The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 367 Share the love story

Chapter 367 Share the love story
Xu Jie looked at the phone in surprise, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The live broadcast sales have just started, and before he has time to introduce, 16 copies of crispy pears are sold out?
Did something go wrong?

"Don't worry, everyone. I'll see if there's something wrong with the system. It's also the first time our program team sells goods live. We don't have much experience. I hope everyone can understand."

Xu Jie came to the product details interface and checked the current sales of the product, which showed that 16 items had been grabbed.

"Director Xu, it's really sold out!" Song Huanhuan pointed to the order status on her mobile phone, which showed that more than 12 people had placed orders.

Others couldn't believe it, and took out their mobile phones to enter the live broadcast room to try to buy. However, when they saw the dimmed purchase button, the reality made them believe it.

"Sold out, really sold out!"


Liu Jinbao and the others shouted excitedly, but after being reminded by Song Huanhuan, they quickly shut up when they saw Director Xu who was still broadcasting live.

After Xu Jie saw the status of the order, his eyes straightened immediately.

It turned out not to be a system problem.

At this moment, his mind went blank, and his previous worries, worries, and apprehensions all disappeared without a trace in an instant, and his whole person was immersed in a stupor of excessive surprise.

After seeing Xu Jie who was in a daze, people in the live broadcast room left messages asking about the situation.

"Old Xu, what's the matter?"

"Is it a system problem?"

"It shows that it has been sold out here."

"Whether it's sold out or not, let me tell you something?"

As more and more people asked questions, Xu Jie gradually recovered.

"I took a look just now. It's not a system problem. It's really sold out. Thank you for your support, and I also apologize to those who didn't buy it. I never thought that the 16 crispy pears I prepared would be sold out so quickly. It’s sold out, and the sales lines I prepared haven’t been used yet.” Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

Surprise, very surprise.

Xu Jie never thought that all 16 orders would be sold out, let alone that all 16 orders would be sold out within one minute of the official live broadcast.

He even wondered if he was dreaming now.

Colleagues around were all immersed in joy, and those village chiefs who came to watch the live broadcast, after hearing that the crispy pears had been sold out, they were all sculpted in sand. You know, it is 160 million catties.

Xu Jie sat in front of the camera, not knowing what to do next, he couldn't just end tonight's live broadcast, could he? It officially starts at 9:30 and ends at 9:35?
Although all 16 boxes of pears have been sold out, it still feels like there is still energy left.

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard that it was really sold out, they started to leave messages frantically again.

"Old Xu, is there any stock left?"

"I waited for a week, but I didn't even get Mao."

"I just came here, what's the situation? It was sold out in just 5 minutes?"

"Old Xu, are you playing tricks with us? First to whet our appetite, and then pretend to talk to the local fruit growers later, and then sell [-] pieces, right?"

"Old Xu, you have learned badly."

After Xu Jie saw the message, he immediately explained: "I really don't have a plan for you, there are only so many. I told you during the live broadcast during the day that this kind of big fruit is expected to have 160 million catties and only sell 16 boxes. Did you see that I didn’t even introduce it? I’m afraid I’d be greedy if I didn’t buy it, so I’m embarrassed to introduce it.”

"If there is no big fruit, medium fruit will do."

"Yes, let's have a taste."

Xu Jie said: "This is the first time for our program group to bring goods live. We don't want to spoil the golden sign of "Delicious History", so we only sell the best crispy pears. Although the taste of Zhongguo is good, it is not as good as Daguo There is still a gap, so I didn't plan to buy it. It seems a bit early to download it now. Let me chat with you. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the live broadcast room. Thank you for your support for our program. .”

When everyone heard this, they immediately regained their spirits, especially those who did not buy pears. This was not only a comfort to them, but also a surprise. I asked Xu Jie questions on the official Weibo and personal Weibo, but there was no answer, so this time is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for everyone, welfare!
"Old Xu, how did you and Su Yun meet?"

"Who is chasing whom, you and Su Yun?"

"Can you share the secret of chasing the goddess?"

"Old Xu, teach me!"

Seeing the questions raised by everyone, Xu Jie said helplessly, "Can everyone ask some questions about the program?"

"I have no problem with the show."

"I watch what you shoot."

"Let's talk about you and Su Yun."

Xu Jie said: "Can you stop gossiping like this? We are a food show, not an emotional show."

"You said that you can ask any questions, and you didn't say it was related to the show."

"If you want to thank us, show a little sincerity."

Xu Jie didn't want to talk about his relationship with Su Yun in public. After all, his relationship with Su Yun had just been accepted by the public. However, looking at the messages on the screen, everyone seemed to be very interested in his relationship with Su Yun. He hesitated. After a while, he finally let go.

"Okay, today I'm going all out, risking kneeling on the washboard, and sharing with you what happened between me and Su Yun." Xu Jie said.

He is the best at making up stories.

"I know that there are many versions of things about me and Su Yun on the Internet, and I want to say that most of them are nonsense, fabricated by some irresponsible self-media in order to cheat traffic. Today I will tell you about myself Let’s talk about the matter between me and Su Yun.”

Hearing that Xu Jie was going to chat, everyone in the comment area was boiling.

"Beer, mineral water, peanut melon seeds and ham sausage."

"The small bench is ready, let's talk."

Xu Jie looked at his mobile phone, and he found that the number of online viewers in the live broadcast room was even more than when he was selling pears just now.

"I knew Su Yun a long time ago. At that time, I was still in junior high school. Everyone should have experienced it. Junior high school is the early stage of adolescence, and it is also the most ignorant time..."

Xu Jie began to tell the story.

Yes, it is a story.

He only guarantees that the story is wonderful, as for whether the content of the story is true or not, he can only tell by himself.


The comment area is also very harmonious. Instead of criticizing Xu Jie, everyone admires Xu Jie's inspirational pursuit of stars.

In order to repay everyone's concern and love, Xu Jie also began to share some real events in daily life.

"When Su Yun and I first got the license, she could only cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes. In order to be a good wife, she started to learn to cook. She cooks for me every day, in the morning and at night. When I am not at home at noon, she cooks the food. Sent to the unit..."

"Liar? Isn't Su Yun busy? She was really not busy at that time. Because of the official announcement and certification, many brands stopped renewing her contract, and even terminated the contract in advance. Some activities were also cancelled. In fact, I didn't." Thinking of her making an official announcement, I admire her courage..."

"She decides to do one thing, and she will take it very seriously, so her culinary skills have grown rapidly. Remember, in order to make a good shot of the dessert in "Delicious History", she will practice day and night... "

"Let me share with you one more thing about my wife. She will make a movie recently. I believe many people already know that it is "Mulan". The momentum is shown. She participated in the show during the day and went to the slaughterhouse to slaughter pigs at night. She stayed for two months. Have you seen the killer she played in the finals of "Crossover Actors"? Have you noticed her eyes? That is the look in the eyes of a pig that has been killed for two months..."

Hearing this, the live broadcast room instantly became lively!

"Su Yun kills pigs?"

"can not imagine!"

"No wonder the killer acted so well. He has life experience."

"Support Su Yun, support her movie."

"When "Mulan" is released, I will definitely go to the cinema to see it."

Seeing everyone's reaction, Xu Jie smiled with satisfaction. This is the result he wanted.

The live broadcast continued until twelve o'clock.

When Xu Jie turned off his mobile phone, people around him immediately stepped forward.

"Director Xu, thank you very much. You are the benefactor of our Lishu Village, and the villagers of our Lishu Village will never forget you." The village chief said gratefully to Xu Jie.

"And our Shimen Village."

"The same goes for our Jieqiao Village."

The village heads of several other villages also expressed their gratitude. Without Xu Jie, the pears in their village would have rotted on the mountain this year. Xu Jie not only helped them sell pears, but also sold them at a high price. Who would not be grateful?

"It's nothing, I'm also very happy to help everyone, let's stop saying those words of gratitude, pack the pears quickly, and try to let the people who place the order taste the pears here as soon as possible." Xu Jie said.

This Sunday, that is, the day after tomorrow, Su Yun will join the team. He wants to go back before Su Yun leaves, but he doesn't know if it will be too late.

The village chiefs of other villages left, and the village chief of Lishu Village happily walked into the broadcasting room and said into the microphone: "Everyone in Lishu Village, please pay attention. I want to tell you good news. Our village and other villages share The 160 million catties of crispy pears have all been sold out, everyone will work harder to distribute the pears as soon as possible and get the money as soon as possible.”

Hearing the broadcast from the village chief, the village was ebullient. Everyone knew that Director Xu was going to sell pears for other villages, but they were worried that the pears in his own village would not be sold. In the end, not only did they sell pears, but also pears from other villages. ,awesome!

One spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and soon the villagers who picked fruits on the mountain also knew about it. They all seemed to be on stimulants, and they were full of energy. , Put on your clothes and carry a basket on your back to continue picking pears up the mountain.

Xu Jie didn't stay idle either. After the live broadcast ended, he joined the inspection team.


(End of this chapter)

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