The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 386 The adult world

Chapter 386 The adult world

When Xu Jie came to the Mulan crew, he saw Su Yun memorizing his lines from a distance.

Although Su Yun would memorize the lines of the day in advance before coming to the crew, but when encountering temporary additions or changes, she needs to recite the lines on the spot.

"Director Xu, you are here." Director Zhang Weiqiang approached Xu Jie with the script, pointing to a plot to be filmed today and said: "When I was filming this scene just now, I suddenly had an idea, that is... "

Zhang Weiqiang spoke out his thoughts.

When the director gets the script, he may not have any ideas, but during the filming process, he can generate many ideas.

The main reason is that when shooting, factors such as the environment, props, and actors will give the director an immersive feeling and inspire the director even more.

In fact, the classic plots and scenes in many movies are the result of the director's improvisation when he was on the set.

Xu Jie listened carefully to Zhang Weiqiang's description.

Although he wrote the script, he is still open to changing the plot. As long as it conforms to the characteristics of the characters and serves the main line of the story, it is completely acceptable to add drama and subtract drama.

During these days, he often discusses the plot with Zhang Weiqiang. The other party is very clear about his bottom line, so even if there are changes, he will respect him.

Unlike another screenwriter, Song Wen, who always wanted to include some private goods in the script to highlight his existence, for fear that others would not know him.

After listening to Zhang Weiqiang's words, Xu Jie gave his own suggestions. The two discussed for a while, and finally decided on the plot, and hurriedly changed the script.

Because of the change of the play, today's play was filmed very late again, and it didn't end until nine o'clock in the evening.

Sitting in the nanny car, Xu Jie and Su Yun finally had time to chat.

"Guess who I saw when I came today?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun and asked.

"Who?" Su Yun blinked her beautiful eyes. Although she had been filming for a whole day, she was still very energetic.

If filmmaking was a forced transformation before, now she has completely fallen in love with acting.

She likes to challenge different roles and play different roles.

There were not so many opportunities before, but since participating in "Crossover Actor", she has had enough acting addiction at once, and it has also allowed her to see herself clearly again.

If a person can engage in a job he likes, then this person is happy.

Even if you are physically tired, you will not be mentally tired.

Su Yun is like this now.

"Your brother!" Xu Jie said.

"Su Lei?" Su Yun was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked, "How did you meet him? Did he come to trouble you again? I'll call him and teach him a lesson!"

After speaking, go to get the mobile phone in the bag.

In the past, she and Xu Jie were in a cooperative relationship, and she did not allow her younger brother to cause trouble for Xu Jie, but now they are in a relationship, and she does not allow her younger brother to cause trouble for Xu Jie.

Partner and boyfriend are completely two concepts.

This time we must not be soft!

"No, you misunderstood." Xu Jie quickly grabbed Su Yun's hand and explained: "He is also filming in this film and television base, and I met him on a set."

"Ah?" Su Yun was surprised, and suddenly remembered something, "I remember that you told me that he is shooting a crime film, hasn't it finished yet?"

"The filming is over, but he has received another drama, this time it is a spy war drama. Judging by his appearance, although he is not the protagonist, he should have a lot of roles." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Really?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie suspiciously, seeing the man nodding, the expression on his face gradually softened, and finally sighed: "I really didn't expect that Xiao Lei would go on the road of being an actor, and the leader is still you."

Xu Jie also didn't expect that the brother-in-law who was chased and beaten by him could actually make a movie.

At the beginning, I just wanted the other party to try it, but I didn’t expect that I couldn’t stop after this trial. I remember that when I went to Su Yun’s house last time, Su Yun’s father and mother kept thanking him for this matter, saying that he I'm a little embarrassed.

Su Yun took out the phone again, Xu Jie grabbed the opponent's hand again, Su Yun quickly explained: "I'll call my mother." Xu Jie let go after hearing this.

The phone was connected quickly, Su Yun asked about her younger brother, and then chatted from the film and television base all the way home, and it took nearly an hour to end.

"What did mom say?" Xu Jie asked curiously. It was an eye-opener that he could talk on the phone for an hour. The longest phone call between him and his mother was only a few minutes.

"My mother said that Xiaolei has performed very well in the past two months. He stopped going to the bar, and stopped hanging out with those old cronies. She also asked me to thank you and ask you when you have time to eat at home." Su Yun The corners of the mouth raised, revealing a sweet smile.

In the past, Su Lei was the biggest problem in the family. Now that Xu Jie helped them solve this problem, could her parents be unhappy?

Just now mom and dad praised Xu Jie again on the phone.

In the past, I was worried that my mother and father were dissatisfied with Xu Jie, but now I am worried that my mother and father are too satisfied with Xu Jie, which has caused her current status to decline seriously, because my mother and father are now talking about letting her take good care of Xu Jie. Respecting the other party's parents, even said that the registration has been almost a year, so hurry up and organize the wedding, it doesn't matter if you don't want to do it, just give birth to the child...

"Look at you, whenever you have time, I will go back with you." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Well, let's see which day the filming ends early recently, let's go back together." After speaking, Su Yun walked up to Xu Jie, raised her head and kissed him directly on the face, "Thank you."

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Xu Jie stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the opponent's slender waist.

"Helping your brother change his ways and lead him to the right path is worth a kiss on the face? Isn't your thanks too insincere?" Xu Jie was dissatisfied, and even more dissatisfied.

"Then what do you want? Kiss again?" Su Yun asked with a smile, holding Xu Jie's face with both hands.

"This kind of thing depends on your sincerity, how can I say it?" Xu Jie stuck out his tongue and licked his lips after speaking, "It's so hot, my lips are a bit dry, if there is anything that can help me moisturize Enough."

When Su Yun heard this, her face showed a touching rosy, she stretched out her hand and gently stroked Xu Jie's cheek and said, "I have a solution, but I have to brush my teeth, and I'm still wearing a costume, wait until I change my clothes." okay?"

Xu Jie let go of the opponent immediately.

"Hurry up!"

can not wait anymore!

Su Yun gave Xu Jie a charming look, slid her fingers over the man's lips, and then walked up.

Xu Jie looked at the woman's slender back, and after she disappeared at the stairs, he rushed into the bathroom and brushed his teeth thoroughly.

This is a kind of respect, respect for Su Yun brushing her teeth.

Xu Jie wiped his mouth with a towel, then came to the living room and looked upstairs expectantly.

Wait and wait, wait and wait!
Ten minutes passed, but Su Yun was nowhere to be seen.

Is it taking so long to brush your teeth and change your clothes?
Is the other party taking a shower?
After wearing costumes all day and sweating all over, the other party is so clean, he must be taking a shower now.

One of the ways to get along between men and women is to respect each other.

So, Xu Jie hurried into the bathroom again, up and down, up and down, washed it well, and then sat in the living room and waited.

10 minutes……

Two 10 minutes...

One hour……

Xu Jie looked at the time. Although he knew that women take a bath very slowly, according to his understanding of Su Yun, it usually takes about half an hour to come back to take a bath at night. Today's time is seriously longer than usual.

Does the other party want to take a good wash?

Besides moistening his lips, is there any other thanks?

Thinking of this, Xu Jie became even more excited.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, and he took it out to see that it was Su Yun's phone.

Do you still need to make phone calls when you go up and down the stairs?

"Hello?" Xu Jie answered.

"Did you drink the water?" Su Yun asked.

"What water?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

"Didn't you say your lips were dry? I poured you a glass of water, and when I saw you taking a shower in the bathroom, I put the water on the dining table. Did you see that?"


Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, got up and walked towards the restaurant, and saw a glass of water on the dining table.

"Hurry up and drink!" Su Yun said with concern: "Go to bed after drinking, it's getting late, good night, husband!"

The phone hangs up.

Xu Jie stood there in a daze, staring at the glass of water, completely dazed.

What about happy hour?

I brushed my teeth and took a shower, can you pour me a glass of water?
Won't I fall myself?

He took the water glass and drank it in one gulp, then came to the stairs and shouted upstairs: "Hey, do you think this is okay?"

"Is it the water that doesn't taste good? There is still juice in the refrigerator." Su Yun's voice came from upstairs.

"Are you kidding me?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

"How dare I." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Do you believe I went upstairs?" Xu Jie stepped on the steps with one foot and stamped his foot vigorously.

"Then do you believe that I will lock the door?" There was a "bang" sound of the door closing upstairs.

As soon as Xu Jie heard it, he immediately walked up to the door of Su Yun's room, leaned on it and said, "Can you change it? Can pouring a glass of water be a thank you?"

"any solution?"

"I don't want to talk anymore. You can thank me just like you did just now." Xu Jie thought in his heart, as long as the other person can come out, how to thank him is not up to him?

Of course, we will not make excessive demands, but we still have to ask for some proper thanks.

"No!" Su Yun said.

"Why? Didn't you just say yes?" Xu Jie asked.

"There is no reason, the world of adults is just so dishonest." Su Yun said.

Xu Jie was speechless when he heard it.

He thought for a while, reached out and knocked on the door, and said, "Open the door."

"Why?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"Thank you for letting me know the dangers of the world. I want to express my thanks to you, a sincere thank you." Xu Jie said solemnly.

He felt that it was very necessary for him to thank the other party, which could be considered as a show for the other party.

"No, I never leave a name for my good deeds." Su Yun said with a smile.

Xu Jie looked at the door and thought: I don't believe you won't come out.

As the old saying goes, if you hide from a monk, you can't hide from a temple, and if you hide for a while, you can't hide for a lifetime.

He turned around and went downstairs, thinking about how to thank the other party for letting him see the adult world tomorrow morning, and at the same time thinking about whether to let the other party see the world of adult men and women.

inside the room.

Su Yun looked at the door quietly, and heard the footsteps getting farther and farther away, and the sound became smaller and smaller, knowing that the man had left.


She immediately covered her head with the quilt.

"The door is not locked!"


(End of this chapter)

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