Chapter 388 What Routine?
on Monday.

The TV series "The First Half of Her Life" premiered at the Golden Theater of Beijing Satellite TV.

After the two episodes were broadcast, the plot aroused heated discussions among the audience, and people shared it on the Internet one after another and gave very high evaluations.

"Has anyone watched the TV series "Her First Half of Life" recently aired by Beijing Satellite TV? It's really good, and I highly recommend it."

"The lineup is thick and the story is deep. You must watch the drama in September, and you will regret it if you don't watch it."

"Accidentally watched the interview of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", and felt that the leading actors were quite humorous. I watched the TV series today, and it really did not disappoint me. It is worth watching."

"The name is mediocre. Fortunately, the actors' acting skills are online. If it wasn't for the introduction of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", I would have almost missed this TV series."


After the TV series ended, everyone was looking forward to the next day. Artists, directors, producers, as well as the staff of Beijing TV Station and "Deep Talk on Film and Television", everyone wanted to know the ratings of the show.

For artists, the ratings of TV dramas are related to their own reputation, which will directly affect the remuneration for future TV dramas.

For producers, the level of ratings will directly affect the price of TV series produced by their company in the future.

For the TV station, it will affect the market share. You must know that the TV station spent a total of more than 7000 million yuan to buy this drama. The ratings are the best answer to whether the 7000 million yuan is worth it.

For Xu Jie and others, it is related to the promotional effect of "In-depth Film and Television Talk". Of course, the high ratings of TV dramas do not necessarily mean that the promotional effect of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is good, but the low ratings of TV dramas will definitely show that "In-depth Film and Television Talk" has a good publicity effect. The publicity effect of "In-depth Talk on Film and Television" is poor.

The next day, Xu Jie came to the satellite TV program center early, and while presiding over the post-production of "Delicious", he paid attention to the ratings of the TV series.

"Director Meng, have the ratings of the TV series come out?" Xu Jie found Meng Hui, the deputy director of the satellite TV center, who is in charge of the TV series on the satellite TV channel.

"Director Xu, you just asked five minutes ago." Meng Hui said with a wry smile.

"Aren't I in a hurry?" Xu Jie scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

"Director Xu, if you are anxious, I am more anxious than you. I am the one who advocated buying this TV series. If the ratings are not good, not only will there be no bonus, but you will definitely be criticized." Meng Hui and others' palms were already sweating.

Every time a new TV series is broadcast, it is a test for him, especially those TV series bought at a large price, it can even be said to be a gamble.

Bet on whether the TV series I bought will become a hit.

At this moment, Meng Hui received an email in his computer mailbox. When he opened it, he found that it was the ratings statistics sent by Suo Furui.


Meng Hui held the mouse with trembling hands, and clicked on the attachment sent with the email.

Xu Jie leaned over immediately after hearing it, his eyes fixed on the screen.

Monday's Provincial Satellite TV Gold Theater TV Ranking:
1: Beijing Satellite TV, the first half of her life, 3.011
2: Shanghai Satellite TV, Da Song Palace, 2.845
3: Zhejiang-Hangzhou Satellite TV, Star, 2.673
4: ...


Meng Hui heaved a sigh of relief, his face, which had been tense all morning, also eased now.

"3.011, higher than expected." Meng Hui turned to look at Xu Jie beside him. Although he only said it was good, he showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Compared with variety shows, Golden Theater has very high requirements for ratings.

Under normal circumstances, for a TV series with many stars, it is only a pass line if the ratings of the first broadcast break 2, and it is considered popular if it breaks 3.

In this regard, variety shows are far beyond comparison.

Take this golden theater ranking as an example. The No.2 Da Song Palace is the most popular drama in August. It also broke 3 when it first aired, but whether it can continue to maintain it depends on the future of the plot. If there are no ridiculous plots, the ratings should not be too bad.

Now that "The First Half of Her Life" has broken through 3 premieres, it can be regarded as successfully completing the small goal of the first stage.

Xu Jie immediately went back to the art program center and told the news to the members of the program team of "In-depth Talk on Film and Television". Everyone was very happy when they heard it. , but at least it proves that the show did not overturn.

"Sister Yan, the ratings are out, you can make a call now." Xu Jie said to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan nodded, picked up the phone on the table, and was about to make a call, but hesitated again, looked up at Xu Jie and asked, "Is it really possible? This TV series will be broadcast on Shanghai Satellite TV. "

Yesterday, Xu Jie gave everyone a new task to find new upcoming TV series.

August belongs to the summer season, and many TV dramas will be broadcast in August. After one month, in September, many TV stations will usher in new TV dramas, so for the program team, this task is not difficult.

However, although it is not difficult to find new TV series, their own TV station has already broadcasted new TV series, and the new TV series they look for must be broadcast on other TV stations. The programs of Beijing Satellite TV are used to promote the TV series of other TV stations. During the broadcast, it will inevitably form a competitive relationship with your own TV series. Isn't this offending your own people?

"It doesn't matter, they play theirs, we do ours, besides, the themes of these two TV series are completely different, not enough to be in direct competition, and our program is to promote excellent domestic film and television dramas, don't be so narrow, put Let go of the pattern, understand?" Xu Jie comforted: "If anyone is dissatisfied, let him come to me, and I will reason with him."

Upon hearing this, Qin Yan dialed the number with confidence.

She believed in Xu Jie's ability to fool people, no, reasoning.

In her heart, as long as Xu Jie is reasonable, no matter who the other party is, they will be unreasonable.

Xu Jie is reasonable, the world is unreasonable!
"I have a question!" Miao Zhenzhen said suddenly: "Director Xu, "The First Half of Her Life" is broadcast on our TV station. You can use our station to suppress them. But this time the TV series is broadcast on other TV stations. Is it okay to use our platform to press it?"

"Look at what you said, you're an entertainment reporter, too amateur." Xu Jie said: "The film and television industry is a circle. Which actor will guarantee that the TV series she acts in her life will only be broadcast on one TV station? It's not up to her It counts, but on the other hand, if a certain actor offends a TV station, then the film and television market will have to consider the impact when inviting actors to film, after all, TV stations are the main buyers of TV dramas, let alone Beijing Satellite TV.”

Miao Zhenzhen nodded involuntarily. Although Director Xu has been in the Art Center for less than a year, he has a thorough understanding of the entertainment industry.

Yes, which artist dares to offend the TV station?
Even if it is a first-line star, no one dares.

When the phone was connected, Qin Yan spoke immediately.

"Hello, I'm Qin Yan, the host of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" on Beijing TV..."

Xu Jie stood aside, waiting for Qin Yan's answer.

In fact, this TV series was also selected by him from several new TV series, and he is also betting that this TV series will become popular.

In this way, the ratings of the TV series introduced in "In-depth Film and Television Talk" are all very high. Over time, it will leave the audience with an impression that the introduction of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" must be a high-quality product. "In-depth Talk" publicity is very effective. When the audience likes to watch it and the crew competes for it, he won't have to make phone calls like he does now.

After the broadcast of the previous episodes, Xu Jie decided to change his strategy. Now that he has the sponsorship fee, he doesn't have to bow to the crew for the promotion fee.

To be honest, the quality of the few movies introduced before cannot be considered high-level, so from now on, Xu Jie will take the high-quality route, betting on high-quality film and television dramas, and spread the reputation and fame of the program. Only in this way can the popularity of the program be increased. Influence.

A few minutes later, Qin Yan put down her mobile phone, gestured an "OK" gesture to Xu Jie, and said, "The director has done it, and the next step is the producer and the lead actor."

"En!" Xu Jie signaled Qin Yan to continue.

Persimmons should be picked softly, this is the experience he summed up by calling the main creators of "The First Half of Her Life".

First call those who are not busy and are easy to negotiate, such as directors and producers, and then call those who have more work, such as leading actors.

At that time, when the lead actor heard that everyone was going, it would be bad if he didn't go, he would definitely find a way to squeeze time.

This is mainly done to avoid misleading.

Just like the last time he called, if there are two actors in contact, the invitation will not be so smooth.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yan finished all the calls.

"It's done!" Qin Yan said with a smile.

Probably due to the premiere ratings of "The First Half of Her Life", things went smoother than expected.

Xu Jie nodded, everything was under his control.

Although this TV series called "Golden Years" will be broadcast on Shanghai Satellite TV, it is also aimed at audiences across the country.

Shanghai Satellite TV will definitely promote the program for the sake of ratings, and now there is a program of Beijing Satellite TV to promote the TV series. It is a good thing for the actors, producers, and even Shanghai Satellite TV.

Those who will object, perhaps only Beijing Satellite TV.

But it doesn't matter, he will reason.


At the same time, Shanghai Satellite TV.

"Director Liang, have you heard? Beijing Satellite TV's "In-depth Film and Television Talk" program will interview the crew of our TV series "Golden Years" that will be broadcast next week." A director approached the deputy director in charge of the TV drama theater.

"I just heard." Liang Guofu nodded, his frown showed that he was thinking about it.

"It's strange, how did this program think that it would actually promote the TV series we are going to broadcast." The director was puzzled. After working for so many years, he had never encountered such a thing, unless the two channels premiered at the same time, but the problem was this Not once.

Liang Guofu shook his head, obviously he didn't understand what the program "In-depth Film and Television Talk" meant.

"Will it deliberately belittle "Golden Years" and affect the ratings of the show?" the director asked after thinking about it.

"No, the crew is not stupid, even if the show wanted to do that, the stars would not allow it." Liang Guofu said.

"What exactly is this show about?" asked the director.

Liang Guofu shook his head again, wondering in his heart, what kind of routine is this?


(End of this chapter)

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