The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 406 It's Okay

Chapter 406 It's Okay
A touch of sadness?
The doctor was stunned when he heard it.

I am a doctor, are you talking about literature with me?
Besides, I have been a doctor for so many years, and I have never heard of the disease "light sadness".

What kind of disease is this?

Could it be depression?

But the problem is that depression is a kind of mental illness, with continuous and long-term depression as the main clinical feature, and it seems to have nothing to do with falling off a horse.

"Mental illness needs to be checked in the city." The doctor said.

His here is a town hospital that doesn't even have a psychological counseling department, so he can't see depression at all.

"It's not a mental illness, it's..." Xu Jie glanced at Su Yun beside him. Although he had made up his mind just now, he still couldn't say what he said.

"Where is the discomfort? I am a doctor, don't be shy, tell me, what is the slight sadness?" The doctor was anxious, and he also wanted to learn more.

"Yes, just tell me what you have, don't delay the treatment." Su Yun was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, wishing she could turn into an instrument and check the other person's whole body inside and out, it was too tortured up.

"That's right, it's just faint..." Xu Jie said coyly, his voice was also very small.

"Bland?" The doctor still had a question mark on his face.

"Egg..." Xu Jie continued to prompt with his legs between his legs.

"Pale egg?!?" The doctor was stunned, and then his eyes shifted from the top to the middle. Seeing Xu Jie's standing posture, he finally understood what a little sadness is.

It turned out to be the case.

It is indeed a very sad thing for a man if there is a problem there.

A touch of sadness, nothing wrong!
Sure enough, he is a celebrity, and the description of injuries has a literary atmosphere.

"Why didn't you tell me when I asked you just now?" The doctor asked inexplicably. During the previous questioning and examination, the other party never mentioned it from the beginning to the end.

"There were a lot of people just now." Xu Jie said with a blushing face. Although he was thick-skinned, he was also a shameless person. With such an injury, how could he have the nerve to speak up under the circumstances at that time?
Besides, those people outside are all from the entertainment industry. If they hear about it, it can be reported even if nothing happens. At that time, won't his fame for the rest of his life be ruined by an "egg"?
"How did it hurt?" the doctor asked.

"First it was on the back of the vaulting horse, and then my wife's knee hit it." Xu Jie said after thinking about it.

The doctor froze for a moment, twice?

That was bad luck.

Because it has really reached the point of being broken, then in terms of pain classification, it is definitely no less than a woman giving birth.

Usually, if you get kicked, you will feel terrible pain, not to mention pressing first and then pushing, thinking about it makes me feel sad.

"Is it very painful?" the doctor asked again.

"It was very painful at the time, but it doesn't hurt so much now. I am mainly worried. After all, I am still so young and the task of carrying on the family has not been completed yet." Xu Jie explained.

Just now he took the opportunity to go to the bathroom to check it himself, and it was intact. As for whether there was any internal injury, he didn't know, so he asked the doctor to take a film.


Su Yun looked at Xu Jie, and combined with the discussion between the other party and the doctor, she finally came to her senses.

It turned out to be... an unspeakable secret.

No wonder it's embarrassing.

No wonder let her out.

However, this is indeed a serious injury to men.

When you don't understand, you worry, and after you understand, you worry even more.

If you are really hurt, how can you explain to the other party's parents?

The doctor nodded understandingly, and then said: "Understood, I will prescribe a color Doppler ultrasound for you, and bring it to me to have a look after the scan, but based on my years of experience, it doesn't hurt now, so there shouldn't be anything wrong."

As a doctor here in Hengdian, there are not many people who get sick, but there are many people on hand, and most of them are injured because of filming. It is not uncommon to see this kind of "light sadness" before. I wouldn't stand here and talk to him.

A forced smile appeared on Xu Jie's face. For such a big matter, he was more willing to trust scientific instruments than doctors' experience.

The doctor handed the bill to Xu Jie, and Xu Jie walked out of the house with it.

"Teacher Xu, how are you doing?" Gao Xiaobin hurried forward and asked.

"It's okay, just make up a film." Xu Jie said with a smile, pretending to be relaxed.

"Mr. Xu, I'll help you pay the money." Gao Xiaobin said positively.

"No, I'll just go by myself." Xu Jie said hastily, who knows if the other party will ask too much when paying the money?
Once he knew, how could he stay on the set?

"Mr. Xu, this is a work-related injury. Of course I will be responsible for all the expenses." Gao Xiaobin said seriously.

For such a big accident in the filming, he felt very guilty and blamed himself. He felt sorry for the couple in front of him. If he was asked to pay for the inspection, would he still be human?
"It doesn't matter, I will give you the payment bill at that time, and you will reimburse me." Xu Jie said, "By the way, the time is almost up, so hurry up and get the other two films for me, so that no one else can see them."

He quickly found an excuse and sent the other party away.

Gao Xiaobin nodded when he heard it. This is a celebrity's privacy, and it is really not easy to reveal it, so he hurriedly took him away.

Xu Jie came to the registration office, paid the money, and walked to the color Doppler ultrasound room.

On the road.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." Seeing Xu Jie's anxious look, Su Yun comforted her.

Things are more serious than she thought!

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

However, this kind of comfort does not have any effect on him now, but will aggravate the anxiety in his heart.

It's going to be all right?
What should I do if something happens?
If it had been 200 years earlier, maybe he would have gritted his teeth and become a civil servant in the palace, and by the way, practiced the Sunflower Book or something.

But now, there is no such occupation, and I don't even know where to buy the book.

Moreover, he and Su Yun had just established a relationship not long ago, and now that they were injured, it was too untimely.

Two words: sad reminder!

Su Yun on the side remembered that Xu Jie suffered this kind of injury because of herself, and heard that the other party told the doctor just now that there was a knee contributed by her, so she tightly held the man's hand and said solemnly : "Don't worry, if you... have something, I will take care of you for the rest of your life."

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun, thinking of his possible miserable second half of life, and deliberately asked: "Why, if I'm fine, you don't plan to take care of me for the rest of my life? Besides, even if something happens, it's not that I can't take care of myself. "

Su Yun shook her head and said, "No, I didn't mean that."

Xu Jie said coldly as he walked, "Don't pity me, I don't need it."

Su Yun was at a loss for what to do.

She just wanted to express the idea of ​​sharing weal and woe, no matter what the other person is, she will never leave, but whoever thought of saying it has another meaning.

Su Yun also realized that there was something wrong with her words, which not only hurt the man's self-esteem, but also hurt the relationship between the two. She quickly caught up with the man and explained: "You misunderstood, I mean, no matter what Sickness or health, poverty or wealth, I will always be by your side, sharing joys and sorrows, sharing weal and woe.”

Xu Jie felt that the other party's words were a bit familiar, as if they were the lines used in wedding oaths.

In fact, he wasn't really angry with the other party, he was just picking on him on purpose.

Because he doesn't know what his current situation is. Once he is really hurt, it will even affect the future succession of the family. If Su Yun is by his side, wouldn't he delay the other party?
So, for the sake of the other party, I said those words.

Xu Jie came to the ultrasound room.

The color Doppler ultrasound is faster, and the film comes out faster, and it will be ready in a few minutes.

He found the doctor with the film, and after examining it carefully for a while, the doctor smiled and said, "It's all right, everything is normal."

After Xu Jie heard it, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Like any other bones, internal organs, it doesn't matter whether it is injured or not, as long as it is light and not sad.

"Both of you are fine, just some local abrasions, I'll ask the nurse to disinfect and bandage you later, and then I'll prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs, just go back and rub it yourself." The doctor said after all the checks.

"Will it leave scars?" Xu Jie asked, this question was not for himself, but for Su Yun, women are more concerned about scars, let alone big stars.

"No," said the doctor.

"Thank you doctor."

Not long after, Xu Jie and Su Yun's wounds were healed, and they left the hospital with Gao Xiaobin and others.

"Teacher Xu, Sister Yun, I'm really sorry that such a big incident happened today." Gao Xiaobin said apologetically.

"It's nothing, it's a war scene, it's normal to be injured." Xu Jie said with a smile, because he was not sad, so he was in a good mood.

"It's just a skin injury, it's not a problem." Su Yun also said.

"Both go back to the hotel and rest. I'll see you two with Director Zhang in the evening." Gao Xiaobin said.


Xu Jie and Su Yun got into the nanny car, closed the door, and drove towards the hotel.

"Oh, what a pity, I'm fine." Xu Jie sighed suddenly, looked at Su Yun and said, "You think you can't take care of me anymore."

"What are you talking about, it's great that you're fine, don't talk nonsense." After hearing this, Su Yun said solemnly: "And I've said it all, no matter if you have nothing to do, I will be with you."

"It's okay, what's the good news?" Xu Jie asked.

"Fortunately..." Su Yun blushed in the middle of speaking, and stole a glance at the people in the front row, feeling embarrassed to say it.

As soon as this woman was not hurt, she started to be a hooligan again.

Xu Jie smiled, held Su Yun's hand, suddenly looked at Su Yun seriously and said, "Actually, I didn't mean to annoy you just now, I was just worried..."

Su Yun was startled, knowing what the other party was referring to, so she interrupted the other party and said: "I know, at least I have eaten more salt than you for a few years, how can I not understand your little thoughtfulness? But I can tell You, don't do this next time, and don't deliberately find fault in the future."


(End of this chapter)

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