The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 387 Oath of Sovereignty

Chapter 387 Oath of Sovereignty
In the early morning, Su Yun simply put on her makeup and walked out of the room.

When she walked down from the second floor, she saw Xu Jie moved a chair and sat downstairs, crossed his hands in front of his chest, shaking Erlang's legs up and down, narrowing his eyes, smiling in a half-smile, People watching are uncomfortable.

"Oh, the big star came out? I thought you didn't plan to come down for the rest of your life." Xu Jie said loudly.

"How could it be? There are still many scenes to be filmed today." Su Yun knew that the man was still brooding over what happened last night, so she changed the subject, pointed to the door and said, "The car has arrived, let's go together."

As he spoke, he was about to pass by the man.

"Stop!" Xu Jie stretched out his long legs to block the woman's way, "Don't you want to say something about what happened last night?"

It's okay to waste his time, but it's okay to cheat his feelings.

"What happened last night?" Su Yun tilted her head, pretended to think about it, and then asked, "You mean the glass of water I poured for you? You're welcome."

Xu Jie stood up from the chair with a "chuckle" and slowly approached Su Yun. Su Yun kept backing away when she saw it, and soon there was no way behind her, and she was forced to lean against the wall.

Xu Jie stared at the woman intently. He wanted to use righteous eyes to make the other party apologize and compensate her.

"Oh, I remembered. Listen to my explanation first. In fact, you can't blame me for that incident. You didn't go in." Su Yun said quickly.

"You lock the door, how do I get in? Can I use a ladder to get in through the window?" Xu Jie asked after hearing this. If the security guards or neighbors patrolling nearby saw this, wouldn't they be regarded as a thief?

"Who locked the door? I didn't." Su Yun spread her hands and said innocently.

Xu Jie was stunned when he heard it, looked at the other party and asked, "Didn't you lock the door as you said? Why didn't you admit it?"

Su Yun said seriously: "I said at the time: Do you believe that I will lock the door, and I didn't say that I would definitely lock the door. If you believed it, can you blame me?"

Xu Jie looked at the woman in a daze, recalling that she went upstairs last night, subconsciously thought that the other party had locked the door, so he didn't push the door at all, and didn't even try.

Seeing the man in a daze, Su Yun couldn't help laughing secretly in her heart, but her face was serious, and she said earnestly: "I can't blame me. In fact, I reminded you last night that the adult world is like this. And no letter, I told you that I didn’t keep my promise, and you still believe it, what else do you want me to say, haven’t I reminded you enough? Do you want me to speak directly? How can I say that I’m also a woman with self-respect. "

After speaking, he was ready to slip away against the wall.

At this time, Xu Jie's face was already in a daze, and he was about to shed tears of regret.

Is the adult world so complicated?

Have you become a dummy?
Where is the trust between people?

Xu Jie felt that as a socialist successor with strong roots and a man full of positive energy, he could not tolerate this kind of behavior that corrupted the social atmosphere, and he had to correct this behavior.

He looked at Su Yun who was about to go out, and immediately chased after her, grabbed her wrist, pressed her against the wall, and directly hit the wall.

"I know you have pride, let me do it!"


Su Yun wanted to say something, but her mouth was sealed the next moment.

The time suddenly became longer.

Su Yun's mind gradually became blank, and she couldn't even feel anything outside, except this man.

Time also seemed to lose its meaning at this moment, and I couldn't feel the passage of time at all until I couldn't breathe.

At this moment, Su Yun was like a beginner swimmer who suddenly fell into the swimming pool from the shore, and forgot to take a breath after thumping a few times.

But after struggling instinctively for a few times, I realized that the water in the swimming pool was not deep, only up to my waist. I was so flustered that I completely forgot that I could have gone ashore a long time ago.

"You, do you want to suffocate me?" Su Yun's pretty face was flushed, like a ripe peach, juice would drip out when pinched.

Who would have thought that the national goddess, known for her freshness, elegance and dignity, would have a shy side?If someone photographed her like this now, it would definitely hit the headlines.

"How could it be?" Xu Jie continued to say, "I am thanking you for letting me know the adult world, and I will enjoy this adult world in the future."

After speaking, he walked out the door.

I have already moisturized my lips, why do I still feel dry mouth?
Is the posture wrong?

Xu Jie pondered for a while, and it seemed that he had to test it tonight.

Su Yun stared at the man's back in a daze, feeling that the adult world he talked about was completely different from the adult world she talked about.

The adult world she mentioned refers to the sinister human heart, while the adult world mentioned by the other party seems to be the plot of some movies that can only be watched secretly.

Su Yun was about to go out when she accidentally saw herself in the mirror. She quickly combed her hair and touched up her lipstick. After the red cloud on her face faded, she walked out the door.

"Morning!" Xu Jie greeted Huang Xiaorong who was standing outside the car.

"Morning, Teacher Xu!"

After saluting, Huang Xiaorong straightened her waist. After seeing Teacher Xu's face clearly, she was stunned for a moment, and then she showed an embarrassing expression.

Sister Yun is too aggressive, isn't she?

"Mr. Xu, there is something on your lips." Huang Xiaorong reminded calmly.


Xu Jie was puzzled, thinking that he didn't even eat breakfast this morning in order to wait for Su Yun, so how could there be something on his lips?

He licked it a few times with his tongue, and it really had a strange taste.

Is it because when you brush your teeth, the foam is not wiped clean?

He came to the nanny's car and took a look in the rearview mirror. After looking at himself in the mirror, he immediately understood what was going on.

The foam from the toothpaste was white, and the stuff on his lips was red.

Don't need to think about it, you can tell at a glance that Su Yun's lipstick was accidentally stained just now when she was performing an act of justice.

"I didn't put on the lipstick properly." Xu Jie explained while taking out a wet wipe from his pocket to wipe it back and forth.

Fortunately, Huang Xiaorong reminded me that if it came to the would be nothing, at most it would be another wave of dog food.

After all, she was with her own wife, not someone else's, so there was nothing shameful about it.

Huang Xiaorong chuckled twice in her heart, then turned her head to one side.

Lipstick not applied properly?
Going to the grave to burn newspapers, fooling ghosts?

This explanation is too perfunctory.

Yes, many male celebrities wear lipstick, but it's rare to see one in this shade.

No, it is rare!
And even if you are blind, you don't have a mirror at home, and you have Parkinson's syndrome, it won't look like you ate red dragon fruit, right?
Are you going to be a movie clown?

"I kept you waiting." Su Yun came out and said to Huang Xiaorong.

"No more." Huang Xiaorong stared at Sister Yun's lips. ''

That's right, it's the lipstick number.

Sit down.

"What's the matter, isn't the make-up right?" Su Yun touched her face with her hand, because she still needs to make up on the set, so she just put it on briefly before going out.

"No, no, sister Yun looks better than other female stars even without makeup." Huang Xiaorong said after hearing this, and then opened the car door.

As an employee, you must never embarrass your boss.

Su Yun smiled, stepped into the car, looked at the man standing outside the car and looked in the mirror, and asked, "Husband, what are you doing? Get in the car."


Xu Jie got into the car while wiping his mouth.

This move directly made Su Yun laugh, and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Why, what are your lips doing?"

"Don't do it, just put on lipstick." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he showed Su Yun the wet wipe.

Su Yun looked at the red wet wipes, then looked at Xu Jie's mouth, and immediately knew what was going on. Thinking of Huang Xiaorong's strange gaze before getting into the car, her face turned red immediately.

Finished, own image!

She stretched out her hand involuntarily, and pinched the man's waist fiercely.

"It's all your fault!"

After speaking, he glanced at Huang Xiaorong who was sitting in the front passenger seat.

It seems to say: make me embarrassing in front of the assistant.

"What are you afraid of, we have a certificate!" Xu Jie said indifferently.

Huang Xiaorong glanced at the back row through the mirror, kissing me and flirting early in the morning, really enviable.

It really is true love!
Huang Xiaorong gave Sister Yun the diet meal she had prepared in advance, and then gave a box of meat buns to Teacher Xu, which Sister Yun deliberately ordered last night. She guessed that the night was too hard and she didn't have time to make breakfast in the morning.

Come to the film and television base.

Xu Jie was about to get out of the car, but was held by Su Yun's arm. Xu Jie turned his head and looked at him suspiciously. Su Yun looked at him carefully, no, he just checked, and made sure that there were no traces on the man's lips. After that, he nodded in relief.

"Okay, get out of the car."

Xu Jie knew what the other party meant, looked at the staff on the set, and suddenly had an idea in his heart.

"Honey, go put on your makeup. I'll talk to director Zhang about the scene we're going to shoot today." Xu Jie said to Su Yun who got out of the car. Then, under the eyes of everyone, he kissed the woman, and then walked in the direction of Zhang Weiqiang. .

Facing the man's unexpected sneak attack, Su Yun felt extremely shy in her heart, even though there was nothing on the surface. After all, there were so many people around.

But she didn't know that Xu Jie deliberately let the whole crew see it. He just wanted to tell all the staff that this woman is my wife!

Although he is not in the film and television industry, he can often hear gossip about artists on TV, especially after the show "Deep Talk on Film and Television", gossip about actors and actors, actors and staff I have heard too much, but most of the key points are true.

And what he just did was swearing sovereignty.

There must be many people staring at such a beautiful daughter-in-law.

It used to be a cooperative relationship, and it was agreed that if you meet true love, you will break up the partnership, but it is different now.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't believe in Su Yun, it's just that he doesn't believe in men!

(End of this chapter)

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