The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 374 Unkind Invitation

Chapter 374 Unkind Invitation
The next day, Xu Jie and Su Yun came to the set together, and the two appeared in pairs, causing another barking of dogs.

At noon, when Xu Jie was having dinner with Su Yun, his cell phone rang. He glanced at the incoming call and found that it was actually from Deputy Director Shao of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

Thinking of my status as a "food promotion ambassador", there won't be any activities to participate in, right?
With doubts, Xu Jie connected the phone.

"Hello Director Shao."

"Hello, Director Xu, didn't I disturb your lunch break?" Shao Mingshun in the microphone was very polite, and he didn't have the pretensions of a game at all.

"No, Director Shao has something to do with me?" Xu Jie asked.

"Director Xu, I watched the Beijing News last night and saw your interview. I admire your crew's actions to help farmers and revitalize rural development. Director Xu is really a person with a sense of social responsibility..." Shao Mingshun sighed road.

After Xu Jie heard it, his brows frowned slightly. It's fine if the other party doesn't boast like that, but once he does, it means that the other party must have something to ask for.

Asking for help is the way to go.

First establish a tall image, and then make a request, because of face, no one is embarrassed to refuse.

"Director Xu, your act of helping farmers with public welfare has given me an inspiration. I have a heartfelt request." Shao Mingshun said at this time.

Xu Jie thought to himself: Sure enough, it is here!
"Director Shao, what's the matter?" He asked.

"Director Xu, it's like this. The Beijing Food and Tourism Festival will be held next Monday for a week. There will not only be famous Beijing food, but also a series of activities such as a snack competition. One of them is the Beijing Food Enterprise Fair. I hope you I can bring the "Delicious History" program team to participate, broadcast the food festival online, and help our local food companies in the capital to promote and sell their products..." Shao Mingshun continued talking.

Xu Jie understands, it is hoped that he can help promote the food festival.

As an ambassador for Beijing food promotion, it is imperative to promote Beijing food tourism. However, too much time was spent on the live broadcast of selling pears at the beginning of the month, and there is not much time left for him and the program team to film the September program.

"Director Shao, I'm very happy that you can invite our "Delicious History" program team, but we haven't filmed the show next month, so I'm afraid..." Xu Jie said very tactfully.

If it is next month, there is absolutely no problem, but everything is in the same month, he is really at a loss for what to do, and he has more energy than energy.

Sometimes he wished he could find the ninja village so he could learn the multiple shadow clones.

"Director Xu, you and your show are the signatures of our capital's gourmet industry. This summer, many people who come to Beijing for tourism come here for the snacks you introduced. If you are not in this Beijing Food Tourism Festival Show up, then the tourists who participated in the food festival will be very disappointed, how about it, if it doesn't work for a week, it's okay for a day, right?" Shao Mingshun asked.

He believes that if Director Xu and the "Delicious History" program group can appear, then this food tourism festival will be very successful. Public welfare assistance to farmers is the best proof. 160 million catties of pears were sold out in a blink of an eye. If it is changed to Beijing cuisine, I believe it will be able to sell well.

"one day……"

Xu Jie hesitated for a moment. If it was a day, it would be fine. At worst, there would be no holidays on the following Saturdays and Sundays.

"Okay, just one day." Xu Jie said.

The appointment letter of Beijing Food Promotion Ambassador cannot be taken for nothing, it must be something to do.

Besides, it is a bit unreasonable to go to other provinces to promote, but not to promote locally.

Moreover, the public welfare assistance to farmers is so successful, he thinks that "Delicious History" can participate in more offline activities in the future to expand the influence of the program.

"Thank you Director Xu, then which day do you decide to participate?" Shao Mingshun asked in surprise.

"Monday." Xu Jie said.

On the opening day, there must be a lot of people, so the publicity effect is naturally the best.

After chatting briefly for a while, Xu Jie put down the phone.

"What's the matter?" Su Yun asked with concern: "If you have something to do, go and do it, you don't have to stay with me here."

"It's nothing. The Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism invited our program team to participate in the Beijing Food and Tourism Festival on Monday." Xu Jie said while eating.

"It's very important, why don't you go back and prepare?" Su Yun said thoughtfully.

The activities held in the city are not a trivial matter, and she also knows that Xu Jie is the ambassador of the city's food promotion, and she must participate in such activities, which can increase social influence no matter what.

"It's not that troublesome. It's just live broadcast promotion. Say what you see. You asked me to prepare in advance. I don't even know what to prepare." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Don't forget, he is a reporter.

Introductions, interviews, publicity, these are his old profession.

When I was in the life program center, I often did this kind of report, such as tourism festivals, fashion festivals, cultural festivals, ski festivals, watermelon festivals, etc., were all compiled and reported after arriving at the scene.

"That's good." Su Yun nodded, then looked at Xu Jie and said, "You must not delay your work because of me."

Xu Jie stroked his hair for the other party, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I know it well."

In terms of work, he will not be ambiguous, because he is very clear that only by working hard can he be valued and promoted, which will pave the way for Su Yun's future development in the film and television industry and become the backing for Su Yun's development.

Beijing TV Station has thousands of employees, why would those managers and celebrities give him face?Isn't it because he has made achievements and is a celebrity?

Everything he has now is based on excellent work performance, otherwise, would others know who he is?

Therefore, he is more awake than anyone.

In fact, this invitation by deputy director Shao can increase the social influence of "Delicious History", which is also beneficial to the program.

The Bureau of Culture and Tourism attaches great importance to it, and the society attaches great importance to it, so Taili will attach importance to it.

After lunch, Xu Jie was about to chat with Su Yun about the afternoon script when the phone rang again, this time it was an unfamiliar number.


"Excuse me, is Mr. Xu Jie, the director of the "Delicious History" program group of Beijing TV Station?"

"It's me, you are..."

Listening to the tone of the other party, it seems to be a stranger.

"Mr. Xu, I am Liu Shijie, the general manager of Yuxiangzhai Food Co., Ltd. I heard from Director Shao that you will participate in the Beijing Food Tourism Festival to be held next week. Our company will bring products to participate in the food in this tourism festival. At the fair, I hope Mr. Xu can introduce more of our products, our main products are autumn pear paste, loquat paste and other specialties in the capital..."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard that, Director Shao spoke quickly enough, the phone call was made half an hour ago, now the food company knows?

"Mr. Liu, don't worry, as a food company in Beijing, I will definitely do my best to help promote it." Xu Jie said.

"Thank you, Teacher Xu. I wonder if you are free now? I would like to invite you to our company for an inspection, so that you can better understand our company's products." Liu Shijie was very happy when he heard that Xu Jie would promote.

The "Delicious History" program group promotes its own products, which is more effective than advertising on TV.

"No need, I will go to the fair on the day of the live broadcast." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

It's just to promote food, and it's not for investment, so there's no need to investigate, not to mention that there should be no three-no products to appear with the Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

"How can I do that? Teacher Xu, if you want to promote the product to everyone, of course you have to understand the product. How about this, where are you? I'll send someone to deliver the product to you." Liu Shijie said seriously.

Xu Jie thought about it, and felt that what the other party said was not unreasonable. Since he wanted to publicize it to everyone, he must be responsible for the product he promoted, otherwise it would be like smashing the show's brand.

Just like selling pears before, didn't you go to inspect them a week in advance and have a detailed understanding before you dare to sell them?
"I'm at the Huairou film and television base right now. Give me a call when you're about to arrive, and I'll pick you up at the gate." Xu Jie said.

"Alright Mr. Xu, I'll take someone there now." Liu Shijie hung up the phone.

"Advertisement?" Su Yun asked curiously.

She didn't expect Xu Jie to be so busy, and she didn't feel much when he was not together during the day.

"The food exhibitors at the Tourism and Food Festival want me to help promote it during the live broadcast." Xu Jie said indifferently: "Let's talk about the script."

"En." Su Yun nodded, and brought the script to Xu Jie.

At this moment, Xu Jie's cell phone rang again, and it was still an unfamiliar number.

Xu Jie answered the phone a little impatiently.


"Hello, is this director Xu Jie Xu, the director of "Delicious History"?"

"it's me."

"Hello Director Xu, I'm Shen Hao, the general manager of Yushiyuan Catering Company. I heard that you will participate in the Beijing Food and Tourism Festival next week. Our company..."

As soon as Xu Jie heard it, he immediately understood what the other party meant. This opening remark was the same as that of the previous general manager of Yuxiangzhai. No need to ask, he definitely wanted him to help promote it.

Xu Jie waited patiently for the other party to finish speaking, and after confirming that the other party and Yu Xiangzhai meant the same thing, he said, "I'm in Huairou Film and Television Base, you can send the products here."

"Good Director Xu, thank you Director Xu."

Before Xu Jie's call ended, it showed that someone called again, and it was still an unfamiliar number.

Kao, is it another food company?
"Hi, I'm Xu Jie."

"Hi Director Xu, I'm Jiang Shan, General Manager of Jinhe Food Company..."

"Send it to Huairou Film and Television Base."

Xu Jieyi connected more than a dozen calls, all of which were calls from various food companies in the capital. The purpose was surprisingly the same, to send products for tasting, and to help promote them at the tourism festival.

Xu Jie helped one family, so he had to help the second and third families. It was not easy to refuse such a thing. Those who didn’t know thought there was some kind of deal in private, so they had to agree to all of them.

It's just that Su Yun suffered, and there was no play during the whole afternoon.

Liu Shijie, the general manager of Yuxiangzhai, called again and had already arrived at the Huairou film and television base. Xu Jie talked to director Zhang Weiqiang, and then sat in Su Yun's nanny car to the gate of the film and television base.

When he saw a van with the words "Yuxiangzhai" written on it, he was stunned.

Didn't you say taste it?

As for driving such a big car?

(End of this chapter)

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