had a smile on his face. He presumably had heard about Xu Jie from the staff.

"Mr. Xu, it really is you!" The middle-aged man held Xu Jie's hand tightly excitedly, "I just heard Xiao Zhang say that you came, but I still didn't believe it. I didn't expect it was really you. I am the manager here. , My name is Wang Ke, what can I do for you?"

"Manager Wang, it's like this. Our program team came to Ningzhou this time to help some villages with unsalable fruits sell pears. It must be delivered by courier to all parts of the country. I came to you because I hope to cooperate with you." Xu Xu Jie briefly explained his purpose.

"No problem, no problem, it's my honor to cooperate with you." Wang Ke said after hearing this: "Where do you sell pears and how many pieces do you have?"

"Lishu Village in Miaoshan Town is about two hours' drive away from the city. As for how many pieces of goods can be delivered, it is not clear yet. We need to wait until the live broadcast ends to find out, so the courier fee..." Xu Jie said to the point.

"The courier fee is easy to talk about. You are here to help the development of the countryside. Naturally, I will not take advantage of the fire, so I will give you a cost price. Do you know how much a piece weighs?" Wang Ke asked.

"Ten catties!" Xu Jie said.

"Ten catties, how about it, six yuan a piece, how about it?" Wang Ke asked.

"Okay!" Xu Jie agreed immediately after hearing this. The price was completely beyond his expectation, so he didn't bargain.

In the previous budget, he set the courier fee at ten yuan, after all, the weight is there, but now, he saved four yuan at once, so that the price of an order of fruit was reduced by four yuan , more people will buy it.

Xu Jie and the other party exchanged phone numbers, and the other party also promised to be on call.

Before leaving, Xu Jie thought for a while and asked, "Manager Wang, this is our first time in Ningzhou. I don't know if there is any carton for sale? Just cartons for fruit?"

"I have it here." Hearing this, Wang Ke pointed to a few boxes in the corner, "Ten catties of pears are usually used in this kind of lucky box. We pay five yuan each for you. It's still a cost for you." The price is three yuan each."

"Manager Wang, we still need to print on the box." Xu Jie said.

"No problem, we also have words on this box, and we can just ask the printing factory to add words." Wang Ke said.

"We really went out to meet noble people!" This time it was Xu Jie's turn to hold each other's hand tightly and said, "Manager Wang, thank you. I will treat you to dinner when I go to the capital."


Xu Jie left the courier station and drove back to Lishu Village with Lu Zhanpeng.

The two put the monitoring equipment they bought before in the village, so that they can know who has entered the village while sitting at home.

Night will come soon.

Xu Jie was sleeping when he heard a voice suddenly.

"Director Xu, wake up, a stranger has entered the village!"

Xu Jie opened his eyes, and it was Zhang Jiao who was talking, and the other party was mainly responsible for the surveillance work at night.

He looked at the computer screen and saw four people riding four motorcycles into the village and heading up the mountain.

Xu Jie walked out of the house immediately, the village was very quiet, occasionally a dog barked, and there was no sound of a motorcycle.

No, it's not a motorcycle, it's an electric car.

Compared with motorcycles, electric vehicles can drive without any sound.

It must be Wu Liang and those people.

Because people in this village do not have electric vehicles, they ride motorcycles. Motorcycles are powerful and can carry goods. Compared with electric vehicles, electric vehicles are weaker.

Xu Jie hurried back to the house, and whispered to the others: "Get up, take the guys, and go up the mountain!"

All the men in the program group got up. It was probably the first time they did this kind of thing. They were all very excited. They went outside to get shovels, poles, hoes, etc. and walked outside.

At this time, the next room was also disturbed, and Zhang Jiao's eldest brother also came out of the room.

"what happened?"

"Wu Liang's people have entered the village!" Zhang Jiao whispered.

"What? I'll go too!" Brother Zhang Jiao picked up a shovel and went out together.


(End of this chapter)

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