Chapter 373

Xu Jie handed over the post-production task to Qin Yan, and then left the TV station.

The post-production of interview programs like "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is relatively simple. It does not require any special effects or dubbing. It only needs to cut the interview content together and add subtitles.

After Xu Jie left the house, he called Su Yun. The person who answered the phone was Huang Xiaorong. After confirming that Su Yun was still filming on the set, he immediately drove over by car.

When he came to the film and television base, it was already dark and the crew was still filming. As soon as he appeared, he was called to him by director Zhang Weiqiang to watch the filming and discuss some plots.

During the filming process, the director often modifies the script in order to achieve a certain effect. At this time, it is natural to consult the screenwriter.

The screenwriter must not only make modifications according to the director's intention, but also make corresponding suggestions, such as whether the revised plot is inconsistent, whether it will affect the direction of the whole story, and so on.

This is also the main reason why Zhang Weiqiang hopes that he can stay in the crew, because he wrote the script, and no one knows the content of the story better than him.

His existence can not only assist the director to quickly complete the plot modification, but also affect the filming progress of the entire film to a certain extent.

In fact, the status of screenwriters in the Chinese film industry is very low, especially today when relying on stars and special effects, most of the time screenwriters do not have much say.

The most important point is that the screenwriter is often a thankless role. When a movie has a good reputation after it is released, the praise belongs to the director and the leading actors. When the reputation is poor, the screenwriter is often the worst scolded. the one.

And the reason why he can be valued is mainly because he works at Beijing TV Station, and the Forbidden Film Industry is the industry of Beijing Radio and TV Station. Why don't you give him some face?
This is also the reason why the great director Xu Shenghua extended an invitation to him, but he refused to leave Beijing TV Station.

Because as long as he is on the capital TV station for one day, he is a regular army.

"Screenwriter Xu, what do you think of the actors acting like this?" Zhang Weiqiang asked Xu Jie in a low voice while pointing at the monitor.

He revised the play again.

Although he thought it was normal to do so, he was always worried that Xu Jie would be dissatisfied with the pick.

In fact, after a short time with each other, he found that the two still had a lot of common ideas, and when he expressed his shooting ideas, this young man could grasp the key points very accurately, and he could pass them on to the actors in a very simple and direct way , this is very commendable, and it also makes him very happy to discuss the plot with this young man.

"Yes, I think it's good to modify the content according to the actor's performance style." Xu Jie nodded.

Scripts are dead, but people are alive.

When he was writing the script, apart from the heroine, he didn’t know who would play the other roles. Some performances might not be suitable for some actors. It’s normal for the actors to change the play in order to achieve the best effect during filming. of.

"The change in performance style won't affect the setting of the characters behind?" Zhang Weiqiang asked, after all, it's only been a few days since filming, and there are still many scenes to come.

"It depends on the acting skills of the actors." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

The content is changed according to the actor's performance style. If the actor can't play the role well under such circumstances, it can only be said that there was a problem with the casting.

Zhang Weiqiang nodded, and set his gaze on the monitor again.

Not long after, a scene ended.

Zhang Weiqiang yelled to stop, and the actor immediately relaxed.

Xu Jie got up quickly, snatched the water cup and fan from Huang Xiaorong's hand, and handed them to Su Yun.

"Thank you." After Su Yun took the water glass, a sweet smile appeared on her face.

In the public's impression, Su Yun has always been a representative of freshness, refinement and elegance, but at this moment, she is a sweet and happy little woman.

Xu Jie held a mini fan to blow air on Su Yun, and stood beside him with a smile, his eyes were in the shape of hearts.

The staff of the film crew watched this scene, and they all showed envious and jealous eyes again and again. All the dog food was sprinkled on the set.

Filming itself is a very boring thing, the staff of the crew are all impromptu, many people leave their families, and they leave for several months, only to see someone showing affection on the set, who is not jealous?
It didn't take long to start filming the next scene.

Xu Jie took the water glass and fan back to Huang Xiaorong, but seeing the other party had a bitter face, he asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

After hearing this, Huang Xiaorong said: "Mr. Xu, can you stop stealing my job? If you do this, my sense of existence will be very low."

There are very few assistants around Sister Yun. If Teacher Xu does this, isn't it ruining her job?

Xu Jie was taken aback, he didn't expect Huang Xiaorong to snatch the water cup and fan from the other party's hand because of this incident, is it wrong to care about his wife?
He remembered that many actors had several assistants to serve them, so he said, "Okay, I'll give you the water cup from now on, and you can get the electric fan. Is this the head office?"

Huang Xiaorong nodded, thinking: This is not too bad.

As a celebrity assistant, you don’t need to do too much, but you must not let yourself be idle. There is a saying in the workplace that hard work may not be seen by the boss, but when you are idle and lazy, you will definitely be seen by the boss.

She didn't want to be lazy. In fact, among the many celebrities, Sister Yun had relatively few things to do, and her personality was more approachable. She just didn't want Sister Yun to think that she was being lazy.

Xu Jie went back to director Zhang Weiqiang and sat down, watching the director seriously.

The reason why he agreed to the other party's condition of being on the set two days a week was for Su Yun on the one hand, and for himself on the other hand.

As for directing, he is a layman. Although many people respectfully call him "Director Xu", this does not represent how high his director level is.

As a well-known director in the industry, Zhang Weiqiang will definitely learn a lot by staying with him, which will be of great benefit to him directing short films and directing programs in the future.

Is it enough to direct the two programs "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk"?

Of course not enough!
He wants to make more influential programs.

To put it simply, he is here to learn from others, enrich himself, and make himself better, so that he can be worthy of Su Yun.

Everything he does now is to become a better version of himself in the future.

Doing shows, writing scripts, even selling pears.

Soon, another scene ended.

Xu Jie walked towards Huang Xiaorong, this time Huang Xiaorong was well prepared, handed the water glass to Xu Jie, put the fan behind her back, as if afraid of being snatched away.

Xu Jie took the water glass and came in front of Su Yun. After passing the water to the other party, he came directly behind the other party, put his hands on the other party's shoulders, and massaged and relaxed the other party. This job is better than giving Su Yun a blowjob. many.

People around avoided the sour smell of love one after another.

This dog food is fed, there is no need for supper, they are all fed up.

Su Yun didn't reject Xu Jie's behavior, but felt a little embarrassed in her heart, after all, there were so many people watching.

"I'm not tired." She said softly, but felt that her behavior was a bit ridiculous in her heart.

Think about when the two first got their certificates, they held hands and hugged in front of the public, and they would sit together and feed each other, wishing the whole world would know that they didn’t care about other people’s eyes at all, acting was called a devotion, but now, When she really liked each other, she couldn't act anymore, and she was even a little embarrassed.

What are you being ashamed of?
Isn't this kind of intimate behavior between "husband and wife" very normal?

Su Yun shook her head secretly, "couple" is just superficial, it should be more appropriate to describe the current relationship between the two as a couple in love.

Isn't it normal for couples in love to be shy when they have intimate moves?Only real couples can live without shame.

"Aren't you tired after shooting for a whole day?" Xu Jie said.

Helping the other party relax is only one aspect, the main purpose is to let everyone know the relationship between him and Su Yun, don't think Su Yun is easy to bully because he is a newcomer in the film and television industry, if anyone dares to bully Su Yun, it will be difficult for Xu Jie.

"You've been busy all day too, so you should be more tired than me. Come on, let me give you a push." ​​Su Yun was about to stand up as she spoke.

"Don't move, just read your script with peace of mind. If you want to give me a massage, I'll talk about it when you get home." Xu Jie pressed a little harder on Su Yun, preventing her from getting up.

The crew members around looked at these two people and thought to themselves: Going home might not be as simple as getting a massage.

After a few minutes, the next scene begins.

Xu Jie returned to Zhang Weiqiang's side again, and Zhang Weiqiang smiled and said to Xu Jie: "Director Xu, you and Su Yun have a really good relationship. They are both talented and beautiful. They are really an enviable couple."

"Director Zhang won the award." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "As far as I know, Director Zhang and his wife are model couples in the entertainment industry, I want to learn from you, right, I won't hinder filming, right? "

"No, and I found that since you appeared, Su Yun has been in a very good state. If she can keep this state, the movie will be very exciting after it is made." Zhang Weiqiang said.

"That was guided by Director Zhang." Xu Jie humbled Su Yun.

Tonight, the crew finished work earlier, at 10 o'clock.

In this matter, Xu Jie can be said to be indispensable, because his appearance not only allows the director to devote himself to shooting faster after he has new ideas, but also allows the actors to understand their roles.

After a while of "Thanks for your hard work", Xu Jie came to Su Yun's side, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he pulled her away from the set.

Everyone looked at this situation, no need to ask, they must have gone home for a "massage", and they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts: When will this day of eating dog food be the boss!


(End of this chapter)

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