Chapter 362 Angry People
"Brother Liang, it was Wu Liang who asked us to cut down the fruit trees. He said that Zhang Jiao from Lishu Village brought people from the TV station to sell pears live, which cut off his source of income. He asked us to cut down the fruit trees of Zhang's family to warn the pear trees People in the village..."

In the cesspit, a gangster confessed to cutting down trees tonight.

"Whose fruit tree did Wu Liang ask you to cut down?" Xu Jie asked coldly.

On the side, Liu Jinbao and Lu Zhanpeng held their mobile phones and pointed their cameras at the cesspit. This was the most flavorful video they had ever shot since they were engaged in videography. Even "Delicious History" was inferior.

"No, this is the first time." The gangster said in a low voice.

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine." Xu Jie turned to look at Zhang Jiao, and said, "Please run over and get a dung spoon when you go home."

"Okay!" Zhang Jiao nodded, making a gesture to leave.

When the gangsters heard this, what the hell was they going to be fined to drink, it was clearly to be fined to eat shit.

It's disgusting to kick them into a cesspit, and then pour a dung spoon over their heads, the devil, the devil for sure.

"This is the first time for us. In the past, it was others who cut down the fruit trees. For example, in Laodian Village, it was Huangmao who did it, and the more than 30 trees that were cut down in Qiaogou Village were done by Brother Guang. of……"

The gangster was frightened by Xu Jie's methods, no, it was disgusting and frightened, and he said six things in a row.

"Apart from cutting down trees, what other immoral things have you done?" Xu Jie asked.

"Also, there are fruit stalls that sell pears, whoever sells pears smashes the windows of their houses, poisons dogs, chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep with rat poison..."

"You guys are really wicked." Xu Jie said, frowning.

He grew up in the countryside, so he was very angry when he heard these things. Dogs are guarding the house, and chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep may be children's tuition fees. These people are simply immoral.

"Wu Liang asked us to do it." The gangster hurriedly threw the blame on Wu Liang.

"We have already explained what we have to explain. Can you pull us up now?" Another gangster asked pleadingly. He tripped and knocked his thigh on a stone while running away before. Soaked in feces, the pain was already unsteady.

The other three gangsters were not much better, feeling like they would drown at any moment.

"You look down at yourself, do you think someone will pull you up?" Xu Jie said with a sneer.

A bastard looked down obediently, but the feces immediately overflowed his mouth.


"You can't live without committing crimes!" Zhang Jiao said after seeing it, "Let's take it as a punishment for you."

"I will give you a memory that you will never forget." Liu Jinbao said, and then he picked up a stone from the ground and threw it into the cesspit, splashing a few gangsters with the dung.

The gangsters looked at each other, since no one pulled us, then we can only figure out a way by ourselves.

The cesspit is higher than people, and there is no place to grab it. The only way is for everyone to work together to push one person up, and then that person pulls the others up with a rope.

The four discussed with their eyes, and then slowly moved to the corner of the cesspit. Three of them pushed the lightest person up.

At this time, Zhang Sheng came to the edge of the cesspit with a shovel in his hand. The thin man who had just climbed halfway saw the shovel in front of him, and then slowly sank down again.

"Brother, we've said everything we need to say, and we've all admitted our mistakes, so just let us go up, can't we go up by ourselves?" The thin man cried aggrievedly, never daring to do bad things again in this life.

I want to go home, I want to find my mother!

"Let's talk about it at dawn." Zhang Jiao said.

The four gangsters could only bear it when they heard it. They had never looked forward to the rising of the sun as much as they do now.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and the dawn in August was relatively early. Just after four o'clock, there was already light on the horizon.

Xu Jie came to Zhang Sheng's side, said a few words in a low voice, Zhang Sheng nodded, and immediately turned and went down the mountain.

It didn't take long before there were discussions not far away, and soon, hundreds of villagers came over under the leadership of Zhang Sheng.

"Uncles, aunts, big brothers and big sisters, these four are Wu Liang's people. They went to our village to cut trees last night. We caught them and fell into the cesspit used as fertilizer when they escaped. Everyone said we should do it?" Xu Jie looked at the villagers and asked loudly.

"What? Cut down trees? Call the police and catch them!"

"It's too cheap for them to call the police and leave them in the cesspit."

"Yes, drown them!"

When the villagers heard that they were here to cut down trees, they all showed angry expressions.

Most of the villagers in Lishu Village grow pears for a living. Cutting down pear trees is equivalent to cutting off their future livelihood, which is worse than not letting them sell pears.

The four gangsters standing in the cesspit were terrified. With so many villagers, throwing a stone each could knock them over in the pit.

"I know everyone is very angry, but killing people is always bad, and they have been soaked in the cesspit all night, so the punishment is considered, and then let the police deal with it." Xu Jie said.

After the four gangsters heard it, they all breathed a sigh of relief. When they looked at the speaker, their eyes were full of gratitude, because they knew very well that with the current anger value of the villagers, falling into the hands of the police is definitely better than falling into the hands of these villagers. The end is better.

"However..." Xu Jie looked at the gangster at this moment, "After you enter the police station, you must confess what Wu Liang did."

The bastard's expression changed, and confessing to Brother Liang was equivalent to betrayal. If Brother Liang knew about this, wouldn't he be beaten to death?

"If you don't tell me, I will put the photos of you falling into the cesspit and the video of your confession on the Internet, and make you famous all over the Internet." Xu Jie continued.

The gangster's expression changed again, if he became famous all over the Internet, how would he go out to meet people in the future?How can you go out and hang around?Who still plays with them?The most important thing is, will I never find a wife in this life?What girl would look for them?
"Do you agree? Yes, I will pull you out now. If you don't agree, I can only hand you over to the villagers." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Promise!" A gangster said without thinking.

If you offend Brother Liang, you might be beaten to death, but if the photos of falling into the cesspit are spread, you will really die directly, the kind that your parents don't recognize each other.

Xu Jie looked at the villagers at this time and asked, "Do you agree?"

The villagers all knew that the person in front of them was the person in charge of the public welfare team and the leader of Zhang Jiao. Whether the pears could be sold depended on this person, so they all said, "Director Xu, we will listen to you."

"Do what you say."

Xu Jie nodded, then picked up a rope and tied it to a tree, and threw the other end into the cesspit.

"Climb up yourself."

No one will help!

Seeing the rope, the four gangsters saw the rope as if they saw life-saving straws, and they scrambled to grab the rope, and no one would let the other. Finally, they used rock-paper-scissors to decide one, two, three, four, and climbed out one by one.

The villagers dispersed immediately after seeing it. It was too smelly and disgusting. It was like a human-shaped stink bomb.

Not long after, two police cars appeared in Lishu Village. Led by the villagers, six policemen came to the ravine. After seeing four gangsters exuding stench, they frowned tightly. The first question is, how to take people to the police station?
In a police car?
The car is not directly scrapped?

"This..." The deputy director who led the team made a mistake.

He has been in the police force for more than 20 years, and this is the first time he has caught such a person. Usually, he would rush forward without hesitation when encountering a knife-wielding gangster, but this time, he hesitated.

Xu Jie saw the difficulty of the police, so he said to the four gangsters: "You go on your own and stand in the ditch of the village."

After the four gangsters heard this, they walked obediently towards the village. Hundreds of villagers followed around like they were hiding from the plague god.

One of the gangsters was even a little excited when he saw this scene. If everyone was avoiding him like this, how powerful would he be? Brother Liang couldn't compare to him.

When he came to the village, Xu Jie found a nearby villager, borrowed a water pipe, connected one end to the faucet, and poured the other end on the gangster.

The gangsters were so happy that they scrambled to stand in front of the running water, and finally took off their clothes and rubbed every inch of their skin with their hands.

Xu Jie beckoned to Zhang Jiao, and whispered a few instructions, Zhang Jiao immediately left the crowd and ran to the village chief's house.

After rushing for more than ten minutes, the deputy director felt that it was almost done, so he borrowed some clothes from the villagers and prepared to wear them to the four gangsters. Like kimchi, it has been marinated.

Just rushing like this is not an option. The deputy director thought that there was a river at the entrance of the village, so he simply asked the four gangsters to soak in the river. It should be better.

After entering the river, the gangsters became bolder, took off their underpants, and washed the place that they hadn't bothered to wash carefully before.

"Mr. Xu, you are the person involved. I hope you can go back with us to make a record later." The deputy director of the bank said politely to Xu Jie.

He already knew Xu Jie's identity and the purpose of Xu Jie's coming to Lishu Village, so he was very grateful to this star from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, no problem." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "As for Wu Liang's matter..."

"I've heard about Wu Liang. They are very cunning. There has been no evidence. Now that these four people are willing to confess, we will definitely take the car seriously and crack down on these behaviors that harm the village and bully the market."

The four gangsters have been soaking in the river, until noon was brought back to the police station.

However, when the police car was approaching, people could be seen gathering outside the police station from a distance, Wuyang Wuyang, at least a few hundred people, and bursts of shouts spread throughout the entire street.

"Wu Liang bullies the market!"

"Wu Liang hurt my man!"

"Wu Liang cut down my fruit tree."

"Catch Wu Liang, catch Wu Liang!"

All are villagers from various villages!

(End of this chapter)

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