The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 415 The best birthday present

Chapter 415 The best birthday present
Xu Jie came to the birthday cake, looked at Su Yun's expectant eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled in his heart. It's just cutting a birthday cake. Are you serious about it?

You must know that many people celebrate their birthdays now. The cake is not for eating, but for smashing, smashing it on the face.

Could it be that there is something inside this cake?

Are there any surprises?

Well, it must be.

What will be the surprise?

Holding a knife, Xu Jie carefully cut the birthday cake. When he cut halfway through, he felt something hard.


He stopped what he was doing, looked up at Su Yun beside him, and asked, "What is it?"

He worries about cutting up the gift and turning surprise into disappointment.

The corners of Su Yun's mouth were raised all the time. Now that she heard Xu Jie's question, she suddenly put away her smile and said while shaking her head, "Something? What is it? I don't know, let's continue cutting."

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, the other party's acting skills are too bad today, right?
do not know?
Do you treat him like a three-year-old?

But since the other party doesn't intend to say anything, he can't continue to ask. Sometimes men and women get along like this. One person pretends that nothing has been done, and the other will pretend that nothing happened, even if it looks like a fool.

Xu Jie moved lightly and did not dare to use force, for fear of cutting the gift and turning the surprise into a fright.

He slowly raised the knife and scratched lightly across the surface of the gift. After feeling that there was no hard object, he cut it harder until he finished cutting the second half and finally divided the cake into two .

He has acted as a cook for so many episodes, and no matter how precious the ingredients are, he has never been so careful.

"Hey, there seems to be something inside!" Xu Jie said pretending to be surprised.

In order to cooperate with Su Yun to continue acting this scene, he also started his own actor mode. Although he is not from the film and television industry, he has filmed dozens of episodes of the show anyway, so he still has some self-cultivation.

"Really? Take a look." Su Yun urged after hearing it.

Xu Jie nodded cooperatively, almost digging out a villa on the ground with his embarrassing toes.

Is it easy for me to make my wife happy?
He gently opened the cake and finally saw what was under the cake.

It was a crimson square box covered in cake crumbs.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he saw it, the box looked too familiar, it was very similar to the bracelet box his mother gave Su Yun, only smaller.

Is it jewelry?
"Wow, what a beautiful box!" Su Yun exclaimed, "What's inside?"

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun, the other party clearly wanted him to open it quickly, this reminder couldn't be more obvious.

He picked up the box, opened the lid, and suddenly a ring came into view. On it was a soybean-sized diamond, weighing three carats. Under the light, the crystal clear surface shone with light, as bright as a star in the night sky .

Xu Jie stared blankly at the diamond ring, what does this mean?
A diamond ring as a birthday present?And is it a woman giving it to a man?

He didn't read much, and he had never seen or heard of it, but he had heard of women celebrating their birthdays and men giving women diamond rings.

"What a beautiful ring!" Su Yun said loudly suddenly, then looked at Xu Jie excitedly, and asked shyly, "Is it for me?"

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and looked at the woman in puzzlement. It was obviously the ring prepared by the other party, so how could he give it to him?
Besides, the ring is hidden inside the birthday cake, shouldn't it be a birthday present for her?
What is this routine?
Xu Jie scratched his head, his forehead was full of questions.

and many more!

Xu Jie trembled all over, could it be that the other party wanted to use this ring to confirm the relationship between the two?
Although the two had obtained the certificate for a long time, legally speaking they were husband and wife, but apart from the marriage certificate, they seemed to have nothing.

No weddings, no wedding rings, not even wedding leave.

And the diamond ring symbolizes the eternity of marriage and love. Su Yun took it out at this time, clearly wanting to confirm the relationship between the two.

After understanding Su Yun's good intentions, Xu Jie's heart was filled with happiness, but then he blamed himself and felt ashamed, because shouldn't he be the man who took the initiative?

It used to be cooperation without expressing it, but now that they have become a real couple, how can they be indifferent and not express anything?
Behind the fact that women like rituals, they hope that men can express everything with practical actions.

Women are sensual creatures, and rituals are undoubtedly the things that move them the most.

Xu Jie thought to himself.

What a fucking lower body animal.

Xu Jie scolded himself secretly.

These days, he only thinks about chasing Su Yun, thinking about the two of them making a fake show and turning the fake couple into a real couple, but he doesn't think about how to express his feelings to each other after becoming a real couple.

Even if a normal proposal is made, a man has to wear a ring to show his love, not to mention that at a wedding, a man and a woman have to exchange rings to confirm each other's hearts.

And what about him?
Didn't even think about it.

It's ugly!
No man!
He looked at Su Yun in front of him. Apologizing to the other party at this time is obviously not suitable for the current atmosphere, and apologizing will only expose the other party's behavior of "giving her own ring".

Although the other party took the initiative, it didn't mean that he was shameless, otherwise he wouldn't be acting here.

Alas, hard work!
He felt that what he should do now should not be an apology, but a remedy.

Now that the other party has prepared the ring, he will borrow flowers to offer Buddha, and cooperate with the other party to finish the scene.

"Well, it's for you." Xu Jie looked at Su Yun gently and said, putting his guilt aside temporarily.

"Really?" Su Yun asked in surprise.

"Really." Xu Jie nodded affirmatively, then took out the diamond ring from the box, grabbed Su Yun's hand, and put it on the other's ring finger.

He is not an ungodly person, since the other party has already delivered the ring to him, so why not put it on for the other party?Being able to marry the other party is definitely the result of his good deeds in his previous life in exchange for saving the world, so he must cherish it.

Su Yun stared intently at Xu Jie putting on the ring for her, her watery eyes kept flickering, her pretty face was even more red, exuding a look of happiness.

"It's so pretty!" Su Yun said beautifully, then raised her feet and kissed Xu Jie's face lightly, "Thank you."

Xu Jie smiled, but the smile was a little unnatural.

The most difficult to accept the grace of beauty.

He deserved the "thank you".

Thinking about the few steel coins in my pocket, I don't know how long it will take to afford such a big diamond ring.

It seems that if you want to save money to marry a wife in the future, you must at least buy one that is bigger than the current one, so as to show your sincerity.

"Why is your smile so ugly, do you not want to give it to me?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie with a smile and asked.

"Of course not, I think, I really want to give it to you, but..." Xu Jie didn't know what to say.

"Giving" the other party's ring to the other party, can this be called giving away?"Also" might be more appropriate.

If you want to hold on to the other party, you have to buy it yourself.

"I knew you really wanted to give me a ring, but I knew you were too busy and didn't have time, so I bought it for you. Am I being considerate?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard that, not only the ring was bought, but even the steps were found for him, what more could a husband ask for if he married a wife like this?
"Thank you!" Xu Jie said affectionately, and then hugged him tightly.

"In the past, I pretended to marry myself to you, but today, I really married myself to you." Su Yun closed her eyes and said.

From the moment the man saved her regardless of the danger, she had already decided to marry him. This was not a momentary impulse, but an opportunity to help her make up her mind.

Although there is no vigorous vow of eternal love between the two, every bit of the daily relationship has infiltrated into the hearts of the two of them.

Vigorous love is often just a flash in the pan, and it will end in tranquility in the end. Ordinary days are the most testing of people's hearts. Only after experiencing ordinary times can you see through a person's heart. After that, you can still be together, that is true love.

"It's not that you married yourself to me, but that I finally married you back home." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Is the other party worried about getting married?
Don't worry about marrying!
Big star, queen of music, goddess of the nation, any title, it is easy to find an outstanding person, but now the other party chooses to marry him. In terms of the status of the two of them today, it is completely: to marry.

What does he have?
No money, no car, no house, nothing.

As far as his book conditions are concerned, in the blind date corner in the capital, they are all characters who are disliked by the uncles and aunts, and they can't even enter the three or four groups.

And now that he can marry the dream lover of countless people, even he himself feels that he has eaten swan meat.

Before, just look, think, make a wish.

Now, the dream has finally come true.

That's right, the wish he made in front of the candle before was to be able to truly marry Su Yun. In order to realize this wish, he made it three times very devoutly, saying important things three times, and making important wishes three times.

When the candle is blown, the wish comes true.

It's the best birthday present he's ever received.

"I've wronged you." Xu Jie said to the woman, "I don't have anything now, and I need you to buy a ring for me."

"I have a lot of money, but what you gave me cannot be measured by money." Su Yun said after hearing this.

If she cared about money, she wouldn't play flash marriage games with the other party, and if she cared about money, she wouldn't give herself to the other party.

"Give me some more time, you will have what others have, and you will have what others don't have." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Okay, is a lifetime enough?" Su Yun raised her head and looked at the man with a smile.

"That's enough, I'm just afraid you'll be in a hurry." Xu Jie said.

"Don't worry, one life is not enough, continue to wait in the next life."


(End of this chapter)

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