The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 380 Xu Jie Gets Serious

Chapter 380 Xu Jie Gets Serious

The task of live broadcasting the Beijing Food and Tourism Festival was over, and Xu Jie and his friends from the "Delicious History" program group re-entered the intense program shooting.

There is only half a month left until September. Although we are in a hurry, fortunately there is nothing else to do in the second half of the month, so everyone is still very confident in finishing the program.

Of course, Xu Jie was not among those who had nothing else to do.

In addition to "Delicious History", he also has "In-depth Film and Television Talk" to be filmed. Qin Yan has already talked to him, and he also promised the other party to choose a day for each episode to specialize in the program. It is a man who promises a beautiful woman to do it I realized that spitting is also a nail, and he also promised director Zhang Weiqiang that he would spend two days a week to discuss the plot with the crew, and he was so busy that he wished for ten days a week.

Xu Jie felt that he could no longer work like this. He didn't know if he could get promoted and raise his salary to reach the pinnacle of his life. Anyway, the chance of sudden death must be higher than others.

The program team spent three days filming the stars' scenes, and then returned to the station to start post-production.

In the post-production editing room of the Satellite TV Program Center, Xu Jie tried to speak as little as possible, and let the friends in the program group participate more in the post-production, and only speak when there is a problem.

The reason why he did this was to train his friends, and train a few "students" to take over his class. Even in his absence, he could complete the program according to the script.

Although he had said this to everyone before, but because there were not many things at that time, what he said became just talk, but this time, he made up his mind.

Whether it's for the new program or to accompany Su Yun, he must find a successor.

After lunch in the canteen, everyone gathered to discuss the direction of production in the afternoon.

"Director Xu, I found that you are different today." Liu Hua said while looking at Xu Jie while eating.

"Why is it different?" Xu Jie asked, but he knew very well in his heart that women are really sensitive.

"I think you don't talk much today." Liu Hua said.

"Yes, I feel the same way. Is there something uncomfortable?" Song Huanhuan asked with concern.

The others recalled it carefully after hearing it, and it seemed to be true. Director Xu had a lot of ideas when he started working, but today he seems to be pretending to be deep.

"No." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "You all said very well in the process of making the program today, and you also put forward many bold ideas. What do you want me to say? Criticize you for not doing that? Although our program The ratings have been good, but we can’t stand still, we need constant innovation and change, and sometimes I have to learn from you.”

When everyone heard it, it turned out that this was the case.

Thinking about the morning, it may be because of the tight time, everyone has a sense of urgency, so the discussion will inevitably be more intense.

"In the past, we would go directly to shoot after finishing the script, come back to do the post-production after the filming, and free activities after the post-production, but after today's incident, I made a decision." Xu Jie looked at the others and said seriously: " In future programs, we will spend two days discussing the content, one day before filming and one day before post-production, and then everyone will express their opinions and contribute to our program.”

In his view, the process of discussion is the process of learning, training and growth.

Everyone smiled wryly when they heard Director Xu's words, and at the same time they kept muttering in their hearts, it's good that Director Xu didn't speak, but when he spoke, everyone directly lost two days of free activities.

It seems that we should let Director Xu talk less in the future.

After the meal, everyone returned to the satellite TV program center to seize the time for post-production.

Xu Jie stayed with everyone for a while, then left the house and returned to the art program center.

In the small meeting room at this time, Qin Yan and the people from the program team of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" have already arrived.

Xu Jie pushed the door and walked in, and said apologetically, "Sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long."

"No, we are just here too." Zhao Gang said.

"Yes, not long." Miao Zhenzhen said with a smile.

At this time, an unsocial and cold voice sounded.

"I've been waiting for a long time!"

When Xu Jie saw the person who was speaking, he had a wry smile on his face. It was Qin Yan.

It was already agreed that he would spend more energy on "In-depth Film and Television Talk", but Qin Yan was in charge of Thursday's program because he was filming at the film and television base. Can the other party not be angry?
"What was the ratings of the show last night?" Xu Jie looked at the others and asked, Qin Yan at this moment is like a ball of explosives, it's better not to touch it, otherwise it will be easy to blow up.

Hearing Xu Jie's question, everyone present immediately became excited.

"Director Xu, the ratings of last night's program were 1.211, ranking first in the evening." Miao Zhenzhen said.

Thursday is a working day, and there are no entertainment programs in the evening, so programs with celebrities and topics like "In-depth Film and Television Talk" have become the targets of most people to watch.

Although the ratings are not comparable to "Delicious History", the ratings of 1.211 are enough to be king on weekdays, and of course not every time.

"Really? That's really good." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this: "Let me just say, Sister Yan is both talented and beautiful. She can also be a reporter, a host, and a choreographer. The filmmaker is not far away."

He seized the opportunity and quickly patted Qin Yan's flattery. After all, when he gets busy in the future, Qin Yan will be required to stand up and take charge of this program.

"Go away!" Qin Yan said without curiosity, and had already seen through this man, "Liar, you are a big liar. You used to know that you appeared during the recording of the show. Since you told me on Monday that you would focus on After the program "In-depth Film and Television Talk", I didn't even appear in the recorded program."

Xu Jie blushed, scratched his head and said, "Well, there's really something going on these few days, aren't you here now?"

"What are you doing here after the recording of the show? Why haven't you been seen?" Qin Yan questioned.

Not even showing his face in the unit, which is a bit outrageous.

"Just because the show is over, everyone should get together to discuss what's wrong with the show. After all, this is a new show that needs constant exploration." Xu Jie said eloquently.

Old programs need innovation, and new programs need to be explored. Anyway, he is the director, so he has a reason.

"Have you brought the data I want?" Xu Jie asked.

Qin Yan glanced at it, then pushed the notebook on the table over.

Xu Jie opened it and looked at it seriously.

It contains the ratings data information of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", including the ratings of each time period, the overall ratings curve, and even the ratings of the whole night, as well as the data of 78 key observation cities across the country.

"Although the overall ratings of our program are not bad, the ratings curve fluctuates greatly. Why does it go up and why does it go down? Why do people switch channels when they watch it? Have you thought about it?" Xu Jie looked at the crowd and asked.

Those present looked at each other after hearing it, and were all stopped by Director Xu's words.

The ratings of the programs you made in the past were too low, but now you see that the ratings of the programs are good, and you ignore these problems.

It is already number one in ratings, what more bike do you need?

"You have never thought about it, have you?" Xu Jie frowned.

Everyone lowered their heads involuntarily.

"Are you satisfied with the current ratings?" Xu Jie asked again.

No one in the room spoke, but they are really satisfied with the current ratings. It's not because of their Buddhism, but because this is already the highest-rated program they have ever done, except for large-scale variety shows of course.

Xu Jie scanned everyone's faces, his eyes gradually became sharper.

Sure enough, it's impossible to sit in the town without yourself. These people have been in the cultural program center for a long time, and they have no self-motivation, and they are too easy to be satisfied.

If a program wants to be influential and truly popular, it is absolutely impossible to achieve ratings that do not break 2.

For a program, 2 is a hurdle, if you can't break 2, it's not considered popular, let alone influence.

And he has great expectations for "In-depth Film and Television Talk". If he can't even break 2, how can he be influential in the film and television industry or even in the entertainment industry?

Don't say it's because the show is broadcast on weekdays. "Delicious History" is broadcast exclusively on weekdays. Why can the ratings break 2?

"Zhao Gang, play yesterday's program again, and share the real-time ratings curve with everyone. After each program is broadcast, we will analyze the ratings curve to understand what the audience likes to watch and what they don't like to watch!" Xu Jie said seriously.

Fortunately, this meeting was held in time, otherwise the program would be finalized, and it would be very difficult to increase the ratings and influence.

Qin Yan originally had resentment towards Xu Jie, but when she saw Xu Jie suddenly became serious and said every sentence to the point, she immediately abandoned the previous dissatisfaction in her heart.

I thought to myself: As expected of a person who has done a popular show, his attitude towards the show is different.

People like them, because the program is broadcast on the Literature and Art Channel, and it is only in the capital, so even if they pay attention to the ratings, they will not study it in detail.

She has also seen the ratings curve, but she thinks it is normal for a program to have valleys and peaks. Who can guarantee that the quality of the program can be maintained from the beginning to the end, and that every minute of content can attract viewers?

Just like "In-depth Film and Television Talk", some people like the gossip part, some people like the movie part, they watch the content they like to watch, and they don't watch the content they don't like to watch. Who watches TV and doesn't change the channel?
However, in Xu Jie's eyes, all of this seemed to be a problem, and it was not the audience's problem, but the program group's problem.

Although this man was invited by her to enter the art program center, she had never done a program with him before. "In-depth Film and Television Talk" was the first time, and finally let her see the serious work side of the other party.

But thinking of these, she became suspicious again.

Why wasn't the other party like this at the beginning, but after a few episodes?
Is it just because there is no time?

Qin Yan couldn't help but looked up at the man opposite, only to see that the man was sizing up everyone present, and at the same time seemed to be thinking about something.

Could it be a test for new program members?

Well, it is possible!

(End of this chapter)

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