The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 384 Immediate Results

Chapter 384 Immediate Results
In a blink of an eye, on Wednesday, all the other program groups left, only the "In-depth Film and Television Talk" program group remained.

Because the latest episode of the program will be recorded tonight, everyone went to the cafeteria and returned to the office after eating, making final preparations for the upcoming interview.

After Xu Jie finished the program seminar, the content of this interview has been changed a lot, and some new elements have been added, hoping to attract more viewers. It is also an attempt.

As a new program, it still needs to advance in the process of exploration. Even if it has won the first place in the ratings, it still needs to keep improving.

This is not only the attitude of making programs, but also the attitude of doing things and being a person.

When the time came to 07:30, Xu Jie left the editing room of the satellite TV program center and came to the gate of the TV station to wait for the arrival of several stars who were recording the program.

"Director Xu, the pears you sold last time were delicious, do you have any more?" the security guard asked Xu Jie through the window.

"The big ones are gone, and there are still some small ones." Xu Jie said after hearing this, "You bought it too?"

"Not only I bought it, everyone in our security team bought it. It's cheap, helps farmers, and can support Director Xu. It's worth the twenty yuan." The security guard said with a smile.

"Thank you for your support." Xu Jie cupped his hands to express his gratitude.

As far as he knows, in addition to the security team and the canteen, the art program center and the satellite TV program center basically have a box. , to show support for him and for the show.

Not long after, a commercial vehicle appeared outside the gate. Xu Jie walked over immediately after seeing it.

This kind of car appeared on TV, [-]% is the nanny car of a star.

The car door opened, and a beautiful woman stepped out of the car.

"Miss Jiang, welcome to our capital TV station." Xu Jie said enthusiastically, the person who came was Jiang Baihe, one of the four leading actors.

The other party has not only won the queen of TV, but also won the queen of the movie, no matter in the TV circle or in the movie circle, he has a certain influence.

There is a strange phenomenon in the film and television industry. Many actors are either TV guys or movie guys. Movie guys will overturn if they act in TV dramas, and TV guys will become box office poison if they go to make movies. Jiang Baihe is a rare talent An actress who can eat well in both circles.

"Director Xu, hello." Jiang Baihe said with a smile.

When she was in the car, she recognized him at a glance. Although this man is not an artist, he is an out-and-out celebrity. The director and starring role of "Delicious History" has a very high popularity base.

"Thank you very much for coming to our show." Xu Jie looked at the other party and said, although it was dark, but under the light, the other party looked obviously more beautiful than in the photo.

"I'm also very honored to be able to participate in Director Xu's show." Jiang Baihe said after hearing this.

Before receiving the call from the other party, she didn't know about the program "In-depth Film and Television Talk", but after receiving the call from Xu Jie, she specifically watched the program online.

It turns out that many film crews and stars have participated in this program, including some first-line stars, and the ratings have repeatedly set new highs.

As a talk show to promote film and television dramas, it is quite good to be able to achieve this level.

"You are too polite. They haven't come yet. You are the first one. Please come with me." After speaking, Xu Jie stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

"Thank you!" Jiang Baihe nodded politely towards Xu Jie, and walked towards the building.

Xu Jie led Jiang Baihe to the studio of the Art Program Center, and the makeup artist immediately put on makeup for Jiang Baihe.

Although "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is a talk show, it also wants to show the beautiful side of the stars. Who wouldn't want to watch handsome men and beautiful women?

Xu Jie is married, and he should look the same when he meets a beautiful woman.

No other thoughts, just for the joy of the mood.

After arranging Jiang Baihe, Xu Jie came downstairs.

In the next ten minutes, several other actors and directors came to the TV station one after another.

After the celebrities finished their makeup, Xu Jie gathered everyone together, looked at the crowd and said, "I believe everyone has watched this show, right?"


The crowd nodded.

Those who have seen it will have seen it, and those who have not seen it will go back and watch it immediately after receiving the call.

Since you want to participate in a program, of course you must understand the program, this is part of the job.

"That's good."

Xu Jie sent the questions sorted out in the past few days to the stars.

His program has always been bold in asking questions. These people will come after watching it, which shows that they fully accept this kind of interview in their hearts. This will bring a lot of convenience to the subsequent recording of the program and save more time.

The stars looked at the paper in their hands, and even though they were mentally prepared before coming, they were still surprised and depressed when faced with these problems.

This show really dares to ask anything.

In fact, the questions in each program are carefully selected by Xu Jie. The questions seem bold and even contain a lot of privacy-related content, but they do not touch the bottom line of the star.

As stars, they themselves know very well that if an artist wants to be popular, it is very difficult to get ahead by relying on their works alone. How many people can play the leading roles in big productions as soon as they debut?Therefore, hyping up one's privacy has become a good way to increase exposure and popularity.

May I ask the current first-line stars, Shidishihou, who hasn't hyped it?
It's just that I used to do it myself, but now the program group does it. Because TV programs have a certain influence, the effect will be better.

The stars get exposure, the works gain popularity, and the program increases the ratings. This is a win-win situation, so sometimes even if you know that some questions are too much, you will answer them.

Well, there is no gossip, can you be called a star?
After Xu Jie made sure that everyone had no objections, he arranged for Qin Yan to appear on stage, and communicated with the interviewee before the official recording.

This step is very important, and it will help increase the tacit understanding between the host and the star.

It didn't take long, the communication was completed, and the recording officially started.

In fact, the recording of the talk show is relatively simple. It is nothing more than a question and an answer, enjoying the smoothness. This is why Xu Jie gave the show to Qin Yan before.

The recording lasted for two hours and finally ended. Xu Jie returned to the office after sending people away.

Although it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, none of the colleagues in the program group left. Everyone gathered together to carry out post-production on the program.

Because just finished the interview, this is the time when everyone is most clear-headed, and even remember every question and some details of the interview very clearly, so doing the post-production now can present the best interview effect in the program.


On the second day, the program aired normally.

On Friday, the ratings were released.

The ratings of "In-depth Film and Television Talk": 1.356.

An increase of 0.245 from before.

Easily won the night's ratings first.

It seems that the increase is not much, but in fact this value is already very high, because the ratings of many programs are less than 0.245.

Take the tenth-ranked program that night as an example, the ratings were only 0.243.

Seeing this ratings, everyone in the program team was very happy, because the program once again won the first ratings.

It's just that while everyone is excited, they still have lingering fears, because this time it is only 2 higher than No.0.121.

If Director Xu hadn't held the seminar and the interview content of the show hadn't been changed in time, would the ratings still be number one?
neither knows.

Just when everyone was about to disperse, Xu Jie said a word.

"Go to the conference room for a meeting!"

After speaking, he walked to the conference room.

When everyone saw it, they were full of question marks, what kind of meeting was there?Is it an addiction to meetings?

"Sister Yan, what's the matter?" Miao Zhenzhen asked Qin Yan.

Although they are all in the same program group, there are also differences in their relationship. Among the entire program group, Qin Yan has the closest relationship with Director Xu, so everyone is used to asking Qin Yan what is the matter with Director Xu.

"I don't know." Qin Yan shook her head.

Everyone looked at each other, and even Qin Yan didn't know, so no one knew, so they got up and walked into the conference room one by one.

Xu Jie directly took out last night's ratings curve and distributed it to everyone present.

"Let's take a look, what's the change in last night's ratings curve compared to before?" Xu Jie asked, which is also the key point of this meeting.

Changes have been made to the show, and now is the time to let everyone know the effect.

Everyone lowered their heads and carefully looked at the graph in their hands, and quickly saw the key.

"The change in ratings is not as big as before." Qin Yan said first.

It's not obvious just by looking at it, but if you compare it with the previous ratings curve, the effect will be obvious.

"Yes, the ratings curves of the previous episodes fluctuated up and down, but this time the ratings curve is relatively flat." Miao Zhenzhen said.

"That's right, the ratings curve has been rising steadily, which means that more and more viewers are watching, and they are very sticky. They don't change channels or turn off the TV." Lu Cheng said.

This is a very good phenomenon for a program.

What are you most afraid of on the show?
It's just that the ratings curve fluctuates too much.

The ratings are not stable, indicating that the program has serious problems and there are too many things that need to be changed.

Just like the previous shows, up and down, like a roller coaster, but now, like the map of China, it grows slowly from east to west.

Obviously, Director Xu's previous meeting had worked.

"Director Xu, you are the best!" Miao Zhenzhen looked at Xu Jie with admiration.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

Director Xu held a meeting, not only did the ratings increase a lot, even the ratings curve changed.

"Director Xu, you should come to our "In-depth Film and Television Talk" program group more often in the future, and don't just go to "Delicious History" all day long."

"Yeah, from last night's ratings curve, we can see that our show still has great potential, and I believe it will break 2 sooner or later!"

"Yes, more than "Delicious History"!"

Xu Jie couldn't help smiling wryly after hearing this.

They are all his children, so why rush each other!

(End of this chapter)

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