Chapter 411 Coincidence?

10 o'clock in the morning.

According to the original plan, Xu Jie should have arrived at the airport at this time, sitting on the flight to the capital, but now, he is sitting in a hot pot restaurant, eating boiled mutton and talking on the phone.

"Brother Bao, I would like to inform everyone that the post-production of the show will be temporarily suspended, and Song Huanhuan will be asked to buy air tickets. All the members will come to Hengdian to play for two days. No, they will come to Hengdian to film my wife's episode, and then we will go back together on Wednesday. Yes, now , Immediately, immediately, don’t delay the filming work, find a place to live after arriving in Hengdian, let’s get together tonight..."

Zhou Chengqiang looked at the man across from him with surprise on his face. Teacher Xu really worked so hard to stay here. Even the entire "Delicious History" program team was transferred from the capital.

He kept saying that it was for work, but in fact it was to accompany his wife. If the superiors were to know about the other party's self-serving operations, at least they would have to write a [-]-word self-criticism.

Maybe this is the love of Jiangshan and beauty in the song.

Xu Jie hung up the phone, checked the time, wiped his mouth, and asked, "Brother Zhou, let's go?"

"Okay." Zhou Chengqiang nodded, quickly got up and walked out of the hot pot restaurant.

During the two hours he stayed in the store, he didn’t eat a single bite of meat and only drank two glasses of water. First, he had eaten breakfast and was not hungry; second, he didn’t have the habit of eating hot pot in the morning; I don't know if it's right to help Teacher Xu. Once the boss finds out, he might be fired.

With this anxiety, Zhou Chengqiang drove back to the location of the crew.

Xu Jie knew that Zhou Chengqiang was an honest man, he would not lie, and he was also worried that the other party's performance would not reveal his truth, so he said: "You don't need to get out of the car, and you can go there when you are needed."

"I got it, Teacher Xu." Zhou Chengqiang was relieved, the last person he wanted to face was the boss.

Xu Jie got out of the car and walked in the direction of the director.

The movie is being filmed, but it is not a horse scene, but a ground fight scene.

The staff were very focused at first, but when they saw Xu Jie appearing suddenly, they were all stunned.

"Huh? Teacher Xu?"

"You, haven't you returned to the capital? Why are you still here?"

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Some people even rubbed their eyes hard with their hands, wondering if they had seen it wrong.

"The car had a flat tire and missed the plane." Xu Jie explained with a smile.

"A flat tire?"

When everyone heard this, they secretly sighed that Teacher Xu was unlucky.

But why does Teacher Xu seem to be happy instead of anxious or depressed?

This smile, the corners of the mouth almost reached the ears.

Are you in such a good mood?

Those who knew it was a flat tire, but those who didn't know thought they were going to have a third child.

Xu Jie came behind the director Zhang Weiqiang and looked at the screen on the monitor. Su Yun was holding a knife and engaged in a one-on-one fight with the opposing general.

"Old Wu, these movements just now are beautiful, but they are too fancy, can you be more practical?" Zhang Weiqiang is discussing this fight scene with action director Wu Chenghai.

"Still fancy?" Wu Chenghai stared at the screen. He has changed a lot of this set of movements, which is much more simple than before.

"The fighting on the battlefield is usually very simple and direct. There are not so many flashes and moves, and it's not a martial arts movie. Change it." Zhang Weiqiang said.

I thought it was good during the rehearsal just now, but when the background was changed to the battlefield, I always felt that it was almost meaningless.

"Well, let me think about it again." Wu Chenghai got up and left, studying the movements with the action team.

In order to be able to see clearly, Gao Xiaobin moved his body forward. At this time, a person suddenly appeared in front of him, standing in the place where Wu Chenghai was just now. Gao Xiaobin took a look and saw that it was screenwriter Xu, so he returned to the original place , continue to look at the screen.

After a while, Gao Xiaobin's whole body was shaken suddenly, and he remained motionless as if he had been acupunctured.

and many more!

Screenwriter Xu?
He turned his head abruptly, and after confirming that he read it correctly, he asked in surprise, "Mr. Xu, why are you back?"

When the others heard Gao Xiaobin's words, they all turned their heads and saw that it was indeed Xu Jie, with question marks written all over his face.

"The car had a flat tire on the way and missed the plane." Xu Jie gave the official explanation again.

"En." Zhang Weiqiang nodded calmly, then continued to look at the monitor.

"Blowout? Why didn't you call me? I can send a car to take you there." Gao Xiaobin said after hearing this.

"Mr. Gao is so busy, I'm really sorry to bother you." Xu Jie said, but he thought in his heart: Calling you, wouldn't it be revealing?How can I stay here?

He only told the director Zhang Weiqiang to the whole crew. After all, the fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better.

"Mr. Xu, you are so alien, and we are not outsiders. If you need anything in the future, just call me." Gao Xiaobin said seriously.

Not long after, Zhang Weiqiang called to stop because he was not satisfied with the play.

"The play just now didn't work well, the actors came over to rehearse."

After Su Yun heard about it, she came to the director with a prop knife, and when she was about to ask, she suddenly saw Xu Jie.

"You, why are you still here?" Su Yun asked in surprise.

"The car had a flat tire and missed the plane." Xu Jie explained.

"Blowout? How could it be a blowout? Are you okay?" Su Yun immediately showed a worried expression when she heard this, and then looked at Xu Jie seriously.

Tire blowouts can be big or small. If a tire blows out while driving at high speed, causing the car to lose control, the consequences will be disastrous.

"I'm fine. Fortunately, Lao Zhou has rich experience and managed to control the car in time." Xu Jie was moved. When others heard the car puncture, they thought of delaying the flight. Only Su Yun heard the car puncture and thought of his safety.

This wife is not in vain.

"That's good." Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "As far as I know, there are several flights from Yiwu to the capital. You can completely change your booking to the noon flight, and it will be in time."

"I called and asked, but there are no tickets, and tomorrow's tickets are all sold out, so I can only change the plane on the day after tomorrow." In order to prove his unlucky luck, Xu Jie sighed heavily after speaking. The tone seemed to be telling Su Yun: It's not that I won't leave, it's that I can't.

Zhang Weiqiang, who was standing aside, saw Xu Jie sighing, and secretly marveled in his heart. It was a performance at the level of an actor. If he didn't know it in advance, he might be deceived like everyone else.

the day after tomorrow?


Su Yun was slightly taken aback. If she remembered correctly, Xu Jie said last night that he wanted to return to the capital on Wednesday, and after repeated persuasion by her, the other party left today.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Don't want to go back, the tire blows?And there are no plane tickets?
Have you ever opened your mouth?

Su Yun frowned, and looked at the man suspiciously. Although she didn't want to be suspicious, the woman's intuition told her that something was wrong.

Seeing Su Yun's eyes, Xu Jie knew that she didn't believe him, so he said, "By the way, next month's "Delicious History", now only your episode is left to be filmed, I have already called the program team, Let them come to Hengdian and take some time to shoot at night, this way, you don’t have to go back to the capital, and my work is done, the best of both worlds.”

Su Yun thought about it after hearing it. She originally planned to take one day a month to go back to the capital to shoot "Delicious History". Trouble.

And he felt that since the other party had called the entire program group over, it must be for work. If it was done to stay for two more days, it would be too nonsense.

Thinking of this, Su Yun let go of her doubts, and asked with a smile, "When will the show crew come?"

"I'm not sure, maybe today, maybe tomorrow." Xu Jie said, he hasn't received a call from Brother Bao yet, so he doesn't know if he has bought the ticket, after all, it's a temporary notice, and the route from Beijing to Yiwu is still very popular. Either the boss of the business, or the actor of the movie.

"Teach me what to do in this episode tonight, and I'll film it tomorrow night, will there be time?" Su Yun asked.

Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "It's too late."

If it's too late, I'll ask for two more days off.

Seeing that Xu Jie and Su Yun had finished chatting, Zhang Weiqiang called Su Yun over and asked the action director to demonstrate the new movements and teach Su Yun and the other actors again.

Soon, the movement learning is over.

Su Yun returned to the battlefield again.

"Actors prepare, start!"

Looking at the picture on the monitor, Zhang Weiqiang saw that his movements this time were very neat. Although they were not as fancy as before, they were in line with the background of the battlefield.

The battlefield is not a ring, let alone a martial arts tournament. What kind of golden rooster is independent, what kind of dragon goes out to sea, it's all fucking nonsense!
"En!" Zhang Weiqiang nodded in satisfaction, then turned to Wu Chenghai and said, "Old Wu, it's better this time."

Wu Chenghai thought to himself: It's up to you whether it's good or not, who made you the director?
Zhang Weiqiang pointed to the screen and continued: "Su Yun's eyes are also in place, calm, firm, and full of murderous intent, as if she was really on the battlefield."

Xu Jie smiled.

The eyes must be in place, otherwise, wouldn't the two-month-old pig be killed in vain?
Not long after, Zhang Weiqiang called to stop again.

"Su Yun, you did a good job in this part of the scene just now, and now we're filming the next set." Zhang Weiqiang said, looking back at Xu Jie, "Director Xu, you go and change your costume. The last set is a horse scene, and I have to rely on you to protect Su Yun." Yun."

"No problem." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then went to the clothing store in a hurry. He came back just to shoot horse scenes.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie, then at Zhang Weiqiang, with a hint of suspicion on her brow again.

In fact, according to the shooting sequence, the first scene to be filmed today is actually a set of horse scenes. However, after arriving on the set, Director Zhang temporarily changed to the ground scene because the people and horses had just woken up in the morning and were not in a good state.

When you shoot ground scenes, you shoot ground scenes. Why do you want to shoot horse scenes after Xu Jie comes?This feeling, as if Director Zhang was deliberately waiting for Xu Jie, as if he knew that he would appear.

Is it all just a coincidence?

There are so many coincidences today!

(End of this chapter)

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