The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 371 Entering the Film and Television Circle

Chapter 371 Entering the Film and Television Circle

Xu Jie went downstairs and was about to go out when his cell phone rang suddenly. He looked at the caller ID, and there were two words on it: Super Chen.

"Hello, Handsome Chen." Xu Jie connected to the phone.

Chen Chao is the spokesperson of Daniu Yogurt. He once participated in "Delicious History". At that time, "Delicious History" was a new program, and he was not as famous as he is now. Chen Chao treated him very well at that time. He was impressed.

A few days ago, he called the other party, hoping to support the live broadcast to sell goods, and the other party agreed very happily, and said that he would sell more.

"Hello, Director Xu, congratulations on the success of the live broadcast for the first time. The ten boxes of pears I bought have arrived. They are crispy and sweet, very delicious. Thank you, Director Xu, for the recommendation." Super Chen said.

"I should thank you, thank you for supporting my work." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

It has been five days since the end of the live broadcast sales. Many people have received the crispy pears, and the response has been very good. They are still posting pictures on Weibo to support the program and help farmers.

"Director Xu, I heard that Beijing Satellite TV has a new program called "In-depth Film and Television Talk". Are you the director of this program?" Chao Chen asked.

"Well, that's right." Xu Jie said, didn't the other party call to talk about pears?
"Director Xu, it's like this. I have a movie that will be released on the 16th of this month. I wonder if I can use your show to promote it?"

Xu Jie's eyes lit up, do you want to be on "In-depth Film and Television Talk"?

Celebrities take the initiative to call and want to be on "In-depth Film and Television Talk"?Isn't this exactly the result he wanted?
"The 16th, next Tuesday? But this program is broadcast every Thursday, and the purpose of our program is to interview some film and television dramas that have not yet been released. Broadcasting next week is against the original intention of our program." Xu Jie said in a dilemma.

"Director Xu, help me, the investor insists on letting the crew let your show go." Super Chen said.

Xu Jie was stunned. Is his program so famous in the capital circle?But why is there no brand to sponsor?

"Director Xu, to be honest, the heroine of this movie was appointed by the investor. She wanted to be on your show. The investor asked me to call you after knowing that I had cooperated with you. .” Chao Chen explained.

"Why does she insist on being on my show? Doesn't she know that my interviews on this show are always very bold and direct?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"I think she may be interested in this, that's why she wants to be on your show, so that there is enough topicality to facilitate hype. This should I put it, she likes hype very much." Super Chen thought for a while Said.

Xu Jie smiled. He arranged for Qin Yan to ask those bold questions, isn't it just to attract attention and increase the topic?

It seems that this female star is living a very thorough life!

"Director Xu, the investors have said that as long as they can be on this show, they are willing to add another 20 to the 20 publicity fee." Chen Chao followed up.

Xu Jie was shocked, because he cheated Yuan Ou with 20 promotion fees for the first program, so everyone in the circle knew that at least 20 yuan would be needed to promote the program "In-depth Film and Television Talk". This is also when he offered Liu Jinghua friendship The reason why the other party is very happy when asking the price.

Well, it's different when the employer is covering it.

"We are old friends. Since you have already spoken, if I don't help you, you can't go back and explain to the investor. How about this? You hurry up and let your crew come to Beijing TV Station, and I will arrange for someone to inspect you immediately. Interview, your program will be broadcast tomorrow night, as for the original interview, I will discuss with the crew and put them on the air next week." Xu Jie said.

"Thank you Director Xu, thank you so much, I will contact the investor right away." Chao Chen said happily, this is enough face.

After talking on the phone, Xu Jie immediately returned to the art program center, and saw Qin Yan walking towards him as soon as he entered the door.

"Busy man, can we talk about our program now?"

"I came to you to talk about this matter." Xu Jie said, "Who will be interviewed on tomorrow night's program?"

"No, isn't this waiting for you to find it?" Qin Yan said after hearing it.

"What? Liu Jinghua didn't contact the program team?" Xu Jie asked.

When I went to Liu Jinghua's company back then, I agreed to repay Su Yun's favor and promote the artists signed by the other company. It was only broadcast for one episode, so why is there no follow-up?
Do you think the new program is not influential enough?

The ratings are good!

Qin Yan shook her head.

Xu Jie couldn't help frowning, what is Liu Jinghua doing?
But that's okay, the show doesn't need to be played back.

"Chen Chao has a new movie that will be released on the 16th. I have already made an agreement with him. The crew will come for an interview this afternoon. In addition, the heroine of this movie was selected by the management, and the promotion fee for this time is also paid by the management. Yes, so, ask more questions to the heroine, she has watched our show and will cooperate." Xu Jie said.

Since you like hype, I will give you a chance to hype.

"Okay, I'll go back and prepare." Qin Yan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that, and finally didn't have to worry about the interviewee.

Xu Jie originally wanted to call Liu Jinghua and ask him what he meant, whether he looked down on his program or the platform of Beijing Satellite TV.

But after thinking about it, I felt that there was no need to make this call for the time being.

Because some celebrities have already contacted him, hoping to be on the show "In-depth Film and Television Talk", and maybe there will be people who want to be on his show in the future.

The star of Liu Jinghua's company is just a spare tire. It's not too late to call the other party when it is sure that no one is on the show.

At this moment, the phone rang again, this time it was an unfamiliar number.

Could it be the investor Chao Chen mentioned?
Xu Jie connected the phone.

"Hello, is this Mr. Xu Jie Xu?" A woman's voice rang through the phone.

"It's me, you are..." Could it be the female star that Chao Chen mentioned?
"I'm Liu Ying, manager of the Propaganda Department of Forbidden Films. Mr. Guo gave me your phone number." The woman introduced herself briefly.

"Oh, hello, Manager Liu, do you know what you can do for me?" Xu Jie asked curiously. He had only dealt with Guo Chuan, the general manager of Forbidden Pictures, and he didn't know anyone else.

"It's like this. Our company has a movie that will be released during the National Day. I hope to be featured on your show "In-depth Film and Television Talk" to promote the movie..."

Xu Jie was in a daze, and he was going to be on the show again?

It was right not to call Liu Jinghua.

"No problem." Xu Jie said: "We are all our own people, you can broadcast it whenever you want, and we guarantee that the publicity will be in place for you."

"Thank you, Teacher Xu."

The two agreed on an interview time, and then ended the call.

Xu Jie was very happy.

He made the program "Deep Talk on Film and Television" on the surface to promote film and television dramas, but in fact he wanted to break into the film and television industry.

Although "Delicious History" has high ratings, it is a food culture program after all, but "Deep Talk on Film and Television" is different.

As a film and television talk show, the interviewees are the stars of the film and television industry, so it is necessary to deal with film and television drama crews, as well as film and television production companies and publicity companies.

In this process, he can get to know many people in the film and television industry, and invisibly expand the program and his influence in the film and television industry.

In this way, it will also be of great benefit to Su Yun's future development in the film and television industry.

Especially after the audience gradually recognizes this program, "In-depth Film and Television Talk" will become an important window for film and television promotion. When a program can have a certain impact on TV series ratings and movie box office, the various crews will not compete Being interviewed on this show for publicity?
Just like when Super Chen called him just now, the publicity manager of Forbidden Pictures also called him. If he has anything to do in the future, can the two of them not give him face?

Not long after, several commercial vehicles parked outside the gate of the TV station, and several people got out of the commercial vehicles, and one of them was the star Chen Chao who had called Xu Jie before.

"Director Xu!" Super Chen shouted at Xu Jie who was enjoying the shade under the tree in the courtyard.

Xu Jie walked over after seeing it.

"Long time no see, still so handsome." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Director Xu was joking." Chao Chen pointed to the people behind him, and introduced: "Director Xu, these are the main cast and crew of our "Beautiful Legend" crew, this is the film director Chen Shang, this is The female number one, Yang Qiqi..."

Xu Jie responded with a smile: "Hi everyone, welcome to the program "In-depth Film and Television Talk"."

"Hello Director Xu, I'm a loyal fan of your show "Delicious History"." Yang Qiqi immediately said with a look of admiration, her watery eyes sparkling.

"Thank you." Xu Jie pointed to the TV station and said, "It's too hot outside, let's go in and talk."

"Director Xu is really caring." Yang Qiqi said after hearing this.

While Xu Jie was leading the way, he looked at Yang Qiqi out of the corner of his eye. This should be the heroine appointed by the investor that Chao Chen mentioned.

I have to say that this woman is indeed very capitalistic, her figure is called a protruding front and back, the key is to dare to wear and show off, so that people dare not look down, and her face is also very beautiful, especially those red phoenix eyes. A smile seems to be able to win people's souls away, even among sexy actresses, it can occupy a place.

"Director Xu, I watched your live broadcast to sell goods last Friday, but unfortunately I was slow and didn't grab them. You must save some for me next time." Yang Qiqi took two quick steps and came to Xu Jie's side.

Her voice is so whiny, it makes one's heart itch.

"The program team has some more, you can eat if you want." Xu Jie said, this time back, the villagers of Lishu Village, in order to thank them, brought them back a lot of pears, even if they don't want it.

"Is it really possible?" Yang Qiqi asked loudly in surprise.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"That's great, Director Xu, you're so kind." Yang Qiqi said sweetly.

Xu Jie looked at the other party, this woman... is she trying to seduce him?

(End of this chapter)

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