The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 376 No One Can Stop

Chapter 376 No One Can Stop

Two days passed quickly, and it was Saturday in a blink of an eye.

In the early morning, Xu Jie did not go to the set with Su Yun, but came to Beijing TV Station.

According to the original plan, starting from this day, he will film "Delicious History" in September, and the plan has not changed quickly. Before filming the show, he has to settle the matter of the food tourism festival.

When he walked into the art program center, the boxes in the aisle immediately occupied his vision.

Countless boxes are stacked together, the stack is higher than a person, and the tallest is four boxes stacked together, which is two meters high.

"Director Xu, you're finally here." A colleague from the program center pointed to the box and asked, "What the hell is going on with these foods?"

The others also looked at Xu Jie with doubts on their faces.

At first everyone thought it was a unit benefit, but when they thought that there was no Chinese New Year and no holidays, they dispelled this guess. Later, the person who moved them said that these things were all for Director Xu, which made them even more confused. Is giving gifts so blatant now?
The key is to send something. You have to send some special food from the capital. Director Xu is from the capital. Are you missing these things?Although Director Xu is doing a food show, it does not mean that he is a foodie. If he wants to give away some food from other places.

Xu Jie looked at the boxes of special food, and said: "Next Monday, our program group is going to participate in the Food Tourism Festival, no, some food companies that will participate in the fair will bring their products to our program group, let us Try it, and then choose some delicious food to sell and promote on the day of the live broadcast."

Because he was away from work two days ago, only the program team and Director Jiang knew about it.

After listening to the explanation, everyone couldn't help showing envious eyes. Looking at the program made by others, the food company took the initiative to give away products, and even competed to give them away. Not to mention the center of cultural programs, even the entire Beijing TV station couldn't find a second one. .

"Director Xu, with so much food, can your program crew finish it?" someone asked.

"Yes, let's try it too."

"Yesterday I helped carry the boxes."

Others followed suit.

"No problem." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this: "But you can't eat for free. You need to do me a favor. Of course, it's a small favor."

"What's the matter?" Everyone asked curiously.

"When eating, tell me which one you think is delicious, and also tell me why it is delicious and where it is delicious." Xu Jie said.

Everyone laughed after listening to it, and thought it was a difficult task, isn't it just for them to taste it?It's not a problem at all, and it's done by the way when you eat it.

"Small idea!"

"no problem!"

"Director Xu, don't worry, after being with you for a long time, we've all become foodies. I'll definitely help you with the quality selection."

"Yes, make sure to complete the task."

"If you have this kind of work in the future, you should also think about us!"

Xu Jie looked at the hundreds of boxes of food, and the few people in the program group would definitely not be able to eat it. It is better to let everyone eat together and use the power of the masses.

More people are more powerful, and most importantly, more people talk more.

Not only that, but the more people try it, the more objective the evaluation will be. If only a few people eat it, the result will inevitably be one-sided.

"Since everyone agrees, let's start the tasting meeting now, let's take it!"

Xu Jie waved his hand, and the people who were still waiting started to act immediately, those who moved the boxes moved the boxes, and those who opened the boxes opened the boxes.

These foods have been piled up in the aisle for two days, and they also looked at them for two days. Even if they are not hungry, they still want to try a couple of bites.

Not long after, the door opened and Jiang Hai walked in from the outside.

When he saw the situation in the office area, he was stunned.

I saw that all the subordinates were eating, and there was a lot of food on everyone's table, they looked so happy.

He couldn't help but wonder, did he go to the wrong place?

Is this a cultural program center or a cafeteria?

Even if today is Saturday, you can't be so casual, right?

"Director, would you like something to eat?" Xu Jie handed a box of pastries to Director Jiang.

Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie, then at the pastry in Xu Jie's hand, and asked in confusion, "Is there a holiday today?"

"It's not a holiday." Xu Jie shook his head.

"But what are you doing during the festival? Are you using the office as a cafeteria?" Jiang Hai frowned and asked.

"Director, it's like this. The food company sent too many products, and our program team couldn't handle it, so we had to ask other colleagues for help." Xu Jie explained.

Jiang Hai looked at the boxes piled up in the corridor, his brows gradually relaxed.

It turned out to be the case.

Since everyone is busy with the "Delicious History" program group, there is no problem.

Eat it.

"Director, you eat too. I want to hear your opinion." Xu Jie said seriously.

When Jiang Hai heard this, he was too embarrassed to refuse, so he took the cake that Xu Jie handed over, put it in his mouth and ate it.

Xu Jie laughed, and finally dragged the director into the water.

Now, all the people in the art program center are at his disposal, so that the selection of products can be made faster, and the time saved can be used for filming the program.

Because eating is Xu Jie's main job, and he also needs to collect everyone's opinions on various products, so he stayed in the aisle instead of returning to his work station.

He ate and ate, suddenly frowned, and shouted at a person not far away: "Little Hu, why don't you eat?"

"Director Xu, I'm full."

"It's enough to eat enough? No, you have to eat enough, you only ate eight kinds, and there are more than 100 kinds, eat quickly, don't stop until you reach your neck." Xu Jie grabbed a few from the box and threw them away. past.

"Director Xu, are you feeding me?" Xiao Hu asked with a wry smile.

"I didn't force a stick into your stomach. Besides, you can't sell that price." Xu Jie turned to another colleague who stopped and shouted: "Sister Yuan, why don't you stop?" Hurry up, don’t you usually like to eat snacks the most?”

"I'm full, let me rest for a while, and eat later." The woman said.

"Stand up and move around, which can speed up digestion." Xu Jie sat on the box, patted the box with his hands, and said loudly to the people in the office area: "Eat what you want, and don't eat if you don't want to? Put me here Is it a buffet? Don’t forget, you have missions, no one is allowed to stop!”

Everyone collapsed after hearing it, why can't they stop?
For everyone, eating snacks is a very happy thing, but eating too much becomes a painful thing.

Sure enough, there will be no pie in the sky, and it must be a trap.

Now everyone feels like they have fallen into a trap.

But what can be done?
It was what they insisted on eating before, but now they have to continue eating while crying, at worst, eat more slowly.

Everyone ate from morning to noon, and from noon to night. With the concerted efforts of everyone, they finally tried all the more than 100 kinds of food.

Everyone's feeling at this time is that they are sad in their excitement, and they don't want to eat snacks during working hours anymore.

"Thank you brothers and sisters for your cooperation. You can take the rest away and share it with your family at home." Xu Jie said generously.

After a day of screening, it was finally determined that [-] food products will be sold. They not only represent the characteristics of the capital, but are also relatively authentic in taste.

Colleagues hear it, can you still pack it?So each person took a box and began to put food in it.

Although they were disgusted by eating it, the family did not eat it, not to mention not taking it for nothing, it can be regarded as spiritual compensation for them.

That's right, it was already a kind of mental torture at the end of the meal.

More than 100 boxes of food were quickly emptied, and the crowded aisles returned to their former spaciousness.

The other colleagues have already left work, but all the members of the "Delicious History" program team stayed behind, and Xu Jie was in a meeting.

"I thought the problem of product selection would be delayed for two days, but I didn't expect it to be solved in one day. The day I saved was to shoot the modern part of the show. I will try to finish the filming in one day, and everyone will come early tomorrow." Xu Jie instructed.

After filming so many episodes, everyone has already had a tacit understanding, and there should be no problem in rushing for time.


The crowd responded.

After returning from Lishu Village and resting for two days, it's time to start working overtime.

"Director Xu, the modern part is easy to shoot, but the time-traveling part is not. The star hasn't been selected yet." Song Huanhuan said with a slight frown.

"Look for Hu Zhen." Xu Jie said naturally.

"Director Xu, you forgot that Mr. Hu no longer has first- and second-tier artists under his command. We can't invite third-tier artists for our show, right?" Song Huanhuan said.

Xu Jie was taken aback, he was too busy this time, after Song Huanhuan reminded him, he finally remembered this question.

That's right, all the famous artists under Hu Zhen's hands have been used by him.

It’s not impossible for third-line artists to be available, but the sponsorship fee is there. He doesn’t need to save money for sponsors. Although "Delicious History" has a high ratings, the participation of stars will bring more fans and popularity to the show. The higher the level, the more fans, the greater the popularity, no one will think the ratings are high.

He thought for a while, then took out his cell phone and called Hu Zhen.

"Mr. Hu, I'm Xu Jie."

"Director Xu, hello."

"About the filming of the show in September, are you ready for the artist?" Xu Jie asked directly.

"Get ready, I'll wait for Director Xu's call." Hu Zhen said with a smile.

Xu Jie was stunned. He remembered that he had raised the issue of being an artist with Hu Zhen. Hearing the other party's tone, it seemed that it had been resolved.

"Mr. Hu, I didn't expect that you still have a secret weapon. Who are the four big stars this time?" Xu Jie asked. He deliberately emphasized "big", meaning that third-tier artists should not be used.

"Director Xu, although these four celebrities are not from my agency, they are definitely first-line artists. They include Zhang Zheng, Shen Yifeng, Zhang Xiyu, and Chen Yingxue."

Xu Jie looked at Song Huanhuan, covered the microphone and repeated the names of the four artists that Hu Zhen had just mentioned. He didn't know much about celebrities, so he could only ask Song Huanhuan for advice.

Song Huanhuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly with surprise in his eyes, like a chicken eating rice.

Xu Jie understood Song Huanhuan's meaning, so he said: "Since Mr. Hu is so confident, okay, just these four people. If there is no accident, the show will be filmed next Tuesday. I hope Mr. Hu can notify you."

It seems that Hu Zhen is looking for foreign aid.

But I have to say, this is indeed a very smart choice.

"Director Xu, my people, don't worry."


(End of this chapter)

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