Chapter 365 Telemarketing
Early on Friday morning, Xu Jie was woken up by the alarm clock. He washed his face with cold water to wake himself up, and then walked to the village committee with milk in one hand and bread in the other.

Along the way, villagers kept greeting him.

"Director Xu, good morning!"

"Mr. Xu, it's not nutritious to eat bread in middle school. Come to my house later and I'll cook something delicious for you."

"Xiao Xu, why did you get up so early, go back and sleep for a while."

"Director Xu, you have to pay attention to your body."

Facing the concerns of the villagers, Xu Jie kept saying thank you.

But he is not the only one who needs to rest?
Since picking pears on Wednesday, the whole village has been busy. From day to night, from midnight to early morning, the villagers are busy picking pears on the mountain. The program team is busy checking to make sure that every box of crispy pears meets the specifications Bad fruit, so if you say you need to rest, everyone in the village needs to rest.

But everyone knows that now is not the time to rest.

If you want to rest, you can!
When the live broadcast sales are over, some have time to rest.

If more crispy pears are sold, they can even rest in the second half of the year.

Xu Jie came to the village committee and said to Tian Haobo who was checking the quality of the fruit: "Haobo, go back and rest."

After Tian Haobo heard this, a smile appeared on his tired face, "Mr. Xu, I'm not tired. You left at two o'clock last night, and it's not yet seven o'clock. Go back and sleep for a while. You'll be broadcasting live in the afternoon."

In order to attract more people to buy, the program team decided to start the live broadcast warm-up at [-]:[-] p.m., not only to let fans see the place where pears are grown, but also to let fans see the process of picking and inspecting, so that fans can feel more at ease .

As the leading actor of the show, Xu Jie naturally took on the heavy responsibility of the live broadcast anchor. Whether his condition is good or not affects the sales of crispy pears to a certain extent.

Xu Jie pushed Tian Haobo aside and said, "I've already rested. You've been busy all night, so it's time to go back to sleep for a while. You'll need you to replace me in the afternoon, and you won't have time to rest by then."

Because I don't know how many can be sold, so tonight's live broadcast may not last until what time. If it sells well, it may end at [-] or [-] o'clock. If it doesn't sell well, it can only continue forever.

Tian Haobo finally nodded and walked towards Zhang Jiao's house.

Not long after, Liu Jinbao, Lu Zhanpeng, and Zhang Jiao also came, replacing the three women who had been busy all night, Song Huanhuan, Xiao Wei, and Liu Hua, and went back to rest, so as to meet the busier work.

"Director Xu." Wang Ke found Xu Jie and said in a low voice, "There are already more than 5 boxes stored in the warehouse, do you want to continue packing?"

"Pretend!" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

50 boxes are only 110 catties of pears, and there are still [-] million catties left.

He doesn't care about other villages, but the crispy pears in Lishu Village and the surrounding villages must be sold, even if the live broadcast lasts all night, after all, he has promised these villagers, and he can't keep his word.

Wang Ke hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Director Xu, are you sure you can sell that much?" At this point, he quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I just think there are too many bets now. "

"Thank you for the reminder, Manager Wang, but it's only [-] boxes, not even half of it. If you can't even sell this, why am I here to help farmers?" Xu Jie said seriously.

The village chief at the side heard it and said: "Director Xu, we are already very grateful if you can come to help our village sell pears. No matter how much you sell, we will thank you."

"Yes Director Xu, we thank you!"

"Don't have any psychological pressure, otherwise everyone will feel bad."

The surrounding villagers said one after another.

Everyone can see Director Xu's hard work. Take the past few days as an example, Director Xu is the one who sleeps the least among all the people. When you are working, you can see that Director Xu is busy, and everyone is preparing to go home and rest. You can still see that Director Xu is busy during the day, and when everyone is rested and ready to go to work, they find that Director Xu is still busy. Who can say that he is not paying attention?Who's to say he's just here to put on a show?

Just because of this serious attitude, no one in the village would gossip about him!

"Ring bell bell!"

Xu Jie's cell phone rang suddenly. He took it out and looked at the caller ID. It was Qin Yan calling. In order not to delay his work, he put on the earphones.

"Sister Yan, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

"Last night's "In-depth Film and Television Talk" ratings came out, how much do you guess?" Qin Yan asked excitedly, her voice full of joy.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. He was too busy with work last night and forgot to watch "Deep Talk on Film and Television".

"Break 2?" Xu Jie asked after thinking for a while, the other party was so happy, the ratings must not be low.

"Hey, can we still chat? How could it break 2!" Qin Yan said angrily.

"Why is it impossible? The ratings of the programs I do are all above 2.0." Xu Jie said truthfully.

Qin Yan wanted to talk about bragging, but when she thought about the programs the other party had done, "Delicious History" and "Crossover Actor", the ratings were really above 2.0.

"I'm sorry to hold you back. Last night's "Deep Chat with Movies and TV" had an audience rating of 0.871, ranking second in the country's self-hosted evening shows, and your show "Delicious History" ranked first," Qin Yan said.

In fact, she was already very happy with this result. It is considered pretty good to have a rating of over 0.5 for an evening show.

Most importantly, the ratings of the second episode doubled compared to the first.

What does this mean?
It shows that after the broadcast of the first episode, it has been widely recognized. Relying on the word-of-mouth from person to person, the audience who watched the second episode increased.

The ratings of the program are so high, it will definitely stabilize in the future, and I don't have to worry about it anymore.

"Well, not bad, is there anything else?" Xu Jie said lightly, not at all joyful about the increase in ratings.

For him, ratings over 2 are commonplace, let alone a mere 0.871.

Qin Yan couldn't help showing a wry smile when she heard Xu Jie's plain reaction.

When she saw this rating this morning, she was very excited, and immediately told Xu Jie the news. She didn't expect the other party to be so plain, but after thinking about it, she quickly understood, because the number one program was also The other party's "Delicious History" had an audience rating of 2.115. In comparison, 0.871 is really nothing, and the difference is quite a lot.

"No, I just want to tell you about the ratings. After all, you are the director of this show." Qin Yan regretted making this call, it was a slap in the face of herself.

"Wait, since the ratings are so good, shouldn't we celebrate?" Xu Jie asked suddenly.

"How to celebrate?" Qin Yan's eyes lit up, she still felt that the other party was not happy, and secretly sighed in her heart that the other party was too demanding on the program, so it turned out that the other party was also happy.

"How about this, you come to my live broadcast room to buy a few boxes of pears at night, and reward everyone." Xu Jie said.


The corner of Qin Yan's mouth twitched, thinking that the other party really wanted to celebrate, but it turned out that he wanted to take the opportunity to sell pears.

After becoming a sales anchor, are you all so humble?

"The crispy pears here are really delicious. I bought a few boxes and put them in the office. They can be used as snacks for everyone. Is it good to eat one on such a hot day? It can relieve the heat and replenish water, isn't it good?" Xu Jie tried recommend.

Qin Yan heard this, and unconsciously began to imagine the scene of Xu Jie selling goods live.

"Don't worry, I will buy it." Qin Yan said.

But it's not to celebrate the show's high ratings, but to thank the other party for coming up with such a good show, which gave her the opportunity to be on Beijing Satellite TV.

"Haha, thank you for your patronage!" Xu Jie hung up the call.

The village chief at the side heard Xu Jie selling pears directly on his mobile phone, and asked with some concern: "Director Xu, you insist on buying from your friends, is there any problem?"

"It's just a colleague, no problem." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"That's good. Director Xu, please don't bring in relatives and friends just to help us sell pears. It's like a pyramid scheme." The village chief said.

"Village chief, see what you said, I recommended such delicious pears to them, they should thank me." Xu Jie said.

However, the words of the village chief gave him some inspiration.

He can't let the fans of every show place an order, but he can let the people around him place an order. Although he can influence not many people, but he can sell a box for a box, which is considered childcare.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Hai.

"Xu Jie, we're going to sell goods live tonight. How about it? Are you ready?" As soon as the phone was connected, Jiang Hai asked about selling goods live.

"Director, everything is ready, just wait for the live broadcast to start. The pears here are really cheap and delicious. They are green, natural and pollution-free. Director, don't forget to place an order in my live broadcast room at night." Xu Jie said.

"Ah? Okay, I got it." Jiang Hai said after hearing this.

He thought that Xu Jie was going to report to him on work, but he didn't expect to ask him to buy pears. However, as the director of the art program center, he still had to preside over what his subordinates were doing, not to mention that the other party was doing things for the station.

Buy, two boxes.

After Xu Jie finished talking with Director Jiang, he called the canteen manager in Taiwan.

"Manager Zhou, I'm Xu Jie, our program team, no, our station has recently held a public welfare activity to help farmers, and our program team is responsible for implementing it. It mainly helps live broadcast pear sales in areas where fruits are unsalable. I see the canteen of our station There is after-dinner fruit, do you think it can be replaced with my crispy pear? It is delicious and cheap, even if it supports my work, it supports the work in the desk, what do you think?"

The canteen is a big business, and he would look down on the other manager if he didn't buy dozens of boxes.

"Okay, no problem, I'll buy a hundred catties." Manager Zhou said.

"How can one hundred catties be enough? The pears here are very big, one is nearly one catty. There are so many people in our station, it must not be enough, and the pears can be stored, and there is no problem in storing them for about a week. It is sold inside, a box of ten catties, 24 yuan, you can buy a hundred boxes, and you can eat it in a few days, or make red wine crispy pears, rock sugar crispy pears, and small hanging pear soup, which can clear away heat and nourish the lungs. Our TV station The hosts here must like it very much."

"Okay, I will definitely buy it then."

Xu Jie flipped through the address book and dialed another number.

"Mr. Hu, your company has signed a lot of singers, right? It's the best season to eat pears now. I will be selling pears live tonight. You must buy more for your company's artists."

"Mr. Liu, I found out that there are so many brokerage companies in the capital, only your bustling brokerage company has a lot of singers. Let those singers eat more pears. It's good for the lungs. I sell them in the live broadcast room. Tonight at 09:30, ten million Don't miss it."



(End of this chapter)

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