Chapter 375

Xu Jie got out of the car and walked over. At this moment, the co-pilot of the van opened the door, and a middle-aged man wearing leather shoes, trousers and white shirt got out from inside. The man smiled and stretched out his hands enthusiastically.

"Mr. Xu, hello, I'm Liu Shijie, the general manager of Yuxiangzhai Food Company. I called you just now."

"Hello." Xu Jie held the other party's hand politely.

"Mr. Xu, thank you for your willingness to promote our company's products at the Food Tourism Festival. You are truly worthy of being an ambassador for Beijing's food promotion. I have already brought you all sixteen products of the company's four series, and some of them are not sold outside. Please taste all of our new products." After Liu Shijie finished speaking, he dragged Xu Jie to the back of the box.

As the driver opened the door of the container, the full container of food came into Xu Jie's eyes.

I saw that there were large transparent storage boxes inside. You can see all kinds of food in the box without opening the lid, such as autumn pear paste, loquat paste, lemon paste, bowls, bottles, bags, I don’t know. Some of them thought they were delivering to directly-operated stores.

"Mr. Xu, these are for you." Liu Shijie said with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Liu, there are too many." Xu Jie said in surprise after hearing it, it's just a taste, one of each is enough, and it's not that he wants to open a store, so he has to eat so much?

"Mr. Xu, you can take it back and give it to your relatives and colleagues." Liu Shijie said.

Of course he knew that he didn't need so much to taste it, but he came here, so he only brought a plastic bag?Are you petty?Such a big company, if it spreads out, it won't be laughed at?
It doesn’t matter if you can’t eat it, you can eat it slowly, it’s good to eat for a year, then everyone will feel that the food produced by their food company is really delicious, even Xu Jie, the director of "Delicious History", eats it every day, This ad is more effective than being on TV.

It would be even better if Teacher Xu's wife, Su Yun, could eat with her. She is the goddess of the nation, one of the most popular female stars, and fans are still eager to buy after seeing her?
I don't know about other industries. Anyway, in the catering video industry, Mr. Xu is a favorite.

Xu Jie looked at the truck in front of him, and then at Su Yun's commercial vehicle. There were so many boxes of food, even if the seats on the vehicle were removed, they probably wouldn't be able to fit them.

Is this treating him like a rice bucket?

"Mr. Liu, I appreciate your kindness, but these foods are too much to fit in my car, how about this, you take a box, and I will decorate one by one." This is the best way Xu Jie can think of .

"Director Xu, Ladula is here. How can I take it back? If your car can't fit, how about I lend you this truck and send it to your house at your disposal?" Liu Shijie asked.

Xu Jie quickly shook his head. Although these various ointments taste good, they are very sweet. After eating them, he may have diabetes.

Liu Shijie saw that Xu Jie's attitude was very firm, so he took a step back and said, "Okay, I will pack the boxes according to Teacher Xu's requirements." As he spoke, he and the driver began to repack the products.

In the past, there were two boxes of the same car, but now there are two boxes in one carton. In the end, eight boxes were packed and the commercial vehicle was filled to the brim. There was no room for Xu Jie in the back, and he could only sit in the co-pilot.

"Ms. Xu, please go back and taste it carefully. If you have any comments, please let me know so that I can improve the product." Liu Shijie said politely.

Of course, these words are just words, polite and polite, after all, the product formula has been used for decades, how could it be possible to change just because of one person's words?The reason why he said this was entirely to express his sincerity.

"Okay, I will definitely taste it seriously." Xu Jie said.

In fact, even if the other party doesn’t say anything, he will do the same. He recommends the delicious ones, and not the bad ones. He is responsible for the program and the audience who watch the program. He sent so many products, so he said good things for the other party.

He was doing it to promote the food in the capital, not to make hard publicity.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu, then I'll go first." After thanking Liu Shijie, he got on the truck and left the film and television base.

Xu Jie looked at the shadow of the truck and breathed a sigh of relief.

When he returned to the set, he happened to meet everyone taking a break, so he moved the box out of the car, opened the lid and said, "The food company gave me some tasting products, everyone come and try."

Everyone walked over immediately after hearing this, and looked at the boxes one by one. Although it is not a rare delicacy, it is still okay to eat as a snack during the break.

"Mr. Xu, then we will not be polite."

"Thank you, Teacher Xu."

The staff said to Xu Jie.

On such a hot day, eating some loquat extract, lemon cream or something can relieve the heat.

"Everyone has worked hard, eat more." Xu Jie said, the eight boxes of products can't be eaten by one person, and if they are distributed to the crew, there is no waste of food.

At this time, another call came, it was from the general manager of Yuxiangyuan Video Company, informing him that the product had been delivered and asking him to go outside to pick it up.

Xu Jie came outside the film and television base again, and another van was parked outside.

"Director Xu, this is our company's product for you to try." Shen Hao pointed to a box of food and said, although it was not as much as the previous Yuxiangzhai, it still filled more than half of the car.

"Mr. Shen, there are too many, I will take less." Xu Jie said.

"Not too much, not too much, I brought some for your colleagues in the program group." Shen Hao said with a smile, Xu Jie was not the only one who went to the Tourism and Food Festival, but the entire "Delicious History" program group, so Of course, Director Xu can't be the only one.

"Well, I'll take two boxes to taste, and send the rest to Beijing TV Station, and I will notify the guard." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Alright Director Xu."

Shen Hao moved the two boxes of products to Xu Jie's business car, and then drove away.

Xu Jie returned to the set.

"Come on, there are new products, everyone continue to eat."

"Director Xu, are you going to open a supermarket?" Someone couldn't help but ask, one box after another of snacks, the previous few boxes have not been finished, and now two boxes are brought over, what kind of family is this?

"Hey, the Beijing Food and Tourism Festival is going to be held next week, and many food companies will be participating. They all want me to promote them in the live broadcast." Xu Jie explained simply.

"I see."

After everyone heard it, they couldn't help showing envious eyes. They didn't have to buy food by themselves, and the food company rushed to deliver it. People who live for this kind of sake can be considered successful.

"Well, this tastes good."

"It is too sweet."

"Try it, this one is more delicious."

The set directly turned into a food tasting conference.

Xu Jie is also eating. This is his job. Whether he likes it or not, he has to taste it one by one. On the day of the live broadcast, he can also recommend it to the audience, so as to prevent the audience from stepping on the thunder.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Xu Jie had just taken a few bites when the phone rang again.

No need to ask, it must be a food manufacturer again.

Xu Jie answered the phone, and sure enough, as he guessed, another food company came.

In this way, Xu Jie brought all kinds of snacks to the program group one after another, and the staff finally got full. From day to night, many people didn't even eat dinner, because they were full before and no one hungry.

The next day, there were still food companies delivering products to him, but he had asked these companies to deliver the products directly to Beijing TV Station. There was still too much food left on the set. The most important point was that everyone was eating, which was really a delay shoot.


Xu Jie took out the phone whose ringtone had been set to vibrate, and prayed silently in his heart: not a stranger, not a stranger, not a stranger... say important things three times.

Most of the strangers who called him at this time were looking for him to promote.

There is no problem with publicity, but the problem is that there are always so many things to give away, which is really unbearable.

Xu Jie never thought that one day he would be troubled by too many people giving gifts.

But when he saw the caller ID, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, it was Shao Mingshun calling.

"Director Shao, hello."

"Director Xu, I have posted on the official website the news that your "Delicious History" program team will participate in the Beijing Food Tourism Festival. Everyone is looking forward to it." Shao Mingshun said excitedly.

It is indeed the program with the highest ratings, fans all over the country, and even the entire food tourism festival has received more attention. Many people who want to travel even changed their destination to the capital after knowing this. Just for the "Delicious History" program group, to taste the delicacies of the capital.

Xu Jie naturally knew that everyone was looking forward to it, especially those food companies, who wished to let him help to promote it now. Because of this incident, he almost got diabetes from eating snacks these two days.

"Director Xu, seeing netizens looking forward to it, I have another idea in my heart. I think it's not enough to advertise online to netizens from other places. It's better to let them taste the special food of our capital. There are not many in the tourism festival. Will food companies participate? I want to sell their products on the live broadcast platform, just like you sell pears on live broadcast. I wonder what Director Xu thinks?" Shao Mingshun asked.

He thought about it all night before calling Xu Jie.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, did he really regard him as a seller?
But this idea is not impossible. It not only promotes local delicacies and food companies, but also satisfies the greed of netizens from other places. It’s just that he has suffered a lot, and he will start selling goods again.

"Okay, Director Shao, to tell you the truth, in the past two days, many food companies have sent me products to try, which is just right for me to sell them on the platform and share them with netizens. "Xu Jie said.

Now that they have already agreed to help promote it, it is better for a good person to do it to the end and let those food companies think of him, maybe it will be used at any time.

For example, when filming programs in the future and going to restaurants and restaurants under those food companies, who can't cooperate well?
"Okay, Director Xu, I will leave it to you to choose and sell products, and please take care of me." Shao Mingshun said.

"Well, I'll try my best."


(End of this chapter)

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