Chapter 402

Zhang Wanpeng looked down at the time on his watch. It had been more than an hour since Director Xu went upstairs, and he still hadn't seen him go downstairs.

It's nice to be young!

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Back then, I used to urinate against the wind, but now, I urinate against the wind and wet my shoes. It is useless to eat any guns and eggs to mend it. Even my hair is getting less and less every day. It is really not as good as every year.

"boss Zhang!"

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind, Zhang Wanpeng turned his head, it was Xia Zhenzhen.

"Why did you come down?" Zhang Wanpeng asked in confusion. In his mind, Director Xu should come down first.

After Xia Zhenzhen heard it, she thought to herself: Otherwise?Recite three hundred Tang poems?Or study the prevention of intractable diseases?

She never dreamed that the entertainment industry would be so difficult to get involved in. At the beginning, she applied for the art school because she didn't study well. She never thought that she would still be unable to avoid the hurdle of cultural courses.

Seeing that the woman did not speak, Zhang Wanpeng looked behind her and asked, "Where is Director Xu? Why didn't you come down with you?"

"Teacher Xu has already left." Xia Zhenzhen finally spoke.

"What?" Zhang Wanpeng was taken aback, and asked anxiously, "When did you leave? I've been sitting here in the lobby, why didn't I see it?"

"Then I don't know." Xia Zhenzhen said disappointedly. Although nothing happened, she felt insulted.

Could it be that Mr. Xu belongs to a high-quality human male?Disdain all non-high-quality women and lose interest?
Is your own quality not high enough?

This face, this nose, these eyebrows, and this chin are all imported from abroad, costing more than 100 million yuan, and the quality is terrific.

Zhang Wanpeng looked around, then asked in a low voice, "How is it?"

Xia Zhenzhen knew what Mr. Zhang was asking, so she shook her head.


Zhang Wanpeng was stunned, with surprise in his eyes.

To be honest, Xia Zhenzhen's conditions are quite good. If she wants to have a face and a figure, why does Director Xu just leave?
"What's going on?" Zhang Wanpeng asked curiously. He wanted to know where the problem was, whether it was a technical problem or a grade problem.

"Mr. Zhang, I really don't blame me. It's Mr. Xu who is too..." Xia Zhenzhen didn't know how to describe it. She has seen countless men, but she has never met such a man. Being blamed by Mr. Zhang, she continued: "Mr. Zhang, do you know what Mr. Xu said to me in the room? He taught me poetry, "To Li Bai", and it was autumn and drinking. My head hurts."


Zhang Wanpeng was in a daze.

Learn poetry?

"Gift to Li Bai"?
What is this routine?
In the entertainment industry for so many years, I have never heard of it.

To teach, it should be "Ode to the Goose".

Did you drink too much?
Some people drink too much, bragging;

Oh, I got it!

Cultural people!
Literate people drink too much and are willing to recite poems.

Li Baidou's hundred poems on wine, Song Jiang wrote anti-poems when he was drunk, Xu Dao drank... taught actresses to learn ancient poems.

"Have you learned it?" Zhang Wanpeng asked.

Xia Zhenzhen rolled her eyes when she heard this, I'm stupid, what a force, I learn that stuff?
Of course, when I think about it, I definitely can't say that. In the future, I still expect Mr. Zhang to introduce her to the big directors in the industry.

"I want to learn, but Mr. Xu said several poems, and not only recited poems, but also popularized the knowledge of arthritis for me, because I...I undressed in front of him." Xia Zhenzhen said at the end It became very quiet.

Zhang Wanpeng looked at the woman in front of him and said that there was no temptation at all, is it possible?But why is Director Xu indifferent?

He thought about it carefully. Doesn't Director Xu like this?Or do you think Xia Zhenzhen is not a celebrity?But the problem is, we can't even invite first-line big stars. It would be nice not to be slapped a few times in public.

Speaking of it, everyone seems to have met twice, and they are not very familiar with each other. In such a situation, sending a woman there will inevitably make people think too much.

Alas, I was rude!

"Go back." Zhang Wanpeng waved his hand to Xia Zhenzhen. It seems that there are some things that cannot be rushed. The more anxious you are, the easier it is to make mistakes.

"Mr. Zhang, I really tried my best. What you promised me..." Xia Zhenzhen looked over expectantly. If it wasn't for the agreement, she would not have come.

"Don't worry, I will arrange a role for you." Zhang Wanpeng said.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang." Xia Zhenzhen finally smiled when she heard it, and walked out of the hotel on high heels.

Zhang Wanpeng thought for a while, but he didn't know that Daosheng Xu was not angry. After hesitating for a moment, he still picked up the phone and dialed a number.


After the phone rang several times, it was finally connected. Zhang Wanpeng quickly said, "Director Xu, where are you? The driver is back. I'll ask him to take you home?"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang. I'm heading home. The evening wind is quite cool, and it's very comfortable to blow on my face. I don't need a driver." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Zhang Wanpeng listened carefully to the voice, and felt that Director Xu didn't seem to be angry after listening to it, but people in the entertainment industry have two faces. Although Director Xu is not from the entertainment industry, his relationship with the entertainment industry is not shallow , so whether he was angry or not, I really can't say for sure.

"Director Xu, I'm really sorry for interrupting your rest." Zhang Wanpeng said cryptically, some things can't be said on the surface, as long as you understand it in your heart.

"What's the matter? I'm resting well." Xu Jie said.

Zhang Wanpeng was startled, then smiled and said: "It's all right, it's best if you rest well, then I won't bother Director Xu, goodbye."

Since people didn't want to mention it, there was no need for him to continue talking. Everyone laughed and pretended that nothing happened, and they were still friends in the future.


Xu Jie hung up the phone and continued walking towards home.

He wasn't angry about Zhang Wanpeng's arrangement. In fact, he knew very well that the other party was just trying to win him over. Now, it is a social unhealthy trend. If it is in ancient times, it is just a beauty trick.

Su Yun, Su Yun!

I did this all for you, you have to double compensate me in the future!

The next day, Xu Jie came to the unit. As soon as he entered the door, he heard his colleagues discussing something.

"I didn't expect that he turned out to be such a person."

"Yeah, it's just sick!"

Xu Jie was taken aback. What happened last night spread to the unit so quickly?
Which bastard was the one who leaked the news?
Xia Zhenzhen?
Or Zhang Wanpeng?
It seems that neither will.

That girl Xia Zhenzhen doesn't look stupid, how could she talk about this kind of thing and call herself Xiaojie?As for Zhang Wanpeng, it's even more impossible, unless he doesn't want to be in the entertainment circle in the future.

No, I didn't do anything, what are you afraid of?
Besides, in the room last night, I just taught Xia Zhenzhen a few ancient poems, so why not teach ancient poems?
Even if the cram school is not allowed now, my behavior can be regarded as private education at most, is private education okay?
When he wanted to explain, he heard his colleagues say: "I heard that he has a girlfriend, he is an outsider, his family is rich, and he is an out-and-out rich second generation.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, Zhou Yunsheng?
It turned out to be Zhou Yunsheng!
Scared to death!
Xu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that everyone was talking about him.

This incident fully demonstrates that artists are also human beings, and when there are many people who play it, it becomes a family.

Xu Jie returned to his work station, turned on his computer, and found Zhou Yunsheng's news on a portal website. It was still the headline of the entertainment section, and the bold and black letters looked particularly conspicuous.

Xu Jie swallowed unconsciously, feeling as if he had taken his life.

If he had been a little unsteady in his thinking last night, then he might have been the one making the headlines today.

Sure enough, on the boundary of Chaoyang, no illegal act can escape the eyes of Chaoyang people.

Fortunately, he is firm-willed and has a high level of ideological consciousness. Otherwise, his fame will be ruined, and he will forget about promotion and salary increase. He may not be able to keep his job. Su Yun may directly file for divorce. By then, he will completely turn from a winner in life to a Street rats.

"Why are you looking so serious?" Qin Yan came over and asked.

"Entertainment news." Xu Jie said pretending to be calm.

"What, are you ready to debut?" Qin Yan asked with a smile. She glanced at the screen, only to realize that Xu Jie was also watching Zhou Yunsheng's news.

"Well, didn't you see that the seat has been vacated for me." Xu Jie pointed to the news.

"He is a violinist, what musical instrument do you know?" Qin Yan asked.

"I can play suona, and I won a gold medal in a competition held in our town," Xu Jie said.

"Suona? I've only heard of a violinist, never of a suona player, but of a suona master." Qin Yan knew that Xu Jie could play a suona, but she had never seen one before.

"Don't overwhelm others' ambitions and destroy my prestige. Domestic musical instruments are usually collectively referred to as folk musicians." Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing serious, just to tell you that I've already contacted the crew, and I'll be recording the show tomorrow." Qin Yan said.


(End of this chapter)

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