Chapter 368

Because there were too many crispy pears, they were not packed and sent out until Tuesday. The program team left Zhang Jiao alone to be in charge of after-sales, and the others returned to the capital overnight to prepare for the next month's program.

After Xu Jie got off the train, he didn't go home to rest immediately, but took an online car-hailing car and went straight to the Huairou film and television base in the north of the city.

The crew of "Mulan" is filming there. They will first shoot in Beijing for half a month, and then move to Hengdian to continue filming.

When Xu Jie arrived at the film and television base, it was already past twelve o'clock in the evening, and the crew was filming a night scene in order to catch up with work.

Speaking of which, this matter is still related to Xu Jie.

Because his script was delayed for a few days, and later due to some differences, the original shooting plan was delayed by ten days. In order to make up for the ten days, he had to hurry up and rush to work. .

However, there is no objection to rushing to work. After all, it is a movie produced by Forbidden Films, and the famous director Zhang Weiqiang is in charge of directing it. Who dares to play big names?Unless you don't want to hang out in the Beijing circle in the future.

To put it bluntly, many actors watch people order dishes, and when they meet big bosses, they will behave obediently.

"It's filming in front, unrelated personnel... Hey, Mr. Xu? Is it you?" The staff of the production crew looked at Xu Jie in surprise, their eyes kept sizing up the face of this person who suddenly appeared.

"It's me, can I go in?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"You're a screenwriter, of course you can." The staff hurried out of the way.

Xu Jie said thank you, and then walked to the set.

The crew is filming an indoor scene where Hua Mulan chats with her father at night. Su Yun and Qin Bei, an old actor who plays her father, are acting opposite each other.

Xu Jie stood behind the crowd and looked in through the open door. I don't know if it was because he hadn't seen him for ten days or because of his makeup. Su Yun looked a lot thinner, but her expression was very resolute. Already in the play.

"Teacher Xu?" Huang Xiaorong found Xu Jie, her face was full of surprise, didn't the other party sell pears in Ningzhou, why did she appear here?

Xu Jie nodded at the other party, and put his index finger to his mouth, signaling the other party to keep his voice down so as not to affect the shooting.

However, Huang Xiaorong's voice was still heard by some people around. After seeing Xu Jie, everyone was surprised and surprised. They used to see it on TV. They saw it in the live broadcast room a few days ago. Today, they finally saw the real person. .

Xu Jie now has another identity besides the identity of the program director of Beijing TV Station, that is, celebrity.

That's right!

He is the star of "Delicious History", and "Delicious History" is one of the most watched programs nowadays, and because he is not from the entertainment industry, he is not considered a star.

But as a celebrity, he is more famous than many stars.

The audience described the lineup of "Delicious History": Xu Jie, who is hard-working, and a star with flowing water.

No matter how big the star is, they are guest stars, only Xu Jie is the real protagonist.

And everyone in the crew knew that Xu Jie was not only the screenwriter of the movie "Mulan", but also the husband of the heroine Su Yun, so they were not surprised by his appearance.

"Okay, the actors take a break and prepare for the next scene." Director Zhang Weiqiang shouted.

Huang Xiaorong immediately ran in, handing over water and blowing Su Yun with an electric fan.

Although it was night, it was still very hot this season, and Su Yun was wearing a lot of clothes, beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Sister Yun, Teacher Xu is here." Huang Xiaorong said softly.


Su Yun was taken aback when she heard it, and then eagerly began to look around. After seeing Xu Jie outside the door, she immediately ran over excitedly.

Because of the large number of people, the woman's reserve made her stop when she came to Xu Jie, but her face was full of joy, she looked at Xu Jie and asked, "When did you come back?"

"Come over as soon as you get off the train."

Xu Jie doesn't care if there are people around, he has been waiting for this moment for a long time
After he finished answering, he directly opened his arms, hugged Su Yun in his arms, and before the woman could react, kissed her hard.

"It's still on!"

Su Yun's face turned red immediately, she knew that Xu Jie was talking about the time when the two separated at the train station, she took the initiative to kiss each other, but no one recognized her and Xu Jie at that time, so they didn't People should pay attention, as for being photographed by reporters, it was a complete accident.

But now, everyone around them knew both of them, and they were all watching. Even if she had been on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and held a concert with tens of thousands of people, she still couldn't calm down at this moment.

"What are you doing, someone is there!" Su Yun whispered, glaring at Xu Jie coquettishly, and gently pushing him with both hands.

"So I just kissed him." Xu Jie said after hearing this, and hugged him tightly, "How is it? Did the filming go well?"

"Well, it's good." Su Yun nodded, and no longer rejected the other party, her body gently leaned on the man's body.

In fact, at this moment, she has a lot to say to the other party, but there are too many people now, so she can only keep her words in her heart. After all, some words are not suitable for outsiders to hear.

When people around saw Xu Jie and Su Yun making out, they all cast envious eyes, and of course, jealousy was inevitable.

Especially for some actresses, they are not only jealous of Su Yun's appearance, but also jealous that the other party has found a celebrity from the Beijing TV station.

Now who in the industry doesn't know that Su Yun, who was already cool at the beginning of the year, has ushered in the second spring of her career with her husband's program, opened up a new way of acting, movies, and work has been scheduled until next year, and she is still For a movie by a great director, a real wife is more expensive than her husband.

May I ask such a man, which female artist who wants to be famous doesn't want to marry?

"Director Xu, when did you come back?" Zhang Weiqiang came over to greet him.

"I just came back, and I didn't even go home." Xu Jie said truthfully.

"I heard that your trip to help farmers was very successful, congratulations!" Zhang Weiqiang said.

This incident was on the hot search that night, and 2 million catties of pears were sold in 160 minutes. Later, it was also on the Beijing News, and many official media reported on this incident.

"It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter." Xu Jie said.

He regrets it now. If he had known that there were so many people buying it, he would have recruited a few more villages to join him. Maybe he could sell hundreds of thousands more pears.

"Director Xu, since you're here, don't leave. Stay with me for a few days. During the filming process, everyone has some new ideas. We can take this opportunity to chat." Zhang Weiqiang Said to Xu Jie.

"No problem, but I have to go back to the Beijing TV station tomorrow morning. I have already returned to the capital, so it would be inappropriate not to go back and report." Xu Jie explained.

For him, discussing the plot is just a reason to stay, and he mainly wants to stay with Su Yun for a few more days. After all, they have been separated for ten days, and he has been thinking about it all the time.

In fact, when there is no confession, this feeling is not so obvious, but after the confession, he can't wait to integrate with the other party and stay with the other party all the time.

Zhang Weiqiang knew about Xu Jie's situation, and what the other party said was indeed correct, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then let's make a deal, there are two more scenes tonight, I will shoot quickly, so as not to affect the reunion of your husband and wife."

Xu Jie smiled, Director Zhang is indeed a good director.

Su Yun, who was at the side, blushed again, because the reunion Zhang Dao said was definitely not an ordinary reunion, and it contained too much meaning.

"You wait for me." Su Yun said to Xu Jie, and then returned to the set.

Xu Jie knew that Su Yun's emotions were fluctuating a lot. In order not to disturb the other party's filming, he took the initiative to withdraw from the crowd and get out of Su Yun's sight.

"Xiao Rong, come here." Xu Jie called out in a low voice, beckoning to Huang Xiaorong.

"What's the matter, Teacher Xu?" Huang Xiaorong asked.

"When I hugged my wife just now, I found that she was thin. What did I tell you before I left, didn't I ask you to urge her to rest and eat well?" Xu Jie asked.

If a woman is thin, it is not the face or the legs that are thin first, but the bust. This is why most of the thin women are Princess Taiping. Although I only hugged her just now, the feeling is very obvious.


"Director Xu, I really urged Sister Yun to take a break, but she didn't listen." Huang Xiaorong explained with an innocent face, all employees listen to the boss, how can the boss listen to the employees?

"You won't call me?" Xu Jie said.

"But Sister Yun said that this is the director's request and the need for acting, to perform Hua Mulan's transformation process from a weak woman to a female general." Huang Xiaorong said.

Xu Jie understood, in fact, this was still his idea.

But he felt that Su Yun was already very thin, and there was no need to continue to lose weight.

Oh, this woman!
"For the sake of your hard work, I will give you a box of pears later." Xu Jie said to Huang Xiaorong.

"Ms. Xu, no need, Sister Yun will send us pears in a few days." Huang Xiaorong said.

"What kind of pear did she give you?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

"It's the pears you sold in the live broadcast room. Sister Yun bought a hundred boxes, and they are going to give the people in the studio as summer benefits, three boxes per person." Huang Xiaorong said.

Xu Jie was taken aback, but he heard from Song Huanhuan that more than a dozen people bought a hundred boxes, but he didn't expect Su Yun to be among them.

As expected of his wife, there is no one else who supports her work so hard.

The filming of the two scenes was finished quickly, and with director Zhang Weiqiang's "stop work", the staff began to arrange the equipment and the actors began to leave.

Su Yun ran directly to Xu Jie's side, without even changing her clothes, she took Xu Jie's arm and said with a smile, "Let's go."

"Don't you need to change your clothes?" Xu Jie asked.

"Go back and change it, anyway, I will wear it to the set tomorrow." Su Yun said.

After Xu Jie heard it, he and Su Yun got into the nanny car.

"Are you going back to the hotel tonight?" the driver asked.

During the few days of filming, Su Yun lived in a hotel near the film and television base for convenience, and today, Xu Jie came back...

"No, go home tonight!" Su Yun said after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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