Chapter 370 Typical
"Jingle Bell!"

In the early morning, Su Yun was woken up by the ringing of the doorbell. She glanced at the electronic clock on the table, and it was already 7:59.

No need to ask, it must be Huang Xiaorong who rang the doorbell. She told him to come here to pick her up at 8:[-] this morning. The time is up.

She looked at the sleeping man next to her, gently moved his arm holding her away, then quietly walked out of the room, and quickly ran towards the door.

In fact, Huang Xiaorong has the key here, and she used the key to open the door when she came here a few days ago. She thinks that Huang Xiaorong probably knows that Xu Jie came back last night, and thinks that they will do some indescribable things when they are young and newly married, so it is useless Key to start, instead choose to ring the doorbell.


Su Yun opened the door, put her index finger to her lips and let out a "shh".

Huang Xiaorong looked at the boss in pajamas and looked sleepy. Needless to say, the moment before she rang the doorbell, the boss and Teacher Xu must still be sleeping. If she guessed right, she must have worked too hard last night.

In fact, she had already thought of it before she came, so she took the time to ring the doorbell.

"Wait for me." Su Yun whispered to Huang Xiaorong, then turned and walked into the room.

Probably because the body has not yet woken up, just after walking a few steps, the feet are weak, and the body staggers and is about to fall.

When Huang Xiaorong saw it, she hurried forward to support the boss.

"Sister Yun, are you okay?"

"It's all right." Su Yun waved her hand, finally regained consciousness, and walked upstairs.

Looking at the back of the boss, Huang Xiaorong couldn't help but start to think wildly.

How fierce was the battle yesterday, the boss couldn't even walk steadily.

Su Yun simply washed her face, then changed into her costume, and hurried downstairs. Before leaving, she left a note for the man, and then walked out the door.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning when Xu Jie woke up.

During those days in Lishu Village, he only slept an average of four hours a day, and was busy selling pears the rest of the time. It can be said that he was seriously short of sleep, so he didn't even know when Su Yun left.

He sat up from the bed and saw a note on his chest, so he picked it up and looked at it, it was left for him by Su Yun.

"I'll be waiting for you on set."

There is a heart behind it.

Xu Jie smiled, feeling like eating candy when he was a child, so happy.

He put the note in the book, then washed his face and went to Beijing TV station.

When Xu Jie came to the unit, everyone greeted him whether they recognized him or not.

"Director Xu, you're back."

"Director Xu, you are darker than before. Are you tired? You should pay attention to rest."

"Mr. Xu, congratulations on the success of the live broadcast. I watched your live broadcast and placed an order."

Xu Jie said thank you all the way back to the art program center, and saw Jiang Hai as soon as he entered the door.

"Xiao Xu, you're finally here." Jiang Hai walked up to Xu Jie excitedly, looked him up and down carefully, then nodded in satisfaction, and said loudly to his colleagues in the office area, "Come on, everyone! , welcome Xu Jie back."

"Wow hoo hoo!"

All the colleagues stood up, and there was warm applause in the office area.

After Xu Jie saw it, he, who has always been thick-skinned, was also a little embarrassed at this time.

"Don't applaud, I didn't do anything." Xu Jie waved his hand and said.

"You haven't done anything yet? You're too modest!" Jiang Hai put his arms around Xu Jie's shoulder affectionately, and said, "This time, you've done a good job for our station."

"Director, it's not as exaggerated as you said, isn't it just selling some pears?" Xu Jie felt that Director Jiang was making a fuss over a molehill.

"Exaggeration? Let me tell you, it's not an exaggeration at all. Your public welfare aid to farmers and the sale of pears in unsalable fruit areas have been very effective. Even the city has named you and praised our TV station." Jiang Hai told Xu Jie Tell the other party what happened during this period of time.

The significance of this incident is not simply to help people sell pears, but to help rural development, which is a national strategy, and Xu Jie is the No.1 of local TV stations across the country, and has achieved great success. Is the entire capital TV station exaggerating?Not exaggerating at all.

"By the way, the director knew you were coming back today, so he deliberately waited for you in the stage. Go quickly." Jiang Hai patted Xu Jie on the shoulder.

Xu Jie was stunned when he heard it. He looked at the time, and it was almost eleven o'clock. So the director knew about being late?
He quickly took the elevator upstairs and greeted the assistant director, who immediately smiled when he saw him, entered the office to inform him, and then warmly welcomed him in.

"Xiao Xu is back, sit down quickly."

Zhao Juncheng stood up from behind the desk, pulled Xu Jie to sit on the sofa beside him, "Assistant Qian, pour Xiao Xu a cup of tea."

"No director, I won't drink." Xu Jie was flattered, how dare he bother Assistant Qian?
Assistant Qian didn't care, made a cup of tea and put it in front of Xu Jie, and then left the office.

"Xiao Xu, this trip to Ningzhou must have been very tiring. Look at you, you are not only thin, but also dark." Zhao Juncheng sighed.

Whether he went on a trip or went to work, one can tell at a glance that this is a person who is really doing practical things, unlike some people who say they are on a business trip for work, and they will gain three pounds when they come back.

"It's not hard work. Compared with those fruit farmers, it's far behind." Xu Jie said.

"Well, that's a good point. If everyone in the stage is like you, I won't worry about it." Zhao Juncheng said after hearing this: "You have done a very good job in helping farmers this time, and it has aroused strong public opinion. Response, the leaders of the city even specially praised you, I have already prepared for you the advanced individuals in our station this year, as well as the advanced collectives of your program group, I hope you can continue to work hard..."

Xu Jie opened his eyes wide, full of surprises in his heart.

At the end of each year, ten advanced individuals and ten advanced collectives will be selected in Taiwan. Usually, the winners are the directors of some major columns and some special programs on current affairs. I didn't expect it to be my turn and "Delicious History". The award should be the highest honor that individuals and programs can receive in the station.

Xu Jie immediately showed an open-minded appearance, listened carefully to the director's speech, and finally did not forget to express his opinion that he will definitely do the program seriously in the future, show better results, and give back to the station and society.

Xu Jie left the director's office, and as soon as he went out, he saw Lu Honglu, the deputy editor-in-chief.

"Editor Lu..." Xu Jie walked over to say hello.

"Xiao Xu, come with me." Lu Hong couldn't help but said, pulling Xu Jie into the elevator.

"Editor Lu, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked puzzled, he thought the other party was looking for the director, but judging from the current situation, the other party should be looking for him.

"I arranged an interview for you to talk about this trip to help farmers, and it will be broadcast on tonight's news." Lu Hong said as he walked.

"Ah? No, don't you need it?" Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Why not? The station has spent so much time promoting it, and it has been reported in the news before. Now that you, the protagonist, are back, of course you have to give this matter a perfect ending." Lu Hong said solemnly.

Xu Jie's behavior of helping farmers has become a typical example in the city's publicity of helping farmers. It is a proper positive energy. How could the capital news not report this kind of thing?
"It's just selling pears for others." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

At the beginning, I just wanted to help Zhang Jiao's family sell pears. In order to get the leader in Taiwan to agree, I made up the name of helping farmers. I didn't expect that the matter would become so big, it was a bit misleading.

It is precisely because of this that he changed from selling pears for Zhang Jiao's family to selling pears for the entire Lishu Village and several surrounding villages to reduce his inner shame.

"Helping people sell pears is easy to say, but how many people can do it, and how many people can do it? Maybe other people have this ability, but in this business, you are the first to do it, so it is worth it To promote, if you don’t promote the typical, how can other people do it? The typical meaning is that by doing one thing, it can drive many people to do it, understand?”

Lu Hong dragged Xu Jie to the program center of Satellite TV and arranged for the female hostess of Beijing Satellite TV to interview him. Xu Jie knew that it would be impossible for him to refuse, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and accept the interview.

The interview went on for more than an hour before Xu Jie was let off by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu. When he came back to the Arts Program Center, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Director, I want to ask you for a few days off." Xu Jie came to Director Jiang's office.

"Ask for leave? What's the matter?" Jiang Hai asked concerned after hearing this.

"It's like this. During this trip to sell pears, everyone is too tired and only sleeps for four or five hours a day. I want to give everyone a few days off and let them go back to have a good rest. Don't worry, Director, work will definitely not Fall." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, I approved it, you can arrange the time yourself, as long as you don't delay the September show." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

For outstanding people, people will always be particularly tolerant.

Moreover, work must be clearly rewarded and punished. If you do something wrong, you will be punished, and if you do something right, you will naturally be rewarded.

This time Xu Jie not only wins glory for the cultural program center, but also wins glory for the station. It is normal to rest for a few days.

"Thank you Director Jiang."

Xu Jie left Director Jiang's office, and when he returned to the office area, he was surrounded by colleagues from the program team.

"Director Xu, when will the September show be filmed?" Song Huanhuan asked, one third of this month has passed, and if we don't film it, it may be too late.

"No hurry." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "The effect of selling pears in this live broadcast is very good. The director praised our program group. Everyone is tired during this time. I asked Director Jiang to give everyone three days off. Rest today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, everyone go back to relax, eat, drink and sleep, and start filming on Saturday."


Hearing Xu Jie's words, all the members of the program group cheered excitedly.

During this period of time, I was really too tired. I couldn’t eat well or sleep well. Everyone lost at least five catties. The fattest Liu Jinbao even lost ten catties. Now that I can rest, can everyone not be happy?

"Director Xu, then we can go." Liu Jinbao said, he just wanted to have a big meal, and then go home and sleep until Friday.

"Let's go, let's go!" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

In fact, he was more anxious to leave than anyone else, wishing to fly to the film and television base immediately and meet Su Yun.


(End of this chapter)

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