Chapter 407 hug me
Back at the hotel, Xu Jie was lying on the bed, not tired or lazy, but following the doctor's advice, exercise less and lie down more, although the color Doppler ultrasound showed that nothing was wrong, but after all, he was slightly sad, it is better to rest more ,Relax.

"Do you think the doctor just saw it accurately?"

Su Yun was sitting on the sofa next to the bed, reading the script and memorizing the lines, but at this moment she couldn't concentrate. Looking at the man whose eyes unconsciously shifted from the script in her hand to the man on the bed, she always felt a little uncomfortable. rest assured.

This is a matter of concern to future generations.

Xu Jie was watching the entertainment news. Hearing Su Yun's words, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the other party, and asked, "The doctor is inaccurate. Could it be that you, a big star, are accurate? Why don't you show me?"

After speaking, spread your legs apart.

When Su Yun saw it, her fair face blushed, and she quickly explained, "That's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean? You just want me to be okay? Let me tell you, we have got a marriage certificate. If anything happens to me, you will become a widow." Xu Jie said.

A widow, or a living widow, choose one of the two.

"You misunderstood me again. I think the hospital just now is too small. Both the examination equipment and the level of doctors are not as good as the big hospitals. Otherwise, let's go to the big hospitals in Shanghai. The equipment there is advanced, and the doctors are also good. More authoritative." Su Yun asked Xu Jie for advice in a negotiating tone.

When people are not feeling well and go to the hospital to find nothing, people often have the idea of ​​whether to go elsewhere for another look.

"No need." Xu Jie shook his head and said, "Although doctors in big cities and big hospitals are more authoritative, they definitely don't have the experience of doctors in the hospital just now when they see this kind of injury. Bigger than anywhere else.”

He also only found out when he was chatting with a doctor while taking a color Doppler ultrasound.

In Hengdian, there are a lot of filming crews, such as martial arts movies, action movies, police movies, war movies, the actors will inevitably be injured during the filming process, and there are many people who have experienced the same experience as him, so the doctor is worth it. trust.

Su Yun thought for a while, and felt that what the man said seemed to make sense, and then asked very curiously: "Do you men often get hurt?"

After hearing this, Xu Jie said: "Separate people, hooligans are often injured, if it is an ordinary person, not often, after all, there are almost no injuries when riding a horse now."

"By the way, why do you know how to ride a horse? Why haven't I heard from you?" Su Yun asked curiously.

Although she was already dizzy by Crazy Horse at that time, she still saw the man riding a horse to rescue her. You must know that even the horse trainer present at that time was helpless and could not approach.

"There are a lot of things I know, and you will gradually know about it in the future." Xu Jie showed a smug face, and at the same time thought to himself: What is riding a horse, I can also ride a pig.

However, this kind of skill will never be revealed unless it is absolutely necessary. Of course, it is rarely used now.

"Ding dong!"

At this time, the doorbell suddenly sounded outside.

Su Yun got up to open the door.

Xu Jie heard the voices, it was Zhang Weiqiang and Gao Xiaobin.

After a while, a group of people came in from the outside, besides Zhang Weiqiang and Gao Xiaobin, there were several assistant directors and actors.

"Director Zhang, why are you here?" Xu Jie sat up from the bed.

"Don't move." Zhang Weiqiang said hastily: "Lie down well, everyone just came to see you."

"Ms. Xu, everyone bought you some things. I know you don't need anything. This is a little kindness from everyone." Gao Xiaobin said, and put the things in his hands aside with the others.

It's all some fruits and nutritional supplements.

"Thank you everyone, it's actually just some skin trauma, nothing to worry about." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

He feels that what he lacks most now is a barbecue, roasting some guns and bullets, didn't his ancestors say that what he eats makes up for it.

"It's best to be fine." Zhang Weiqiang breathed a sigh of relief, and then sighed again, "Speaking of which, the scene this afternoon was indeed too thrilling. If it wasn't for you, the consequences would be disastrous. I'm here to apologize to you all."

"It's because I didn't do my job well, and the responsibility lies with me." Gao Xiaobin's face was also full of guilt.

"Director Zhang, Mr. Gao, please don't say that. It's normal to be injured during filming. When I went to the hospital today, I met several actors who were injured in other crews. If you apologize because of this, what will happen to my wife in the future? Are you ashamed to go filming?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

Although he has never made a movie, he has made many short plays for "A Delicious History". He doesn't know what other directors like about actors, anyway, he doesn't like hypocritical actors.

Now that Su Yun finally has the opportunity to participate in a big production to play the lead actress, he doesn't want to ruin the other party's career as an actor because of the injury.

The director apologized to the actor...

He knew about this kind of thing because the horse was frightened, but he didn't know about it, and thought it was Su Yun's hypocrisy.

At that time, if some reporters or unscrupulous media label them as big-name players, they will virtually dissuade many investors and directors.

To be honest, Su Yun was injured, and he felt uncomfortable, and even worried about the future shooting, but he knew very well that the present opportunity was hard-won, and if he lost it, such a long time of hard work would be in vain.

He knew that Su Yun was not a hypocritical woman, and he also knew that the other party valued this movie, so he believed that Su Yun had the same idea as him and would support him.

"Director Zhang, before filming, I knew the dangers of acting immediately, and I was prepared to face all kinds of dangers. I think this is something that actors should face directly. This is why I don't need a double, so you all Don't blame yourself, I'm fine, I can continue filming tomorrow." Su Yun said seriously.

She knew Xu Jie's painstaking efforts, so naturally she would not lose the chain for the other party.

Zhang Weiqiang was very touched after hearing this. Nowadays, actors are becoming more and more famous, and they are less and less able to bear hardships. Let alone actresses get hurt, even if a male actor suffers a little injury, they are all yelling, obviously it’s just an injury. It was a little skinned, but it was like being chopped with a knife, so what Xu Jie and Su Yun said gave him a new understanding of these two couples.

With this in mind, when choosing an actor in the future, Su Yun will definitely be chosen first.

"Thank you, thank you for your understanding." Zhang Weiqiang looked at Su Yun and said, "Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer dedicated actresses like you."

"Director Zhang is over-reputed, whether he is dedicated or not, I want to be worthy of the salary I get." Su Yun said.

Zhang Weiqiang laughed. In fact, there are many actors with higher salaries than Su Yun, but those who use doubles use doubles, cutouts, how many people can afford the salary?
"Su Yun, take a good rest in the hotel these few days, and wait until the injury recovers before shooting. There is no rush." ​​Zhang Weiqiang said.

"Director Zhang, I'm really fine. I can shoot tomorrow." Su Yun knew very well that the filming schedule for this film was very tight, so she didn't want to delay the filming progress because of herself.

"No, you must take a good rest." Zhang Weiqiang said seriously.

"Director Zhang..." Xu Jie said at this time: "We have been to the hospital. My daughter-in-law is really fine, so you can let her continue filming tomorrow, and she suffered a little injury, which is more in line with the scene she is currently filming. It doesn't need to be melted anymore."

With such a large crew and so many actors, the daily expenses are not small. He is also the director, so he is very clear about this.

Zhang Weiqiang saw that it was Xu Jie and Su Yun's attitude, so he stopped insisting.

"Okay, I'll wait for you on the set tomorrow." Zhang Weiqiang stood up after speaking to Su Yun, "It's getting late, we won't disturb your rest."

Hearing Zhang Weiqiang's words, several assistant directors and actors went out one after another.

Xu Jie also stood up at this time to see him off.

"Screenwriter Xu, don't send it away. Take care of your injuries. We are all on our own, so don't be so polite." Zhang Weiqiang said after seeing it. .

"I'm fine." Xu Jie insisted on sending him out.

Zhang Weiqiang said with emotion as he walked: "You are still young. If it were me, I wouldn't know how many bones were broken. But screenwriter Xu, I didn't expect you to ride a horse so well, better than those horse trainers we found. Still great."

"That's not the case." Xu Jie waved his hand.

"Don't be humble, there are so many people watching, and now the whole crew is talking about your hero saving the beauty." Zhang Weiqiang did not exaggerate.

Although the situation was very urgent at that time, after the danger was lifted, the staff and actors began to discuss Xu Jie's rescue of Su Yun.

At that time, even the horse trainer had nothing to do with it, so the appearance of Xu Jie caught everyone by surprise. No one thought that screenwriter Xu, who usually looks very gentle, would be unambiguous at all to save people by riding a horse.

"Yeah, everyone is talking about you now, Wen Neng writes scripts, Wu Neng rides horses to save people, even those horse trainers are willing to bow down." Gao Xiaobin echoed.

"There is no comparison, they are just for work, and I am for my wife." Xu Jie said.

Zhang Weiqiang was taken aback when he heard it, then he gave Xu Jie a thumbs up and praised: "Well said, he's a man."

"I've heard that Director Xu and Sister Yun are very affectionate, and it really lives up to their reputation, haha." Gao Xiaobin said with a smile.

When the other people around looked at Teacher Xu, they suddenly felt that the image of the other party was much taller and radiant, men admired it, and women envied it.

The crew all left, and Xu Jie closed the door.

When he turned around, he found that Su Yun was looking at him affectionately, her eyes flickering.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

Su Yun didn't say anything, and hugged her directly.

Xu Jie had scratches on his waist, arms, and back. Being hugged by the other party made him grin in pain, but he held back in the end.

He knew that Su Yun was also injured, so he didn't dare to hug her back, and could only put his hands on both sides.


Xu Jie had question marks all over his face.

What happened to the other party?
Why did you throw yourself into your arms all of a sudden?

When I saved the other party before, I never saw the other party so moved.

"Hold me!" Su Yun said.



(End of this chapter)

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