The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 408 I broke my promise!

Chapter 408 I broke my promise!
Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he heard Su Yun's words, wondering if he heard it wrong.

Although the two often kissed and hugged each other, it seemed to be the first time that the other party asked him.

"Hold me!" Su Yun said again, with a hint of urging in her tone.

Xu Jie raised his hands for a long time, and finally hugged the other party's waist gently. He remembered that the other party's scratches were on the shoulder and calf, so hugging the waist should be no problem.

"Hold tight, you haven't eaten." Su Yun said loudly.

Xu Jie was confused by what was said.

The domineering female CEO's tone really scared him a lot.

Why did you suddenly ask for a hug?
He is very curious and has lived for more than 20 years. For the first time, a woman urged him to command him because of a cuddle, which made him feel insulted.

I, Xu Jie, hug a woman, and I still need someone to teach me?
So, he hugged Su Yun's waist tightly with one hand, and pressed the other's back fiercely with the other, wishing he could embed the woman into his body.

After Su Yun felt it, instead of crying out for pain, the corners of her mouth turned up, showing a smile, and she put her face on Xu Jie's chest and said, "It turns out that being your wife is such a happy thing."


Xu Jie didn't understand why the other party suddenly had such emotion.

Could it be because of the previous life-saving grace?

But it has been such a long time, and the reflex arc is too long, right?
"Why do you suddenly have such emotion?" Xu Jie couldn't help asking.

"Because being your wife gives you a sense of security. No matter what kind of things you encounter, you will stand up, even if it is very dangerous. As a husband, you are really too reliable, and as your wife, you say you are lucky. Unhappy?" Su Yun closed her eyes, feeling the breath of the man.

The reason why she has such emotion is because of what the other party said to Zhang Weiqiang: I am for my wife...

Although it was a very simple and simple sentence, it sounded better than any love words to her ears at the time, because this sentence hit her heart directly, and she didn't even want to resist, wishing she could tie herself up and hand it over .

Hurry up and tie me away, and promise not to struggle.

When Su Yun said this, Xu Jie nodded involuntarily and said, "Well, being my wife is indeed very happy."

In fact, all his thoughts were on saving people at that time, and he didn't think about anything else at all. Did he have to flash countless slides or a few heroes before saving people?

There is no such work.

But now that the other party says this, I immediately feel that I am great. If I am a woman, I must marry a man like myself.

At this time, Su Yun suddenly pushed him away, turned around and came to the window, pulled the curtains that were already closed, leaving no gaps, then walked into the bedroom, and closed the door.


what's the situation?
Xu Jie stared blankly at the door, hugged him as soon as he said, and left as soon as he said, what did he think of him?Big tree?
Besides, he is already very happy, shouldn't he be given a reward?
Of course, saving lives is not about rewards, but rewards can be more exciting.

After a while, a voice suddenly came from the bedroom.

"Turn off the lights."

When Xu Jie was in a daze, it was already dark and the curtains had been drawn. Wouldn’t it be impossible to see anything if the lights were turned off at this time?

Is it to sleep?

The problem is that it's only 6:50, and I haven't even eaten dinner yet. Isn't it too early to go to bed?

"Is it off?" Su Yun asked again.

Although Xu Jie didn't understand, he chose to follow suit in the end.


Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight. Although it was not as bright as the lights, he could see the furnishings in the room clearly and would not bump into the fitness equipment when walking.


The door opens.

"Why is there still light?" Su Yun asked.

Xu Jie wondered, you are not a monster, what kind of light are you afraid of?

He also turned off the flashlight.

The room was too dark to see anything, and it took a while for the eyes to get used to it.

At this time, the door opened again, and then, a black figure walked out from inside.

After Xu Jie saw it, he immediately stayed where he was.

Strange, strange, I'll be good!
Xu Jie swallowed unconsciously.

This time he brought all the underwear he bought before, and the most expensive set was all black. Of course, it was not the color that was expensive, but the design.

There are many straps on it, which can be connected to each other to form a whole from top to bottom, just like the combination of Transformers.

According to his previous learning experience and observations in underwear stores, this kind of underwear needs to be matched with stockings, so that it can finally become a complete body.

Because he was not prepared enough, Su Yun didn't try it, which became his regret last night.

But now, Su Yun was fully dressed and stood in front of him. Although the room was dark and she couldn't see clearly, the black and white contrast on Su Yun's body was very strong.

This isn't Combo King Kong, this is Saint Seiya.

He already felt the small universe on the opponent.

This feeling of shock can be felt even in the dark.

"Is this a reward?" Xu Jie opened his mouth and asked, but found that his mouth was dry.

"Yeah." Su Yun said softly.

Xu Jie swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he likes the other party's character of clear rewards and punishments.

He took two steps forward and stopped suddenly. He remembered the doctor's instructions to rest more and relax more, but the scene in front of him couldn't relax at all!


At this moment, how can you think of a doctor in your head?This is simply an insult to the person in front of him.

Su Yun worked so hard to put on such difficult clothes, shouldn't she respect the other party and appreciate it wholeheartedly?
No distractions!

Thinking of this, Xu Jie continued to walk towards Su Yun.

What kind of doctor's order.

Practice is the only criterion for testing injury.

He walked up to Su Yun and hugged her up.

"Sorry, I'm going to break my promise!"

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he tapped his heel and closed the door.

Well, it's closed!

the next day.

Xu Jie and Su Yun came to the set early.

Su Yun went to make up, and Xu Jie went to the director's group.

"Director Zhang, good morning!"

"Mr. Gao, good morning!"

"Director Liu, good morning!"

Xu Jie greeted everyone and smiled happily, just like winning a big prize.


"Mr. Xu, good morning."

"Screenwriter Xu, are you... do you have any happy event?" Zhang Weiqiang looked at Xu Jie curiously and asked.

In fact, he saw the other party from a distance. Not only did he have a smile on his face that was brighter than the sun, but he also walked lightly. It was completely impossible to see that he was injured when he fell off his horse yesterday.

Could it be that when he fell down, he unintentionally opened up Ren Du's second channel, and even learned lightness kung fu without a teacher?

"Yes." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"What happy event, tell me and share it with everyone?" Gao Xiaobin asked gossip.

"My wife and I fell off the horse. Nothing happened, only a little skin trauma. Isn't that a happy event?" Xu Jie said.

At the same time, I thought to myself: There are happy events, but I can’t tell you about them.

When everyone heard it, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with what they said.

A few days ago, in a costume drama group, a stand-in fell from a galloping horse, causing multiple fractures and a concussion. In comparison, Xu Jie and Su Yun were indeed much luckier.

It's a happy event, sure.

Soon after Su Yun finished her makeup, two red clouds floated on her face when she saw Xu Jie, and then she pretended to be calm and came to Zhang Weiqiang and said, "Director Zhang, the charge scene last night was not filmed. OK, let's do it again."

Zhang Weiqiang looked at Xu Jie behind him, and then said to Su Yun: "Su Yun, you are still injured, don't force it, or let's use props? Take a few frontal shots, and then use a stand-in to take back and distant shots."

"Director Zhang, I'm really fine, please trust me." Su Yun said after hearing this.

She has always been very serious about filming.

"But what if the situation like yesterday happened again? After all, a horse is a horse, not a human." Zhang Weiqiang was also afraid. If something happened to Su Yun, the entire movie would have to be stopped. In contrast, using props and Substitutes are much safer.

"Director Zhang, when riding the horse this time, I will pay attention to the running position, and I will never scare the horse again." Su Yun said.

Seeing Su Yun's persistence, Zhang Weiqiang felt a little helpless in his heart. Sometimes it's not necessarily a good thing for an actor to be too dedicated.

Too axis!
Don't listen to advice!

Zhang Weiqiang looked at Xu Jie for help, hoping that the other party could persuade his daughter-in-law not to take any more risks.

"Director Zhang, just listen to her." Xu Jie said to Zhang Weiqiang, "At worst, I will save him again."


Zhang Weiqiang was speechless.

The couple.

He thought for a while, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, and he had a way.

"Screenwriter Xu, it's okay to let Su Yun go, but you have to go too!" Zhang Weiqiang looked at Xu Jie and said.

"What?" Xu Jie was puzzled, "Where am I going?"

"Go to the battlefield." Zhang Weiqiang pointed to the battlefield built not far away.

When the people around heard it, they were all stunned, and no one understood what Director Zhang meant.

This scene is mainly for Su Yun, what is Teacher Xu doing?
As a stand-in?

Although the two are husband and wife, they also look like husband and wife, but their bodies are too different, so there is no way to replace them.

"Me?" Xu Jie looked down at himself, and then said with a smile: "Director Zhang, stop joking, how can I get on? If I wear this, it will become a time-travel drama? Don't make trouble!"

If "Mulan" is made into a time-travel drama, won't people be scolded to death?

"It's not what you think. I've assigned you a role as a soldier. When the time comes, you can put on your armor and ride behind Su Yun. Just wave your knife twice. If there is anything wrong with Su Yun, you I can also catch up in the first time, don't worry about getting caught, the camera mainly shoots Su Yun, even if you are photographed, you can be cut out later, how about it?" Zhang Weiqiang expressed his thoughts.

When everyone heard this, isn't this the same as arranging a bodyguard beside Su Yun?

"This method is good." Gao Xiaobin clapped his hands and said after hearing it.

Everyone has seen Teacher Xu's riding skills. As for courage, let alone, with him by Sister Yun's side, Sister Yun can rest assured, Teacher Xu can rest assured, the director can rest assured, and the entire crew can rest assured.

"Can I do it?" Xu Jie asked.

"You have acted in so many episodes of "Delicious History", and you are also an old actor. What's wrong? If you don't agree, I don't agree with Su Yun acting in a horse show." Zhang Weiqiang showed a serious look.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun at the side, and to be honest, he was quite at ease before, but today, he really couldn't be at ease.

"Okay, I'll act!"


(End of this chapter)

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