The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 413 I am also a person who wants face!

Chapter 413 I am also a person who wants face!

Xu Jie heaved a long sigh, looked quietly at Director Jiang in front of him, and felt that the other party was the most cruel person in the world.

Originally, when he heard that there was a literary program in the list of winners, he still had a glimmer of hope for the award. After all, his program was considered the top spot among all the cultural programs in the Beijing broadcasting and television system.

But now, after hearing the other party's answer, the whole person is in a bad mood. Give him hope first, and then make him despair. Is there anyone more cruel than this?
The second pot of cold water.

"Director, I think I'd better go back to wash and sleep." Xu Jie felt sad, and just wanted to find a window to look up at 45 degrees.

"Xiao Xu, don't be discouraged, what if? I heard that today's award program will be produced in a new program. You have two programs, and both of them are broadcast on satellite TV channels. The chances of winning are still very high. You yourself Be confident." Jiang Hai clenched his fists and cheered for Xu Jie.

Xu Jie laughed twice.


You smiled so reluctantly, but also gave me confidence?

I believe you bastard, you dirty old man!
"I understand!" Xu Jie said.

Red flowers need green leaves to match, so events like awards must need some green leaves to set off. Obviously, his show is to serve as cannon fodder, otherwise no one will sign up. The only one in the selection list is "Spring Festival Gala" , doesn't it seem undemocratic?

To whom is friendship first and competition second?
The most important thing is to participate and who is it for?

That's what he said!
"Now that you understand, you should be more happy. You must know that our director is the person in charge of this selection. You have shown your face in front of him a lot this year. I believe that during the selection, he will definitely remember you and your program. " Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"That's because you didn't see other people going to the director's office, director. If you stay outside the office all day, you will definitely see more people than me." Xu Jie has completely given up any hope up.

Every year they say that it is different from last year, what happened?It's not changing the soup but not the medicine.

Let it be fate.

Xu Jie calmed down.

Awarding a program can increase your resume, which is conducive to future promotion, but it is not a necessary condition for promotion, not to mention that the director has promised in advance that he will be awarded this year's advanced collective and advanced individual, so why should he be obsessed with the selection of excellent programs? Woolen cloth?Or leave the opportunity to others.

"Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk" are already very popular, do you still need to rely on selection activities to increase their popularity and reputation?
No need!
The audience's eyes are discerning. The selection of excellent programs like this can only represent the personal preferences of the judges, not the audience. His program is for the audience, not for the judges, so there is no need for judges' comments. What the audience says is good is really good.

After thinking clearly, Xu Jie felt a lot more relaxed.

He felt that his ideological awareness was getting higher and higher, and he would definitely be indispensable for next year's promotion, otherwise he would not be worthy of his current state.

Rewards are false, promotion is the kingly way.

"You don't understand this. Now that Lao Lu has been promoted to deputy editor-in-chief, he has more and more power to speak in our station, and his influence is also growing. Your two programs, especially "Delicious History" ", won the first place in the ratings at the important moment of the satellite TV channel revision at the beginning of the year, and relieved Lao Lu's immediate worries. If he does not speak for you in this year's excellent program selection, then he is ungrateful." Jiang Hai said.

"Director, what do you mean..." Xu Jie looked at the other party. At this time, when he mentioned Deputy Chief Editor Lu, was he going to find Deputy Chief Editor Lu through the back door?
Jiang Hai stood up at this time, cleaned up the things on the desk, and then said to Xu Jie: "Let's go and talk to Lao Lu."


No need to ask, it must have gone through the back door.

"Director, is this okay?" Xu Jie stood still.

Although he was very grateful to Director Jiang for spared no effort to fight for him to win the award, he didn't want to win the award through the back door. If it got out, wouldn't it damage his image and the reputation of the show?
Those who didn't know thought the quality of the program was not good.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you can get this award or not." Xu Jie didn't want Director Jiang to be anxious and worried.

"You don't care? I do." Jiang Hai said after hearing this: "In the past, programs like satellite TV program centers, news program centers, and even life program centers have won awards, but our art program center has not won awards. As the director of the art program center , I can't swallow this breath, this year our center finally has two programs with high ratings, if we don't get the award this time, it will be even more difficult to win the award in the future, Xiao Xu, I am also a shameless person."

At the end, the flesh on the excited chin trembled back and forth.

Xu Jie was stunned, he didn't expect Director Jiang to care so much.


An excellent program is not only the honor of the program and program group, but also the honor of the entire program center.

As the director of the program center, it is indeed a very embarrassing thing for him not to produce a good program.

"Director, I understand, but deputy editor-in-chief Lu is also the director of the satellite TV program center, will he speak for the programs of our art program center?" Xu Jie asked worriedly.

Usually the relationship is good because everyone is for the program, but now, it is related to the interests of each program center. After all, the number of awards is limited. If others win the award, the chance of winning the award will be smaller.

"I have a solution." Jiang Hai said confidently.

There is a way?
Xu Jie was taken aback, thinking: If there is a way, why didn't you say it earlier?Is there a way you put some cold water on it?
It's a showdown, and I want to win a prize too.

Who doesn't want it?

No one would think that such a thing as a reward is too much.


Jiang Hai waved his hand at Xu Jie, and then walked out of the office arrogantly.

Xu Jie followed behind, looking at Director Jiang's posture, he seemed to be sure of everything, as if he had seen himself standing on the stage to receive the award.

Come to Satellite TV Program Center.

"Dangdang!" Jiang Hai knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Lu Hong's voice came out.

Jiang Hai pushed the door open and walked in. One moment he was serious, but the next moment he was all smiles.

"Editor Lu, are you busy?" Jiang Hai asked cheerfully.

"Not busy, what's the matter?" Lu Hong looked at Jiang Hai, then at Xu Jie behind him, and suddenly opened his eyes wide and asked excitedly, "Do you have an idea for a new variety show?"

"New variety show? Hasn't the recording of the seventh season of "Crossover Singer" started?" Jiang Hai asked after hearing it.

Because there are no new variety shows for a long time, in order to fill the gap in star variety shows in the second half of the year, I finally decided to use the old brand and continue to record "Crossover Singer".

You can't give up the prime time of the weekend to other TV stations, right?
"Wouldn't it be nice to have one more celebrity variety show?" Lu Hong said, "Besides, isn't there still next year? Could it be that next year isn't over yet? Are there any new ideas?"

Lu Hong looked at Jiang Hai expectantly. If the other party came alone, he would not have such an idea, but when the other party brought Xu Jie, the first thing he thought of was the new variety show.

"Cough, not yet." Jiang Hai was a little embarrassed, but who made him thick-skinned?He quickly recovered, looked at Lu Hong and said, "Hasn't the excellent program selection activity of our Beijing Radio and Television Station already started? I have reported both of Xiao Xu's programs, and I will tell you deliberately."

"Just this matter?" Lu Hong was stunned, why did he deliberately come over and tell him such a trivial matter? .

"Well, do you think his show will win an award?" Jiang Hai asked.

"The selection has just started, and besides the director, the judges have also invited leaders from ****, how would I know the result?" Lu Hong said.

"I think it's very possible. After all, the ratings are there. Xiao Xu's show is ranked second, and no one dares to say it is the first. Are you right, Editor-in-Chief Lu?" Jiang Hai asked with a smile.

"That's not necessarily the case. Judging from the content of the award-winning programs in recent years, gourmet programs and entertainment programs are very rare." Lu Hong said it more euphemistically. In fact, it's not "hard to win an award", but he has never won an award.

"'Delicious History' is not a gourmet program, but a cultural program, and "In-depth Film and Television Talk", which is not an entertainment program, but an interview program to promote domestic film and television dramas." Jiang Hai corrected.

When Lu Hong heard it, he finally understood what Jiang Hai meant.

"Old Jiang, if you have anything to say, just say it." Lu Hong said with a smile.

"Actually, I don't have much to say. I just feel that Xiao Xu's two programs are now considered to be the highest-rated and most stable programs in our entire TV station. If these two programs can't get a single award, it's really unfair, and it will even affect everyone. The children's work enthusiasm, I am afraid that no one will work hard in the future." Jiang Hai sighed deeply after speaking.

Obviously, the sigh was for Lu Hong.

After Xu Jie listened, he looked at Director Jiang in surprise. Could this be the other party's "method"?
But why does it sound like a threat?

If you don't help us win awards, we won't work actively. When the time comes, there will be no excellent cultural programs in the satellite TV program center, so don't blame us.

Xu Jie swallowed unconsciously.

Threatening Mr. Lu?
So fucking exciting.

This kind of thing can only be done by Director Jiang. If it were someone else, he would have the heart but not the guts.

Xu Jie couldn't help turning his head to look elsewhere. If he knew this was the way, he wouldn't come no matter what.

He really wanted to explain to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, but it was probably useless to explain now.

"Old Jiang, you're right. In fact, I think so too. It's a pity that I'm not a judge, so what I say doesn't count. If I were, I would definitely choose Xiao Xu's show. I won't be able to award one award, so I will award two." Lu Hong said seriously.

"Editor Lu, you are too modest. Who doesn't know the programs on the TV station? You can decide who gets on and who gets off? And you are now the director's right-hand man. Will he ask your opinion?" Jiang Hai Knowing that Lu Hong is perfunctory, he is determined not to let the other party get away with it.

Lu Hong smiled helplessly, it was too difficult.

He looked at Xu Jie at the side, thought for a while, and then said: "If the director asks for my opinion, I will definitely recommend Xiao Xu's program, and if he doesn't ask, I will have nothing to do."

"Hey, it's fine with your words."


(End of this chapter)

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