Chapter 366
At 02:30 in the afternoon, Xu Jie was replaced by Tian Haobo.

With only half an hour left before the live broadcast, Xu Jie and Liu Jinbao rode on the electric bikes seized a few days ago and headed for the mountains.

At the foot of the mountain, Xu Jie got out of the car, and Liu Jinbao adjusted his mobile phone for a while. After confirming that the picture of the mountain appeared in the live broadcast room, he immediately signaled Xu Jie to start.

Standing outside the camera, Xu Jie gestured towards Liu Jinbao, "Three, two, one, start!"

Xu Jie walked into the camera and appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Hello everyone in the live broadcast room. I am Xu Jie. Welcome to my live broadcast room. Before the official live broadcast of selling pears, I will lead you to visit the production area of ​​crispy pears, so that everyone can understand the crispy pears in this sale. pear……"

With the appearance of Xu Jie, the number of people in the live broadcast room increased rapidly, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, and soon broke through a thousand, and it was still increasing.

And the comment area below is also lively.

"Waited all afternoon, finally started!"

"Old Xu, what are you going to cook today? Are you going to use pears for dessert?"

"I want to watch time-travel dramas, and I want to see Lao Xu's transformation live."

"Transform, transform!"

Seeing the comments, Xu Jie explained to the camera: "Today I will only introduce pears and things related to pears. As for the transformation." Seeing a villager passing by, Xu Jie immediately borrowed a straw hat from the other party and put it on his head. Alright, the transformation is complete, I am Xu Jie, and I will become the man who sells pears tonight."



There was laughter in the comment section.

After completing the fan transformation request, Xu Jie looked at the comment area and said: "Using pears to make desserts is a good idea. I will ask my colleagues to prepare some materials and make some desserts with pears for everyone later. Now I will start Let me introduce the crispy pears I will be selling this time, the mountains around me are where the pear trees grow, and I am in the orchard now."

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Song Huanhuan, asking him to prepare some ingredients for making desserts, and then walked up the mountain.

"The pears you see now are crispy pears. This pear is sweet and crisp, and very juicy. I'll pick one for you to have a look at."

Xu Jie picked one off the tree casually.

"Is the pear I picked big? Is it big? But it is only a medium fruit here, and tonight it is a large fruit. One is about one catty, and the net weight of a box is ten catties. Between nine and ten Two, let me bite you and listen to the sound."

Xu Jie wiped it with his hands twice, then opened his mouth wide and took a bite.


Juice overflows.

Xu Jie said as he ate, "Did you hear the sound? Did you see the pear juice? Some people may think that this is the pear I picked on purpose. Well, I will pick whichever you ask me to pick."

Immediately, audience comments appeared in the comment area.

"The top of the mountain, I want to see the pears on the top of the mountain."

"The mountain next to it, go to the mountain next to it."

"You climb to the top of the mountain first, and I'll tell you which one to pick."


Xu Jie was speechless when he saw the comments. Are these people here to cheer, or to smash it?

He seriously suspected that black fans had mixed in with the fans of the show in the live broadcast room.

Xu Jie looked at his watch and said, "It's still early, so I'll show you the environment here while climbing to the top of the mountain, so that you can know what green food is, and what is pure natural and pollution-free."

Xu Jie turned around and actually started to walk up the mountain.

All the people in the live broadcast room were stunned. Everyone was just joking, and some were booing. No one thought that Xu Jie would actually climb to the top of the mountain.

Everyone has seen from the camera that the mountain is very big and high, and it may take a long time to climb to the top of the mountain. Someone can't help but persuade: "Old Xu, don't climb up, just kidding."

"Stop climbing!"

Xu Jie didn't stop, and showed his surroundings while climbing to the top of the mountain.

When encountering a villager who was going down the mountain on the way, Xu Jie decisively stopped him, took out a pear from the back basket behind the villager, and showed it to the camera.

"Look, everyone, this is the pear we will be selling in the live broadcast room. It is very big. In addition, you can see that these pears are carried by the villagers in baskets, and they are transported down the mountain one by one. It weighs eighty or ninety catties, and it is very hard work. You can experience how it feels to carry a bag of rice from the twentieth floor to the first floor, and you have to walk many times a day. Climbing the mountain empty-handed like me is really It's nothing.

The camera is now focused on the villagers, and the audience in the live broadcast room can clearly see the beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, and the clothes on his body are already soaked.

After an hour, Xu Jie finally came to the top of the mountain.

The camera is aimed at the surroundings, showing all the beautiful scenery surrounded by mountains in the live broadcast room.

When everyone was indulging in the beautiful scenery, Xu Jie borrowed a backpack from a nearby villager, filled it with pears, and carried it behind his back.

Fans saw this scene and left messages in the comment area.

"Old Xu, what are you doing?"

"Old Xu, are you okay?"

"Are you crazy!"

"Don't be overwhelmed, can't I buy it?"

Xu Jie carried the basket and said to the camera: "There are about [-] catties of pears in the basket behind me. Let me challenge you. What kind of experience is it to carry from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain?"

It stands to reason that the speed of going down the mountain should be faster than that of going up the mountain. However, because he was carrying seventy catties of pears on his back, Xu Jie took every step very carefully.

On the one hand, I was worried about slipping, and on the other hand, I didn’t dare to walk fast at all, because my body plus the seventy-pound pears put too much pressure on my knees and ankles, and my knees felt worn out every step I took.

Crazy messages in the comment area.


"Watch your feet!"

This time, Xu Jie walked for an hour and a half and finally came to the foot of the mountain.

"Everyone look at my clothes, they are completely soaked, look at the sweat on my forehead..."

Xu Jie lowered his head, sweat dripped down the tip of his nose to the ground, and his hair looked like it had just been washed.

"I think back then I was also a national first-class athlete, and my physical fitness was considered good in all aspects, but I still felt very tired when I walked down the mountain with a basket on my back, especially my two legs. I feel that I don't belong to me anymore. Now you still Do you think 24 yuan for ten catties is expensive?"

Xu Jie settled accounts for everyone as he walked.

"Part of it is the packaging fee of the carton and the courier fee. In the hands of the fruit grower, it is only [-] yuan per catty, and the cost of hiring people is also excluded..."

After people listened, they started shouting in the comment area again.

"Stop talking, buy it!"

"I didn't expect it to be so hard. It is recommended to increase the price."

"If you can buy good pears and help farmers, you must buy them!"

"When will I get in the car, I can't wait!"

"Buy, buy, buy!"

"Sell it fast!"

Although the content of the live broadcast is very plain, it is the most sincere live broadcast that everyone has seen. Not only did they see the pears and the local environment, but also let everyone see the hard work and difficulty of the local fruit farmers. Any routine should be touching.

Xu Jie carried the pears to the village committee, packed them into boxes, checked them, and loaded them on trucks.

"This is the process of pears from the tree to the boxes. Each box has been inspected by the program staff to ensure the quality of the pears you receive."

At this time, Song Huanhuan handed over the purchased raw materials to Xu Jie. Xu Jie looked at it, and then said to the camera: "In the program "Delicious History", there will be a scene of cooking. Today I will respond to everyone's request. Make a few small desserts with pears, after you sell the pears, you can try them at home."

Xu Jie came to Zhang Jiao's house, borrowed the kitchen, and started making desserts.

The first one is red wine crispy pears. Peel the pears, cut them in half, remove the core, then put the pears, red wine, and white sugar into the pot, bring to a boil on high heat, and then cook on low heat...

The second one is pear cake, which is still peeled and cored, cut into small pieces, made into juice and put in the pot, add white jelly and rock sugar, boil and stir...

Then I made a little pear soup that is more famous in the capital, but these desserts obviously couldn't show Xu Jie's imagination, nor could they meet the audience's requirements.

Later, under the instigation of the audience, Xu Jie started cooking, such as crispy pear ancient meat, pear-flavored short ribs, crispy pear mixed rice, shredded crispy pear. It's really pretty, and I can't help but want to try it.

Time passed while Xu Jie's creative dishes were showcased, and as people went home from get off work, more and more people watched the live broadcast, 50, and the number is still increasing.

Originally, Xu Jie was still a little uncertain, but after seeing the number of people watching, he also got some comfort in his heart.

However, he was still a little worried. He was worried that there would be too many people watching the excitement, but few people would place orders.

In fact, every time he saw someone in the comment area saying get on the bus quickly, he was very anxious, worried that everyone would get impatient and leave.

Don't look at him talking and laughing in front of the camera, cooking with confidence, but in his heart it is a different scene, but for the live broadcast, he can only hide some uneasy emotions in his heart.

At 9:08 p.m., Beijing TV Station began to broadcast "Delicious History". After the program ended, it broadcasted a promotional video of live-streaming and selling goods for public welfare and aiding farmers. Not surprisingly, this should be the last broadcast...

The time soon came to 9:29, and the number of people in the live broadcast room reached its peak.

"The first live broadcast of the "Delicious History" program group is about to start the countdown..."

Xu Jie looked at the time displayed on the phone.

"There is still half a minute..."

"Ten seconds left..."

"Three, two, one, get in the car!"

A small yellow car appeared below the live broadcast room, and it showed a total of 16 pieces, that is, 16 boxes of crispy pears, a total of 160 million catties.

Because today is Friday, a working day, many people are still working during the day, even working overtime, so in order to let people who have just entered the live broadcast room see, Xu Jie picked up a pear from the table and prepared to introduce it to the newcomers.

"This pear is..."

"Director Xu, it's gone!" Song Huanhuan reminded in alarm.

"What's gone?" Xu Jie looked at the other party.

"Pear, all 16 orders are gone." Song Huanhuan's voice trembled.

After Xu Jie heard it, he immediately looked at the live broadcast room, only to see that the comment area was swiped again.

"Damn it, it's gone!"

"The payment failed at the first time?"

"real or fake?"

"Isn't it 16 orders?"

"And then on!"


(End of this chapter)

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