Chapter 399

Three days passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, Su Yun followed the crew of "Mulan" to Hengdian for filming.

Three days, both for Xu Jie and Su Yun, felt that it was a bit too short, so short that they were about to separate before they got tired of being together.

All in all, since the filming of "Mulan" started, the two of them have no weekends, and actors don't have weekends, so even on Saturdays and Sundays, Su Yun has to film, and Xu Jie also agreed to Guo Chuan and Guo Chuan. Zhang Weiqiang can only go to the set on Saturday and Sunday.

For Xu Jie, these three days should be the happiest three days in the past two months, because he felt happy and sweet, which no matter what achievements he made in work, he could not bring him.

Perhaps, this is the feeling of liking someone.

If there is love in the heart, the whole world will be colorful; if there is no love in the heart, then the world will be black and white in the eyes.

In fact, even if Su Yun doesn't leave, he doesn't have time to accompany her, because he still has to prepare a new issue of "In-depth Talk on Film and Television".

Compared with other units, TV stations have no holidays, 365 days a year, every day will not stop. There is a saying to describe TV workers: The earth does not explode, we do not take holidays, the universe does not restart, we do not rest .

Because almost all the movies in October are released on October [-]st of the National Day file, this also leads to no new movies being released in the next month. "Talk about Film and Television" cannot introduce movies, so it can only refocus on TV dramas.

Fortunately, every TV station broadcasts new TV dramas every month, and these new TV dramas undoubtedly need to be promoted, which also prevents "Deep Talk on Film and Television" from running out of content to broadcast.

Time is a very strange thing, it seems to be a lot, but it is always not enough.

When people are still immersed in the holidays, the working day has quietly arrived.

But to Xu Jie, it doesn't matter at all, because he has been at work for several days.

I remember reading an article by Lu Xun when I was in elementary school, which said: In my backyard, I can see two trees outside the wall, one is a jujube tree, and the other is also a jujube tree.

When I was young, I didn't understand the meaning of Lu Xun's writing. I always thought that Lu Xun, like him at that time, liked to make up the number of words when writing essays.

Now that I'm at work, I can understand it.

In my vacation, two days can be seen, one is a working day and the other is also a working day.

"Xu Jie, did you know that the box office of "Crazy Richest Man" has exceeded 4 million!"

In the morning, as soon as Xu Jie showed up at the art program center, Qin Yan approached him excitedly.

"Do you have a dividend?" Xu Jie asked after hearing it.

"No!" Qin Yan shook her head.

"It's not for you, why are you so happy?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

"Didn't our program promote this movie? Now that his box office is so high, it means that we didn't make a mistake in choosing him." Qin Yan said with a smile: "Besides, this result also has the credit for our publicity."

Having said that, a proud expression appeared on her face.

As a movie with a total cost of only 6000 million, it is not easy to get a box office of 4 million during the National Day period when big productions gather.

You must know that on the first day of the pre-sale, the predicted total box office of "Crazy Richest Man" was only 1.5 million, which was just enough to pay back the cost. Since the interview with the film crew of this movie, not only the pre-sale has increased Plenty, and even total box office projections are on the rise.

You know, the movie has a one-month release time, and now only seven days have passed, even if the weekdays are excluded, there are still three weekends, and the total box office still has room to increase.

"Be humble, as long as the film and television circles know about this kind of thing, we can't talk about it everywhere." Xu Jie told Qin Yan.

There are some things that others can say, but the people in the program group cannot.

Just like Qin Yan's last sentence, it seems that the film's high box office is due to the program's promotion. If the film crew heard it, wouldn't they be scolding their mothers in their hearts?
"Understood, didn't I tell you?" Qin Yan has hosted entertainment broadcasts for so many years, so she naturally knows what to say and what not to say.

Xu Jie returned to his work station to check the movie box office.

Among the many movies released on National Day, the number one movie has a box office of more than 15 billion, while the second movie has a box office of 9 million, and the third is "Crazy Richest Man", with a box office of 4 million.

It is not difficult to see from this ranking that although there are many movies released on the National Day file, the gap between the box office is still very large, and there are only a few movies that are really blockbusters, and half of them are losing money.

This is a movie. If someone makes money, someone will lose money.

Investing in movies is actually a kind of gamble, and no one can guarantee that they will make money before they are released.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, Xu Jie's cell phone rang suddenly, and he glanced at the caller ID. It was Zhang Wanpeng, the general manager of the production company of the movie "Crazy Rich Man".

"Hello, Mr. Zhang."

I remember that on the second day after the episode of "The Crazy Richest Man" was broadcast, Zhang Wanpeng called him about the skyrocketing pre-sales and asked him to have dinner with him, but he politely rejected him later. what's the matter.

However, based on his guess, now that the movie box office is so good and Zhang Wanpeng is making a lot of money, it should be a good thing to find him.

"Hi Director Xu, did you delay your work?" Zhang Wanpeng asked politely.

"No." Xu Jie replied.

"Director Xu, do you have time tonight?" Zhang Wanpeng asked.

Xu Jie thought to himself: Sure enough, it was still for a dinner appointment.

"Mr. Zhang, thank you for your kindness. I really don't need to eat, let alone thank you. We can be considered mutual fulfillment." Xu Jie said.

"Crazy Rich Man" brought ratings and topics to the show, and "In-depth Film and Television Talk" brought publicity and box office to the film. The relationship between the two is mutually beneficial. Without the self-risk spirit of the crew and actors who sacrificed their lives for the film, the show would be on the air. It won't cause such a big response after it comes out.

"Director Xu, you misunderstood. It's not a dinner appointment. The box office of the movie "Crazy Richest Man" has already exceeded 4 million. Not only has it completed the goal, it even surpassed the original goal. Tonight, the cast and crew of the film crew will participate, and many friends from the media have been invited, so I hope Director Xu can also participate." Zhang Wanpeng explained.

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, a celebration party?
Have a celebration party before the movie is released?
But if you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to understand. After all, the box office of 4 million has exceeded expectations, and the investors must be very satisfied.

Moreover, holding a celebration meeting at this time can be regarded as a kind of publicity, and it may attract another wave of attention, and in the remaining three weeks, it will hit the box office again.

If it was normal, Xu Jie might find an excuse to turn it down, but now that Su Yun has gone to Hengdian, he is the only one at home, lonely and cold, why not go to the celebration party to join in the fun and make connections by the way.

"Okay." Xu Jie agreed straight away.

Director Jiang once told him that people in the art program center should not just focus on the work in front of them all day long, they should go out more and make friends with people in the entertainment industry. The old saying is good: many friends There are many roads, and it may be used at any time.

For example, if you want to direct a party or something, get to know more people in the entertainment industry, and you can get a celebrity with just one phone call. If you don't know people in the entertainment industry, you will only be headless chickens running around.

"Thank you, Director Xu, for your appreciation. I'll send you the time and place later. Please come." Zhang Wanpeng said excitedly.

The last time he invited the other party to dinner was unsuccessful, he had been thinking about it all the time, and this time the other party agreed, so he must treat him well.

Xu Jie hung up the phone, and not long after, he received a text message from Zhang Wanpeng, which stated the location and time of the celebration banquet.

At 19:30 in the evening, International Hotel.

Well, dinner is settled.

In the morning, Xu Jie held a meeting with the program team of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" to determine the crew to be interviewed by this week's program, and then asked everyone to collect information.

In the afternoon, he held another meeting for the "Delicious History" program team to confirm the content to be filmed this month, and then contacted Hu Zhen to confirm the stars and the shooting time.

After getting off work in the evening, Xu Jie returned home, took a shower, changed his clothes, and then went to the International Hotel.

The taxi stopped outside the hotel gate. As soon as Xu Jie got out of the car, Zhang Wanpeng came up to him.

"Director Xu, let's meet again." After Zhang Wanpeng finished speaking, he held Xu Jie's hand tightly, smiling like a chrysanthemum blooming, and explained once again what it means: happiness blooms.

Xu Jie was a little surprised when he saw it. He didn't expect the general manager of Tangtang Film and Television Production Company to greet people outside the hotel. It seems that he made a lot of money.

"Mr. Zhang, congratulations." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Same joy, same joy. Speaking of it, I still have to thank you. If it weren't for Director Xu's program, the box office of the movie would not have the current results!" Zhang Wanpeng thanked.

Xu Jie laughed. Qin Yan couldn't say this, but Zhang Wanpeng said it without any problem.

"Mr. Zhang, you are too polite. The main reason is that the quality of the movie itself is excellent." Xu Jie was polite after hearing this.

Zhang Wanpeng noticed that Xu Jie came by taxi, and immediately said: "Director Xu, I was not thoughtful enough and didn't send a car to pick you up. After the banquet is over tonight, I will send a driver to take you back."

"No, it's autumn and it's refreshing. I went home after a walk at night. To be honest, if I wasn't worried about being late, I would have walked here tonight." Xu Jie waved his hand at the other party and said without being so particular: "Mr. Zhang, you are busy, I can go in by myself."

"Director Zhang, look at what you said. I'm here to welcome you. Now that you're here, let's go up together." Zhang Wanpeng patted Xu Jie's back lightly with one hand, and made a gesture of invitation with the other. tidy up, motioned Xu Jie to go inside.

Xu Jie was flattered, Mr. Zhang really knows how to behave.

(End of this chapter)

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