The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 417 Investigation caused by a diamond ring

Chapter 417 An investigation triggered by a diamond ring
Xu Jie sighed softly, feeling very depressed. He never thought that Su Yun was just showing her affection, and someone would make a big fuss about it.

Isn't it just better working ability, higher program ratings, more beautiful wife, and bigger diamond ring?As for writing an anonymous report letter to frame him?

But what Xu Jie is most worried about now is not to report it, but because he is afraid that Su Yun will know about it. If the other party hears that someone reported him because of the diamond ring, he will definitely blame himself very much, and maybe he will reveal the truth. In fact, the truth is not public now. Publicity is no longer important, so why is there no reason to incriminate it?
"Director, it's all right." Xu Jie pretended to be relaxed and said: "The big deal is that I won't participate in the selection of excellent programs. Anyway, the chance of the program itself is not great."

After Jiang Hai heard it, he felt very sorry.

He has worked in the Art Program Center for several years, and he has not won an award for an excellent program selection. He thought that with the participation of two high-rated programs, "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk", this year, the hope of winning the award would be greater.

In particular, "Delicious History" integrates food, culture, and history. It must have content and ratings, and it is deeply loved by the audience. It has a great influence in society, and it may break through duck eggs.

However, the world is unpredictable, people are not as good as heaven, just because of a diamond ring, this matter can be messed up, shouldn't it be my own life?

Things have come to this, and they can only accept their fate.

"I guess someone from Taiwan will come to you to find out about this matter. You don't need to be nervous or excited, just tell the truth. I believe Taiwan will deal with this kind of pretentious and out-of-the-box things seriously and return your innocence. Yes." Jiang Hai comforted him.

Xu Jie didn't say anything, he was afraid that even if the stage would return his innocence, some people would not believe it, and they would still talk about him in private.

"Xiao Xu, it's the end of the year, and the excellent and advanced evaluations have already begun. These may affect whether you can be promoted smoothly next year, so keep a low profile recently." Jiang Hai reminded kindly.

The other party's name is on the list of candidates for promotion, but until the final official document is announced, no one can tell what will happen.

What's more, even if it is announced, it can be revoked again.

"Thank you, Director, I see."

Xu Jie left Director Jiang's office full of helplessness. He was already low-key enough, so low-key that some people suspected that he couldn't afford a diamond ring. How could he be so low-key?


What the hell, there are always some people who can't do their jobs and are looking for trouble No. 1.

"Xu Jie."

Qin Yan saw Xu Jie coming out of the director's office, and yelled softly while waving from him.

"How is it?" Qin Yan asked expectantly. She and Xu Jie are considered to be grasshoppers on the same rope now. If the other party has something to do, it will not do her any good.

"Wood show in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, there is no reason to incriminate it." Xu Jie said.

The first sentence is Director Jiang's original words, and the latter sentence is his understanding of this matter.

As soon as Qin Yan heard it, she immediately understood the content of the conversation between Director Jiang and Xu Jie.

"Well, am I right? Someone must be jealous of you. You are a winner in life now. Who wouldn't be jealous of you? If I were a man, I would be jealous of you too." Qin Yan said in a low voice.

Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan with a wry smile. People these days just look down on others, okay?The problem is that when he was unlucky, no one gave him warmth.

"Do you want to find out who wrote the anonymous report letter?" Qin Yan asked.

Xu Jie shook his head. If people knew that he was investigating the report letter, those who didn't know would think that he was going to retaliate.

"Being upright is not afraid of the slanting shadow. It's just an unknown person, so there's nothing to be afraid of." Xu Jie said lightly, and then walked to the work station.

Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie's back, what she said was, um, domineering.

Xu Jie sat down and started working according to the original plan, screening the film and television dramas that he recommended to participate in the interview of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" this week.

In fact, this matter is mainly due to the attitude of the audience towards him. As long as the audience thinks that he is fine, what do other people think?

As for gossip in private, who hasn't been gossiping these days?

I remember that when he registered with Su Yun last year, many people in the station said that he cheated on the marriage, and he must have used some despicable and shameless means against Su Yun, as if he had something to do with Su Yun.

Take the people in the Art Program Center as an example. When he first came here, he heard some people talking about the situation between Qin Yan and Director Jiang, but after a year, he didn't see anything.

Only good people will be envied.

How much you get is how much you have to bear.

After careful screening, Xu Jie handed over the final list of interview crews to Qin Yan. Just as he was about to go out, the director suddenly walked out of the office.

"Xiao Xu, what's the matter?" Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"It's okay." Xu Jie shook his head.

"Oh, then you go somewhere with me." Jiang Hai approached Xu Jie, winked at him, and then walked out of the Art Center.

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang's back, and seemed to have something to say to him.

But why not say it in the office, but outside?

Xu Jie quickly chased after him, closely following Director Jiang.

Except for the art program center, Jiang Hai looked at both ends of the corridor, and after seeing no one there, he whispered to Xu Jie: "Vice Director Liu wants to ask you for some information, come with me."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he heard that, there was only one deputy director surnamed Liu in the station, and that was Liu Shengmao, the deputy director in charge of discipline inspection.

Is it so big?
Even Deputy Director Liu went out in person?
If there is one person who is least willing to chat in the entire radio and television station, it must be Deputy Director Liu, because whoever is called to chat will have an accident.

Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie, stretched out his hand and patted the other person's shoulder and said, "Don't be nervous, just to understand the situation, if someone writes a letter to report, the station can't be indifferent, can it?"

"I'm going to trouble Deputy Director Liu to do it himself?" Xu Jie asked, isn't it a bit of a fuss?Those who didn't know thought he had collected tens of millions of dollars.

"You are now one of the best program directors of our station, and you are also an important backup force of our station. If someone writes an anonymous letter to report you, the station will of course take it very seriously." Jiang Hai said in a low voice: "Wait a while, deputy station Liu Don’t talk too much when you ask a lot of questions.”

"Yes, Director." Xu Jie said.

The two took the elevator to the discipline inspection office.

"Knock!" Jiang Hai turned to Xu Jie and said.

If it wasn't for Xu Jie's business, he definitely wouldn't have come.

Working in a TV station, who doesn't have any gray income?

Do journalists get paid to write news?Does the director's private promotion fee count?Does it count as a videographer taking public equipment to shoot wedding videos for people?

If it is carefully investigated, how many people can stand the test?

"Come in."

Xu Jie followed Director Jiang into the office, but found that there were two other people in the room besides Deputy Director Liu, and they were all colleagues from the disciplinary inspection side.

Vice-Taiwan Liu is over fifty years old, with a Chinese character face and a pair of sharp eyes under thick eyebrows. He looks very majestic and upright. He is the kind of person who can sing "Loyalty to the Country" even if he sings "Sweet Honey" .

"Taiwan Liu, someone brought it to you." Jiang Hai put away his usual smiling face, and now has a serious expression.

"Well." Liu Shengmao nodded, then looked at Xu Jie and said, "Xiao Xu, I have no other purpose in calling you here today, I just want to know something, I hope you can seek truth from facts, don't hide anything, and I hope you can trust the organization, the organization A good man would not be wronged."

"I know." Xu Jie said.

When Liu Shengmao heard this, he winked at two subordinates, a man and a woman, and the man turned to Xu Jie and asked, "Xu Jie, please answer the next few questions truthfully. You are filming "Delicious." During the program, did you accept any money from restaurants?"

"No." Xu Jie replied seriously.

"So have you ever asked the owner of the restaurant for money?" the man asked again.

"No." Xu Jie said.

"The interview object of the program "Deep Talk on Film and Television" is determined by you alone, isn't it?"


"Have you ever received money from your interviewee?"


Hearing Xu Jie's answer, everyone in the office was stunned. Does this admit it?

Is the content of the report in the anonymous letter true?

You must know that this Xu Jie is now a celebrity on the TV station in Beijing. No one thought that he would make a mistake in this matter, and he was caught by the tail.

"Why did you charge them money? Also, how much did you charge?" the man asked.

"It ranges from 20 to 20." Xu Jie explained without changing his face: "At that time, "In-depth Film and Television Talk" had no sponsors, and the station asked me to find a way to solve the production costs. Promote their film and television works, and voluntarily pay the publicity fee, so I accepted it and used it as the production fee of the program. Those who are not familiar with it will receive [-] yuan, and those who are familiar with it will receive [-] yuan. For example, the Forbidden Film Industry is our system. When I was found, I was confiscated, and I was confiscated several times in total, and there were records, and each time, a certain percentage was handed over according to the regulations of the station."

"I can prove this." Jiang Hai said at this time.

The man didn't ask any more questions after hearing this, and turned to look at the woman beside him.

The woman sat up straight at this moment and asked, "Have you ever received any compensation in the nature of labor?"

"Yes." Xu Jie said.

"How many, how many are there, and who is the target?"

"There is a sum. At the beginning of the year, Daniel Company invited me to shoot commercials for them. The service fee was 50 yuan, and nothing more."

"A few days ago, you had two live broadcasts, one was selling pears, and the other was selling all kinds of food. Didn't you charge labor fees?" the woman questioned.

"No." Xu Jie said truthfully.

"Really? The commission is also counted!" The woman emphasized, seriously full of doubts.

Seeing this situation, Xu Jie immediately frowned.

"What do you mean by that?"

Following Xu Jie's rhetorical question, the serious atmosphere in the office quickly dropped to freezing point.


(End of this chapter)

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