The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 398 Where Are the Young Artists

Chapter 398 Where Are the Young Artists

When Xu Jie was about to switch studios with Su Yun, it was already too late.

The few people who were discussing behind their backs just now had already walked over and surrounded them in six directions.

In fact, all of this was caused by Xu Jie's Weibo.

After Xu Jie posted that photo, many fans left messages in the comment area, many of whom were in the photo.

Some people asked about the location of the studio in the comment area, and the people in the group photo answered truthfully and enthusiastically. This caused some fans near the studio to come here to check in, hoping to meet the star again. waiting.

"Ms. Xu and Sister Yun, we are fans of both of you. Can you take a photo with us?" A female fan asked, with eagerness and anticipation in her eyes.

"Yes." Xu Jie agreed after hearing this.

The fans have already spoken, if they don't agree, wouldn't it be very unfriendly?
Those who didn't know thought they were playing big names.

However, it's okay not to agree, and when he agreed, many people who waited and watched came over.

They were surrounded again.

Xu Jie thought to himself when he saw it, he would definitely not watch two movies in the same studio next time.

too dangerous.

"The movie is about to start, I think it's better for everyone to take a photo together." Xu Jie took out this trick again.

Everyone thought of the photo that Old Xu posted on Weibo before, and immediately surrounded Xu Jie and Su Yun, and the people who took the photo were the staff of the studio.

After taking the photo, Xu Jie dragged Su Yun into the cinema in a hurry.

The two left, but there was excitement behind them.

"Old Xu and Sister Yun went to hall 8, let's see which movie is going to be shown in hall 8!"

"Wait a minute in Hall 8 is "The Living", which is a literary film."

"A literary film? Are Lao Xu and Su Yun watching a literary film? This is in line with their temperament. One is a director of a TV program, and the other is a songwriter with creative strength."

"There are still tickets, buy them now!"

"I checked, there were still vacancies when I checked, why did it show that it was sold out when I paid?"

"Whoever bought the ticket for hall 8, can you sell the ticket to me, I will pay twice the price."

"I pay three times!"

Literary and artistic films that few people paid attention to have become popular all of a sudden. Even if someone offers a high price on the spot, they can't buy them. After all, no one is short of the dozens of dollars.

But being able to watch a movie with a big star and take a few photos secretly is enough to show off in Moments and Weibo for a few days. This feeling of being followed by friends and colleagues is not something that can be bought for only 80 yuan. of.

Xu Jie found a seat and sat down with Su Yun.

Compared with the comedy show in the afternoon, the audience for this show is relatively small, and half of the seats are empty, and there are only a few minutes before the opening. Under normal circumstances, there is no one at this time, basically there will be no one .

This is the embarrassing situation of literary films.

Even on National Day, even when there are only two performances a day, the theater still cannot be filled.

It's not that literary films are badly shot. In fact, many literary films have a very good reputation. Even after many years, they will be called classics, or even called masterpieces.

But the reality is that there are very few people who really go into the theater to watch literary films, and very few people are willing to pay for literary films.

Even those movies that were later called classics and masterpieces, most people discovered and knew them through the Internet.

Therefore, even if it is a literary film made by a big director, it is difficult to attract investment. Many directors even have to sell their cars and houses to raise money because no one invests.

Capital is realistic, and they cannot be moved by applause or not.

In the eyes of capital, there are only benefits, as long as it can bring them benefits, they will be willing to invest.

"It seems that I overestimated the market for literary films." Su Yun whispered to Xu Jie.

She now has two literary films in hand, one is "The World" directed by Ye Chu, which has already been filmed, and the other is "Strange Road" directed by Xu Shenghua, which has not yet started filming.

However, judging from the current literary film market, it is obviously impossible for these two films to have a high box office.

In fact, many actors know this, and they don't have high expectations for the box office of the literary films they star in. They even regard literary films as an opportunity to exercise their acting skills and show off their acting skills.

Of course, it is best to win some awards. After all, literary films are still very popular in major foreign film festivals. Once they win a prize, they will have an extra title of actor or actress on their heads, which can be regarded as a kind of blessing.

However, Su Yun didn't think too much about it. She acted in "The World" because she thought the script was good, and when she acted in "Stranger Road", she felt that she could learn a lot from the director Xu Shenghua. It is a great opportunity for self-improvement.

"Well, most of the literary youths are pretending to be forced, how many real literary youths are there?" Xu Jie said.

He graduated from the Communication University, and now he works in the cultural program center of Beijing TV Station. Even he himself dare not call himself a literary youth. It is conceivable that there are so few literary youths nowadays.

He has always felt that literary and artistic youth only exist in two places, one is legends, and the other is the Internet, and both of them have a common feature, that is, they will never see each other.

Counting on these invisible people to save literary and artistic films, it is hopeless to think about it.

"When I was choosing a movie, I read the introduction. The director and the actors are quite famous, so why can't they attract the audience?" Su Yun felt very strange.

There are obviously a lot of people who support it online, and there are also a lot of people who are optimistic about this movie, but when it comes to actual action, no one can see it?
"In the past 20 years, when the film has developed the fastest, no one can explain it clearly, so don't think about such profound questions." Xu Jie said.

The two were discussing, when the door of the theater suddenly opened, and people came in one after another, not just one or two, but many.

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, his eyes were full of surprise. He just said that no one paid for the literary film, but suddenly so many people came in, the slap in the face was too loud, right?

Do literary youths like to be the last to enter?
But the strange thing is that these people all have a common feature, that is, instead of rushing to find a seat after entering, they look up and look around, as if they are looking for something.

Xu Jie looked at these people and immediately understood why he came in so late.

Because these people are not literary youths at all, and they didn't come to see the movie, but to see him and Su Yun.

To be precise, I came here to chase stars.

Xu Jie didn't know what to say for a while.

You guys put your star-chasing energy into movies!

The movie hall, which was originally sparse, was filled with people in an instant. Some people who came in early felt strange, why so many people came to see this literary film today?I have never seen such a scene, even if it is a literary film by a major director.

Not long after, the lights were turned off and the movie officially started.

Most domestic literary and artistic films mainly reflect reality, and they are all filmed in the society ten or twenty years ago, and the current films are no exception.

Literary films are generally narrated in a leisurely manner, which is different from the comedy films that can be watched "in a blink of an eye" in the afternoon. The same time is 10 minutes, but this time it feels like a long time to watch.

In fact, Xu Jie watched it very seriously, but because of the generation gap in the content, even if he knew what the director wanted to express, he could still play.

The movie came to an end and was about to end. Before the lights were on, Xu Jie pulled Su Yun and walked out.

He knew that when the light came on, he might not be able to get out again.

Need at least one more group photo.

Walking out of the theater, the two of them ran all the way until they entered the underground parking lot and got into the car, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

The two took off their masks, looked at each other, and laughed in unison.

"Why do I feel that the two of us are not here to watch the movie, but to participate in the sports meeting?" Su Yun smiled and looked at Xu Jie and said.

"Well, I feel the same way, but don't worry, I'm a professional runner." Xu Jie said confidently.

Although I haven't practiced for a long time, it is still a treasure. After all, age is here, and 26 is considered the golden age of an athlete.

"But I ran slowly, and I was holding you back just now." Su Yun took a deep breath, feeling her heart beating wildly.

"It's okay, I'll run with you next time." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun was shy and delighted when she heard it. Although there was some bragging in this remark, she was willing to listen to it.

"Let's drive. I've been tired all day. It's time to go back and rest. I have to go to your house tomorrow." Su Yun said to Xu Jie.

Tomorrow is Xu Jie's mother's birthday, go to bed early and get up early, go back early.

"Okay!" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

In fact, he is more anxious than the other party, because he has something to do.

Xu Jie drove home. After Su Yun got out of the car, he followed behind with the clothes he bought in the afternoon. Seeing that the other party was about to go upstairs, he immediately handed the shopping bag to the other party.

"Here, try changing after taking a shower." Xu Jie said.

He knew that the other party had the habit of taking a shower immediately after returning home. Women don't like to walk around the house smelling of sweat, let alone there is a man at home.

Su Yun rolled her eyes at the man, then went upstairs with her shopping bag.

Seeing Su Yun's figure disappearing at the stairs, Xu Jie immediately went into the bathroom. He is a man who respects women. Women are already bathed. How bad is it if he doesn't wash?
However, compared with Su Yun's habit of taking a bath, he was quicker. He simply rushed out and came out. The main reason was to prevent the other party from saying something like last time: I went downstairs and saw you taking a bath. Didn't bother you.

This time, absolutely not giving the other party a chance.

Xu Jie sat in the living room, watching a movie while waiting.

After more than an hour, Su Yun finally came down from the stairs, only wearing a nightgown.

"Where's the clothes I bought for you?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"Upstairs." Su Yun said naturally.

"Didn't I let you try?"

"Yes, I tried it, it's quite suitable."

"..." Xu Jie was speechless, and waited for nothing.

"Rest now, we have to get up early tomorrow." Su Yun yawned after speaking, and then walked into Xu Jie's room naturally.

Xu Jie followed in, don't wear it if you don't wear it, anyway, sooner or later.

When the other party is not at home, I will cut off the original underwear to see if the other party wears it.

Xu Jie lay on the bed with his arms around Su Yun.

Not right!

This feeling, obviously there are clothes inside the pajamas.

I'm going, can't I wear it inside?
Xu Jie looked at the dark room, only hated that his hands didn't have two pairs of eyes!


(End of this chapter)

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