The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 396 Cheers to Huaxia Movies!

Chapter 396 Cheers to Huaxia Movies!
Xu Jie returned the new clothes he bought to the car, and then dragged Su Yun to the movie city in a hurry.

When the two entered, an advertisement was being played, Xu Jie found a seat and sat down quickly.

Although Xu Jie's program interviewed the movie "The Crazy Richest Man", he knows as much as the audience. Except for the two official trailers and what was said in the program, there is actually no Got it, so for this movie, he is also full of freshness.

At this time, the conversation between a man and a woman in the front row reached Xu Jie's ears.

"A friend of mine who saw it said it was hilarious."

"Really? I also watched the introduction of the TV program, so I wanted to watch this movie."

"Are you talking about "In-depth Film and Television Talk"? I have watched it too."

"Really? I also like this program very much. I think it does a good job in terms of content. There are interviews about stars and movies. The host's questions are bold and sharp, which is better than other stars. The interview show is much more interesting."


Su Yun looked at the men and women chatting hotly in the front row, and leaned sideways to Xu Jie's ear and whispered, "I never thought your show would have the effect of promoting relationships."

Xu Jie's ears were itchy from the wind, but judging by the appearance of this couple, it should be that they have just been in love for a short time, and only such couples will talk about movies in the movie theater without having anything to say, if they are old couples , It must be a topic that has nothing to do with the movie, such as: where to play after watching the movie, where to eat later...

Not long after, the lights in the arena were turned off and the movie officially started.

With the development of the plot, bursts of laughter resounded in the screening hall.

Xu Jie handed the popcorn to Su Yun beside him. When watching a comedy like this, it should be served with popcorn, hahaha while eating, no need to use your head to think at all.

Literary films will not work.

Because the movie theater was very dark, Su Yun became more courageous, pulled down the mask, put it on her chin, and ate popcorn.

Foods like popcorn are very high in calories and are the enemy of dieters, but this is a movie theater, and there is no atmosphere without eating popcorn, so Su Yun also indulged and completely relaxed.

The tube of popcorn was eaten quickly, Xu Jie had no place to grab his hand, so he could only grab Su Yun's hand in the end.

Nine and 10 minutes passed quickly, and at the end of the movie, many people were still unsatisfied.

"It was so funny, especially the reversal at the end."

"Well, the ticket money is not wasted, it's worth it."

"The movies recommended by "In-depth Film and Television Talk" are definitely not wrong."

There were too many people going out together, Xu Jie held Su Yun's hand tightly, and the two walked at the back.

"Old Xu? Are you Old Xu? Su Yun, sister Yun, is that you?"

At this time, a person looked at Xu Jie and Su Yun with doubts in his mouth and surprise in his eyes.

Hearing what this person said, the others looked in the direction this person was looking at, and when they saw clearly the man and woman walking at the end, they immediately screamed excitedly.

"Old Xu, it's really Old Xu, you should watch the movie too!"

"Su Yun is here too."

The people who had been going out now retreated one after another, and those who had already walked out also walked back curiously after hearing the screams from behind.

Xu Jie pressed down on the brim of his hat. He originally wanted to say that you misidentified the person, but only then did he realize that Su Yun forgot to put the mask back on after eating the popcorn. His face may be misidentified, but with Su Yun's face, people I’ve seen it for ten years, can I admit my mistake?Certainly not.

What's more, this face is so beautiful and unique, it's hard to admit mistakes.

Seeing that Xu Jie couldn't escape, and the door to go out was blocked by people returning from outside, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to escape, so he simply said openly: "The movie I introduced to you, come here with my wife. Let’s see how it goes, is there any mistake in the introduction, what do you guys think of this movie? Is it good or not?”


"It's hilarious and better than most comedies."

"The movies and TV shows you introduced are all good."

"Director Xu, there are a total of more than a dozen movies in this year's National Day file, and your "In-depth Film and Television Talk" only promoted this "Crazy Richest Man", does it mean that you only like this movie among so many movies? "Someone asked loudly.

When Xu Jie heard it, this was an offending question. If he said yes, then the production companies behind the remaining dozen movies, crews, directors and stars, wouldn’t they all be offended?
But from the perspective of the audience of the program, this question is actually not a problem.

"Actually, the overall quality of the dozen or so movies on the National Day file today is still very good. To be honest, our "In-depth Film and Television Talk" really wants to introduce more movies to the audience, but we can only interview one crew in one episode. , and these movies will be released around November, our program team has nothing to do."

When Xu Jie opened his mouth, he just gave an explanation, not so much for the audience in front of him, but for more than a dozen other film crews.

People in the arena involuntarily.

He can promote a movie, but he cannot slander it, and he feels that the more mainstream the media, the less it should have such a bad rhythm.

What's more, the crew of his show are all crews of movies that haven't been released yet. How can they slander him if they haven't seen the movie?
Besides, whether a movie is good or bad is not determined by a program, but by the audience. No program can and has no right to represent the audience.

At this time, there was silence in the theater, and everyone was watching Xu Jie.

"As for why we promote the movie "The Crazy Rich Man" in "In-depth Film and Television", one reason is that everyone needs to relax during the National Day holiday. I am also a worker and often work overtime, so I understand everyone very well, and "Crazy Rich Man" is a This is a comedy movie, very suitable for everyone to relax, I just saw everyone laughing very much, so I feel relieved."

"Ha ha!"

There were bursts of laughter in the auditorium.

"Secondly, the movies with the most pre-sales are already very popular. I really don't need our program to promote, and I'm afraid that some celebrity fans will think our program is just a joke, so I can only look from the middle to the back..."

Everyone heard it, um, as expected of the director of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", what he said made sense.

"Ms. Xu, Sister Yun, can you take a picture with me?" A woman asked loudly.

As a result, everyone in the room began to ask for a group photo.

"Teacher Xu, I'm your big fan, join me too!"

"I've been watching Delicious History since the first issue..."

"Ms. Xu, Sister Yun, both of you are my idols..."

The originally quiet theater suddenly became noisy again. Everyone began to squeeze around Xu Jie and Su Yun, and some couldn't wait to take out their phones and start taking pictures.

Xu Jie hugged Su Yun tightly, looking at the people in the room, if this is a group photo one by one, will it take until the year of the monkey?
"Everyone be quiet, pay attention to order, and listen to me." Xu Jie said loudly.

The room immediately fell silent.

"It's too slow to take a group photo one by one. I have a good suggestion." Xu Jie looked at everyone and said, "Meeting is fate, how about we take a group photo? If you don't mind, I will send it to Weibo immediately. At that time, everyone can go to my Weibo to download."

Everyone heard that this method is good. Not only can they take a photo with Xu Jie and Su Yun, but they can also post it on Teacher Xu's Weibo, so the viewership rate is not good?
"it is good!"


"Yes, it's all fate, let's take a photo together!"

Everyone lined up on their own, and Xu Jie and Su Yun were naturally C.

But the line was finished, but then there was a very serious problem, no one took pictures.

Yes, we are all taking pictures, who will take pictures?

At this time, a few people ran in from the door. Judging by the uniforms they were wearing, they were the staff of the theater.

"What happened?"

"No need to fight!"

The ticket inspector outside heard the noise in the auditorium just now, thought there was a fight, and immediately called the theater manager over.

The theater manager saw that the people in the room were standing neatly, just like a chorus in a cultural performance. How could they look like they were fighting?

"Who fought? Nobody fought."

"What's the fight? Did you go to the wrong house?"

The audience said one after another.

The theater manager looked back at the ticket inspector. The ticket inspector had an innocent face. It was indeed this screening hall. He was just outside. How could he hear it wrong?

"The movie has already finished playing. If you don't leave, what are you doing standing here?" asked the ticket inspector.


"Leave after taking a photo."

When Xu Jie saw the manager of the theater, he immediately had an idea in his mind. He waved at the manager and said, "Hi manager, can you take a group photo for us? The kind that takes everyone in."

When the manager heard this, the request was not too much. As long as there was no fight and the movie was delayed in the auditorium, it would not be a problem to take ten pictures, let alone one, as long as you leave quickly after the filming.

"Yes." The manager walked over and took the phone. When he saw clearly the person handing the phone, he immediately opened his eyes wide and asked incredulously, "You, are you Xu Jie?"

"Yeah." Xu Jie smiled and nodded.

Surprise immediately appeared on the manager's face. You must know that "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is a program that these theaters focus on. In the future, as long as this program promotes any movie, they will line up a few more shows for that movie, such as the current "Crazy "The Richest Man", originally there were only five shows today, but the pre-sale was so good that the tickets were all sold out, and three more shows were temporarily added, but they were still sold out.

"Ms. Xu, can I take a photo with you?" the theater manager asked.

"No problem." Xu Jie said.

The manager immediately waved to the meter inspector and said, "Xiao Liu, come here and take a group photo for us."

After the meter inspector recognized Xu Jie and Su Yun, he also wanted to take a photo, but the manager had already spoken, so he could only take a photo.

So he stood in the middle aisle with his mobile phone, pointed the camera at the front, and captured everyone in the frame.

"Tell me, one, two, three, eggplant!"



Time freezes at this moment.

Xu Jie stood in the middle, Su Yun leaned on the side, and hundreds of people surrounded them.

Not long after, Xu Jie's Weibo was updated.

It was a group photo in the movie theater, and there was a line of words: Come on for Huaxia Movies!


(End of this chapter)

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