The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 389 What are you doing?

Chapter 389 What are you doing?

The latest episode of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" was broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV on time. However, after the show ended, a detail aroused heated discussions among the public.

Because the interviewee of the program group in this episode is the crew of the TV series "Golden Years" that will be broadcast on Shanghai Satellite TV, and at the end of the entire interview, it is also mentioned that "Golden Years" will be broadcast on Shanghai Satellite TV next Monday. The hostess even said: Let us all look forward to its broadcast.

Whether it's the audience or the people in the TV industry, they all looked confused, as if they had poured a bottle of Erguotou, their heads were in a daze.


"Am I not mistaken? The program of Beijing Satellite TV is promoting the TV series of Shanghai Satellite TV? See you soon."

"I don't know if this counts as eating inside and outside?"

"This is a program with attitude. No matter which TV station broadcasts it, as long as it is a good TV series, I will introduce it to everyone and support it."

"As expected of Beijing TV Station, it is tolerant and generous."


"What do you think about this show, is it crazy to advertise for market competitors?"

"A program accident, definitely a program accident, wait to be hidden."

"Could it be that Beijing Satellite TV and Shanghai Satellite TV have reached a strategic partnership? Is this a joint effort to snatch viewers and increase ratings?"

"Looks like the TV industry is going to change."


Xu Jie came to the unit, because the production of "Delicious History" was completed yesterday, so today is very free. He also gave the members of the "Delicious" program group a vacation, free to do whatever they want.

"Xu Jie, come quickly!" Seeing Xu Jie coming, Qin Yan immediately waved to him and asked, "After the program aired last night, did you check the audience's reaction online?"

"No." Xu Jie shook his head.

It’s almost ten o’clock after the show ends. Although for many people, the nightlife has just started at this time, for Xu Jie who has been working overtime recently, he just wants to make an appointment with Su Yun, just to go home and hug his wife sleep.

"The audience is guessing all kinds of things now, and they can say anything." Qin Yan pointed to the computer screen and said, "Look, some people said that the program group would collectively change jobs, and some said that our program rushed out of the capital TV station and went to the whole country. , and it’s not too big of a deal to watch the excitement, do we need to post a statement on the official Weibo?"

"What statement?" Xu Jie laughed after reading the comments. He really admired the brains of these netizens. They are simply bursting drummers with big holes.

"Explain the original intention of the show." Qin Yan said after hearing it.

"In the eyes of some people, explaining can also become a cover-up, so there is no need for that at all." Xu Jie found a chair and sat down. Apart from analyzing the ratings of last night's program, there is nothing else to do today. It is so rare laid back.

Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie, she said so, but she was still a little worried, what if the leaders saw these comments and thought wildly?
At that time, I am afraid that it will really be hidden by the snow.

I remember that there was once a hostess who was hidden because she mispronounced the name of the TV station.

Although she didn't make such a mistake, blatantly promoting TV dramas of other TV stations is a deadly act no matter how you look at it.

"My boyfriend watched the show last night and asked me if I didn't plan to work on the TV station anymore." Miao Zhenzhen said in a low voice.

"My daughter-in-law also asks the same question, but I don't believe it no matter how I explain it," Zhao Gang said with a wry smile.

"It doesn't matter, just say whatever you want, the more you talk, the more attention you will get, and more people will watch our program in the future." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this: "Besides, our program has passed the internal review, you are worried what?"

Everyone looked at each other. For popular programs, the review is relatively loose, and it is even just a process. Even if the review is passed, if there is a problem with the program, the fault is also the program group.

Before doing the show, everyone thought it was nothing, but after the show was broadcast, seeing the comments from the people around and the audience, the mentality changed immediately.

In particular, some netizens made booing, which made everyone feel that they had done something wrong.

"Director Xu is right." Lu Cheng said: "We simply promoted the TV series, and we didn't make any mistakes in principle. I read netizens' comments, and most of them were positive. would be so narrow."

Everyone thought: I hope so.

At this time, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and then Meng Hui, the deputy director of the satellite TV program center, hurried in from the outside. His eyes scanned the office area, and after seeing Xu Jie, he immediately ran away. ran over.

"Xiao Xu, what are you doing?" Meng Hui was so anxious that he even uttered his hometown dialect.

When the others saw it, they knew what Deputy Director Meng was doing without asking.

"It's nothing." Xu Jie said innocently after hearing this.

"Xiao Xu, don't fool me. I received a call last night. Many people reported to me that you were promoting the TV series "Golden Years" that will be broadcast on Shanghai Satellite TV. Is there such a thing? ?” Meng Hui looked at Xu Jie and questioned.

"There is such a thing, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

"What's the matter? As a program of Beijing Satellite TV, you actually do a promotion for a TV series of Shanghai Satellite TV, and you actually ask me what's wrong? Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu, you are so confused." Meng Hui shook his head and sighed.

"Director Meng, I'm not promoting the TV series of Shanghai Satellite TV. I'm promoting the excellent domestic TV series." Xu Jie said seriously.

Seeing Xu Jie's posture, Qin Yan immediately signaled the onlookers to return to their work stations.

Get out of the way, Director Xu has to reason.

"What did you say?" Meng Hui frowned.

Xu Jie said seriously: "The purpose of our program "Deep Talk on Film and Television" is to promote excellent domestic film and television dramas to the whole country, help the development of the domestic film and television industry, promote the creation of high-quality TV dramas, and shorten the distance between the crew and the audience. Let the audience have a deeper understanding of the original intention of the film and television drama creators, and understand the connotation of the film and television drama..."

Meng Hui was a little confused.

He just wanted to ask why the other party helped Shanghai Satellite TV to promote the TV series. Why did the other party get involved in the development of the film and television industry?
He said it as if he only cared about the current acre of land and didn't know how to take care of the overall situation,

Just listen to Xu Jie continue talking.

"We look at the TV drama market from the perspective of the development of the entire film and television industry. Our service targets are also national audiences. As a nationwide program, we need to take on more social and industry responsibilities, expand programs and The influence of the TV station, rather than hovering in a fixed small circle."

When Xu Jie said this, he looked at Meng Hui and asked, "Deputy Director Meng, do you think I'm right?"

Meng Hui nodded involuntarily, "Yes!"

His face changed from dissatisfaction at the beginning to shame now.

It's because my rhythm is low.

What is the reason why everyone pays so much attention to ratings? Isn't it just to increase the influence of the program?

Increase the influence of the program where?
Broadcasting on Beijing Satellite TV naturally has influence across the country.

Take Beijing news as an example, there are not only local news, but also national news and international news.

Xiao Xu is working hard to promote the development of excellent domestic TV dramas through programs, but he is angry at such a trivial matter that may affect the ratings of his own TV dramas. In comparison, he, the deputy director of satellite TV, is too narrow-minded .

Seeing Deputy Director Meng's ashamed look, people around couldn't help but be impressed by Director Xu's ability to reason.


Sure enough, when Director Xu was reasonable, no one was reasonable, even Deputy Director Meng made a futile trip.

"Director Meng, maybe the ratings of the TV series "Golden Years" will have a certain impact on our TV series, but I think that as long as the quality of the TV series "Her First Half Life" is excellent, we will not be afraid of "Golden Years". "isn't there such a saying in the broadcast? A single flower is not spring, but a hundred flowers bloom together to make the garden full of spring. Only when there are more good TV dramas, can this industry flourish, and our program is to discover more upcoming TV dramas. Flowers, bloom them in front of the audience." Xu Jie said seriously, his face full of sincerity to dedicate an excellent program to the audience.

Meng Hui was completely shocked.

I didn't expect the director behind such a small film and television talk show to hide such a big ideal. In comparison, I only know the ratings of TV series all day long, which is like a salty fish.

"Xiao Xu, go ahead, I'm going back." Meng Hui said, really ashamed to stay here.

"Thank you, Director Meng, for your understanding. Director Meng is generous." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Meng Hui blushed, the more Xu Jie said that, the more ashamed he felt.


He was quite angry about it.

"Director Meng, I will spare no effort to promote any excellent domestic TV series that our station will broadcast in the future," Xu Jie said.

"Well, thank you." Meng Hui nodded.

Xu Jie sent Deputy Director Meng out, and then returned to the office. The members of the program team immediately looked at him with admiration.

The leader who was most affected by the program in the station has been reasoned away by Director Xu, and the others will not have any objections.

Not long after, Director Jiang came back with two rating sheets.

Xu Jie walked over immediately and looked at last night's provincial satellite TV variety show rankings.

1: Beijing Satellite TV, Deep Talk on Film and Television, 1.522
2: Shanghai Satellite TV, Dream Realizer, 1.031
3: Jiangsu Satellite TV, run up, 0.877
"Number one, it's number one again, and it's increased a lot." Lu Cheng said loudly.

"Leaving No.2 far behind!" Zhao Gang said.

"Good!" Miao Zhenzhen was full of excitement.

After seeing the ratings, everyone forgot all their previous worries.

With the ratings, it is equivalent to having confidence, and with Director Xu's reasoning, even if the leader blames him, he is not afraid.

Everyone is completely clear, as long as Director Xu is around, even if the sky falls, they will not be afraid.


(End of this chapter)

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