The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 394 Fighting with Immortals

Chapter 394 Fighting with Immortals
The passing of September means the arrival of October.

Because this National Day holiday is a double festival, and the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are on holiday together, the film market is also extremely lively.

During the National Day, a total of [-] new movies will be released, setting a new record for the number of movies released during the National Day, so it is also known as the most competitive National Day file in history.

In fact, before the National Day came, these [-] movies started to fight. The pre-sales opened in advance made this National Day file more intense. Everyone wants to get a piece of this big cake, even if it is a literary film. They are unwilling to give up, hoping to snatch the cake and eat it by surprise.

October [-]st.

It was past nine o'clock in the morning, and the sun was shining on his buttocks, but Xu Jie was still lying on the bed, not intending to get up.

In fact, he went to bed very early last night and did not work overtime. As for why he lay down for so long, there must be a reason, and the culprit of all this was Su Yun.

"It's past nine o'clock, you really plan to lie at home all day?" Su Yun asked.

She wanted to get rid of Xu Jie's hand, but she tried all the strength to kill a pig, but she still couldn't break free from Xu Jie's arms.

It seems that I, who became a monk halfway, can't match the one behind me who has learned since childhood, and that is the real boy's skill.

What's more, if you trace back to the source, the other party is still her master, and as the master's disciple, she will definitely keep a hand.

"Isn't it good?" Xu Jie hugged Su Yun tightly, and lazily opened his eyes.

The purpose of the festival is to rest, to relax, and to be happy. Now he is very rested, very relaxed, very happy, and doesn't want to move at all.

"We only have three days of vacation. We will go to your house tomorrow and my house the day after tomorrow, leaving us with only one day today. Don't you think we should do something meaningful?" Su Yun asked.

On the [-]th, the crew of the movie "Mulan" will go to Hengdian to start the next three-month filming, and she will also go with the program crew.

In fact, for artists, there are no holidays, and even the more holidays, the busier the artists will be, because some large-scale activities require artists to participate, so when others are resting, artists are often the busiest.

As for the actors, because the rental contract of the shooting location is usually calculated on a daily and monthly basis, in order to improve the filming progress and save money, the crew will hurry up to shoot, and there will be no weekends or holidays.

Take the crew of "Mulan" as an example, if it weren't for the transition from Huairou film and television base to Hengdian film and television city, which happened to coincide with the National Day, there would be no three-day holiday.

"Significant things?" Xu Jie's hands began to be dishonest, "You mean... oops, I'm not ready yet, but since you asked for it, I'm willing to cooperate with you!"

Su Yun blushed, pressed Xu Jie's hand tightly, and screamed loudly: "I mean go out, go shopping, watch movies, do things that couples should have, don't move!"

"Okay, listen to you." Xu Jie said.

It would be a waste to just stay at home on such a good day.

What's more, the relationship between him and Su Yun is now limited to kissing, hugging and holding high. In this case, it is both a kind of happiness and a kind of torture for him as a man.

The two simply ate something at home, and then drove away from home.

"How do we arrange today?" Xu Jie asked while driving, with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on Su Yun's lap very naturally.

Cherish the moment, and after a while, there will be fewer thighs on the road.

Su Yun grabbed Xu Jie's hand and put it on the steering wheel, "Be careful, I have electronic eyes, I don't want to be on the news in this way."

Xu Jie said calmly: "Misunderstanding, I just want to put it on the handlebar."

Su Yun gave the man an unhappy look, and then said, "Let's go to the movies. I haven't seen a movie in a movie theater for a long time, so I can support the movie industry."

She couldn't remember the last time she went to the cinema.

"Okay." Xu Jie said after hearing this, "There are a total of fifteen movies in this National Day file, and I know all of them. What kind of movies do you want to watch?"

His main task today is to accompany each other, to make the other party happy, make the other party happy, and make the other party comfortable.

"Comedy, isn't your program an interview with a comedy? It seems to be called "The Crazy Richest Man". Just watch this, go shopping after watching it, have dinner, and watch another literary film before going home. How is it?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"Okay." Xu Jie nodded.

Maybe it's because everyone thought the same as Su Yun, they all seemed to go out for a walk, and the car got stuck in the road after not long.

Taking the opportunity, Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and searched for nearby movie theaters, only to find that movie tickets could not be bought at all, especially for the nearby shows, all of which showed a sold out status.

This was his first time watching a movie on National Day. He didn't expect the movie market to be so hot. He didn't make any preparations at all. He thought that he would be able to buy tickets when he arrived as usual.

"The morning and noon tickets are sold out, only the 3:[-] p.m. ticket, do you want to buy it?" Xu Jie asked.

"Buy." Su Yun said: "Let's go shopping first, and then go to the movies, the same."

Xu Jie hurriedly bought two seats next to each other. He was worried that after a while, there would be no tickets for the 3:[-] show.

It seems that comedy is still very popular in the market.

Su Yun took Xu Jie's mobile phone, looked at the movie information, and chose the movie to watch tonight, but after watching it for a while, her brows frowned.

"This year's National Day file competition is too fierce, right?"

"This is the case every year during the National Day." Xu Jie said after hearing this, "Except for the Spring Festival, there is also the National Day. These two time periods are when the film market is the most popular, and it can be called a fight between gods."

Because of the relationship between "In-depth Film and Television Talk", he also learned about the movie release time. The Spring Festival file and the National Day file are the most concentrated time for movie release.

"I heard from Director Zhang that the movie "Mulan" will be released on next year's National Day if there are no accidents. According to you, the box office of this movie is very dangerous." Su Yun's eyes showed a trace of worry .

This is her first starring role in a commercial film, and she will inevitably feel a little uneasy, because the box office of this film will affect her future film career to a certain extent.

If the box office is high, there will definitely be more film and television companies and directors who will find her to make movies in the future. If the box office is low, there will definitely be fewer people looking for her to make big productions.

Capital is the most realistic. They think artists can bring benefits, so they will go to them with a check. If they think artists can't bring benefits, they won't even look at it, even if you are famous.

The most obvious example is the great director Xu Shenghua, is she famous?One of the most famous and heavyweight female directors in China, she has won numerous awards and served as the chairman of the film festival jury. How did she end up?When you want to make a movie, no one will invest in it.

Just because she made a literary film.

And literary films cannot make money.

Do not!
It is losing money.

Even if she is a great director and her artistic level is very high, she will still be short of money when making movies, and she even hesitates to delay the start time for more investment.

"Before it is released, there is no movie that can guarantee both box office and reputation." Xu Jie knew what Su Yun was worried about, so he comforted him: "Actually, you don't need to worry, after all, this movie has "Crossover Actor" Thanks to the blessing, and it is a movie produced by Forbidden Pictures, the box office will not be low."

""Crossover Actor" has ended for a year by then, can the audience still remember?" Su Yun asked.

Nowadays, good-looking variety shows are emerging one after another, and in a year, they may have been forgotten by the audience long ago.

"If the audience can't remember, I'll remind them and let them remember. Don't forget, what my program does is to promote film and television dramas." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"In-depth talk about film and television" can finally come in handy!

"I hope so." Su Yun said.

"By the way, I heard from Ye Chu that the movie "The World" has passed the review and is going to be shown on New Year's Day?" Xu Jie thought of Su Yun's other movie that had already been filmed, but it was just a literary film.

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded.

She wasn't worried about this movie. After all, it was a literary film, and it was destined to not have a high box office, and the impact on capital was not that great.

"I'll talk to Ye Chu to see if we can postpone the release of this movie until next year's summer vacation. After the summer vacation is over, it will be the National Day movie. With the movie "Human World" as a foreshadowing, I believe people will pay attention to you. The speed will also be greatly improved." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

"But what if the movie "The World" turns over?" Su Yun asked.

"Impossible!" Xu Jie said after hearing this: "I chose the script, and I was present during the filming. Even if the box office is not high, your acting skills are definitely worthy of recognition."

Just because he did too much work during the filming, chatting about the plot, speaking to the actors, and looking for actors for the film, Ye Chu even planned to add his name to the assistant director.

"You have so much confidence in me?" Su Yun asked.

"Who made you my wife? I don't have confidence in you. Which woman do you want me to have confidence in?" Xu Jie asked.

The smile on Su Yun's face finally came back, she took the initiative to move over, and kissed Xu Jie's cheek.

"Reward you."

"Aren't you afraid of being photographed by electronic eyes this time?" Xu Jie pointed out the car window.

"It's not the same." Su Yun explained after hearing this: "Your action just now was playing hooligans, while my action just now was a reward."

"What kind of reward? You obviously took advantage of me. Oh, I can't take advantage of you, but you can take advantage of me?" Xu Jie asked back.

"Who made me a woman and you are a man? In the traditional sense, men are strong and women are weak, so if a man takes the initiative, it will be seen as bullying the weak, and if a woman takes the initiative, it will be seen as voluntary. .” Su Yun said with a smile.

"Hearing what you said, it seems that I have to protect myself in the future, otherwise it will be easy to be voluntary!"


(End of this chapter)

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