Chapter 361
The four strangers stopped at the foot of the mountain, pushed the electric car into the bushes to cover it up, and then sneaked into the mountain with a satchel.

Xu Jie and others followed here and stopped, but the surveillance screen on the mobile phone only captured the foot of the mountain.

"Director Xu, the mountain is too big, should we go separately or together?" Zhang Jiao asked in a low voice, putting the mobile phone that he had been looking at all the way into his pocket.

"To be safe, let's go together." Xu Jie said after thinking for a while, then walked into the bushes, lifted out the electric car hidden inside, and moved it not far away to hide it.

When the others saw it, they instantly understood Director Xu's meaning, and stepped forward to help, hiding the other electric vehicles as well.

"Okay, let's go." Xu Jie said in a low voice.

Zhang Jiao looked back at the elder brother behind him, and said, "Brother, it's up to you."

Zhang Sheng nodded, listened carefully for a while with his ears sideways, and then took the lead and led the way.

Not long after, halfway up the mountain, I heard a conversation not far ahead.

"Okay, don't go up any more, I'm exhausted, just cut here."

"it is good."

"Are you sure this orchard belongs to the Zhang family?"

"Sure, but it doesn't matter, anyway, their whole village is against our brother Liang, and it doesn't matter whoever's tree is cut."

"Well, that's true. Brother Liang said that the task for tonight is twenty trees. There are four of us, each with five trees. It's quicker. I don't want to feed mosquitoes here."


bang bang bang...

The sound of felling trees echoed in the mountains.

Zhang Jiao was about to rush up, but was stopped by Xu Jie.

"They have axes in their hands, we can't do it recklessly." Xu Jie said in a low voice.

"Then what should we do?" Zhang Jiao asked anxiously.

Now in the past, the fruit tree can still be saved, and later, when the tree is cut down, it is really hopeless.

Xu Jie took off the backpack behind Tian Haobo, tied the rope that was intended to bind people between the fruit trees [-] centimeters above the ground, and then led the others to the top of the group of people, letting everyone disperse in a semicircle open.

Xu Jie hid behind the tree and suddenly shouted loudly: "Hey, what are you guys doing?"

The four tree-choppers were startled, and they all stopped at the same time.

"Who? I advise you not to mind your own business, the ax in our hands has no eyes!" One of them said viciously while holding the ax.

"Really? The shovels in our hands don't have eyes." Xu Jie said, "Brothers, shoot them to death!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The sound came from all directions, and the four people who felled the tree panicked immediately.

Just now they all thought that there was only one person, four against one, and there was no need to run away, but now, it was obvious that they were surrounded, and there were clanging and clanging sounds of iron.

"Don't come here, talk to me if you have something to say." A gangster said in a trembling voice, his feet kept stepping back, and the other companions did the same, and soon the four of them crowded together back to back.

"Say it right? I can't see any sincerity when you hold an axe." Xu Jie said loudly, "Unless you throw down the axe."

In order to avoid unnecessary injuries, Xu Jie's strategy is mainly to scare. After all, dogs jump over walls when they are in a hurry, and rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry.

Moreover, they only have six people, and the other party has four. There is not much advantage in numbers, and they still have to rely on strategies.

"Stop talking nonsense with them, you dare to cut trees and kill them!" Liu Jinbao said loudly, slapping the branches with the shovel in his hand, making a loud noise.

"Yes, kill them!" Others echoed one after another, some stamped their feet on the spot, and some beat the ground with a shovel, giving the impression that there were many people.

The four gangsters are used to bullying fruit sellers, how have they ever seen such a situation?
After feeling that there seems to be no one here in the direction of the mountain, I immediately ran down the mountain!
"They ran away, hurry up!" Xu Jie shouted.


"Don't run!"

The others cooperated with Xu Jie and shouted around.

The four gangsters panicked even more when they heard the voice coming from behind. They ran so fast that they wished they could grow two more legs.

It's just that he didn't run far, when he tripped over something suddenly, his body was confiscated, and it was going downhill. After falling downhill, the whole person rolled down the mountain after falling like a dog eating shit.



Some hit a rock, some hit a tree, and some were covered with wounds from the branches, and the painful cries followed one after another.

Xu Jie untied the rope, and then ran down the hill. Zhang Jiao and the others had already caught up with one of them.



"stop fighting!"

"Don't dare, never dare again!"

After Xu Jie approached, he tied one with a rope, then handed it to Tian Haobo, and continued to chase with the others!

Soon, they caught up with two more, leaving only one person.

"Don't run away, the village is full of people, where do you want to go!" Xu Jie shouted while running, and Zhang Jiao and Zhang Sheng were with him.

The fleeing bastard heard that running into the village was equivalent to throwing himself into a trap, so he changed the direction and ran into the ravine. He thought that there were many trees and thick grass over there, and it was dark, so he should run and hide. No one will find him.

"Don't run that way, there is no way there." Xu Jie shouted.

The gangster endured the pain all over his body, and continued to run forward, thinking: I believe you a ghost!
"Hey, why are you still running?"

But the gangster ran faster, thinking: If I don't run, should you catch me?
However, before he ran far, suddenly his feet were empty, and with a "plop", he fell into a "water" pit.

In an instant, a stench hit, and the water in the puddle felt sticky. When he wiped his face with his hands, a familiar smell instantly made him retch.


Where is this puddle? It's clearly a cesspit!

He struggled to run out, but the pit was too deep, and there was no point of strength, so he couldn't climb up at all. He could only raise his feet, stretch his neck, and try to keep his head out of the dung water.

Xu Jie stopped, stood on the edge of the cesspit, looked at the people inside, held his nose and said, "Oh, I told you that there is no road here, but you didn't listen. How about it, is the dung water good to drink?"

How can a bastard care whether he will be shot with a shovel?At this time, there was only one thought in my mind, and that was to quickly crawl out of the cesspit.

"Brother, save me and pull me up."

If it was drowned in a cesspit, wouldn't it be laughed at if it spread?It's really a bad smell for thousands of years.

"Don't call me brother, even if you call me grandpa, I won't pull you, it stinks!" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"You deserve it, who asked you to cut down the tree, this is retribution, bah!" Zhang Sheng spat into the cesspit.

"I was wrong, I will never cut it again." The gangster begged.

"Hehe, when you cut down other people's fruit trees, didn't you think that this day would come? Judging by your appearance, you should be an adult, right? Adults should be responsible for what they do." Xu Jie took a look. The time on the mobile phone, said: "It's two o'clock, you are holding on for three or four hours, and when it dawns, maybe someone will come to rescue you."

"Don't, it's quite cold in here, I can't last that long." The gangster said anxiously.

"You mean, you want me to give you something warm?" Xu Jie asked.

"No, vomit..." The gangster couldn't help it, and retched.

At this time, Liu Jinbao and the others came here with three other gangsters whose hands were tied, and when they saw the people in the cesspit, they were all stunned.

The three gangsters also made sand sculptures, thinking that this is a good way, hiding in the cesspit, no one dares to catch, and whoever catches them will throw big dung on them, it just smells a little bit offensive!

"Hey, you three." Xu Jie looked at the three gangsters, took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and asked while recording the video: "Tell me, who asked you to chop down trees?"

The three gangsters looked at each other, then lowered their heads one by one, and no one spoke.

"Hey, you have a lot of backbone. It really made me look across my eyes." Xu Jie said, "But I don't want to talk nonsense. Let me ask you one last time, who asked you to cut fruit trees?"

The three gangsters still didn't answer.

"Okay, your mouth is strong enough, I hope you don't open your mouth after a while." Xu Jie came behind one of the gangsters and pushed him to the edge of the cesspit.

"You, what do you want to do?" the gangster asked tremblingly.

Without saying a word, Xu Jie untied the rope from the gangster's hand, and then kicked the gangster hard on the ass.



Another punk fell into the cesspit.


The gangster plunged into the feces, struggled to get his head out after a while, and took a big mouthful of fresh air, but the breath didn't matter, and all the things that flowed from his head went into his mouth.


Xu Jie stepped back, looked at the gangster inside and said, "Hey, don't open your mouth!" Then he looked at the other two gangsters, and asked, "Do you open your mouth?"

The disgusting faces of the two gangsters turned green, and it felt like the person in front of them was a demon.

They usually bully the fruit growers, at most they kick and punch them a few times, but this demon actually pushed people into the cesspit. This is not only to disgust people, but also to kill them.

"Don't say it yet? Okay, I've got it!" Xu Jie looked at Liu Jinbao and the others and said, "Throw these two in too!"

"Okay!" Liu Jinbao quickly untied the rope.

"No, I don't want to go in!" The gangster struggled, struggling before because he didn't want to be tied up, but now he was struggling because he didn't want the rope to be untied.

Xu Jie held the shovel and pressed it directly against the gangster's neck. The gangster's whole body froze and he didn't dare to move immediately.

Liu Jinbao and Tian Haobo pushed the men to the side of the cesspit, kicked each of them, and the four gangsters reunited in the cesspit.

"You guys just hang out in there. When the police, reporters, and villagers are in place at dawn tomorrow, you just wait to be famous. I don't know what your parents and relatives will think when they see it." Xu Jie told the four After the bastard finished speaking, he looked at his colleagues and said, "Go back and rest, I'll watch them here. At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, you call the TV station first, and call the police after the reporter arrives."

Hearing this, you still want to call a reporter?If this is reported, will they have the face to face others in the future?

Everyone followed Brother Liang, just wanting to make a living, and didn't expect to become a hot topic in the news. One of them's psychological defenses directly collapsed.

"I said, did I say it's okay?"

"But now I don't want to hear it anymore!"

Xu Jie said lightly.


(End of this chapter)

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