The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 405 A touch of sadness

Chapter 405 A touch of sadness

After being frightened, the horse began to run amok, fast for a while, slow for a while, rushed towards the crowd for a while, kicked in place for a while, and completely lost control.

Su Yun was sitting on the horse's back, she held the rein tightly with all her strength to avoid being thrown off, she really wanted to control the horse, but the methods taught to her by the horse trainers around her were completely useless at this moment, like Why use body language to communicate with the horse, but now the horse is obviously unwilling to communicate with her, how can I tell it to stop?
After a long time, her hand was already bleeding from the reins, and her body gradually began to lose its strength. At this time, the props and armor not only did not play a protective role, but caused many skins on her body to bleed due to friction.

Just when she was shaken to the point of collapse, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Hold on to the reins and never let go!"

Xu Jie yelled, while catching up from behind. Although the horse under his crotch was not strong, it ran very fast, even surpassing the trainer, and getting closer to Su Yun's horse.

Su Yun was shocked when she heard it. Although she didn't see anyone, she knew who was coming.

It's Xu Jie.

Xu Jie rode a horse and came to Su Yun very quickly. In fact, Su Yun's horse was not fast. May be trampled by horses.

Falling off a horse would cause fractures and a concussion at worst, but if you were stepped on by a horse's hoof, you would probably die.

Xu Jie controlled his horse and tried to get close to Su Yun, but the horse on Su Yun's crotch seemed to be crazy, and he didn't give him a chance to get close at all.

As long as someone approached, he would either turn his head to dodge, or hit him with his body, not like a tamed horse at all, but more like a wild horse.

"Don't panic, concentrate, grab my hand when you see the opportunity and jump over." Xu Jie shouted at Su Yun, and at the same time stretched out a hand to Su Yun.

"I, I see." Su Yun gritted her teeth and said.

Xu Jie is very confident in his arm strength. As long as Su Yun can catch it, he is confident in carrying the opponent's side on the horse. After all, it is not once or twice to hug the opponent. He knows this well.

However, the horse under Su Yun's crotch seems to be able to understand people's words again at this time, and it keeps jumping up and down, which frightens Xu Jie's horse not only does not dare to approach, but even keeps dodging to the side, and cannot be pulled back. .

After Xu Jie tried a few times, he had to withdraw his arm first and control his horse first.

The crew is also trying to figure out a way to drive, ride a horse, and restrict the frightened horse to a small area. On the one hand, it is to avoid hurting others, and on the other hand, the horse is not allowed to run. If you fall off the horse, you will suffer less injuries.

Seeing Su Yun's body shaking more and more violently on the horseback, Xu Jie finally gritted his teeth and fought hard.

"Leave your feet off the stirrups, grab the reins, and don't get entangled!" Xu Jie said loudly.

Although Su Yun didn't understand, she still followed Xu Jie's words.

In fact, Xu Jie's idea is very dangerous, that is to jump directly on the crazy horse and control the horse instead of Su Yun who has no strength.

No technique or method is as effective as simple and crude in the end.

As horses are, so are people.

Of course, there may be another situation, that is, the horse cannot bear the weight of two people, so he can use the horse to fall down and hug Su Yun off the horse.

The instruction just now was to prevent Su Yun's hands and feet from being entangled. At that time, instead of saving people, they would even harm them.

Xu Jie adjusted his posture, and finally squatted on the horse's back.

When the people around saw this scene, they already knew what Teacher Xu wanted to do. Their faces were full of worry and anxiety, and they held their breath at the same time, for fear of irritating the frightened horse.

Xu Jie stared at Su Yun's horse, and when the opponent turned around, he seized the opportunity and jumped over without hesitation.


The horse's hind legs softened under the sudden weight, and after a neighing, the horse fell sideways. Xu Jie hugged Su Yun tightly, and took advantage of the momentum to turn over from the horse's back and roll on the ground. It took a few laps to stop.

The staff immediately stepped forward to block Xu Jie and Su Yun. The horse trainer and riding instructor grabbed the reins while protecting the people behind them, and controlled the horse that had just fallen and stood up from the ground.

"Teacher Xu, Sister Yun!"

"Doctor, come here!"

The people around were panicked, seeing the two people lying on the ground, but no one dared to move.

Xu Jie shook the sand on his head, endured the pain, looked down at Su Yun in his arms and asked, "Honey, are you okay?"

Su Yun raised her head slowly, and said with concern: "I'm fine, how about you?"

"I'm fine." Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief when he heard it, and lay on the ground with his head up, his heart that had been hanging all this time finally fell to the ground at this moment.

Damn, it's so exciting.

It is more exciting than riding a pig as a child.

I remember that when I was in the first grade of elementary school, I had nothing to do at home during the summer vacation. At that time, it was not like today’s children played with mobile phones and tablets. When he was bored, he focused on the sows scattered in the field. The pig didn't pay attention, so he raised his legs and rode on it. The pig ran a long distance, which was very exciting, and finally successfully threw him into the ditch.

As for horse riding, it was a thing in college. At that time, the counselor encouraged everyone to use the vacation to learn skills. Therefore, others learned to drive, he went to an auto repair factory as an apprentice, others went to cooking training, he went to a restaurant as an apprentice, and others learned to drive. To learn how to ride a horse, he went to work as a breeder at a horse farm. Others spend money to learn skills. He learned skills while making money.

Su Yun struggled to get up from Xu Jie's body, and the surrounding actresses stepped forward to support her. If Xu Jie wasn't on the bottom, the fall from the horse would definitely be enough for her. "

"Hurry up, quickly help Su Yun into the room, doctor, quickly examine Su Yun!" Zhang Weiqiang directed on the spot.

"Director Zhang, I'm fine." Su Yun said after hearing that, she refused to leave, and said to the doctor who stepped forward, "Look at my husband first."

Although she felt dizzy at the time, she clearly remembered that when she fell off the horse, Xu Jie landed first, and then rolled on the ground while protecting her, as a buffer.

Everyone saw the scene at that time, so the doctor immediately came to Xu Jie's side, looked at this, listened to that, and kept asking, "Mr. Xu, it hurts there, tell me quickly."

"My back hurts a bit." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Back? How is it? Does it hurt?" The doctor knelt on the ground and reached out to touch a place.

"It hurts." Xu Jie grinned.

"Does it still hurt?" The doctor touched another place.

"It still hurts!" Xu Jie said.

The doctor's brows gradually wrinkled, and a serious expression appeared on his face.

"Doctor, how are you?" Su Yun was so frightened that she was about to cry, her eyes were red.

If it wasn't for her, the other party wouldn't be hurt, it was because of her carelessness.

The doctor said in a deep voice: "Mr. Xu may have injured his spine and needs to be sent to the hospital immediately, otherwise..."

Although the doctor didn't finish his sentence, everyone knew that if the spine was seriously injured, the lower body might be paralyzed.

This is much more serious than a broken hand and foot, and it even affects a person's life. Maybe he will be inseparable from a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

"It's not as serious as you said." Xu Jie struggled to get up from the ground.

"Don't, don't move, take care of your body, your spine..." The doctor was terrified, and quickly pushed the person down.

"The spine is fine." Xu Jie looked at the doctor and said, "You stepped on my hand."

The doctor was taken aback for a moment, then looked down and saw that his knee was just pressing on the opponent's hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The doctor immediately raised his knees and stood aside.

Xu Jie shook his hands, then stood up while supporting the ground.

"Mr. Xu, your back is bleeding." Gao Xiaobin pointed to the blood-stained T-shirt behind Xu Jie.

Xu Jie lifted his clothes, reached out to touch it, and said nonchalantly, "Skin trauma, it's okay."

"No, I have to go to the hospital for an examination. Many injuries were invisible at the time, but they had already left hidden dangers in the body." Zhang Weiqiang said seriously. He has been filming for so many years and has seen countless actors get injured, so He pays special attention to injuries, otherwise he would not have a doctor on the crew during filming, "And Su Yun, you should go to the hospital for examination too."

"Director, I'm really fine, I can continue filming." Su Yun said seriously.

"What are you afraid of, Lao Gao, hurry up and send the two of them to the hospital. If you are injured, you will be hospitalized. If you are not injured, you will go back to the hotel to rest. We will shoot other scenes today." Zhang Weiqiang said in an orderly tone, not allowing other people to refute.

Su Yun thought about it, and felt that now is not the time for filming. After all, she should take care of Xu Jie more than filming.

Gao Xiaobin immediately organized people and vehicles, and personally sent Xu Jie and Su Yun to the hospital.

Another X-ray, another MRI.

In the end, Xu Jie and Su Yun sat together, disgraced, a distressed couple, waiting for the result.

"Wait for me here, I'll go in and ask the doctor something." Xu Jie stood up and said to Su Yun and others.

"Are you still feeling uncomfortable?" Su Yun asked anxiously, supporting Xu Jie with her hands. She noticed just now that Xu Jie's walking posture was a bit unnatural. Even if he didn't hurt his spine, he must have Injured legs and feet.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, why don't you feel uncomfortable, let's focus on checking." Gao Xiaobin was also very worried.

If Mr. Xu got injured here, wouldn't those bigwigs from the Beijing TV station settle accounts with him?

"It's nothing, just asking casually." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"No, I must accompany you in." Su Yun said seriously, holding onto Xu Jie tightly.

Xu Jie couldn't make it through, so he could only take Su Yun to see the doctor, and he deliberately closed the door before entering, as if he was afraid that people outside would hear it.

"Doctor, I feel uncomfortable in one place, can I take a special film?" Xu Jie looked at the doctor and asked.

"What's wrong?" the doctor asked curiously.

In fact, he did a simple inspection just now, and there should be no problems with the bones and internal organs, but the other party is a celebrity, so to be on the safe side, it's better to take a film to see.

"That's, that's..." Xu Jie looked at Su Yun beside him, hesitated, and said after a moment of hesitation: "Honey, why don't you go out?"

"No!" Su Yun said, the less the man said anything, the more she felt that the man was hiding something from her.

Xu Jie was at a loss, gritted his teeth, looked at the doctor and asked, "Doctor, do you know a little sadness?"


(End of this chapter)

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