Chapter 395 Superficial
Xu Jie wore a peaked cap, and the brim of the hat was pressed down so low that others could not see his eyes, so as to avoid being recognized by passers-by.

In contrast, Su Yun's cover-up measures are more comprehensive. In addition to the peaked cap of the same style as Xu Jie, there is also an extra mask, which is very cautious and low-key.

No way, I was scared by fans.

The two of them didn't want to have a good holiday and spend it surrounded by fans.

Since the movie had to wait until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the two went shopping in a nearby shopping mall.

There is no woman who does not like shopping, and Su Yun is no exception.

Because of work, she hasn't gone shopping for a long time, and finally catches a day, how can she let it go?This is also the main reason why she doesn't want to lie at home all day.

That's right, shopping is the meaningful thing she said.

"Come on, let me look at the clothes." Su Yun pulled Xu Jie, without giving him a chance to answer, and went straight into a famous brand store.

Seeing the woman's brightened eyes and impatient look, Xu Jie immediately realized what meaningful things are.

But he didn't refuse, firstly, the main task today was to accompany the other party, and secondly, the two hadn't been shopping together for half a year, and the other party was not like other women who shop around every day, so he had no reason to refuse.

However, there was one thing he didn't quite understand.

"Don't you have a lot of clothes in your closet?" Xu Jie asked.

The other party has a special room at home as a clothing room, and there are countless clothes hanging, and even bought home without unpacking.

Living with the other party, Xu Jie felt that he had lived in vain for more than 20 years. All the clothes from childhood to adulthood were not as many as in the other party's clothing room.

"Isn't it the season change? I have no clothes." Su Yun said naturally.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, no clothes?
If there are no new clothes, he admits, but if there are no clothes, what are the piles in the clothing room?rag?
Su Yun noticed the expression on the man's face, and said while picking clothes: "What is that expression on your face? Why do women buy beautiful clothes? Don't you wear them for your men? We have worked tirelessly to buy and change clothes, Isn't it just to make you feel fresh? Is it easy for us women?"

Xu Jie was stunned.

What he said seemed to be nonsense, but it also seemed to make sense.

All along, he was the one who reasoned with others, but he didn't expect to be told by this woman today.

"Then who do you want to wear when you buy clothes?" Xu Jie asked while looking at the other party.

In two days, the other party will go to Hengdian to film a movie. Even if I bought it, I don’t seem to have a chance to wear it. I remember that in the summer, the other party bought a lot of skirts. Later, he participated in the show and filmed a movie. Now there are still piles of skirts in the clothing room. with many unopened shopping bags.

"Of course it's for you to see." Su Yun said after hearing this, then picked up a piece of clothing and put it on herself for comparison, and asked with a smile: "How is it, is it beautiful?"

"Beautiful!" Xu Jie praised first, and then said: "If it was for me to see, I think the style of clothes in this store is not suitable."

"Oh?" Su Yun was a little surprised. She only knew that the other party was good at making shows, but she didn't expect that she was also quite knowledgeable about clothing. She even knew the clothing styles of various brands. "Who do you think is more suitable for me?"

"Victoria's Secret." Xu Jie said solemnly.

Su Yun was taken aback for a moment, then her pretty face blushed, and two red clouds appeared.

I thought the other party would give some professional advice, but who would have thought that it would be...

"Damn it, that's underwear, can I wear it out?" Su Yun gave the man a white look.

"Didn't you just show me your clothes? From now on, you will wear Victoria's Secret at home, and Wei Yi when you go out." Xu Jie suggested.

"Wei Yi? What brand is this?" Su Yun asked curiously. She knew about women's clothing brands at home and abroad, but she had never heard of Wei Yi. Could it be a sub-brand of Victoria's Secret?

"Wai Yi is not a brand, but a style of dressing. Simply put, it is to surround yourself like a mummy." Xu Jie explained.

Xu Jie felt that Su Yun seemed to have misunderstood men.

Men like to see women dressed beautifully, which refers to the women outside. If it is their own woman, the beauty can only be confined to the home. When it comes to the outside, it doesn't matter whether the clothes are beautiful or not. The key is to be strict and not show.

"Unexpectedly, you are quite conservative." Su Yun said.

"It's not conservative. It's okay for other women to dress a little revealingly. You can't, because you are mine. I don't want other men to take advantage of me." Xu Jie said: "If I have to find a word to describe it, it is : Possessiveness."

Su Yun stared at Xu Jie for a while, and finally couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"You can rest assured that I'm taking the route of strength faction, and I don't need to rely on showing off to gain a position." Su Yun said seriously, it can be regarded as a reassurance for the other party.

She has been like this since her debut. Whether she is a singer or an actress, she relies on her own strength. This is why everyone defines her as a "national goddess" rather than a "sexy actress".

"I know." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

He has been with the other party for so long, so he naturally knows what kind of woman the other party is. Even in the entertainment program center with a lot of gossip, the other party's evaluation is very high, otherwise he would not spare so much to help the other party.

Su Yun made a lot of money in the store, but felt that there were no suitable clothes, so she changed to the next one.

Xu Jie didn't know if his words played a certain role, and then he went to many stores, but he just looked around and didn't buy a single piece of clothing.

But when he was about to watch a movie, the other party pulled him into a women's clothing store, but as soon as he entered, he felt something was wrong. This was a women's underwear store.

Although it’s not Victoria’s Secret, the store is very large, and there are many styles of underwear. Xu Jie’s look is dazzling. Compared with the single ones of men, women’s ones are simply diverse, and can even be described as complex and changeable. .

"How?" Su Yun looked at the man whose eyeballs were about to fly out, feeling funny in her heart, wondering if this was a special hobby.

"En." Xu Jie nodded, although he didn't have any extra words, he showed a positive attitude towards this place.

In addition to Xu Jie, there was another man in the store. He was standing in the corner with an extremely embarrassed expression and kept his head down, but he often sneaked around looking around, as if he wanted to see but was embarrassed.

In contrast, Xu Jie was much calmer, not only raised his head, but also looked around, just like a child who came to the playground and discovered the new world.

For the female customers and salespersons around, Xu Jie didn't feel embarrassed at all. Anyway, he felt that as long as he wasn't embarrassed, others would be embarrassed.

What's more, he came here with a heart, and he had no other ideas except to choose some suitable underwear for his wife.

Really, very simple!
"Do you like anything?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie's concentration, and found it very funny that she was more serious than her. Who was she buying clothes for?

"Yes." Xu Jie said while pointing to Su Yun, "The black one, the white one, and the purple one, and the sports one next to it also looks good."

"You're welcome." Su Yun looked at what Xu Jie said, and then added, "And you're very thoughtful."

"Of course." Xu Jie is still very confident about this point, he doesn't have many ideas, can he make so many programs?Can you write so many stories and scripts?

"Since you like it so much, then stay here and watch for a while, or you will have to wait at least three months before you want to come to this kind of place next time." Su Yun said with a light smile.

In this kind of women's underwear store, the men who come in are usually accompanied by their female companions. If it is a single man, it is generally embarrassed to enter this kind of place.

"Ah? Don't you buy it?" Xu Jie looked at the woman strangely and asked, "If you don't buy it, why did you bring me to this place?"

"Don't you like it very much? I'll bring you here to open your eyes and make you feel happy. It's a reward for you to walk with me for so long." Su Yun said.

"Superficial!" After Xu Jie heard it, he began to reason with the other party: "Do I like them? I like how they look on you. Without you, they are just pieces of fabric the size of a palm. With you, They have souls, so hurry up and give them souls."

"I have, I don't need it." Su Yun said with a smile, she wanted to see if the other party had any reason to convince her.

"Based on what I know about you, you are a woman who loves cleanliness, so buy a few more and change them up. This kind of thing doesn't have a shelf life like food, and it won't go bad when you buy it home. God, you want to give me a reward, don’t you just use it? And it’s my birthday at the end of October, you can’t let my wish fail, right? How unlucky.”

Xu Jie felt that if he didn’t come, he wouldn’t come, or he wouldn’t ask for his opinion. Now that he’s here, he’s asked as well. Isn’t it molesting good women and men if he doesn’t buy it?

Sure enough, a man should take good care of himself.

Seeing the man's painstaking efforts, Su Yun didn't expect him to even move out for his birthday.

I don't know if it's God's will, maybe it's not that one family doesn't enter the other family, except for Su Lei, other people's birthdays in the two families will be in the next two months.

The second is Xu Jie’s mother’s birthday, NO.12 is her father’s birthday, the end of the month is Xu Jie’s voice, next month’s sixth is her mother’s birthday, the sixth is Xu Jie’s father’s birthday, and NO.16 is her birthday.

"Let's talk about it when it's your birthday." Su Yun looked at her watch and said, "It's getting late, the movie is about to start, let's go."

"As the old saying goes, choosing a date is worse than hitting a date. You will be very busy in the next three months, so how can you have time to buy? I think it's good to buy today."

Xu Jie stretched out his hand to call the salesman, and packed up the ones he pointed out just now. Su Yun saw that the waiters were all here, and if they stood in a stalemate for too long, they would definitely be recognized, so she could only tell her underwear size , Waited for the salesman to pack the clothes before leaving.

"Oh, I don't know if it fits well." Xu Jie whispered as he walked, "Go back and try tonight, or go back and try tonight?"


(End of this chapter)

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