Chapter 385


Xu Jie came to the unit.

The post-production of "Delicious History" is nearing completion, because the program is broadcast on the first week of each month, and the last day of August is next Tuesday, so the official broadcast of the program will not be until September [-]th, which is Said there were still eight days.

According to the current production progress of the program, eight days is still quite enough for them, so everyone's psychological burden is no longer so heavy, and the working atmosphere is relatively relaxed.

Xu Jie stayed at the TV station for a whole morning, and then gave the program team members a vacation. After everyone returned from Lishu Village, they only had two days of rest before devoting themselves to intense program shooting. These days have been day and night Working overtime and rushing to work, the average person has already lost five catties, but now the average person has lost at least three catties.

It sounds like a joke when the staff of a food show loses their scales, but it actually happened to them.

Of course, Xu Jie’s doing this also has an element of selfishness in it, because he is going to the production team, and the program team really doesn’t have time to come. Seeing that the work tasks have already been rushed back, we simply give everyone a day and a half off. Let everyone go home and make adjustments.

Regarding Xu Jie's decision, everyone also called him wise. For them, there is no extravagant hope now, as long as they can sleep well and wake up naturally.

Xu Jie came to the film and television base by car, and was about to go to the set of "Mulan", when a cry came suddenly.


Xu Jie stopped, looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Su Lei running towards him while waving outside a studio with the architectural style of the Republic of China not far away.

"Brother-in-law, why are you here? Are you here to see me?" Su Lei asked excitedly.

Xu Jie sized him up and down. He was dressed in a white suit, combed his hair in two to eight quarters, and his hair was bright and shiny. He used at least half a can of hairspray, but some people looked like dogs. Combined with the buildings of the Republic of China behind, It should be someone's young master.

He looked at the expecting gaze of the other party, although he was very annoyed by this brother-in-law, but since he saw it, he still had to say hello, so he said, "You think too much, I'm here to see your sister."

"My sister? Is she here too?" Su Lei asked in surprise.

"Hmm." Xu Jie nodded, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Aren't you filming a criminal action movie? Why are you here in Minguo Architecture?"

He remembered that after asking Hu Zhen to find an audition for Su Lei, Hu Zhen called him specifically and told him that he had already found a crew for Su Lei, and that Su Lei also passed the audition. It was a modern crime film. But the streetscapes of these buildings seen now obviously have nothing to do with modern times.

Could it be that there are elements of time travel?

It's a bit unreliable!
After Su Lei heard it, he immediately smiled triumphantly.

"Brother-in-law, it's all old calendars. The movie you mentioned was finished last month. I'm making another movie now, a spy movie, in which I play the son of a high-ranking official. , How about it, isn't it extraordinary?" Su Lei put his hands in his pockets as he spoke, and posed for a pose.

The movies he made in the past were all found for him by his brother-in-law, but this time, he got the role through his own efforts. Can you be unhappy?
"Hu Zhen found it for you again?" Xu Jie looked at his brother-in-law. With his virtue, he doesn't look like a prince in a dragon robe, and he doesn't look like a son-in-law in a suit, he looks like a hooligan.

In fact, Xu Jie guessed right, the son of this high-ranking official's family is a hooligan who often wears a suit when he enters romantic places for the first time.

"No, the assistant director of the last movie introduced it to me." Su Lei said.


Xu Jie was slightly surprised, thinking that his brother-in-law would be able to accept the film appointment by himself, and it seemed that his vision was right.

Although the other party was foolish, and even a little brain-dead, but in terms of looks alone, he was still a decent piece of fresh meat.

In today's entertainment industry where fresh meat dominates, it is uncertain whether it will be popular, but it should be no problem to find a role.

Especially villains.

How many of the current little fresh meat can play the villain well?Su Lei, this kid can be regarded as finding another way, not taking the usual way.

There is an old saying: men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man.

Facts have proved that even if it is garbage, as long as you choose the right garbage bin, it can be well utilized.

"Not bad, do it well." Xu Jie patted the other party's dog's head.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely not embarrass you and my sister." Su Lei said with a rare seriousness: "I want to let the relatives in the family know that I, Su Lei, not only know how to play games, but I can also win the title of Best Actor." .”

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, and just as he was about to praise the other party, this kid committed his old habit of bragging again.

Take the actor?
just you?

"It's good for you to have such an idea, but people are not grass, you don't need to become a talent, and you don't have to be an actor. As long as you can do a good job as an actor, you are already very good." Xu Jie was worried that the other party was eager for quick success, and his head was hot Do something reckless, so quickly reason with the other party.

"I know, but people always have dreams, otherwise what is the difference with salted fish?" Su Lei asked again while talking: "By the way, where is my sister? I'll go and see her."

"The Hua Mulan crew is quite far from here, so don't go there if you have nothing to do." Xu Jie said lightly, he was worried that the other party would go and cause trouble for Su Yun.

"It's okay brother-in-law, I am familiar with this film and television base, and I will take care of my sister." Su Lei said with a smile.

"..." Xu Jie was speechless.

You've only been in the entertainment industry for a few days, not a single movie has been released, and you don't even have the slightest bit of fame, so you're starting to pretend?

"By the way, brother-in-law, there is something I want to discuss with you." Su Lei said seriously: "President Hu's Liangxing agency wants to sign me, do you think I will?"

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, signed Su Lei?What is Hu Zhen trying to do?Did you drink fake wine?
"What did Mr. Hu tell you?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"He said that I have great potential in acting, and my image is not bad. There are very few actors like me in the film and television industry." Su Lei said complacently.

Xu Jie looked at Su Lei, he couldn't tell if he had potential, but what Hu Zhen said was true, the film and television industry really lacked a villain like Su Lei.

He thought about it seriously, if Su Lei wants to continue to be an actor in the future, then it will be a matter of time before he signs with a brokerage company.

When an actor has a brokerage company, it is equivalent to paying homage to the pier. In the future, he does not have to work hard to find a job, and the brokerage company will make full arrangements.

Moreover, with an agent, he was more professional when signing film contracts. Otherwise, with Su Lei's virtue, he was really worried that the other party would be sold and pay for it.

The capital city is the cultural center of China, and there are many brokerage companies here. Although Hu Zhen's Bright Star Brokerage Company can't be said to be the best, it can still be ranked first. If Hu Zhen can sign Su Lei, this kid can be regarded as a young man from his ancestral grave Smoked.

As for Liu Jinghua's prosperous brokerage company, forget it.

The contract between Su Yun and Liu Jinghua will be completed by the end of next year, and it is still unknown whether the contract will be renewed.

"Okay!" Xu Jie said: "Boss Hu's company is good, and he has a lot of resources. If you sign with his agency, there will be no shortage of filming in the future."

Even if he is absent, isn't there still his brother-in-law?

Instead of looking at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, for his sake, at least Hu Zhen will not let Su Lei suffer.

Moreover, it's hard to say that Hu Zhen signed Su Lei either because of his face, or because he wanted to deepen the relationship with him through Su Lei.

However, there is no need to get too entangled in this kind of thing. Anyway, the initiative is in his hands. Unless he leaves Beijing TV Station, as long as he stays at Beijing TV Station for one day, Hu Zhen will have to give him this face.

"Good brother-in-law, I will contact Mr. Hu when I get back." Su Lei said with a smile, and he will be an organized person in the future.

At this time, a shout came from not far away.

"Su Lei, it's your turn, what are you doing, why don't you come back soon?" A man standing outside the Republic of China complex shouted impatiently at Su Lei.

"Understood Director Fang." Su Lei replied, and then hurriedly said to Xu Jie: "Brother-in-law, I'm going back to filming. When I finish filming this film, I will treat you and my sister to a big meal. money."

Xu Jie nodded, he would still see Su Lei earning money to treat guests in his lifetime, if Su Yun knew about this, why not go to the ancestral grave to offer incense?

Su Lei returned to the set, and apologized to the assistant director as he walked, "Director Fang, I'm sorry, I met my brother-in-law, let's talk a little more, I won't do it next time."

The longer you stay in the film and television base, the more you know how difficult it is for a layman to make a movie, especially for a character like him who has lines and can play against the protagonist, you should cherish it, let alone an assistant director , Even people like cameras, clothing, and lighting cannot be offended.

Director Fang was taken aback when he heard it, and looked back at the back of the person who left, and asked suspiciously: "That person looks familiar just now, what's your brother-in-law's name?"

"Xu Jie!" Su Lei said truthfully.

"Xu Jie? Director of "Delicious History"?" Director Fang asked in surprise.

"Yes, it was indeed taken by my brother-in-law." Su Lei said. "Director Fang, you also know my brother-in-law?"

Director Fang thought to himself, isn't this nonsense?Haven't eaten pork, haven't seen a pig run?
"Xu Jie is your brother-in-law, so Su your sister?" Director Fang suddenly thought of Su Lei's last name.

"Yes!" Su Lei nodded.

Director Fang immediately showed surprise on his face. Just now he blamed the other party for delaying the filming. Now when he looked at Su Lei, his expression softened and his eyes changed.

"Why haven't I heard you mention it before?" Director Fang asked.

"No one has asked me." Su Lei said, "And my brother-in-law told me to keep a low profile."

Director Fang smiled, put his arm around Su Lei's shoulder and said, "You've been doing pretty well recently, I'll add a few more scenes for you later."

"Really? Thank you Director Fang." Su Lei said happily.

"you are welcome."


(End of this chapter)

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