The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 364 The goal of 16 catties

Chapter 364 The goal of 160 catties
The news of Wu Liang's arrest spread quickly throughout Miaoshan Town. People rushed to tell the good news to their family members, relatives, friends, and neighbors. Some people set off firecrackers that night, as if It's the same as Chinese New Year.

On Wednesday, the day after Wu Liang was arrested, early in the morning, the radio rang in Lishu Village.

"Attention all villagers, all villagers, please note that the town police station is soliciting clues about Wu Liang's crimes from all walks of life and the general public. Financial incentives are given to those who report valuable illegal and criminal clues..."

Not only in Lishu Village, but also in every village below Miaoshan Town, broadcasts with the same content sounded.

Villagers from various villages saw that Wu Liang had really been arrested, and they no longer watched the fun as before. They rode to the town one after another, and told the police about the revenge they had suffered.

For a while, the Miaoshan Town Police Station was crowded again.

At this time, Xu Jie was in the orchard on the mountain, shooting a promotional video for Friday's live broadcast.

Because he agreed to several villages around Lishu Village, the crispy pears he will sell on Friday are no longer 40 catties, but 160 million catties.

In order to be able to sell these pears, what he can do now is to publicize and then publicize. TV stations, short videos, Weibo, all the publicity methods he can think of are used, and he even buys traffic out of his own pocket. I hope there will be more People can know.

He doesn't want to fail, let alone make people laugh!
"Director Xu, do you think we can sell so many pears?" Zhang Jiao was uncertain.

Originally, 40 catties in Lishu Village was already a lot, but now it has increased to 160 million catties. Just hearing this figure, I don't have much confidence.

"Since I agreed to those villages, I have to bite the bullet." Xu Jie said while eating bread. This is his lunch, and he will continue to shoot later.

"Wu Liang has already been arrested. Now no one stops the villagers from selling pears. They can sell them by themselves." Liu Jinbao said, he also felt that 160 million catties was too much, so he sold all the pears It is simply a fantasy.

"Wu Liang was indeed arrested, but the buying station was also closed. In the past, all the pears in the town were taken away by the buying station. Now that there is no buying station, it is difficult for the residents of the town to digest so many. Pears, so let’s help as much as we can, as much as we can sell.” Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Now that the matter has changed from selling pears for Zhang Jiao's family to helping farmers for public welfare, it is necessary to act like helping farmers so as not to be gossiped afterwards.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this moment, the mobile phone rang, and Xu Jie took out his mobile phone. It was Manager Wang of the express station.

"Hello, Manager Wang." Xu Jie hurriedly connected.

"Mr. Xu, the first batch of boxes has been prepared. There are [-] boxes in total. When will they be delivered to you?" Wang Ke asked on the phone.

"So fast?" Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said, "I'm sending it here now. I'm in Lishu Village."

"Okay, we'll be there in about three hours."

After talking on the phone, Xu Jie looked at the colleagues around him and said, "The packing box will be delivered soon, and it's time to start picking fruits."

A group of people came to the village committee, found the village head, and after talking about the packing box, the village head immediately took Xu Jie to the broadcasting room next door and turned on the microphone.

"Hi villagers, I am Xu Jie. The first batch of packing boxes will be delivered soon. From now on, each household will start picking pears, then go to the village committee to pick up the boxes, and finally send them to the village committee for inspection and sealing. Please pay attention, as long as the large and good fruits are larger than 80mm, if any crispy pears that do not meet the requirements are found, the household qualification will be disqualified. I hope every fruit grower can pay attention to it and repeat it again..."

Before Xu Jie spoke the second time, the villagers rushed out, put on their clothes and tools, and headed for the orchard.

And those villagers who don't have orchards at home are not idle either. They have already made an agreement with others to pay a corresponding commission according to the weight of the pears they pick.

All of a sudden, the whole village went up the mountain, whether it was old people or children, the village suddenly became empty and there was no one.

After Xu Jie finished the broadcast, he picked up his mobile phone and called several village chiefs in neighboring villages, signaling that they could pick pears.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, three trucks drove into Lishu Village.

Wang Ke jumped down from the co-pilot of the first car. Xu Jie walked over immediately after seeing him, holding the other's hand tightly.

"Manager Wang, you've worked hard, and I'll trouble you to go there yourself."

"It's my honor to be able to participate in such a big event." Wang Ke said with a smile after hearing this. Public welfare helps farmers and rural development. For Shunfeng Express, it is a great opportunity for publicity. Woolen cloth?
If you want to expand the market, you should not only focus on economic benefits, but also pay attention to social benefits. Only when the society recognizes your company and your brand can the market grow.

"Manager Wang, there is no warehouse in the village. These cardboard boxes can only be temporarily placed in your car, but don't worry, I will ask the villagers to move the cardboard boxes away at night." Xu Jie said embarrassingly.

"Director Xu, I have a solution." Wang Ke thought for a while and said, "Since there is no warehouse in the village, I don't think it's better than this. After you pack the pears, I will send a car directly to our company's warehouse in the city for storage, and then According to the order placed on Friday night, print the courier form over there and ship it directly from the city, what do you think?"

"Okay!" Xu Jie's eyes lit up.

In the past, after the villagers picked pears, they would directly sell them at the purchase station by car. There was no warehouse at home that could store a large number of crispy pears. He was worrying about the storage of boxed fruits. Wang Ke’s method just solved this problem. question.

In the evening, the first batch of crispy pears were picked from the mountain. Xu Jie handed out cardboard boxes on the spot, and the villagers took them home and packed them, and then sent them to the village committee for weighing and quality inspection. After passing, the boxes could be sealed and finally packed. On the truck at the express station, the accountant in the village will record how many boxes of pears each family has.

It was getting dark soon, but the enthusiasm of the villagers for picking did not weaken. Putting on searchlights and flashlights, they were busy in the orchard. From a distance, the mountains were dotted with stars, which was very beautiful.

The village committee also set up lamps outside to brighten the yard.

At the same time, with Lishu Village as the center and several nearby villages, thousands of people participated in the pear picking, and there was a scene of enthusiasm everywhere.

Wang Ke did not leave. After he learned that the villagers were planning to pick pears on the mountain all night, he immediately called the company and dispatched five more trucks, and at the same time sent trucks to several nearby villages.

Soon, the first truck was full and left Lishu Village with [-] boxes of crispy pears.

Then the second, the third...

In just one night, Lishu Village and several surrounding villages used up 20 boxes, and [-] kilograms of crispy pears were transported to Shunfeng Express's warehouse in Ningzhou, and then shipped to all parts of the country.

In the midst of being busy, Friday is finally here!

(End of this chapter)

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