The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 392 Weaving a Big Net

Chapter 392 Weaving a Big Net

Xu Jie's reason for choosing comedies is simple, he likes to watch them.

He prefers the humor and relaxation of comedies to the tense plots of crime films.

Life is not easy, work is very tiring, walking into a movie theater to watch a comedy, and giggling a few times can at least make people forget their troubles in these 10 minutes.

Of course, there is one more point.

There are many crime TV dramas, but there are very few funny TV dramas. I recommend comedy movies for everyone, which can be better than crime movies in terms of publicity.

Xu Jie made a decision, and other staff members began to get busy.

Some notified contributors, some searched for movie information, and some collected celebrity information. In short, except for Xu Jie, no one was idle.

On Wednesday, the show was taped.

On Thursday, the show airs.

On Friday, the ratings were released.

There is no doubt that it was the number one in the ratings that night.

On Thursday night, there is no program that can challenge "Deep Talk on Film and Television".

Besides Xu Jie's own other show.

Another night of solitude.

However, compared to the program's ratings, Xu Jie is more concerned about the impact of the program after it is broadcast.

Although the movie "Crazy Rich Man" will not be released until October 10, its pre-sale has already started.

Movie pre-sale is to sell movie tickets in advance, and the level of pre-sale can be regarded as an outpost for the final box office of a movie, and even affect the trend of the box office.

Because the higher the popularity of the movie, the higher the pre-sale and the more movies will be scheduled.

Especially in the eyes of some vacillating movie fans, pre-sales have become an indicator of the quality of a movie, and some movie theaters may also increase the number of movies for this purpose.

For this reason, Xu Jie also deliberately investigated. On Thursday night, when the show was promoting "Crazy Richest Man", the pre-sale of this movie had just started for one day. Not too many.

Like that crime film, pre-sales have exceeded 150 million, and the hottest movie has pre-sales exceeded 1000 million.

The level of pre-sales directly and intuitively presents the popularity of each movie to the public.

And "The Crazy Richest Man" can only be ranked in the middle among the dozen or so films released on National Day.

Unless there are actors that they like very much, many viewers will not consider pre-ordering such a ranking.

"Xu Jie!" Qin Yan came to Xu Jie's side, stretched out her hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said excitedly: "Our show's ratings have broken 1.8, and it's just around the corner to break 2!"

"En." Xu Jie nodded, not looking at Miss Qin, but staring at the computer screen.

Seeing Xu Jie's expressionless face, Qin Yan froze her smile instantly, frowned slightly, looked at Xu Jie puzzledly and asked, "What's wrong with you, are you unhappy?"

Breaking 1.8, I dare not even dream about it.

The most important thing is that the ratings of the show gave her a lot of confidence. She used to think that the ratings of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" would be beyond 2, but now that it has passed 1.8, is it still far from 2?
"No." Xu Jie shook his head.

"Then why don't you laugh?" Qin Yan asked puzzled.

Xu Jie turned his head to look at the other party, grinning upwards, revealing two rows of white teeth, "I smiled, is it alright now?"

Qin Yan was speechless after seeing it.

Don't you have to hide your fake smile?Be more natural.

"I know it's common for you to see the ratings break 2, and to you, it's just a pass line for a show, but can you take care of the emotions of ordinary people like us?" Qin Yan smiled wryly. said.

If the ratings of all the evening programs of the national provincial satellite TV this year are calculated, then the program with the most 2 breaks must be Xu Jie's program.

"Delicious History" and "Crossover Actor", just these two, are enough to make him stand out from the crowd.

If there is another number one rating, it will undoubtedly be Xu Jie, because there is another program "Deep Talk on Film and Television" under his name

From this point of view, "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is the one with the lowest ratings among the programs that the other party participated in.

No wonder not laughing.

It's like the exam of Xueba, usually you get 98 points, but today you got [-], can you laugh?

Hurry up and reflect on the paper!
Xu Jie didn't say anything, and pointed to the computer screen.

Qin Yan was taken aback when she saw it, and looked over curiously. It turned out to be the real-time statistics of movie pre-sales.

"Why, do you want to watch a movie?" Qin Yan asked.

Xu Jie rolled his eyes at the other party directly, and then said seriously: "I want to know how much influence our program has on "Crazy Richest Man"."

Although I did publicity for the movie before, because the popularity of the program "In-depth Film and Television Talk" was not high at that time, the influence was very limited, and the ratings were not high, let alone the box office. Even if it had any influence, it was very limited. .

But now it's different.

After recommending TV series in recent episodes, especially after recommending Shanghai Satellite TV's TV series as a program of Beijing Satellite TV, the popularity of the program has risen sharply, even surpassing the target of promotion "Golden Years", becoming the biggest winner. Now the ratings are up, The popularity is also there, it depends on its influence.

Qin Yan was taken aback, she thought the other party didn't care about this show just now, but she had misunderstood.

The other party is very concerned, but the content of the concern is different from them.

What they care about is the ratings of the program, but the influence of the program Xu Jie cares about is not at the same level at all.

"How is it? Has it changed much?" Qin Yan asked.

"Since the broadcast of the show, the pre-sale has only increased by 200 million." Xu Jie sighed.

At this time, the pre-sale of "Crazy Rich Man" has reached more than 300 million, surpassing that crime film, and there is another film, ranking fourth.

But in his opinion, this number is not much. You must know that the program has just promoted "The Crazy Richest Man", and the next day should be the best time for the effect, but now, it grows very slowly.

It seems that the influence of the program is not as great as he imagined.

"Two million? That's a lot. It's only time now, and you haven't even passed half of it today, so you can be content." Qin Yan said angrily after hearing this.

The pre-sales of many movies don't even have 200 million, and you raised 200 million overnight, what else do you want?
Besides, the change of things needs a process, just like a woman who gives birth to a baby, it takes ten months to conceive, and you insist on pointing at the two-month pregnant belly and saying that the baby is too small, isn't it crazy?

Qin Yan couldn't help but move the mouse and close the web page.

If the other party's high demands are met, it is estimated that they will not be happy when the movie is released.

She pulled Xu Jie up from the chair, pushed her out of the office with both hands, and said while pushing, "Isn't "Delicious History" still unfinished? Go to the satellite TV program center quickly, don't get in the way here."

Everyone is very happy, but Xu Jie is the only one who doesn't laugh. Isn't this destroying the harmonious atmosphere of the program group?
Can you still work happily?

Can you give others a little confidence and a little encouragement?
For the first time, she took the initiative to push Xu Jie to the "Delicious History" program group. In the past, she always blamed him for why he was always on the "Delicious History" crew, and whether she didn't love Xinhuan anymore.

Xu Jie was abandoned by Xinhuan just like that.

If the new love and the old love can do this, wouldn't they be able to sit and enjoy the blessings of everyone?
Unfortunately, only temporarily.

In the evening, when Xu Jie was about to leave work and was packing his things, his cell phone rang.

He took it out and looked at it. It was Zhang Wanpeng, the general manager of the production company of the movie "Crazy Richest Man". On the day of the recording, the other party also came. Although he didn't leave the country, he was watching the whole process, and he asked for his mobile phone number before leaving.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang." Xu Jie connected the phone.

"Hello Director Xu, thank you for choosing to promote our movie. Today, the pre-sale has increased by more than 300 million. I really don't know how to thank you. Do you have time now? I invite you to dinner." Zhang Wanpeng excited Said.

Of course, eating is only one aspect. Who is short of a meal these days?He would like to say something else. After all, as a film and television production company, he sincerely hopes to have a good relationship with Director Xu, so that every movie in the future can be promoted on Director Xu's program.

You know, it’s not just as simple as a one-day pre-sale increase of more than 300 million, the high or low increase of the pre-sale will affect the entire market.

"No need, I have to go home and cook for my wife." Xu Jie said after hearing this, which was both a fact and a reason for his refusal.

Because Su Yun would arrive home later than him, he picked up the kitchen utensils recently. If he wants to keep a woman's heart, he must first keep her stomach.

Su Yun used to lose weight and didn't eat, but now Su Yun loses weight, but she is too embarrassed to eat.

Don't eat?


Still not eating?
Hey you!

He didn't worry about others knowing, and he didn't think there was anything shameful about it. After all, in a family where his mother made decisions since childhood, he never had any machismo.

"Director Xu really loves his wife, she is simply a representative of a good man in the new era, shall I invite the two of you to have dinner together?" Zhang Wanpeng did not give up.

Emotions need to be connected, and if they are not connected, the relationship will fade away, not to mention that he and Xu Dao still have no relationship.

"My wife is too tired from filming and just wants to go home and rest. I appreciate Mr. Zhang's kindness." Xu Jie said that he has received a lot of calls like this recently. Those who know him and those who don't know want to invite him Eat like he looks like a foodie.

"Director Xu, you can say anything in the future, as long as I, Zhang Wanpeng, can do it, I will never refuse." Zhang Wanpeng said proudly, almost swearing.

"Well, as long as you have Mr. Zhang's words." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Everything he does now is paving the way for the future.

He is weaving a big network, a network of relationships, stars, directors, producers, film and television companies, media companies, etc., are all part of the network.

He hoped that when something happened in the future, this net could play a certain role, catch prey for him, or prevent him from falling from this net.


(End of this chapter)

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