The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 412 Selection of Excellent Chapters

Chapter 412 Selection of Excellent Programs

In the evening, Xu Jie was having dinner with Su Yun in the nanny's car, when the cell phone rang suddenly, it was Liu Jinbao, Xu Jie did not hide anything, and connected the cell phone in front of Su Yun.

"Brother Bao, how are you doing?" Xu Jie looked calm, and there was no trace of lying.

"Old Xu, we've arrived. We're in an express hotel in the town." Liu Jinbao said, he made the call just after everyone settled down.

"It's fine when you arrive. You can eat first, and then take a look around. Tomorrow night, we will film the fifth episode." Xu Jie said.

Hearing Xu Jie's words, Su Yun felt a little embarrassed. If she hadn't insisted on filming "Delicious History", the program crew wouldn't have to travel thousands of miles from the capital to Hengdian, let alone stay here to wait for her.

Maybe, I really should give up this show.

Su Yun thought to herself.

It's not that I don't like this show, or the little labor fee, but I feel that I am causing trouble to my husband's colleagues.

Between people, you can add food or food, but you can't add trouble. After all, no one likes to waste their precious time on others.

"Shooting tomorrow night? Aren't we going to leave the day after tomorrow? Will there be enough time to shoot tomorrow night?" Liu Jinbao asked, he thought Director Xu was so anxious to let them come because he was filming the show.

"My wife and I's filming is relatively fast, it can be finished in two or three hours, and we can make it in time." After hearing this, Xu Jie said, "Relax, it's all a two-day trip to Hengdian, and I'll finish the work by the way, and you guys will come back later." You can go out for a walk, the night market here is still very lively, maybe you can meet famous celebrities, and go to various scenic spots tomorrow during the day, such as Qingming Shanghetu Scenic Spot, Qinwang Palace Scenic Spot, and Dream Water World, in the cost group to reimburse."

Anyway, the production cost is very sufficient, not in vain.

The biggest problem in filming the program "Delicious History" is not that there is no story, nor is it that stars cannot be found, but how to spend all the production costs.

Because only by spending all of it, can the superiors know that the production of this program is very expensive. If there is a lot left every time, over time, the station will definitely reduce the production cost of the program.

This is also one of the reasons why the program group eats very well every time they film.

Every month Xu Jie worries about how to spend all the production costs.

This time all the staff came to Hengdian, just in the name of work, to spend the production fee, even if it is overdrawn, it doesn't matter, maybe the station knows, and will allocate some production fee.

Liu Jinbao on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

Travel at public expense?
Very good!
"I know Director Xu, I'll let everyone know." Liu Jinbao took the order and said in his heart, "It's better to hang out with Lao Xu. If you eat well and drink sweets, you can also travel at public expense. The entire art program center can't find a second one." .

Xu Jie put down his phone and continued to eat.

"Did I delay your work?" Su Yun asked softly.

"No." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "Either you go back to the capital, or we come to Hengdian. It's not a matter of delay or not. Besides, the people in the program group hope that you will delay them more, so that they will have a chance to come out. Traveling, haha."

Su Yun laughed along first, and then said seriously: "I've made up my mind, if I delay your filming, I can withdraw from this show, and you can find someone else to film."

In the past, she was reluctant to part with this show, and even more reluctant to cooperate with Xu Jie, but now she feels that if there are some things that should be given up, she must give up, otherwise it will cause trouble for Xu Jie.

What's more, she and Xu Jie are now a real couple. Even if they can't cooperate in the show, they can still "cooperate" a lot.

"Don't worry, I know." Xu Jie said with a smile.

He didn't want Su Yun to continue filming "Delicious History" before, because he was worried that this program would distract the other party's energy and delay the filming of the film.

But now, he can just take advantage of the opportunity of filming the show, and stay in Hengdian to stay with Su Yun for a few more days in a grandiose manner, without even asking for leave.

Plans are not changing fast.

The two people's current thoughts are the best embodiment.

Two months ago, the two people had different ideas.

Two months later, both of them changed their minds because of each other, but they still had different ideas.

It didn't take long for the crew to start filming the night scene, and today's work didn't end until 10 pm.

Back at the hotel, Xu Jie began to teach Su Yun how to make traditional dim sum in the old capital until 1 o'clock in the middle of the night...

On Tuesday, it was another day of horse drama, filming from 7 am to 9 pm.

After Xu Jie returned to the hotel, he immediately summoned the members of the program team to film the fifth episode.

On Wednesday, Xu Jie was leaving again, and this time he was really leaving.

But this time, neither Xu Jie nor Su Yun showed too much reluctance, after all, they will meet again in two days.

"See you on Friday night." Su Yun gave Xu Jie another farewell kiss.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"There won't be another tire blowout this time, right?" Su Yun asked with a half-smile.

"Cough, I'll call Mr. Gao if the tire blows out." Xu Jie said.


The plane at 10:20 am arrived in Beijing at 1 pm.

The group randomly found a noodle restaurant to eat a bowl of noodles, and then returned to Beijing TV Station.

"Xu Jie, I thought you weren't coming back." After Qin Yan saw Xu Jie, she couldn't help but dragging him away, "Quickly, read this afternoon's interview."

"Director Xu, don't leave, the post-production has not been completed yet." Song Huanhuan quickly grabbed Xu Jie's other hand.

Xu Jie stopped immediately, with Qin Yan on one side and Song Huanhuan on the other. This scene was like a tug-of-war.

"Come with me first, the official interview will be held this afternoon." Qin Yan said loudly.

"No, follow me first." Song Huanhuan said.

When Qin Yan heard it, she immediately turned around and called out, "Miao Miao, Zhao Gang, come and help me."

Song Huanhuan took a look, then turned to the team members behind him and said, "What are you all doing blankly, help me."

"Come with me!"

"Come with me!"

Xu Jie looked at both sides, and couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face. He didn't dare to say anything, so he could only let the two sides tug of war.

As the old saying goes, the palms and backs of your hands are full of meat.

No matter who he goes with now, he will offend the other party.

This is like the old people dividing their property, just one room, who will it be distributed to?

Give it to the boss, the second child is not willing, give it to the second child, the boss is not willing either.

The most important thing is that because of this incident, everyone may have conflicts with each other. We are all a family, so why is it too urgent?
Forget it, divide it among yourself.

Xu Jie thought to himself.

But after a while, he couldn't hold back anymore.

Are you fucking trying to dismember me?

It hurts so much!

At this time, the door of the director's office opened, and Jiang Hai came out from inside.

"Xiao Xu is back? Come to my office."

When everyone saw it, they immediately stopped arguing and let go.

If you fight again, can you still beat the director?
Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief, shook his arms, and hurried to Director Jiang's office.

My savior!

"Director, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

"Good thing." Jiang Hai said with a smile: "The Beijing Radio and Television Station's selection of excellent programs has begun, and I have submitted both of your programs. Last year, none of our programs at the Art Program Center won awards. This time it is all up to you. "

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, the selection of excellent programs?
He knows that this event can be called the annual grand event of the Beijing Radio and Television System. Its purpose is to select the best programs of the past year and present awards to them as a way to encourage them.

Because it has been held for more than ten sessions, its influence is not only limited to the Beijing Radio and Television Station, but also has a great influence in society.

It is said that some award-winning programs will also be exchanged at domestic and foreign TV festivals.

Because it is related to program awards, personal honors, and even affects future ratings and promotions, many excellent programs in the Beijing Radio and Television System will sign up for participation.

Although there are several awards, each one is highly competitive.

People are competing, programs are competing, and program centers are also competing.

After all, winning a show is not only a personal honor, but also a collective honor.

"Is my show okay?" Xu Jie was excited and nervous for the first time.

The selection of excellent programs is not only based on ratings, but also on content quality, depth, and social influence.

If you only look at ratings or audience ratings, then you don't need to judge, just award him the award.

"Remove the word ?, I'm a little confident, I think it will work." Jiang Hai said while wagging his fingers in front of Xu Jie: "Your program, "Delicious History" needs to have good ratings, culture and culture, and influence. impact, and also help farmers and enterprises, which of their programs can do this? Another "In-depth Talk on Film and Television" not only conducts in-depth analysis of domestic film and television dramas, but also has a positive impact on the development of the film and television industry. The interviewed The TV ratings are high, right? The box office of the movie interviewed is high? Aren’t these real results not enough?”

Xu Jie nodded while listening. Although he was a bit bragging, after listening to Director Jiang's words, he even felt that it would be unreasonable not to give him the award.

"Director Jiang, you're right. Two programs, why don't you get one award?" Xu Jie said, "By the way, Director, those programs won awards last year? What type?"

Although he was also at Beijing TV Station last year, because he was just a small reporter, and his column group did not participate in the awards, so he didn't care.

Hearing Xu Jie's words, Jiang Hai, who was originally in high spirits, immediately froze.

After a long time, he said, "Well, most of the award-winning programs last year were social news."

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, feeling a basin of cold water poured on his head.


Theatrical programs are too entertaining, and they are not selected by the entertainment circle, so how could the awards be given to theatrical programs?It must be awarded to news programs, and it must also keep up with current events and advocate positive energy in society.

"Are there no award-winning cultural programs?" Xu Jie noticed that Director Jiang said "the vast majority", that is to say, there are still "very few".

"Yes!" Jiang Hai thought for a while and said.

"What program?" Xu Jie's eyes flashed, full of excitement and anticipation.

""Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala"."


(End of this chapter)

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