Chapter 404 Frightened
An hour passed.

Huang Xiaorong waited until 8:30, feeling that it was really too late, so she went to ring the doorbell again.

"Ding dong!"

"Ding dong ding dong ding dong!"

Press it twice if you didn't hear it once, and press it three times if you didn't hear it twice. After pressing N times, the door finally opened from the inside.

"Who is it?"

"Morning, Teacher Xu!"

Looking at the shirtless man, Huang Xiaorong couldn't help but blushed, and then hurriedly said, "Mr. Xu, is Sister Yun up? If you don't go to the set, it will be too late."

The production team usually starts work at 6 or 7 o'clock. Because it is the weekend, Director Zhang wants everyone to have a good rest and sleep in. So he set today's start time at 9 o'clock, but judging by the current situation, 9 o'clock is probably It was too late.

"Oh, come in." Xu Jie said to Huang Xiaorong, then turned and went back to the room.

Huang Xiaorong walked into the room, and closed the door behind her back.

At this time, Su Yun came out from the bedroom, only wearing a set of underwear, although she often did this in front of Huang Xiaorong, and even took a bath together, but seeing Huang Xiaorong today, her pretty face turned red immediately He said "wait a moment", and hurried into the bathroom.

Huang Xiaorong looked at the underwear on Sister Yun's body, thinking.

She didn't remember that there was such a set of underwear in Sister Yun's suitcase.

Is it new?

But the problem is that during the filming days, the two are basically inseparable. Sister Yun doesn't have time to go out to buy underwear, let alone in a foreign place where they don't know each other well.

Where would that come from?

"Sit down, you're welcome!" Xu Jie put on a t-shirt and came out of the bedroom. The weather here in Hengdian is relatively hot. He wears a coat in the capital, but he wears a t-shirt here.

Huang Xiaorong looked at Xu Jie and thought: Could it be that Teacher Xu brought it from the capital?

Su Yun simply brushed her teeth, washed her face, and left the hotel with Xu Jie before she could put on makeup.

Even though it was Saturday, there were people coming and going along the way, the crew had no weekends, and the actors had no weekends, so everyone seemed very busy.

It was exactly nine o'clock when the nanny van arrived on the set. Many actors were already ready, and it seemed that only the heroine could appear.

"Director Zhang, I'm really sorry, I'm going to change my clothes now." Su Yun said to Zhang Weiqiang in embarrassment, and then hurried to the clothing room.

On the way here, she has already put on her makeup. The makeup for the battlefield scene is relatively simple. You can just apply it twice. Powdered eyebrows and lips?Not to mention women disguised as men.

Xu Jie came to Zhang Weiqiang and said sincerely: "Director Zhang, I'm sorry for keeping you and the crew waiting for so long."

Alas, I slept really late last night.

Zhang Weiqiang, who has always been very strict with work and actors, showed a smile at this moment, patted Xu Jie on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, I've also been married, I know what Xiaobiesheng is newly married, I understand, I understand everything."

"That's right, there's no rush, who doesn't have a special situation?" Gao Xiaobin said with a smile.

In fact, Zhang Weiqiang was already planning to call Su Yun before, but Gao Xiaobin told Zhang Weiqiang about Xu Jie's visit to Hengdian last night.

Xu Jie knew what Director Zhang and Mr. Gao meant, and he must have misunderstood him and Su Yun, but he did not explain. After all, he and Su Yun did do something last night, but it was different from what Mr. Zhang and Mr. Gao thought. That's all.

Not long after, Su Yun changed into her clothes and the filming officially started.

Today we are filming several scenes where the heroine goes into battle to kill the enemy, and there is also a horse scene, because there are many actors involved, and there are many horses, the scene is very big, so both the actors and the shooting are very demanding. high.

"Are you okay?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun who was leading the horse with concern and asked.

Now there are many people who can drive, but very few people can ride horses.

In fact, there are many similarities between riding a horse and driving a car. For those who know it, it is very simple, but for those who don't, it is very dangerous.

And in a way, riding a horse is more dangerous than driving a car.

People who can't drive get in the car, the car won't move, even if it starts by chance, even if it crashes, there are safety measures, but riding a horse is different, the horse is an animal, it can move, and there are no safety measures after people ride it Falling from such a high place would have unimaginable consequences, and even be trampled by a horse.

"Can you remove the word ?" Su Yun raised her head after hearing this, and said proudly: "I used to go to the racecourse to learn how to ride a horse in order to shoot a song MV. It's amazing."

"Teacher Xu, don't worry, Sister Yun has filmed horse scenes in the past few days, which is very good." Gao Xiaobin comforted him.


After Xu Jie heard it, he was relieved and returned to Zhang Weiqiang's side with peace of mind.

When he was writing these plays, he didn't consider Su Yun's horseback riding. First, he could learn from a coach, and second, he could use a stand-in. There are many ways.

Until just now, when I saw Su Yun holding a horse that was much taller than her, I was worried.

Fortunately, Su Yun has learned it.

"All departments prepare, start!"

Su Yun got on her horse and rode out of the barracks...

This is a scene where the two armies confront each other. The scene is very grand, and a total of thousands of people were used. In the post-production, people will be added to it, from thousands to tens of thousands.

Su Yun is the heroine and the most indispensable person in this drama, because this is another major heroine drama, and many scenes cannot be separated from Su Yun, so in order to ensure her safety, the horse she is riding Next to it, there are two equestrian instructors. They are wearing armor, no different from extras. Their main job is to prevent the horses from being disobedient. With them, they can control them in time.

Xu Jie looked at it from a distance, and had to say that Su Yun looked very handsome on horseback, and the words "heroic and gallant" couldn't be more appropriate to describe it.

When I participated in "Crossover Actor", because it was performed on the stage of the Grand Theater, the conditions were very limited, so there was no immediate drama.

Now that it has changed from a stage play to a movie, immediate play has become an indispensable part.

Don't underestimate the horse drama. The horse drama is actually the drama that best reflects the hero's brave side.

The most typical one is the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". When a general goes to battle, he must charge on horseback. Few people run to the enemy camp with their feet to fight with their opponents.

After filming for more than two hours in the morning, the confrontation scene was finally finished, and in the afternoon, the scene of charging and killing the enemy will be filmed.

"How about it, am I very good?" Su Yun returned the horse to the coach, then took off the helmet and walked towards Xu Jie.

"Hmm!" Xu Jie pointed a thumbs up at the other party, probably due to the hot weather here in Hengdian, Su Yun's hair was already wet, and her forehead was covered with sweat.

It is also hard to say.

At the hottest time in the capital, Su Yun was filming in the capital, and finally the capital became cooler, and Su Yun came to Hengdian to film again, not to mention anything else, she could shed three or four catties a day with just this sweat.

Huang Xiaorong handed over the water bottle at this time, and Su Yun immediately drank it after taking it. The armor on her body was still wet, but the clothes inside were already soaked.

Although there was no strenuous exercise, the temperature was high, above [-] degrees during the day, and the weather here was sweltering, plus he was wearing more than ten kilograms of armor, so it was strange not to sweat.

Xu Jie helped Su Yun take off the outer armor. Sure enough, the clothes inside were covered with wet marks. Xu Jie hurriedly pulled Su Yun back into the nanny's car, blowing on the air conditioner, and immediately felt much more comfortable.

There is only one hour break at noon.

After Su Yun finished her meal, she familiarized herself with the script. The time passed and she had to put on her armor again.

Xu Jie stood behind the monitor, watching the screen carefully.

The scene is too big, and there are too many participants. If you want to control the audience, you can only rely on these monitors.

"All departments are preparing..."

Zhang Weiqiang held the walkie-talkie in his hand.


Following the director's order, the originally quiet battlefield suddenly became full of voices and flames.

"Come on!"


The horse under Su Yun's crotch was galloping, and soon rushed into the enemy's camp from one's own position. Su Yun rode on it and dashed left and right, disrupting the enemy's formation very quickly.

Puffs of smoke rose from the battlefield, and there were fires everywhere.

At this time, a rocket landed beside Su Yun, and the war horse roared suddenly, turned around and ran back.

The sudden change made everyone stunned, everyone was charging, how could you run?
Isn't this funk?

Zhang Weiqiang shouted on the walkie-talkie.

People can control, but horses cannot be controlled, so it is normal to reshoot scenes with horses.

On the battlefield, the people stopped, but the horses didn't. After all, horses couldn't understand people's words. Su Yun's horse ran around, and the surrounding extras were scared and hid everywhere.

"What's going on?" Zhang Weiqiang asked into the walkie-talkie.

"The horse is frightened, I'll send someone there right away." A voice came from the intercom, and then the previous coach was seen running towards the horse.

As a result, the horse didn't seem to recognize its owner, and didn't intend to stop. When the coach saw the situation, he immediately dodged to the side and fell to the ground.

Another trainer mounted his horse and chased the out-of-control horse.

But in order to highlight Su Yun's image, Su Yun rode the best horse in the field, and the coach's horse couldn't catch up at all.

"Why haven't you caught it yet?!" Xu Jie frowned anxiously, what does the equestrian coach do?
"Don't worry, we won't run very far!" Zhang Weiqiang comforted Xu Jie while holding the walkie-talkie and said, "Notify all the actors to disperse!"

Xu Jie looked at the galloping horse in the distance, and Su Yun on the horseback, how could he stand still?
Can't run far?
The bullring is not big, and those cowboys were thrown off by the bulls in the end?
Count on the horse to stop when it gets tired?
By then, Su Yun on horseback would have been knocked to pieces.

Xu Jie rushed into the field and saw someone nearby holding a horse, grabbed the rein immediately, turned over and sat on it.

"Let me use it!"

After speaking, he tapped the sides of the horse's belly with his calf, and ran towards Su Yun.


(End of this chapter)

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