The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 414 Happy Birthday

Chapter 414 Happy Birthday
Xu Jie followed Director Jiang out of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's office. From entering to leaving, he didn't say a word.

It's not that he didn't want to say it, he really didn't know what to say.

Director Jiang's so-called "method" directly disrupted his thinking.

Are you going to help Director Jiang threaten Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu?

He dare not.

He was the first in age, but he didn't dare to challenge the grade director publicly.

It's okay to ask for leave, but it's a bit of a rhythm to be arrogant.

"This old Lu is too rude. When he has a job, he calls him a brother, but when something good happens, he turns his face and denies him." Jiang Hai said as he walked.

After talking for so long, I finally got an ambiguous answer, dissatisfied.

"Director, I think it's better to let nature take its course, as the old saying goes: sometimes you have to have something in your life, and there is no time in your life, so don't force it." Xu Jie said.

For an award for an excellent program, offending people while begging for help, in his opinion, it's not worth it.

"Do you believe in fate?" Jiang Hai turned to look at Xu Jie and asked.

"I don't believe it." Xu Jie shook his head.

As the default advanced individual of the year, how could he believe in this feudal superstition?

In the past, he believed in fate, and even had already arranged his posture, ready to lie down and accept the arrangement of fate, but this year, there have been many accidents, which made him no longer believe it.

"Then you still say that?" Jiang Hai frowned.

"Director, am I here to comfort you?" Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai's brows stretched out, feeling very relieved in his heart, since he didn't take care of him in vain.

"Since Lao Lu is not sure, then we have to rely on ourselves." Jiang Hai thought for a while and said.

A question mark appeared on Xu Jie's face, relying on himself?If the selection matter was up to the two of them, they wouldn't have had to go to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu just now.

Jiang Hai pondered for a while, and then said: "Xiao Xu, when you are free these days, you should report to the Director more often, otherwise what will you do if the Director forgets you?"

"Director..." Xu Jie said with a wry smile, "I'm a program director now, and I don't have any titles. How can it be my turn to report to the director? Besides, you rarely have the opportunity to report to the director at your level, even more so. Don't mention me, I have the director above you, and you have the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou above you. I will go directly to the director. Isn't this going to the kang through the pot? Also, the few times I have been there, which one is not Director Lu Take me there?"

Jiang Hai scratched his head, and he was right.

The level difference is too much, what to report?
How did the show go?
There are hundreds of programs in the entire TV station, not including the radio station. The director doesn't have time to listen to the reports one by one.

"Hey, this is the end of the matter, let's leave it to fate." Jiang Hai sighed.

"Director, do you believe in fate?" Xu Jie asked.

"Don't believe me, am I not comforting you?"


When Xu Jie returned to the art program center, he was followed by two groups of colleagues at the same time as soon as he entered the door.

Seeing that the two groups of people were about to tug-of-war to divide the corpses as before, he immediately said: "Sister Huan, you go to the program editing room of the satellite TV program center and export the content of the two days of shooting, I will finish the work here Go right away."

"Delicious History" will be broadcast in half a month, and "In-depth Film and Television Talk" will be recorded in a while. Which one needs him more now, there is no need to think about it.


Song Huanhuan responded, and left with the program crew.

Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Song Huanhuan and others leaving, and then came to Qin Yan's side, took the interview draft and read it.

After all, getting the show right is the top priority.


Xu Jie only stayed in Beijing for three days, and flew to Hengdian on Friday night.

Because the Su Yun part of "Delicious History" had already been filmed, he didn't stay for four consecutive days like last time, but flew back to the capital on a noon flight on Sunday.

At the end of the month, Xu Jie boarded the flight to Yiwu again.

When he walked out of the airport, he didn't see Su Yun like the previous two times, this time only Zhou Chengqiang.

"Mr. Xu, the boss is filming and sent me to pick you up." Zhou Chengqiang said.

"Shooting at such a late hour?" Xu Jie checked the time, and it was already past twelve o'clock in the evening. Although there were night scenes before, it was only ten o'clock at the latest.

"It seems to be because today's shooting task was not completed, and I don't know too well." Zhou Chengqiang said hesitantly.


Xu Jie nodded and said nothing more.

Director Zhang is notoriously strict in the industry. He has very high requirements for shooting and actors. He often shoots dozens of times for one scene, which will inevitably prolong the time.

After more than an hour, the car stopped outside the hotel.

"Teacher Xu, we're here." Zhou Chengqiang turned around and said.

Xu Jie opened his eyes, he had just squinted for a while, recharging his energy.

He looked out through the car window and found that it was a hotel, so he said, "Brother Zhou, go to the studio."

"Mr. Xu, the boss asked you to go back to the hotel to rest first, and she will be back soon." Zhou Chengqiang said.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and took out his mobile phone. There was an unread text message in it, which was sent by Su Yun. The content was the same as what Zhou Chengqiang said, but there was an extra sentence: I am on my way back to the hotel, and I will be there soon.

Xu Jie thought that he must have fallen asleep just now and didn't hear it, so Su Yun sent it to Zhou Chengqiang.

He got out of the car with his luggage, took the room card handed over by Zhou Chengqiang and walked into the hotel.

Came outside Su Yun's room, swiped the card and opened the door and walked in.

When he closed the door, suddenly a person hugged his waist from behind.

Xu Jie grabbed the opponent's hand reflexively, and was about to swing his arm over, but found that the opponent's hand was slender and soft, and he knew it was a woman's hand as soon as he grabbed it.

When he turned around, he saw a familiar face in the dim light.

It's Su Yun!
"You, aren't you on your way back?" Xu Jie asked in surprise. If he hadn't reacted quickly, the other party would probably have been lying on the ground at this moment.

I thought it was a burglary.

"I was still on the road when I sent you a text message. Who would have thought that I would come back, but you haven't come back yet." Su Yun explained.

"Why don't you turn on the light?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"I want to give you a surprise!" Su Yun said with a smile.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, surprised?

More or less frightened.

He was about to reach out to turn on the light, but Su Yun grabbed his hand.

"Don't fight yet." Su Yun said as she walked into the house, "Stay where you are and don't move. I'll come when I go."

Xu Jie had a question mark on his face, what is this woman doing?
Are there any surprises?

There was a "pop", and a glimmer of light came from the direction of the living room, and then the light source began to move.

"Happy Birthday!"

Su Yun was holding a cake, and under the candlelight, her beautiful face was as delicate as flowers.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...."

She sang the birthday song and walked in front of Xu Jie. In this world, no one can enjoy such treatment beyond a slap.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun. Tonight, she was wearing a beautiful evening gown, dignified and elegant, yet sexy and enchanting. She also put on very delicate makeup, which took a lot of time to prepare carefully.

Xu Jie looked down at the cake again, and saw a line written on it: Happy birthday to my husband.

There are two words at the end: wife.

He licked his dry lips. Although he didn't want to spoil the atmosphere, he finally said, "Honey, did you remember the wrong date? Tomorrow is my birthday."

"Check the time carefully." Su Yun reminded.

Xu Jie raised his hand to look at his watch, and was stunned when he saw the date displayed on his body.

I remembered!

It's past zero!

Another new day.

That's right!

It's his birthday.

"Thank you!"

Xu Jie was very moved. He didn't expect that the other party still remembered his birthday.

He really wanted to hold the other party in his arms at this time, but the birthday cake in the other party's hand seriously affected him.

"Make a wish." Su Yun reminded.

Xu Jie looked at the beautiful face in front of him. With the other party, he seemed to have no wish.

He thought for a while, and finally put his hands together and closed his eyes.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie with a smile, and waited and waited, and waited and waited. After more than ten seconds, the other party still hadn't opened his eyes.

After a full minute, Xu Jie finally opened his eyes.

"How many wishes did you make?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"One." Xu Jie replied.

"Isn't your wish too long?" Su Yun said, this was the longest wish she had ever seen.

"I was worried that it would not come true, so I repeated it several times." Xu Jie explained.

Su Yun was taken aback, there is such an operation?

"Okay, let's blow out the candles!" Su Yun said.

Xu Jie looked at the candlelight and took a breath.


The room immediately darkened again.

Su Yun had been prepared for a long time, pressed a button, and the room immediately lit up with colored lights, red, pink, blue, colorful, very beautiful.

"Cut the cake." When Su Yun spoke, her eyes were full of anticipation.

Xu Jie took the cake and put it aside. For him, the cake was too much of a hindrance. He took Su Yun's hand and hugged her directly.

"Thank you!"

After speaking, he wrapped his arms around the opponent's leg, picked him up, and walked to the bedroom inside.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Su Yun put her arms around Xu Jie's neck.

"I can't wait anymore." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

When love is strong, who can wait?

"No, listen to me, wait first, you must wait!" Su Yun said loudly while struggling continuously.

Xu Jie stopped, looked at the woman in his arms in confusion, and asked, "What are you waiting for?"

If he just said it simply, he could ignore it, but since the other party is struggling, there must be something wrong.

"Cut the cake, you have to cut it." Su Yun got off the ground and straightened her skirt with a very serious expression, even a little familiar.

"Ah? Why?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

He wants to eat people more now than birthday cake.

"Anyway, it's up to you, listen to me, be good, please!" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie and said.

Xu Jie was a little confused, why did he still need to ask?

Looking at the pleading look of the other party, he could only nod in the end.

"Okay, I'll cut it!"

Do women pay attention to rituals?
Well, it should be!
(End of this chapter)

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