The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 393 Distance Produces Beauty?

Chapter 393 Distance Produces Beauty?
On Saturday morning, Xu Jie and Su Yun came to the film and television base together.

When the two got out of the car, the studio staff and actors immediately greeted each other warmly.

"Morning sister Yun, morning teacher Xu!"

"Ms. Xu, can you reveal what kind of food will be in next month's "Delicious History"? I'd better eat it in advance, or else I'll have to wait in line once the show airs."

"Director Xu, I watched Thursday's "In-depth Film and Television Talk". When "Mulan" is released, don't forget to help us promote it."


Xu Jie responded to everyone with a smile.

If "Delicious History" made him a household name, then "In-depth Film and Television Talk" now makes him a favorite in the film and television circle.

Who made the ratings of this program so high and the promotional effect on film and television dramas so good?Absolutely can not find the second in the country.

Su Yun went to put on makeup.

Xu Jie walked straight to director Zhang Weiqiang.

Although he came here to accompany Su Yun, he spent more time with Zhang Weiqiang in the crew than with his wife.

As long as Zhang Weiqiang is there during filming, he has to be there, discussing the plot anytime, anywhere, revising the script, and even speaking for the actors.

"Coming?" Zhang Weiqiang saw Xu Jie, picked up a notebook from his director's exclusive chair, and handed it over.

"En." Xu Jie responded, took the notebook to check the changed content.

During these days, whenever Director Zhang wanted to make changes to the plot, he would take the initiative to call him. The two discussed on the phone, which greatly improved the shooting efficiency.

Xu Jie briefly read the script, and kept the changes in mind to avoid confusion when making changes later.

Today's movie fans are just like the great detective Sherlock Holmes, they will be found out even if they have a little bit of cheating, and they will even consider the logic of the plot.

"Director Xu, are you busy?" A middle-aged man took the initiative to greet Xu Jie.

Xu Jie looked up and saw that it was Gao Xiaobin, vice president of Forbidden Pictures, who replaced Guo Chuan in the crew to perform some work that the producer needed to do, such as cost accounting, budget control, financial review, shooting progress, etc.

"Not busy, just look at the script changes." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

The producer should be the busiest person in a movie, from pre-preparation to filming and production, from production and distribution to publicity and release, the presence of the producer is indispensable.

In contrast, no director, actor, or screenwriter can be considered busy.

"Director Xu, I watched the latest issue of "In-depth Film and Television Talk". The publicity is really good. As far as I know, not only the pre-sales of the movie "Crazy Richest Man" have increased a lot, but the film schedule has also increased." Gao Xiaobin said cheerfully.

Although the two don't work in the same unit, they belong to the same system, and both belong to Beijing Radio and Television Station, so compared with other people, they are a little more close.

"The main reason is that the market for comedy films is relatively large, and the audience is very willing to pay for comedy films. Unfortunately, Manager Liu's film was promoted early, so it didn't help much." Xu Jie said regretfully, shaking his head.

He was talking about Liu Ying from the Propaganda Department of the Forbidden Film Industry. At the beginning of "In-depth Talk on Film and Television", the other party asked him to help promote the film. Weaker.

"Director Xu, you are too polite. I heard from Manager Liu that your show did not have sponsors at that time, and it was not easy to be able to promote our movie for free. Besides, we are all on our own. I believe that we will cooperate in the future. There are still many opportunities, such as the current movie "Mulan", and I hope that Director Xu will be able to help." Gao Xiaobin said.

Forbidden Films produces a large number of film and television dramas every year. If Director Xu can help with publicity, then the final results of these film and television dramas must be very good.

"Definitely!" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

In fact, even if Gao Xiaobin didn't say anything, he would still promote the movie "Mulan".

First, he is the screenwriter of this movie; second, Su Yun is the protagonist of this movie, aren't these two reasons sufficient?

"Thank you Director Xu." Gao Xiaobin was very happy.

Who in the film and television industry doesn't know the influence of "In-depth Film and Television Talk"?Being able to promote works on this program is stronger than the other five programs.

"By the way, Director Xu, after the National Day, the crew will go to Hengdian for filming. What will you do then?" Gao Xiaobin asked.

The crew has been here for two months, and the filming of the Huairou film and television base has basically been finished. It will be over in these two days, and the next step is to go to Hengdian, where the remaining scenes will be filmed. It will take about three months. .

"It's still the same as now, the weekend is over." Xu Jie said.

Not to mention that he had an appointment with Mr. Guo and Director Zhang, even if he didn't, with his current relationship with Su Yun, he would still go to the crew to visit the set.

"Director Xu, you are a member of the crew, and the round-trip air tickets, board and lodging will be covered by me." Gao Xiaobin said while patting his chest,

As a person in charge of money, he can still make a decision on this matter.

"Thank you, Mr. Gao!"

Xu Jie thanked the other party.

"You're welcome." Gao Xiaobin said with a smile: "I'll go first, Director Xu is busy with you."

Xu Jie looked at Gao Xiaobin's back, and when the other party suddenly mentioned that he was going to Hengdian to film a movie, he couldn't help but feel a little bit reluctant. Of course, it wasn't Gao Xiaobin, but Su Yun.

In the past two months, although Su Yun was also filming, but because they were in the capital, the two could still meet at night, and occasionally they could have a kiss, hug and hold high, but once the other party went In Hengdian, the two can only see each other on weekends.

It's not that he's clingy, but that the relationship between the two has just made great progress, and it's really uncomfortable to be separated so soon.

Throughout the day, Xu Jie was not in a very high mood.


back home.

As soon as Su Yun closed the door, she gave Xu Jie a "wall dong" backhand!
"What's wrong with you today?" She asked curiously.

I was fine when I left home in the morning, why did it look like a different person after arriving on the set?
She had been with a man for almost a year, and it was the first time she saw him look sad, as if she had returned to the park where the two met for the first time, but the other didn't drink.

"It's nothing." Xu Jie replied.

Su Yun pointed to the mirror on one side, and said to Xu Jie: "Look at your face now, doesn't it look like nothing?"

Xu Jie looked in the mirror and saw the man inside with a melancholy expression. He was shocked and sighed involuntarily: "It's so handsome."

Su Yun was speechless.

She asked the other party to look in the mirror to let the other party see herself clearly, not to brag about herself.

"Is there something you are hiding from me?" Su Yun asked suspiciously: "Is there something wrong with your life style? Is there an illegitimate child coming to you?"

"Go, go, who do you think I, Xu Jie?" Xu Jie rolled his eyes at the other party, thinking it was a God of War novel, and suddenly a woman came to the door with a child in his arms?
Su Yun was just teasing men, but she didn't expect the other party to take it seriously. In fact, she was very reassuring about the man's life style. There are so many beautiful hosts on the TV station, and she has worked with so many female artists. She has never heard of the other party's lace. .

"Is work not going well?" Su Yun asked after thinking about it.

But after she said it, she denied it herself.

The other party's work is now in full swing, and his influence has even begun to enter the film and television industry. How could it be unsatisfactory?
I have known each other for so long, but I have never seen him worry about work, and working overtime is common.

What would it be?
"Hurry up, or else I'll go back to my room to sleep and lock the door." Su Yun took out her last trump card.

When Xu Jie heard this, how can this work?
Originally, I was worried about getting along with each other less, if I had to separate rooms for the last few nights, wouldn't that add fuel to the fire?

"I heard from Gao Xiaobin this morning that the crew will go to Hengdian to film next month, and I feel a bit reluctant." Xu Jie confessed.

Su Yun was taken aback when she heard it, and then a smile appeared on her face.

I thought that there was some major event that stumped the other party, but I didn't expect that it was just because of the separation.

"Isn't it normal for an artist to travel around? Didn't you go to Ningzhou for ten days a while ago?" Su Yun said indifferently.

This is how she spent the past ten years

"It's different." Xu Jie shook his head.

"You left last time, but I left this time. What's the difference?" Su Yun asked.

"I'm very busy when I go to Lishu Village. I'm busy with work. I don't have time to think about you. When you go to Hengdian, I'm free. I will think of you from time to time, but I miss you and can't see you. Do you think I can feel better? Xu Jie sighed.

"Oh?" Su Yun smiled brighter.

She likes to listen to such sweet words, and she feels her heart is sweeter than eating honey.

"Won't you go on weekends? We'll be able to meet then." Su Yun comforted, "Besides, haven't you heard such a saying? A little farewell is better than a newlywed, and distance creates beauty."

"Oh!" Xu Jie shook his head
He doesn't know whether distance can produce beauty, he only knows that distance will make people strange.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie and suddenly remembered something.

By the way, it seems that after Tang Fei left, she would never return to the past.

Su Yun's eyes became gentle instantly, she put her arms around Xu Jie's waist, patted Xu Jie's back lightly, and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave you."

Xu Jie didn't speak, but this sentence made him feel familiar, as if he heard a woman say it.

Seeing that the woman was depressed, Su Yun thought for a while, and whispered in her ear, "Do you remember the new pajamas I bought when I went shopping last time? I want to try it."

Xu Jie was shocked, straightened up immediately, patted the other party's buttocks, and said, "Why didn't you tell me about such an important matter earlier? Go, I will give you the most professional evaluation, trust me."


(End of this chapter)

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