Chapter 363
"Comrade policeman, I want to report the case. Wu Liang refused to let my family sell pears, and even cut down my fruit tree."

"I also want to report to the police. My man went to the town to sell pears. He was injured by Wu Liang's men and even smashed my car."

"And me, they came to my house and asked me to sell them pears, and even said that if I didn't sell them, they let my pears rot on the tree..."

"If I didn't sell them pears, the dog at home was poisoned to death the next day."

Villagers from various villages in Miaoshan Town lined up to report to the police station, and they all pointed to one person, that is Wu Liang.

Because there were too many people reporting the case, the police station was obviously understaffed, so the deputy director let Xu Jie leave after simply taking notes on Xu Jie.

Xu Jie walked out of the police station, and saw Zhang Jiao and the village chief as soon as he went out. Both of them had anxious expressions on their faces. They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they saw him come out, and smiled.

"Director Xu, are you okay?" Zhang Jiao ran over quickly, asking and sizing up Director Xu with his eyes.

"It's just a record, what can you do?" Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing it.

After Zhang Jiao saw that Director Xu was fine, he said in a low voice, "Director Xu, I have asked the village chief to pass the news to the surrounding villages as you ordered."

At this time, the village head said to Xu Jie: "When I told you that you wanted to help them sell pears, the villagers in that village were very happy, especially after knowing that they could sell them for 1 yuan a catty, they were all ready to go to the village. Thank you, but after hearing that Wu Liang refused to sell, everyone was very angry. After learning that our village had called the police, they all went to the town to report the case, but they couldn't stop them."

Xu Jie looked at the villagers in the police station and said with a smile: "Unity is strength. Wu Liang wants to make an example of others, but as long as everyone is united, he will not be able to succeed!"

In fact, it is not accurate to say that unity is strength. To be precise, it should be the interests that gave them the courage to unite.

But Lishu Village called the police and the arrest of Wu Liang's subordinates was the trigger of everything. The villagers in other villages saw the courage of the villagers in Lishu Village when they faced the sales price of crispy pears that had increased five times, and how they were able to fight against the enemy in the face of the crisis. Courage when great interests are threatened.

As a result, the anger hidden in the hearts of the villagers in other villages was also ignited. They didn't want to sell the pears they had worked hard for a year to sell to Wu Liang for 3 cents. They wanted to sell the pears at a high price of 1 yuan and 5 catties.

What happened in the town soon spread to all the villages below. Everyone went out of the house and asked the neighbors if it was true.

Baisha Village.

"Third brother, I heard that several villagers went to the town police station to sue Wu Liang. Is it true?"

"I've also heard that there seem to be five or six villages in Lishu Village, Laodian Village, and Shimiao Village. It should be true. I see that there are still photos in the WeChat group."

"Really? Show me quickly, oh, I'll go, there are so many people, do you think Wu Liang will be arrested this time?"

"I don't know. It's not been a day or two since Wu Liang bullied the market. I'm looking forward to it."

"I'm going to the town. If Wu Liang is arrested, we can go to the town to sell pears."

Linghe Village.

"Are they crazy in Lishu Village? Even Wu Liang dares to mess with them. Do they not want to sell Lishu?"

"What do you know? I heard that the TV station went to Lishu Village to help farmers and sell pears for 1 yuan and 5 a catty."

"What, 1 yuan and 5? Is it real or fake? Our pears have never been sold at such a high price before."

"Of course it's true. Otherwise, could they go to the town police station? Isn't it because Wu Liang blocked their way of making money? If someone sells pears for you for 1 yuan and 5 catties, are you still afraid of Wu Liang?

"I can fight Wu Liang to my death!"


"Village chief, people from several villages have gone to the town. Let's sue Wu Liang too. He came to our village last month and cut down more than a dozen fruit trees."

"What are you going to do? Shoot the first bird, so what if Wu Liang is arrested, isn't there still his sister and brother-in-law? The purchasing station is still theirs. After Wu Liang is released in a few years, when the time comes Those villages suffer."


Some people asked around for news, some went directly to the town to watch the excitement, and some followed suit to report the situation. The same thing was that they all wanted to know what would happen to Wu Liang.

At this time, Wu Liang was playing games at the acquisition station, scolding his teammates.

"Where the hell did you die in the jungle, don't you know come to the bottom lane to help? Support you, can you play, go up and help me block the damage!"

"Brother Liang, it's not good, it's not good!" Huang Mao ran into the house from outside in a panic.

"What's wrong?" Wu Liang asked impatiently.

"A villager will sue you at the police station." Huang Mao said.

"Sue me? Who is impatient? Which village?" Wu Liang didn't care when he heard it. After all, he had been sued before, but in the end they didn't let it go because of the evidence.

He taught others, never did it himself, and let his younger brother do it, even if something happened, it was his younger brother who took the responsibility, which is why he has been fine for so many years.

"Brother Liang, this time is different. There are so many villagers that the police station is crowded, at least a few hundred." Huang Mao said worriedly.

"A few hundred?" Wu Liang raised his head, shifted his gaze from the phone to Huang Mao's face, and asked in disbelief, "Are you joking? How could those cowards go to the police station to sue me?"

"Brother Liang, really, I even took a video." Huang Mao took out his phone, found a video he took earlier and played it for Brother Liang.

Wu Liang looked at the screen and saw that there were people standing inside and outside the town police station, and everyone was shouting his name.

"Wu Liang bullies the market!"

"Catch Wu Liang!"

Wu Liang clenched his fist tightly and slammed it hard on the table.


"It's against them!" Wu Liang said angrily: "Go to the police station quickly, write down all the villagers who sued me, and clean them up one by one later."

"Brother Liang, I think it's better to keep a low profile at this time." Huang Mao persuaded after hearing this: "Why don't you go to the city and hide with your brother-in-law?"

"Fart!" Wu Liang said angrily, "I'll hide from such a trivial matter? How will I mess around in Miaoshan in the future? Don't worry, it's okay."

Just as he was talking, the door opened from the outside, and a bald man ran in and said, "Brother Liang, the police are here and they said they are taking you back to the police station to assist in the investigation. I think they are here to arrest you."

"Arrest me? Just because those villagers sued me?" Wu Liang asked.

"It should be, and a brother saw that Haozi and the others were taken into the police station by the police." The bald head said.

"Haozi, what did they do?" Wu Liang asked curiously.

"According to your arrangement, I went to Lishu Village to cut trees last night, and I haven't seen them since then. The police came back just now, and the four of them were detained by Haozi." The bald head explained.

"Fuck!" Wu Liang frowned.

He was arrested for cutting down trees, and now so many villagers went to the police station to sue him, and his intuition told him that something would happen.

He came to the window, and when he saw the police walking this way, he immediately opened the back window and jumped out. At the same time, he said to his subordinates: "When the police ask, they say that I have gone to the city and I will be back in a few days."

After speaking, he opened the back window and jumped out of the house. Before, he looked indifferent, but now he just ran away.

At this time, several policemen appeared outside the door, and through the glass on the door, they happened to see Wu Liang who was turning over the window.

"Stop, don't run!" Two policemen rushed into the house immediately, and other policemen went around from outside to chase and intercept.

After Wu Liang heard it, he jumped over the wall immediately.

When he ran to the street, he saw a lot of people. These were villagers who reported the crime from below. When everyone saw Wu Liang at this time, they couldn't help but think of what the other party did in normal times, thinking that he was here to take revenge on them again, scaring them one by one. He didn't dare to move, his eyes were full of panic, and his face showed timidity.

However, at this moment, the police rushed out from the alley next to it.

"Wu Liang, stop!"

Wu Liang came back to his senses, and Sa Yazi ran away.

When the villagers saw the police and heard their shouts, they realized that Wu Liang was being chased by the police. Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes... Are the police arresting Wu Liang?
Is Wu Liang finished?
Very good!
With the backing of the police, the villagers immediately became more courageous.

"Quick, stop Wu Liang!"

"Don't let him run away!"

Everyone has been bullied by Wu Liang for a long time, especially in the past few years. They didn't make much money growing pears, but had to lose money.

"Catch Wu Liang, catch him quickly!"

"Wu Liang, you have today too!"

There were already a lot of villagers who came to report the case today. When they heard that Wu Liang was going to be arrested, they all joined in. Everyone knew very well in the pursuit from behind and the blockade in front. Send him to prison so that everyone can live in peace and stability. If you let the other party run away today, revenge will definitely be inevitable in the future.

With the mood of not wanting to be oppressed or revenged, the villagers stood up as a wall in front of Wu Liang.

"Get out of the way, everyone out of the way!" Wu Liang shouted while running, with a grim expression on his face.

If it was before, the villagers would definitely move away, and would hide far away, but now, unlike in the past, the villagers not only did not move away, but raised their hands, ready to arrest people!

At this time, Wu Liang was like a mouse crossing the street, and everyone shouted and beat him.

When Wu Liang saw the situation, he immediately took out a folding knife from his pocket, and ran around waving it around, shouting like a desperado: "Get out of the way if you don't want to die!"

Seeing that there was a knife, the villagers gave way around one after another, and quickly gave way.

Complacent, Wu Liang secretly scolded a group of mobs.

Suddenly, a car drove over and ran straight at Wu Liang.


When the car stopped, Wu Liang was knocked out, turned over several times on the ground and stopped.

Wu Liang got up from the ground unsteadily, his whole body was dizzy, he only felt that there were little stars in front of him, and he was about to run, when the car hit him again, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

Wu Liang sat up from the ground, he understood that this was not an accident, it was intentional by the driver.

He raised his head to see who the driver was, but the police chased him up, pinned him to the ground, handcuffed him, and picked him up.


Two policemen escorted Wu Liang to the police station.

The deputy director came to the car in a hurry, looked at the driver who got off, and said gratefully: "Director Xu, thank you so much."

When he saw Wu Liang take out the knife, he became anxious. If it hurt passers-by, what would happen?
"You're welcome, just don't count me as a traffic accident." Xu Jie said.

"No, you are acting bravely."

"Really, then I'm relieved!"


(End of this chapter)

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