The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 383 Flickering under the banner of a TV station

Chapter 383 Flickering under the banner of a TV station
"'Delicious History'? Xu Jie?"

A woman's surprised voice came from the microphone. It was obvious that she had finally heard it this time.

"In-depth Film and Television Talk" is a new program that has only been on the air for a month. In contrast, "Delicious History" has been on the air for more than half a year, and its ratings are extremely high. It must surpass the former in terms of popularity.

"Hello, Director Xu. I'm Chen Dong's assistant. He's attending an event. May I ask what you can do with him?" the woman asked politely.

"I would like to invite him to a program on our Beijing TV Station, which will be on this Wednesday." Xu Jie said simply.

"Wednesday? I'm sorry Director Xu, Chen Dong already has work arrangements for this Wednesday." The female assistant said apologetically.

"Tuesday is fine too," Xu Jie said.

"There are also arrangements on Tuesday." The female assistant replied.

"Give the phone to Chen Dong." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

He felt that it was useless to talk to the assistant, the assistant was not the agent, the agent and the star were in a cooperative relationship, and the assistant was purely the star's employee, the employee could not manage the boss, let alone make decisions for the boss.

"Director Xu, the event won't be over for a while..." The female assistant said tactfully, she knew that the other party was the program director of Beijing TV Station, so she couldn't offend him because of this.

"It's okay, I can wait." Xu Jie said lightly.

The female assistant looked embarrassed when she heard it. The other party could wait, but she didn't dare to make him wait longer.

Anyone can offend anyone these days, but people from the TV station can't be offended, let alone people from the Beijing TV station. Many big shots in the Beijing circle have come from the Beijing TV station.

She looked at Chen Dong anxiously, and after a while, she saw the boss coming down from the activity stage, and immediately walked over quickly, saying, "Brother Dong, Xu Jie, the director of "Delicious History", is on the phone here. On Wednesday, I invited you to Beijing TV Station to participate in a program, and I explained to him that you have work on Wednesday, but he insisted on calling you."

Chen Dong was stunned for a moment, thinking: Could it be that Director Xu wanted to invite himself to participate in the filming of the program "Delicious History"?

"I'm back." He took the phone, talked to the event party, and then went to a corner to answer the phone, "Director Xu, hello, I'm Chen Dong."

Xu Jie checked the call time, it was just 5 minutes, it was okay, not too long.

"Hello, it's like this. We have a new program called "In-depth Film and Television Talk" on our Beijing TV station. It is dedicated to interviewing the crew of upcoming movies and TV dramas. Evening show number one..."

Xu Jie first highlighted the performance of the program, the purpose is to let the other party know that "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is not an influential program, so as to attract the other party's attention.

It's not just the program, but it's also the same with people. When you introduce someone, you should first mention the achievements he has made so that he can be valued. Otherwise, if you are not the richest man in the country, who knows what you do?

Xu Jie continued: "Next Monday, "The First Half of Her Life" will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV's Golden Theater, so the station wants to invite the main cast and crew of the crew to participate in this program to promote this TV series. I think you also hope that the TV series you act in will have a good rating, right?"

Of course, Chen Dong hoped that the TV series he acted in would have good ratings. The higher the ratings, the more people would watch. As the lead actor, his popularity would naturally increase.

May I ask which actor doesn't want the TV series he starred in to become popular?
Some actors buy popularity, buy news, buy ratings, don't they just hope that the TV series will become popular, and follow the trend themselves?

In addition, it is a program of Beijing TV Station, and it is also the director of Beijing TV Station, so it has to be given face.

"Director Xu, thank you for your invitation. I am very willing to participate in your program, but my work schedule has been arranged in advance, and Wednesday is very busy. Can you postpone the interview for a week or two?" Chen Dong tentatively asked.

"The program "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is broadcast every Thursday night, and the purpose of the program is to warm up the film and television drama. If it is postponed for a week or two, the TV series will have already been broadcast by then, can it still be called a warm-up?" Xu Jie thought for a while and then said: "I also have an appointment with several other leading actors on Wednesday, so I hope Mr. Chen can take some time out of his busy schedule to come to our Beijing TV station. Time is like a chest groove. Yes, if you don’t have time during the day, you can do it at night.”

When Chen Dong heard that the other leading actors had already been negotiated, he was even more embarrassed to decline, so he said, "Director Xu, can Wednesday night be okay? After participating in the activities during the day, I will try to go to the capital at night."

It seems that we can only turn down some entertainment.

"Okay, let's meet at Beijing TV Station at 8 o'clock in the evening." Xu Jie said after hearing it.


After talking on the phone, Xu Jie had a smile on his face.

Finally tricked one, it will be easier in the future.

Xu Jie started calling the second person, Zhou Yili.

"Beep... beep... click!"

"Hello." The phone was quickly connected, and a woman's voice came from inside.

"Hello, I'm Xu Jie, the director of the program "Deep Talk on Film and Television" of Beijing TV Station. I want to talk to Zhou Yili about work." Xu Jie asked.

"I am," the woman said.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, he thought he was an assistant again.

"Miss Zhou, in order to warm up the TV drama "Her First Half of Life" which will be aired on Beijing Satellite TV's Golden Theater next Monday, Beijing TV Station would like to invite all the leading actors to participate in my program "Deep Talk on Film and Television" for an interview. The time is scheduled for Wednesday night The recording at 8 o'clock will be held at the cultural program center of Beijing TV Station, Chen Dong and several other main cast and crew will come, I wonder if you can come to participate?"

Xu Jie invited again in the name of Taili. He found that Beijing TV Station was still very useful in front of these stars, but he did not lie. After all, his program was the program of Beijing TV Station, and he was an employee of the TV station, so he The invitation from is equal to the invitation from Beijing TV Station.

Perfect explanation.

Zhou Yili was stunned when she heard it. Originally, she didn't want to accept the interview, but what Director Xu said immediately lost her temper.

She can't afford to offend Beijing TV Station.

Promoting TV dramas is also her job.

The other actors agreed, if she didn't agree, those who didn't know would think she was playing big.

"Alright Director Xu, I will be there on time at 8 o'clock on Wednesday night." Zhou Yili said.

"Thank you, I'll be waiting for you at Beijing TV Station."

After fooling around with the second one, Xu Jie became more confident.

No time to?
These stars just say no time to people who don't care.

For program invitations, celebrities may not come, but for TV station invitations, celebrities will definitely consider it seriously.

Xu Jie directly dialed the number of the third person.

"Hello, is this Ms. Jiang Baihe? I am the director of the program "Deep Talk on Film and Television" of Beijing TV Station. The TV series "Her First Half Noon" you starred in will be launched on Beijing Satellite TV next week. Our TV station decided to invite everyone to accept interviews and preview the TV series Re Chen Dong and Zhou Yili have already agreed, if you don't believe me, you can ask the producer of the TV series..."

"I will definitely be there."

Fourth call.

"Hello, I'm Beijing TV..."

"Thank you Director Xu for the invitation, I will definitely go."

Fifth call.



Soon, Xu Jie got all four leading actors and directors in order.

In addition, he also arranged a task for director Qi He, which was to contact other cast and crew of "The First Half of Her Life", such as the male third female third assistant director and so on.

In the end, I even called the producer Guan Yang and invited him to participate. In short, the more people come, the better.

Because the more people there are, the more topics to talk about.

Among these people, directors and producers are the best to deal with, because they have more scruples, what if the Beijing TV station does not buy their TV series in the future?
Therefore, compared with film crews, TV stations have greater influence on TV drama crews.

Xu Jie returned to the art program center.

As soon as he showed up, the members of the "In-depth Film and Television Talk" program group watched him.

Obviously, they had heard the news from Miao Zhenzhen that the invitation to the TV series "The First Half of Her Life" was not successful.

"Director Xu, how is it?" Qin Yan asked with concern.

After listening to Miao Zhenzhen's narration before, she was always restless, and she didn't even have the heart to do the work of collecting materials.

"It's done!" Xu Jie made an OK gesture.

After everyone saw it, the worry on their faces immediately turned into surprise, but there was one person who didn't understand, and that was Miao Zhenzhen.

"Director Xu, how did you tell those celebrities?" Miao Zhenzhen asked curiously, she wanted to learn.

"How did you tell them?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"I said: I am the editor-director of Beijing Satellite TV's "In-depth Film and Television Talk" program, and I would like to invite you to participate in our program..." Miao Zhenzhen recalled and said.

It's not word for word, but that's basically what it means.

"What I'm talking about is: Beijing TV Station invites everyone to be interviewed to warm up the TV series." Xu Jie said with a smile.

When everyone heard this, they immediately knew where Miao Zhenzhen was compared to Director Xu.

One is an invitation issued in the name of a program group, and the other is an invitation issued in the name of a TV station. Although the content expressed is the same, the meaning is completely different.

For celebrities, they can participate in the program or not, but the TV station's invitation is seriously considered.

If you don't go on the show, you will offend the people in the show group at most, but if you don't accept the invitation of the TV station, you may offend the leadership of the TV station. Do you want to be on this TV station again in the future?
The corner of Qin Yan's mouth twitched, thinking: This guy has started fooling around again.

In the past, they used to fool publicity fees, but now they directly fool people.

"Director Xu, are you okay with what you said?" Miao Zhenzhen asked worriedly, always feeling that Director Xu's behavior was suspected of going outside to bluff and deceive under the banner of a TV station.

"What can be the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the people present and said, "It's not that I said you, you should be more confident in front of those stars in the future. Director Jiang said that when we go out to do errands, we represent the capital TV station, and we can't give it to the station. It's embarrassing inside, understand?"

Everyone was stunned, collectively speechless.

Is this going to throw the blame on Director Jiang?


(End of this chapter)

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