Chapter 400 Accompanying?

Xu Jie, led by Zhang Wanpeng, came to the celebration party.

The hall was brightly lit, surrounded by flowers and laughter. In front of it was a small catwalk with a total of [-] tables on both sides, which looked like a wedding banquet.

Xu Jie arrived 10 minutes earlier, but the scene was full, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Am I late?" Xu Jie wondered if he had misread the time.

"No, we came early." Zhang Wanpeng explained after hearing this: "Most of the people who came to the scene today are cast and crew, and some are friends from the media, so everyone came earlier."

Anyone can miss this kind of celebration party held right after the movie is in theaters, except the media, who are all counting on the media to publicize this event.

The National Day has passed, and in the next three weeks, publicity will play a very important role in the box office.

Xu Jie was placed in the first row, and the women at the same table looked familiar. After thinking about it carefully, they were supporting roles that appeared in the movie. If he hadn't watched the movie, I really don't know who it is.

As for the director and several protagonists I interviewed a few days ago, they were all sitting at the next table. When they saw him, they all smiled and nodded, which was regarded as a greeting.

Although Xu Jie didn't know the other people at the same table, they recognized him immediately.

"Hello, Mr. Xu, I'm Zhang Zhiqiang, the deputy general manager of Xiaoniu Film and Television Culture Company."

"Mr. Xu, I'm Chen Kai, general manager of Kaijie Film and Television Company."

"Director Xu..."

Xu Jie shook hands one by one. If he hadn't guessed, these people should be the producer of the movie "The Crazy Richest Man", that is, the investor.

A movie can have one investor or many investors. The advantage of having many investors is that the risk can be shared equally. Even if the movie box office is not good and it loses in the end, it will only lose a small part.

This is an investment method. If the income cannot be guaranteed, it is better to split a sum of money into multiple shares and invest in multiple movies than to invest a sum of money in one movie. Put all your eggs in one basket.

After Xu Jie sat down, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

At the table he was at, there were ten people sitting together, five men and five women. Except for him, the other four were representatives of various film and television companies.

In other words, there is a young and beautiful actress sitting next to each representative of the producer. With such equipment, it is hard not to make people think in a wrong way.

He has been in the art program center for so long, but he has heard about some actors accompanying him, but he did not expect to meet him.

Is it wrong?

I am not an investor!
Xu Jie thought secretly.

Of course, he felt that he might be thinking too much.

After all, the starring table is already full, and the supporting actresses can only sit with investors.

Xu Jie looked at the two actresses sitting beside him. If he remembered correctly, both of them played the roles of models in the movie.

In reality, apart from the fact that the two of them look not as tall as in the movie, they are still very good in terms of image and temperament.

In the film and television industry, the most indispensable thing is beauties, such as department flowers and school flowers, there are a lot of them, even the one that is exposed between the fingers is also a class beauty.

The hall suddenly darkened, and beams of lights shone on the catwalk in front.

At this time, a man and a woman came onto the stage. The man was in a suit and leather shoes, and the woman was in a gorgeous dress. They were holding microphones in their hands. They should be the hosts of tonight's celebration.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the celebration of the movie "Crazy Rich Man"..."

With the sound of the host's voice, the celebration will officially begin.

Zhang Wanpeng was the first to speak on stage.

Although there are multiple producers, Zhang Wanpeng invested the most and accounted for the largest proportion. He should speak as the representative of the producer.

Next came the director and several leading actors, nothing more than thanking this and that, basically thanking all the people present.

Then several leading actors lifted a piece of red cloth on the stage. Inside was a number made of ice cubes. The first digit was the number "4", followed by eight "0", which together made [-] million, symbolizing The current box office of "Crazy Rich Man".

In the last link, the leading actor smashed the ice cubes with a hammer, implying breaking [-] million, and hoped that the box office would get higher and higher.

All the media reporters in the audience came to the bottom of the runway one after another and recorded this scene with the camera. When they go back to write reports at night, they can put the photos in it. good.

After the show on the stage ended, it finally came to the long-awaited part of Xu Jie, the meal part.

"Mr. Xu, hello, my name is Xia Zhenzhen, and I am a loyal fan of your show." The woman sitting on Xu Jie's right hand said with a smile.

Xu Jie took a look, um, this should be the woman who accompanied him.

"Thank you." Xu Jie responded after hearing this, and then took a piece of lobster meat with chopsticks and put it in his mouth. It tasted good.

In his opinion, what is on the table is more attractive to him than what is under the table.

It's not that the woman around him is not beautiful, but that he knows very well that the woman does not belong to him, so no matter how tempting he is, he can have ideas, but he can't take action. After all, he is now a celebrity and public figure. Being photographed, the future is ruined.

Therefore, men should protect themselves outside, especially good men, who face too many temptations, and may fall into the abyss if they are not careful.

"To celebrate the movie's box office breaking through [-] million, come, let's have a toast!" Chen Kai raised the glass first, with the same expression on his face as Zhang Wanpeng, full of joy.

Making money, who is not happy?
Xia Zhenzhen immediately picked up the red wine and poured a glass for Xu Jie. She knew why she was arranged here, and she definitely didn't sit here to eat.

It is her job tonight to take good care of the man beside her.

Before Xu Jie came, he didn't intend to drink, but seeing everyone raised their glasses, he didn't want to spoil everyone's mood, so he picked up the glasses and bumped into everyone.

"Congratulations, everyone!"

After a glass of wine, Xu Jie picked up a piece of roast suckling pig. Although there were not many dishes on the table, there were only a few, but all of them were hard goods.

He had just swallowed the wine in his mouth when Zhang Zhiqiang on the side picked up his glass again.

"Director Xu, I offer you a toast."


Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it. Just now, everyone drank together to celebrate the box office of the movie. Now, what reason is there to respect it alone?

Although we are all sitting at the same table tonight, we have never socialized before, so toasting like this will inevitably make people feel abrupt.

What's more, he is the boss of a film and television company, what is he?
"Thank you Director Xu for choosing our film for interview among the more than ten films released during the National Day." Zhang Zhiqiang said sincerely: "Looking at the news, Director Xu, you even went to the cinema to support our film in person, thank you for supporting our film. everything."

Xia Zhenzhen poured wine again.

"You're welcome!" Xu Jie said as he picked up his wine glass.

Thanks can not refuse, drink.

Just as Xu Jie put it down, the other raised his glass again.

"Director Xu..."


Xu Jie was speechless.

Are these people thanking him, or are they here to drink him?

He came here today to prepare dry rice, but he didn't expect it to become dry wine now.

Xu Jie had a drink with the four of them one by one. Just when he thought he could have a few mouthfuls of food in peace, the film director at the next table came over again.

"Director Xu..."

Xu Jie just screamed in his heart.

Is it over yet?

If the tables next to him all come, wouldn't he still drink ten cups?
If he continues to drink like this, the whole village will have dinner at his house.

No, I have to figure out a way.

He stood up suddenly, took the wine glass, put his arms around the director, came to the next table, then raised the wine glass and said, "I'm here to toast everyone..."

Hearing Xu Jie's words, everyone present stood up one after another.

"Director Xu, if we want to respect you, we should respect you."

"Yes, it is our honor to have your show."

"We respect you."

After hearing this, Xu Jie thought to himself: I just came here because I was afraid that you would go to toast one by one.

He smiled and said: "The first time is raw, the second time is acquaintance, we are now acquaintances, so don't be so polite." After finishing speaking, he drank it.

When everyone saw it, they immediately drank up the wine in their cups.

Xu Jie returned to his seat and could finally cook happily.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, there are fewer and fewer people in the venue.

In fact, there are not many people who really come to cook, most of them come to support, and only Xu Jie is serious about cooking.

Xu Jie looked around for a while, saw Zhang Wanpeng, and immediately walked over, ready to say goodbye to him.

"Mr. Zhang, it's getting late, I'm leaving first."

"So early? Director Xu, please stay a little longer." Zhang Wanpeng said quickly.

"I won't wait any longer. I'll come again when it breaks one billion." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Haha, thank you for your good words." Zhang Wanpeng laughed twice, then glanced at the table Xu Jie was at just now, and then said: "Director Xu, the driver has sent others away and will be back in a while, you go upstairs first Go to rest, I have already opened a room for you, when the driver comes back, I will let him go upstairs to find you."

"Mr. Zhang, you are too polite. You don't need to bother. I can just walk home." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Zhang Wanpeng held Xu Jie's hand tightly, and said seriously: "How can that be, you are my guest, I must send you home safely, Xiao Liu, and send Director Xu upstairs to rest."

Xu Jie couldn't refuse, and it would be impolite to refuse the host's kindness, so he had to follow the staff upstairs.

Come upstairs.

The staff handed the room card to Xu Jie and said, "Director Xu, I'm going down first, you should have a good rest."

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

Just a few glasses of wine, still need to rest?
Xu Jie walked into the room with the room card.

There is a faint fragrance in the house, which smells good.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone while walking inside, and was about to send Su Yun a WeChat message, when he suddenly saw a woman standing in the room, it was Xia Zhenzhen who was sitting next to him just now.

"Sorry, I went to the wrong room."


(End of this chapter)

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