The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 401 Eat the loss of no culture

Chapter 401 Eat the loss of no culture

After Xu Jie saw the woman, he immediately apologized and walked out the door, secretly blaming the staff for being careless and giving him the wrong room, but after thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong. You can get the wrong room, but why is the room card correct?

"Ms. Xu, you did not go to the wrong room." Xia Zhenzhen said with a smile.

Xu Jie stopped when he heard it, turned around and looked back at Xia Zhenzhen, his suspicious eyes lingered on the other's face for a moment, and gradually understood something.

It turned out to be an easter egg after the celebration party!

No wonder Zhang Wanpeng asked him to go upstairs to rest. It turned out that he had prepared a surprise for him. He could even guess that the bosses of the film and television companies at the same table must be facing the same scene as him at this time.

"Since I didn't go to the wrong room, why are you in my room?" Xu Jie asked pretending to be puzzled. After all, everything just now was just his guess. Maybe the girl really just lost her way?
Director Jiang once said that there are many female idiots in the entertainment industry, who not only often go to the wrong room, but also often run into other people's beds.

"I'm here to take care of Teacher Xu." Xia Zhenzhen explained: "Mr. Xu must be very uncomfortable after drinking so much wine just now, right? You go to bed and I'll give you a massage."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't feel uncomfortable now, I don't need a massage, you can go out now." Xu Jie said lightly.

A few glasses of red wine are just enough to fill him up.

Most importantly, he didn't know whether the other party's massage was normal or not.

You know, this is Chaoyang. Chaoyang people like to report pornography, gambling and drugs. I don’t know how many celebrities are here. He doesn’t want to participate in the Spring Festival Gala of Chaoyang Prison. The masses have no time to report and are busy tutoring homework every day.

"Ms. Xu, do you think I'm not beautiful?" Xia Zhenzhen blinked her big watery eyes, and then turned around like a model, showing her curvy figure with confidence on her face .

"That depends on who you compare with." Xu Jie said seriously after hearing this: "Compared to my wife, you are really not beautiful."

Xia Zhenzhen was slightly taken aback, and then showed an embarrassed expression. She originally wanted to show off her personal charm, but it turned out to be self-defeating.

"Sister Yun is recognized as the goddess of the nation. Naturally, I can't compare to her, but I heard that Sister Yun has been filming in Hengdian these days? Doesn't Teacher Xu need someone to take care of your daily life?" Xia Zhenzhen asked.

What if there is no beautiful sister Yun?
As the old saying goes: domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers.

No matter how beautiful a female star is, it will become boring after a long time. Otherwise, there would be no news about those male stars cheating, mistresses in positions, and married male stars being arrested for health care.

In the entertainment industry, this kind of thing is very normal. She has met many people like this. They all look glamorous on the outside, but in fact they are full of men and women who are full of thugs, but they are all old actors. People just found out.

There is no cat in this world that does not steal!
"Do I look like a giant baby who can't take care of himself?" Xu Jie asked back.

Xia Zhen really thought, is this person a lump of wood?
Why can't you even hear such an obvious hint?
How could Su Yun like such a man who doesn't understand style?

Where do you like him?
"Mr. Xu, you misunderstood. I mean, aren't you lonely at night?" Xia Zhenzhen showed a caring look, her voice was soft and flattering, and there was a hint of shyness in her eyes.

If what she said before was not obvious enough, then she felt that her hint just now was very clear.

"I'm not alone." Xu Jie shook his head and said, "Now I have two programs and two scripts in my hands. I wish I could use them for two days a day. I have to work until late every night. I feel fulfilled by work. Working overtime makes me feel happy."

Xia Zhenzhen stood there blankly, with a dazed expression on her face.

Work full and overtime happy?

Did I meet a workaholic?

She finally understood why Su Yun fell in love with this man, because of safety.

He only thinks about work in his head, and he doesn't even respond to the beauty delivered to his door. For such a man, he won't take the train derailed.

This is how to do?
Xia Zhen was really embarrassed.

The reason why she is like this tonight is because of Mr. Zhang's arrangement, and the second is because she wants to find someone to rely on, who can help her show her face in movies and TV shows. Maybe one day in the future, she will become popular because of a certain role star.

It's just that the target was too dull, which made her feel like she couldn't make a move, and she even had some doubts. If you give the other party a woman, will the other party know how to play?

This is the most difficult task she has ever encountered since entering the entertainment circle.

In the past, all it took was a word, a look, and no man could escape her grasp.

She suddenly thought of a variety show, Extreme Challenge.

"Ms. Xu, in fact, I'm broken in love." Xia Zhenzhen showed a sad and wronged look, which is very lethal to a man.

"Really? Why?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"He is very busy and often travels on business. Once I saw him on the street. It turned out that he was not on a business trip at all, but was with other women." Xia Zhenzhen blinked hard, and finally squeezed out a tear, "Xu Teacher, tell me, am I not good enough?"

She felt that as long as she was a man at this time, she would come forward to comfort her, and then she would jump into her well-designed trap, immersing herself in the words "I'm cold" and "Hold me tight".

"so poor."

Xu Jie was full of sympathy, then walked up to the woman, reached out and patted the exposed shoulder of her to show comfort.

Just when Xia Zhen was secretly happy and felt that she had finally succeeded, she heard Xu Jie say: "It doesn't matter, you are not the only one who is ungrateful, for example: Du Fu wrote many poems for Li Bai in his life, but Li Bai not only I didn't appreciate it, and wrote a poem "To Wang Lun". By the way, do you know what poems Du Fu wrote for Li Bai?"

"Ah?" Xia Zhenzhen was stunned, tears were all dried up.

People are in need of comfort, you tell me poetry?

If I knew everything, what kind of entertainment industry would I be in?I have already gone to the poetry conference.

"I don't know? Let me tell you something. The poems written by Du Fu to Li Bai basically have Li Bai in their names, such as "Gift to Li Bai", "Recalling Li Bai in Spring", "Winter with Li Bai", "Two Poems of Dreaming Li Bai" , "The End of the Day Conceiving Li Bai"..."

Xia Zhenzhen was completely sculpted in sand.

Call you Mr. Xu, are you really planning to teach me?

The point is, if you don't take physiology class, what's the matter if you take Chinese class?

I came to your room at night, is it because I came to you to tutor you in Chinese?

Who do you take me for?
Do I look like a triple good student?
The other party is not dull, it is simply wood!
"Ms. Xu, I'm talking about broken love. I'm broken in love. I'm very sad and lonely now. I really want a broad chest to rely on. Can you give it to me?" Xia Zhenzhen interrupted the other party's words. Once she chose to be straightforward and never played hints with the other party again.

She was afraid to hint further, there was not enough time.

"Wrong, what you need now is not breasts, but food." Xu Jie corrected: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you get cheated on, or you break up. Eat a little, only food can't let you down. The people of the world have left you, and the fat will not leave you."

The corner of Xia Zhenzhen's mouth twitched, and she thought to herself: Do you really know how to comfort people?

She was so angry that she swears directly in her heart.

I tell you lovelorn, you tell me poetry, I tell you loneliness, you think fat with me, can you still play happily?

Xia Zhen was really desperate, she gritted her teeth for the last time, and simply peeled off the straps on her shoulders, letting the clothes slide off naturally, leaving only a set of carefully selected underwear on her body.

The kind with lots of rope straps.

This is specially designed for men. It not only has the temptation to hold the pipa half-hidden, but also can satisfy the excitement brought by men's undressing.

It's like unpacking a package.

Knowing what is inside the package, but when unpacking it will be very excited.

"Teacher Xu, look at me." Xia Zhenzhen put her figure in an S shape.

"Look, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

"Am I in good shape?" Xia Zhenzhen asked.

"That depends on who you compare with..."


Xia Zhenzhen interrupted the man's words. Although the other party hadn't finished speaking, she had already guessed what the other party was going to say next. It must be something like "comparing with my wife".


The temptation was unsuccessful, but his self-confidence was seriously hurt.

"Teacher Xu, I..."

Xia Zhenzhen wanted to say something else, but saw the other party approaching.

Just when she thought that the other party was finally going to take action, she saw the other party picking up the clothes on the ground and putting them on her again.

"It's getting cold. Don't catch a cold. You may not feel much now. When you get old and your legs and feet hurt, it will be too late to regret. Let me tell you, arthritis is definitely more uncomfortable than you imagined. Remember to wear more clothes in the future." Son." Xu Jie said with concern.

Xia Zhenzhen was about to cry again, and she didn't know whether she should be grateful or sad.

"Thank you!" Xia Zhenzhen raised the shoulder strap with her hand, facing Teacher Xu's calm eyes, she had a feeling that she was not a woman in the eyes of the other party, but a simple organic compound.

"You're welcome, it's getting late, I should go too." Xu Jie said and walked towards the door.

Xia Zhenzhen stood still and did not move. If it was before, she would definitely catch up, but today, she gave up.

The reason is very simple, this man is not something she can control, if he doesn't know a little about poetry and songs, or has a cold, it will be difficult to win him over.

Obviously, she doesn't know any of these.

At this moment, she finally understood the sentence: when the book is in use, you will hate less.

I only regret that I didn't learn a few more poems back then, and now I suffer from being uneducated.


(End of this chapter)

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