Chapter 369 Wait for me
"Come pick me up at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay, Miss Yun."

Su Yun watched the nanny car leave, and slowly closed the door.

Just as she was about to speak, suddenly two hands stretched out from behind and hugged her waist tightly, and then she heard the man's breathing.

"I'm finally home." Xu Jie closed his eyes, pressed against the woman's face, and greedily smelled her body. At this moment, he felt particularly at ease and at ease.

Su Yun was still very cautious at first, but her body gradually relaxed. She grabbed the man's hand and leaned back gently, feeling the man's firm chest.

When we were together before, we just felt that we wanted to be close. When we were separated for a period of time, we realized what missing is.

After Xu Jie left, the figure of the other party would appear in her mind from time to time. When eating, she would think of Xu Jie teaching her to cook. When reading the script, she would think of rehearsing with Xu Jie. Xu Jie goes to work, and there is the shadow of the other party all the time in her life. Xu Jie seems to have become an indispensable existence in her life.

Originally, she had planned to temporarily give up music and concentrate on developing her film career, but she wrote two songs while the man was gone.

I used to write songs based on imagination, but this time I wrote songs based on personal experience.

After she was ready to finish her work, she would send out these two songs.

"Can you let go?"

After a long time, Su Yun gently tugged at the man's hand. Although she didn't mind being hugged by the man, she couldn't just stand here forever, right?
"Yes, but I don't want to." Xu Jie said after hearing this, his voice was very firm, and he didn't intend to let go of his hands.

"Why?" Su Yun asked intentionally.

"I'm going to make up all the ten days' worth." Xu Jie hugged him even tighter, as if he was afraid that the woman would run away.

"There's more to this kind of thing?" Su Yun asked with a smile, she didn't want to run away, the room is so big, where can she go?
"Haven't you heard of paying public rations?" Xu Jie said.


Su Yun was slightly taken aback, but soon understood what Xu Jie meant.

It's just a hug. Is it the same thing as paying public food?
It's called paying public food between old couples and old wives, and it's called applauding for love among newcomers, let alone the two have not yet developed to the point of applauding.

"Okay, are you hungry, let me make you something to eat?" Su Yun asked softly.

Regarding the man's behavior, Su Yun was somewhat surprised. She didn't expect the man to become so clingy all of a sudden, but she also had a hint of joy in her heart. At least it showed that she was still very attractive, otherwise she would always be hinting that the man Indifferent, I thought I was not attractive.

"I'm not hungry, it's so late, I don't want to eat anymore, let's go to bed." Xu Jie let go of Su Yun as he spoke, and walked towards the bedroom holding Su Yun's hand.

After Su Yun heard it, her whole body froze, and she followed her as if she had lost consciousness.

go to bed?

What do you mean?
This is not some advanced vocabulary, but the problem is that it can be a noun or a verb. If it is a noun, it is fine. If it is a verb, she is not ready at all.

"I, I'll go upstairs and change first." Su Yun pointed to the costume on her body. Although she was very calm on the surface, she was panicked in her heart.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded, then let go of Su Yun, and said, "I'm going to take a bath."

This trip to selling pears was too busy, so I didn't even take a decent bath. Most of the time, I simply took a bucket of cold water and took a simple rinse. Finally, I was able to take a hot bath.

Su Yun was completely dumbfounded.


Should I wash myself too?

Seeing Xu Jie walk into the bathroom on the first floor, she hurried back to the second floor, changed her costume, and hid in the bathroom.

What is the word for sleep?
Usually after taking a shower, she would wear a silk suspender nightdress, one is comfortable, the other is loose, without a sense of restraint, but this time, she suffered from difficulty in choosing, looking at the dazzling array of pajamas in the closet, styles, colors , I don’t know which one to choose. After thinking for a long time, I finally chose a very conservative pajamas, half-sleeved pajamas and trousers.

Su Yun came to the first floor nervously, and found that the door of Xu Jie's room was open, and the man was already lying on the bed. When she saw her coming, she reached out and patted the place beside her.

After Su Yun hesitated for a while, she finally lay down next to the man. She thought that if the man made any excessive moves, she could explain it clearly to the other party. Everything should be done step by step. She can't act too hastily. She believed that the other party would understand. .

At this time, Xu Jie naturally stretched out his arms to hug Su Yun, holding her tightly in his arms. The woman exuded a special fragrance after taking a bath.

It is fragrant, cool, and soft. This is probably what the ancients talked about.

Su Yun pressed Xu Jie's chest with both hands. Even though she killed a pig and trained the unicorn arm, she was powerless in front of the opponent's strength. To be precise, she couldn't use her strength. , but found that the man did not make any further movements, but quietly hugged her. She raised her head and took a sneak peek, and found that Xu Jie had closed her eyes.

Really just sleep?
Is it because I think too much, or because I wear too much?

Just as she was thinking wildly, a voice suddenly came.

"Are you nervous?"

"Ah? Me? No." She shook her head gently.

"Why is your heart beating so fast?" the man asked again.

"Really? My heartbeat has always been like this." She hurriedly explained.

In fact, she knew very well why her heart was beating so fast, wasn't she nervous because she heard the man talking about sleeping and taking a bath?But how can such a thing be admitted?

"It must be because I haven't had a good rest recently." Xu Jie patted Su Yun's back lightly and said, "Go to sleep, I have to go to filming tomorrow."

"Oh!" Su Yun responded, it seemed that she was thinking too much.

While she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't help feeling a little doubt in her heart.

Don't you have charm?

The other party didn't even have the slightest impulse?

Everything that happened now was completely different from what she thought of when she was taking a bath.

She also thought of many reasons for declining the other party, but now none of them are useful. This reality made her feel a little bit slapped in the face.

As a woman, she felt that she should grasp the scale, but also because she was a woman, she felt that her self-esteem was offended.

Anyway, let me know my charm in front of you, and then let me reject you.

She raised her head and looked at the man, the more he was as calm as Liu Xiahui, the more she wanted to tease him.

This has nothing to do with being angry or not, I just want to know what the other person really thinks.

A woman is a sensitive animal. If she feels it, she will think wildly, but if she doesn't feel it, she will also think wildly.

"Are you asleep?" Su Yun asked softly.

"Yes." Xu Jie replied.

"Can you make a sound while sleeping?" Su Yun asked with a smile, it turned out that the other party was pretending to be asleep.

"Not asleep." Xu Jie still did not open his eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" Su Yun asked, since she was still asleep, she must be thinking about something else.

"I'm thinking about how to have an in-depth communication with you, so that the light of righteousness can shine on the earth and illuminate every dark place!" Xu Jie said.

"You..." Su Yun's face blushed, her heart beat faster again, but she tried to calm herself down, looked at the man and asked, "What's the use of thinking, you have to act."

She wants to challenge the man's bottom line, so that she can know what the man thinks in his heart.

"One day I will do that, but now is not the time." Xu Jie said lightly.


Su Yun froze for a moment, the last sentence was the same as what she thought, but she didn't know the meaning was different.

"Why is now not the time?" She asked curiously.

"Because I don't think I'm good enough to be good enough for you. You are the goddess of the nation, a big star, and me? A small director of a TV station, who wants money but no money, no power if he wants..."

"Don't say that about yourself!" Su Yun stretched out a hand to cover the man's mouth, and said, "You are already very good. In the TV industry, your program ranks first. In the film industry, big directors ask you to write Script, you are the hottest character now."

She wasn't bragging for a man, everything she said was there for all to see.

"You said that I am very popular because everyone knows that I am now a celebrity in the capital TV station, and the leaders value me. If one day I fall out of favor, those directors, those actors, and those managers will still be like this. Treat me?" Xu Jie said.

"Is your sense of crisis too strong?" Su Yun asked with a wry smile.

Although it is a good thing to be prepared for danger in times of peace, thinking too much is asking for trouble.

"What I'm talking about is reality." Xu Jie said seriously.

He has experienced it, so he knows better than anyone that this is not inferiority, nor is it lack of self-confidence, or it is precisely because of self-confidence that he says that now is not the time.

"Don't worry, just give me a little more time. When the time comes, I will make everyone change their minds that the cabbage will be beaten by pigs, and let them tell themselves what is a good man and a beautiful woman, and what is a gifted man and a beautiful woman." Xu Jie solemnly said The matter said, "When that day comes, I will definitely have a good exchange with you in a simple way."

Su Yun stared at Xu Jie blankly. She didn't expect the other party to have such thoughts, but thinking of what the other party said just now, she couldn't help reaching out and grabbing the other party's ear, and said, "What do you mean I should not be in a hurry? When did I get in a hurry? ? As if I wanted to do something to you."

"What I mean is that you don't rush to judge me, I can still be better." Xu Jie explained after hearing it.

"Really? Then I'll wait." Su Yun said with a smile, but the other party was not modest.

"Well, wait for me."


(End of this chapter)

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