Chapter 377
Facts have proved that people are forced out.

What used to be done in two or three days can now be done in a day.

Although the shooting process was rather hasty, the quality did not decrease in the slightest.
The staff can work overtime and skip meals, but the content must be done well. The program is the foundation of their foothold. Without the program, no matter what tourism festival or live broadcast to sell goods, who would look for them?Who will follow them?

As a team, no one wants the ratings of the show to get worse, but they all want the show to get better and better.

Finally on Monday, Xu Jie came to the TV station. After meeting with the members of the "Delicious History" program team, he asked everyone to bring their equipment and head to the Olympic Sports Park, the main venue of the food tourism festival.

He was about to go out with everyone when Qin Yan called him over.

"Xu Jie, come here."

Qin Yan waved towards him.

"what's up?"

Xu Jie motioned for the others to go first, and then walked towards Qin Yan.

"I have a question." Qin Yan said lightly.

"What's the problem?" Xu Jie asked.

"Who do you think is the director of "In-depth Film and Television Talk"?" Qin Yan stared at Xu Jie intently.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and looked at Qin Yan in bewilderment.

What does the other party mean by this? Of course he is the director of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", and as the host, how could the other party not know about this issue?Now that you know it, why ask?
There is something, there must be something.

"Sister Yan, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked with a smile, recalling what he did in the unit recently, it seemed that he didn't offend the other party.

Of course, it may have been provoked unintentionally. If it was deliberately provoked, I would not guess here out of thin air.

"It's nothing, I just feel that "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is raised by a stepmother, who usually doesn't even have a backbone, and a group of left-behind children are left alone and don't even know what to do." Qin Yan said with a sigh.

Xu Jie was not stupid, and he understood what the other party meant as soon as he heard it.

This is to blame him for spending too much time with the "Delicious History" program group and too short time with the "Deep Talk on Film and Television" program group.

Looking back on the first three episodes of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", except for the first episode which was more attentive, the second episode just happened to be on a business trip to sell pears. The program was basically in charge of Qin Yan, and the third episode was after he returned from Lishu Village It was recorded in a hurry, so it's no wonder the other party is so sour. As the director of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", he really didn't pay much attention to this program.

In fact, the program "In-depth Film and Television Talk" still has a very high status in his heart. After all, he relies on this program to enter the film and television industry. However, he has too many things and is too busy with work recently, so he completely ignores this program.

No way, who made this program relatively simple and can be filmed in one day?In contrast, "Delicious History" will take half a month at the fastest, and the time with Liu Jinbao and Song Huanhuan will naturally be longer.

There is no such thing as a stepmother or a stepmother. Whether it is the first child or the second child, aren't they all his children?

"My fault is that I have not been a good father, and I will never let go in the future." Xu Jie immediately admitted his mistake. The other party's opinion was right, and he had nothing to explain or refute.

He has to admit his mistakes, and he has to stand firm when he is scolded. He never makes excuses for his mistakes. If he is wrong, he is wrong. Knowing his mistakes can make a big difference.

"I don't care. I'm just a little host anyway. I'll do whatever you want." Qin Yan resigned herself to her fate.

Of course, it's just a pretense, there are sweets for crying children.

"Sister Yan, how can you say that about yourself? You are not a small host, you are the head of our cultural program center, and you have both talent and appearance. Leave it to you? Because I believe you can do better than me." Xu Jie said solemnly.

The expression on Qin Yan's face immediately eased a lot, glanced at Xu Jie, and said angrily: "Okay, don't pour me the ecstasy soup, save it for your wife, I just want to remind you that our program It has been aired for three episodes, and although the ratings have been rising steadily, don’t we have to hold a meeting to discuss and make the show better?”

The increase in ratings shows that more and more viewers like this program. Because of this, the program group should pay more attention to the content of interviews and attract more people to watch.

Today's entertainment industry is so prosperous, and the film and television industry is booming. Their program has stars, topics, and content. The potential is very large, and there is still room for improvement in the ratings.

"Sister Yan, I'll listen to you. From now on, we will choose one day every week to study the program." Xu Jie said.

He knew that Qin Yan attached great importance to "In-depth Film and Television Talk". After all, it was broadcast on the satellite TV channel. Unlike him, besides this program, there were other programs broadcast on the satellite TV channel.

For the people in each program center of Beijing TV Station, they are all proud that the program can be broadcast on the satellite TV channel, especially the host, and hope to show their face in front of the audience in the capital instead of showing their face in front of the national audience. This is a very rare event. Opportunities for self-expression are not available to any host.

"That's what you said!" Qin Yan became serious when she heard it. She was not willing to show her face on the art channel for the rest of her life. As the old saying goes, people go to high places and water flows to low places. She needs this program.

"Don't worry, I keep my word, can I go now?" Xu Jie asked.

"Let's go." Qin Yan waved her hand.

With Xu Jie's words just now, she felt relieved.

Xu Jie left the office, hurried to the parking lot, got in the car and went to the Olympic Sports Park.

The Beijing Food and Tourism Festival has been held for five years, and this year is the sixth year. Its purpose is to show the food culture and tourism landscape of Beijing to the world.

During the food tourism festival, tourists can not only see many delicacies in the capital, but also see some wonderful performances, singing, dancing, magic, acrobatics, tourists can even participate in the big stomach challenge, knowledge quiz, full of knowledge sex and fun.

And all of this is to promote the brand of tourism in Beijing.

When Xu Jie came to the Olympic Sports Park, many people had already gathered here, including performers and the media. Of course, such a big event, tourists are naturally indispensable. Listening to the voice, many of them are foreign tourists, and quite a few of them are Parents come with children.

In fact, during the summer vacation, there are many groups of tourists with parents and children like this. Their main purpose is to come to Beijing to see universities in advance. Target.

Xu Jie saw the people in the satellite TV program center, such a big event, the capital news will definitely report it.

"Director Xu, you're here." Wei Lan, the hostess of Beijing News, came over to greet Xu Jie.

Xu Jie is now a celebrity in the Beijing TV station, and because of the production of the program, he often goes to the TV program center, so he has already become acquainted with those staff.

Although the specifications of Jingcheng News are very good, Xu Jie is also someone who has been interviewed several times, and he is not interviewing others, but the subject of the interview. Can the host of Jingcheng News not know him?
"Sister Lan, why is it your turn to go out in person today?" Xu Jie asked.

News hosts rarely go out for interviews, but any interviews must be big events, such as this forum, that meeting, and the food and tourism festival.

"Because I am the host of the opening ceremony." Wei Lan said.

"Really?" Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this, "What a coincidence, I'm also the host."

"You?" Wei Lan was taken aback. She didn't think the other party was not qualified enough, but she had never seen the other party appear during the rehearsal before.

"Yes, I am the host of the webcast." Xu Jie said.

Wei Lan suddenly realized that it was so.

"I heard that your program group will broadcast the food and tourism festival online and help food companies sell their products. I will definitely interview you later." Wei Lan said with a smile .

"Sister Lan, stop joking, I have something to interview."

"Your program is the signature of Beijing cuisine, and you are also the promotion ambassador of Beijing cuisine. How could you be missed in this promotion?" Wei Lan said naturally.

Xu Jie thought to himself, he just finished reading the Beijing News, and it has only been less than a week, so should he do it again?
Isn't the number of times on the news a bit too frequent?
"Director Xu!" Shao Mingshun squeezed through the crowd and said enthusiastically, "Thank you for participating in this food tourism conference. Wait a minute and sit in the first row. I have already arranged a seat for you."

"No, my task today is to broadcast live and promote the food tourism festival, so don't reserve a seat for me, please allow me to move freely." Xu Jie said.

Those sitting in the first row were all important guests, such as leaders, celebrities, etc. As a media person, it was really difficult for him to join in the fun.

"Okay, then today's live broadcast is up to Mr. Xu. I have notified all the staff, performers and exhibitors in the venue to cooperate with your online live broadcast." Shao Mingshun still attaches great importance to this online live broadcast.

Because the Food Tourism Festival cannot be broadcast live on TV, at most it is reported in the news, so it is undoubtedly the best choice to let more people know and see it.

In fact, apart from the "Delicious History" program group, there is also a live broadcast team on site, which is the official live broadcast arranged by the organizer of this event. The two hosts are from Beijing TV Station and Beijing Broadcasting. They have joined forces and are quite well-known. High.

"Thank you Director Shao for the arrangement. With your words, I can let go of my hands and feet when the live broadcast is next." Xu Jie said.

The most embarrassing thing about the live broadcast was that the interviewee did not cooperate. Shao Mingshun's words gave him a reassurance.


(End of this chapter)

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