Chapter 409
Xu Jie changed his clothes and walked out of the dressing room. At this time, he had already taken off his coat and slacks, and put on a silver-gray armor. Not only was he wearing a helmet on his head, but he also had a knife on his waist. He has the figure of a first-class athlete, and he walks majesticly.

"Is it okay?" Xu Jie looked down at himself, and then at the director.

Because he was filming the program "Delicious History", he often wore ancient costumes, but this was the first time for him to wear armor, and he always felt a little weird.

"Well, not bad!" Zhang Weiqiang nodded, very satisfied with Xu Jie's appearance.

In fact, these are secondary, after all, it is just playing a soldier, as long as the compassionate shirt inside is covered up, the key is to protect Su Yun during filming, this is the most important thing.

"It's not only good, but it's so stylish. It doesn't look like a soldier, but more like a general. How about I play the role for you?" He Yi, the actor who played the general, said to Xu Jie.

"Mr. He, don't look at the joke, how can I have your temperament?" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

The other party is an old actor in the film and television industry, in his 40s, who often plays the roles of middle-aged successful people such as general managers and generals.

How can he compare with him, who specializes in acting as a cook?
"The temperament is not bad at all, the important thing is the injury." Gao Xiaobin asked in a low voice: "Is your injury really okay? If it still hurts, I'll go talk to Director Zhang and let the horse trainer play your role."

"It's okay." Xu Jie said, the clothes have already been put on, and if I take them off now, wouldn't it be a cold escape?What's more, it has been checked last night, and it is indeed fine.

"Okay, all departments are ready." Zhang Weiqiang said into the walkie-talkie.

Xu Jie took the reins from the horse trainer, then got on the horse, came to the battlefield, and stopped behind Su Yun.

"Wife, I'm coming." Xu Jie said with a smile, and winked at the other party, giving him a wink.

Calling my wife used to be a little guilty, but now calling my wife is natural and confident.

Seeing Xu Jie's expression, Su Yun couldn't help but blushed. While adjusting her helmet, she pretended to be calm and said, "Come on."

"I didn't expect that there would be another opportunity to ride the horse so soon." Xu Jie patted the horse under him. It was the one he rode yesterday. Looking forward to today's performance.

"What do you mean again? Tell me clearly, otherwise I won't spare you!" Su Yun immediately glared at her, but her blushing face betrayed her, and she was pretending to be angry.

"Ah? Did I say it?" Xu Jie pretended to recall, and then said, "I said "there is a chance", you must have heard it wrong." Finally, he nodded very firmly.


Su Yun wanted to say something else, when the director suddenly spoke.

"Attention actors, listen to my password." Zhang Weiqiang held a loudspeaker in his hand, and everyone on the battlefield could definitely hear his voice.

The extras who had been resting on the ground stood up one after another, and those who were chatting obediently kept their mouths shut.

If you don't listen to the director, the consequences will be very serious. If you delay the shooting, you will be kicked out of the crew.

There are not many other things in Hengdian, except that there are many extras, not to mention that the filming is an ancient war scene, one more is not too much, and one less is not obvious.

Su Yun rolled her eyes at the man, feigned anger and said, "I'll settle the score with you when I go back."

After speaking, his complexion changed, and he entered the state of filming.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun's back, and he was very much looking forward to how to settle the accounts.

punish me!

Don't take pity on me just because I am a grass.

"Actors prepare, departments prepare, start shooting!"

Following Zhang Weiqiang's order, the originally quiet battlefield instantly boiled up, and the sound of shouting and killing resounded throughout the set.

Xu Jie also put away his joking mood at this moment, while watching Su Yun who was charging forward, while controlling the distance from the other party.

This is a technical activity.

If it is too close, it is likely to be photographed in the camera. Although it can be deleted in the later stage, it will inevitably affect Su Yun. If it is too far away, if there is any danger, it may be too late to save people. Yesterday was lucky. Yes, at least Su Yun didn't fall off the horse before he arrived, but who can guarantee that such luck will always be with Su Yun?

As the old saying goes, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

And besides caring about Su Yun's movements, he also had to fulfill his duties as an extra, so he couldn't stop talking and hands.


"go to hell!"

Xu Jie shouted, while waving the knife in his hand, he slashed at the enemy soldiers.

Of course, the knife is just a prop, a model, without any lethality.

But in the lens, it is the real knife.

And the surrounding enemy troops also suffered countless casualties under his knife.

Some were cut by the knife, and immediately turned over with an "ah", and some could barely withstand two rounds, but they still died under his knife in the end.

For a while, Xu Jie killed the enemy soldiers like cutting melons and vegetables, crying father and mother, but no one could survive three times under his knife.

Xu Jie only felt that he was not a soldier, but a god of war, and Lu Fengxian was nothing more than that.

Not far away, an on-site assistant director kept shaking his head and waving at Xu Jie, with bitterness and anxiety on his face.

My mother!

Mr. Xu, you are too active, too involved in the play, according to such a killing method, before the filming of this scene is finished, all the extras will be killed by you alone.

Don't kill, there is no one left!
Xu Jie looked at the assistant director who was gesticulating in confusion, what does it mean to shake his head and wave his hands?
Is it a stop?
But shouldn't it be the director's call to stop filming?

Besides, the photographer was following up with Su Yun, and everyone was fighting vigorously. It was the time when the fighting between the two sides was the most intense. How could they just stop?

Xu Jie turned his head to observe the battlefield. Judging from his experience as a director, the other party should be directing other actors. In such a big scene, there are usually multiple camera positions. In addition to shooting the protagonist, he will also shoot some The local battle situation is used to reflect the cruelty of the war and the heroism of the righteous side. He also mentioned these contents in the script.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie ignored the assistant director and continued to fight among the crowd.

Now the assistant director saw that his sign language didn't work, and was sweating anxiously. He was about to use the walkie-talkie to communicate with the cameraman when he suddenly thought of a way.

He quickly took out his mobile phone, typed flowing text on the screen, and then held it high above his head.

It was the first time for Xu Jie to shoot this kind of scene. Seeing that everyone was cooperating with him, he thought it was quite fun. The more he chopped, the more excited he became.

One stab, two stabs... The other party didn't fall down like the group performers before
Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, how could someone survive two stabs?

Brother, did you take the wrong script?Shouldn't you be a cannon fodder?
Three knives, four knives... still not down?
Xu Jie frowned, you are going too far.

What, you still want to compete with me?
Do you have the strength to fight against the heroine's bodyguard?

Xu Jie turned his head at the cannon fodder armor, signaling the other party to fall down quickly, be conscious, don't try to change your fate against the sky, I am a screenwriter, and whoever dies will die.

Cannon Fodder A stood there, instead of running away, he winked at Xu Jie.

Xu Jie was stunned when he saw it.

what's the situation?
When it comes to war, why are you flying?Can you be more professional and serious?
Even if you use a beautiful man, but can you pick a woman to use?
Xu Jie didn't remember that there were such jokes in the script he wrote.

Could it be that Director Zhang added it?
But the problem is that his role was added temporarily, the main purpose is to protect Su Yun, and he will not appear in the movie later, why add a role to such a non-existent person?
"Teacher Xu, look over there." Cannon Fodder A whispered, and at the same time turned his head and pointed to the sidelines.

"Don't look!" Xu Jie responded.

He understood, it must be the group performer who added the drama to himself, if not, he would die so easily.

Want to divert my attention for a sneak attack?no way!
"Mr. Xu, the assistant director has something to tell you." Cannon Fodder A continued.

Xu Jie turned his head to look at the sidelines suspiciously, and saw the on-site assistant director just now, holding his mobile phone high in his hand, and a line of words was scrolling on the screen.

"Teacher Xu, don't kill, you killed too many people, there is no one left!"

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, and when he looked back, a large piece of ground had fallen in disorder.

Did I kill them all?


Sorry, I was having too much fun just now, so I didn't pay attention to this matter.

Xu Jie nodded in the direction of the assistant director, and then fought with the cannon fodder, you stab, I stab, wherever Su Yun goes, the two will follow.

After an unknown amount of time, a voice spread across the battlefield.

"Stop, all stop!"

"Everyone stay where they are and rest, and continue filming later."

After hearing this, Xu Jie put the knife back into its sheath.

Finally can rest.

Although it's just acting, it's really tiring to control the horse and wave your arms at the same time.

He got off the horse, came to Su Yun's side, helped Su Yun get off the horse, and asked with concern: "How is your wound? Let me take a look." He stretched out his hand to untie the armor on Su Yun's body.

The opponent's bruises were on the calf and shoulder. When riding a horse, the calf would touch the belly of the horse, and the heavy armor was pressed on the shoulder. It hurts even thinking about it.

Su Yun immediately grabbed Xu Jie's hand and said with a blushing face, "No, someone is there."

The heroic and fearless charge just now turned into a shy little woman in an instant.

Xu Jie looked around, then squatted down and said, "Let me look at the calf."

He carefully rolled up the opponent's trouser legs to check the injured area.

In order to cope with today's horse show, when he changed the other party's dressing in the morning, he deliberately put a layer of gauze on the wound, which can not only reduce friction, but also provide cushioning.

Now it seems that it has indeed played a certain role.

"It's okay, don't worry." Xu Jie stood up and said to Su Yun.

"Thank you." Su Yun's heart was warm.

"Thank you, you are my wife."

A touching blush appeared on Su Yun's face.

I don't know why, before the other party said that, she could accept it calmly, but now that the other party said that, she felt shy in her heart.

Is this what it feels like to be a wife for the first time?


(End of this chapter)

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