The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 379 Sense of Achievement

Chapter 379 Sense of Achievement

Xu Jie introduced while eating, clearing mines for the audience in the live broadcast room.

He is now considered a celebrity, so the owners of various stalls are vying to let him taste it, hoping to bring more popularity to their stalls. Who made him the director and starring of food culture programs?

Lao Xu recommends it, you can't go wrong.

This sentence is the recognition of Xu Jie from the fans of the show.

Xu Jie ate from the street to the end of the street, from one street to another. He knew that today's task was arduous, so he didn't even eat breakfast, but he was finally stretched. .

"There are too many snacks on site. I don't think I have eaten a quarter of them. You'd better come and try them yourself. Anyway, I really can't eat any more." Xu Jie said "uh" and typed Had a full burp.

He has always been a dedicated person, but today, he can no longer be dedicated. At the same time, he also understands how the colleague who tasted the food on Saturday felt.

"Old Xu, don't give up."

"Enduring to the end is victory."

The audience in the live broadcast room persuaded Xu Jie to continue eating. After all, most of the audience are not from the capital, and they have no plans to travel to the capital in a short time. It is impossible to try it in person. They can only watch Xu Jie taste it.

"I also want to persevere to the end, but my stomach doesn't allow it." Xu Jie patted his stomach. In order to make the audience more intuitive, he grabbed his shirt from behind and showed his slightly bulging stomach to fans. I hope everyone It's understandable, it's not that he doesn't want to eat, but that he really can't eat anymore.

As a result, the audience left messages in the comment area after seeing it.

"Old Xu, how many months has it been?"

"Boys and girls?"

"Is it Su Yun's?"

Xu Jie smiled wryly and said: "Don't make trouble, if you make trouble again, you will be responsible."

"I am willing to take responsibility."

"Okay, I admit it"

"Don't even grab me."

"its mine."


There was laughter in the live broadcast room.

Although Xu Jie didn't eat, he didn't delay in introducing it to the audience.

When he passes by a snack stall, he will explain the origin of the snack, and at the same time interview tourists to listen to the most authentic feedback.

Due to time constraints, Xu Jie came to the food exhibition area within a short time, and his appearance immediately attracted the attention of many exhibitors.

"It will be twelve o'clock in a few minutes, and the [-] kinds of delicacies carefully selected by our program team will be on the shelves soon. Now let me lead you into the food exhibition area. Many companies participating in the exhibition today are century-old brands." Xu Jie said to the camera.

It was about the time of the noon break, and the number of viewers in the live broadcast room was constantly changing, reaching one million soon, and still increasing.

Xu Jie came to the nearest booth, which is Hexiang Village, a food company that sells pastries. It has a history of more than 200 years and is one of the most famous pastries in Beijing. At the same time, a set of gift boxes will be sold in the live broadcast room .

"When it comes to Hexiang Village, don't I need to introduce too much? I believe people all over the country already know it. This time, our "Delicious History" program team deliberately selected a set of gift boxes for you. There are a total of twelve old-fashioned pastries in it. , I will find it for everyone..."

Xu Jie walked to the booth. There were pastries in bulk and gift boxes on the display cabinet. He introduced each kind of pastry, focusing on the taste of each pastry. Finally, he came to the gift box area and found the live broadcast room. The one in the car.

"Look, everyone, this is a gift box that will be sold on the car later. It is characterized by a complete range and rich flavors. Exhausted, have you seen the middle-aged man in the white shirt? He is the general manager of Hexiang Village, and he will continue to make up for you. In terms of price, everyone can rest assured that the ex-factory price is free shipping, yes Not Mr. He?" Xu Jie looked towards the general manager standing in the booth.

"Yes, you can only buy it at this price in Mr. Xu's live broadcast room. Our company does this to give back to the audience and fans of "Delicious History"." Mr. He said with a smile.

"Have you heard? This is the fan benefit of "Delicious History". I must remember it later to collect the wool." Xu Jie looked down at the time on his watch, and it was only one minute before twelve o'clock. Yes, originally he planned to go to a few more stores, but now it seems that he can only introduce them while selling them.

"It's almost twelve o'clock, everyone get ready, three, two, one, get in the car!"

A small yellow car immediately appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, and a picture of Hexiang Village cakes appeared, showing the price and purchase.

I saw that the number of sales increased rapidly, one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, in about half a minute, ten thousand orders were sold out.

There were also a lot of messages in the comment area.

"Hand speed is slow, payment failed."

"I didn't get it again."

"Take another [-] orders, hurry up!"

Xu Jie didn't hesitate, and directly placed another [-] orders.

Soon, it was sold out again.

Xu Jie placed another [-] orders.

Still sold out.

The general manager of Hexiang Village on the side has been stunned. The selling speed is too fast, right? A gift box worth 76 yuan sold 2 orders in less than 200 minutes?This is more than [-] million sales, and it is still increasing.

Xu Jie felt that adding [-] to [-] was too troublesome, and finally came directly with an order of [-], which was not sold out in the first place, but judging by the growing number, it was only a matter of time before it was sold out.

Because of the limited lunch break, Xu Jie didn't stay at the Hexiang Village booth for too long, and walked quickly to the next booth.

"Now I have come to the booth of Yuxiangzhai Food Company. Friends in the live broadcast room may not be familiar with this name. Its main products are autumn pear paste and lemon paste, which have a history of more than 100 years. The traditional autumn pear paste is a kind of Medicinal food has the effect of relieving cough, eliminating phlegm, promoting body fluid and nourishing the lungs. However, Yuxiangzhai has developed many new types of food after continuous trials. Today I bring you two products of Yuxiangzhai. One is Qiuli paste that can be soaked in water to drink, and one is lemon paste that can be put in the mouth..."

After Xu Jie's introduction ended, there were two more items in the little yellow cart.

Modern people are stressed, fall in love with fire, and often feel uncomfortable in their throats. Qiuli cream and lemon cream both have a certain effect on this. Therefore, the two products were put on the shelves for less than half a minute, and they were quickly dismissed by fans.

Xu Jie directly added another [-] orders, and then walked to the next one.

In this way, Xu Jie went from booth to booth and introduced company to company. The main ones were companies with products on shelves, and companies without products on shelves, he also gave a brief introduction.

In fact, there are hundreds of food companies participating in the exhibition today, and many of them have sent Xu Jie products to try. Why didn’t Xu Jie choose those companies?One is because many products are duplicated. Under such circumstances, Xu Jie will definitely choose representative time-honored brands first. Second, after tasting by colleagues in the unit, some food tastes are really ordinary, so Xu Jie does not put it on the shelves, even if it is a time-honored brand. not for sale.

Soon, all 1 kinds of products were introduced, and the [-] orders in the first round were basically sold out within [-] minute, and the subsequent [-] orders lasted relatively longer.

Modern people rarely treat themselves badly when it comes to food, and they are willing to spend money.

Now when you go out to a restaurant, at least one hundred is the base price. If you want to have a good meal, you need hundreds of dollars, but in Xu Jie’s live broadcast room, you can buy half of the goods, and at the same time Experience the joy of unpacking the express delivery, why not do it?
What's more, most of the audience who came to the live broadcast room were fans of the show "Delicious History", and they came for the show and Xu Jie, so why not buy it?
Even those who don't plan to buy, after listening to Xu Jie's introduction, will be hooked into greedy people, buy one or two to try.

Xu Jie stayed in the exhibition area for two hours, and then returned to the snack street to continue the live broadcast of snacks.

In the evening, more people came to the food tourism festival, but Xu Jie was going to get off work.

Before leaving, he found Shao Mingshun.

"Director Shao, it's getting late, and we have to go back to work," Xu Jie said.

"Director Xu, are you leaving so early? There's still a light show at night, why don't you stay and take a look?" Shao Mingshun asked.

"No, there is still a lot of work tomorrow." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

I'm going to film at the film and television base tomorrow, and I've already made an appointment with the star. Go back tonight and have an early rest, and go to the film and television base early tomorrow.

"Okay, then I won't keep you." Shao Mingshun said, holding Xu Jie's hand tightly, and said gratefully: "Director Xu, thank you so much today, you not only promoted the food tourism festival online, It has attracted a lot of attention and helped food companies sell their products. You alone sold [-] million in the live broadcast room. I really don’t know how to thank you.”

Today's live broadcast sales were very successful. From [-]:[-] noon to [-]:[-] pm, in just four hours, the sales exceeded [-] million.

Originally, all the food companies came here to do publicity, and they didn't think about how much they would sell, but who would have thought that there would be unexpected gains.

Although a few million is nothing to various companies, it is really not easy to sell so much of a product.

And they also saw the influence of "Delicious History" and Xu Jie from this incident, which is no worse than those big e-commerce anchors.

The key is that people sell them for free and do publicity for free. Who doesn't say thank you?
"It's nothing, promoting tourism in the capital is what our program team should do." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Originally, he didn't want to come to this food tourism conference, but seeing the final sales, he felt that today was not in vain.

The members of the program group standing behind Xu Jie were also full of excitement and pride. Compared with the anger and depression when they knew that there was an official live broadcast in the morning, they felt elated at this time.

Can your live broadcast, that is, publicity, sell [-] million goods?
Now, everyone's heart is filled with a sense of accomplishment.

I don't care about those official live broadcasts and Internet celebrity live broadcasts at all.

All brothers!


(End of this chapter)

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