Chapter 418 Confess

Xu Jie came here to cooperate with the station to understand the situation, not to surrender himself.

There is nothing wrong with him!

"Selling pears is a public welfare aid to farmers. Selling all kinds of food is invited by the Tourism Bureau to promote Beijing's gourmet tourism and Beijing's gourmet enterprises. I didn’t accept any of them, of course, if the products they sent me to taste also count, then I admit that I have accepted them.”

Xu Jie explained first, then looked at the woman and said, "You ask a question, I answer, and I finish answering, but you doubt me. Since you don't believe me, why bother to ask me?"

The woman was so embarrassed that she didn't expect that the other party's reaction would be so great after hearing her normal reminder.

"What are you doing so loudly? It doesn't make sense to speak loudly. You won't feel guilty, will you?" the woman said with a sneer.

"Hmph, which guilty person have you ever seen be so righteous?" Xu Jie looked back at the other party without the slightest fear.

"Maybe it's the last struggle?" The woman leaned forward and said.

Xu Jie laughed after hearing this.

"Do you have evidence? Show it if you have it, and clarify it for me if you don't. Don't delay my program's participation in the selection of excellent programs. If my program is not selected because of this matter, can you be responsible?"

Not doing bad things, not afraid of ghosts calling the door, Xu Jie is not only completely true, but also wants to seek justice for the show.



Liu Shengmao coughed at this time, and the office immediately fell silent, and everyone's eyes fell on the deputy director.

"Xiao Xu, don't be so excited. As I said, I called you here today to find out the situation. Why did we ask you, the client, to find out the situation? Because we didn't believe the contents of the report letter, we found you." Liu Shengmao said slowly.

When Xu Jie heard Deputy Director Liu's words, he didn't expect that the majestic Deputy Director Liu would speak so pleasantly, and he felt a lot more comfortable.

"Director, I'm not excited. I just feel that because of a report letter, it's still anonymous, and it's a bit of a fuss to ask me to find out the situation without any evidence. If it's okay, I won't do anything in the future. Yes, I write anonymous report letters every day, do you also want to find the people I reported one by one to find out the situation? I'm afraid everyone will be chilled by then, and no one will do the work." Xu Jie said neither humble nor overbearing.

He didn't swallow his anger and make compromises just because the other party was the deputy director. As the old saying goes, there is a reason to travel all over the world, and to apply a popular saying: We are right, what are we afraid of?

Xu Jie's words frightened Jiang Hai on the side.

He quickly pushed Xiao Xu with his elbow, and signaled the other party to stop talking. It's okay to speak uprightly, but why did you teach the deputy director a lesson?
Jiang Hai turned his head to look at the director, and opened his mouth to smooth things over, "Director, don't be angry, Xiao Xu just feels aggrieved and complains, in fact, I think what he said is right, just because of an anonymous report letter It's like an interrogation, isn't this a blow to comrades' enthusiasm for work? To be honest, if you tell me to go back now, I'm not in the mood to work."

"How do you know that I have no evidence?" Liu Shengmao asked suddenly.

Jiang Hai was stunned when he heard this.

What does this mean?
Is there no evidence?
Jiang Hai suddenly turned his head to look at Xu Jie beside him, his face was full of doubts, because if Liu Shengmao had evidence, wouldn't it mean that Xu Jie lied to him just now?
Can't you?
He didn't believe it, and he didn't dare to believe it.

However, Xu Jie didn't change his expression after hearing what Deputy Director Liu said.

"I didn't do it at all, so how can I get evidence?" Xu Jie said.

Want to lie to me?No way!
Jiang Hai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard that Xu Jie was so confident.

"What's the matter with the diamond ring? As far as I know, the market price of that diamond ring is more than 150 million." Liu Shengmao said, staring at the young man in front of him intently.

Xu Jie smiled, straightened his clothes, and asked, "Why, don't I look like I can afford that diamond ring?"

"At least you can't afford it with your salary." Liu Shengmao said.

"If I said that it was a diamond ring bought with the pocket money my wife usually gave me, would you laugh at me?" Xu Jie asked.

A man and a woman next to each other looked at each other in disbelief.

The pocket money from my wife?
More than 150 million?
Is this pocket money too much?

Men are envious, but women can't believe it.

But if you think about it, it's not impossible.

Who is his wife?

Big star Su Yun.

More than 150 million?

not much!

It is enough to sing a few songs casually.

"This reason is very good, but I'm afraid it won't be convincing, and are you sure you want to involve your wife in this matter?" Liu Shengmao asked.

Xu Jie thought about it, and he was right, he didn't want Su Yun to know about it, and he didn't want to involve Su Yun in it.

"Okay, I confess!" Xu Jie said with a sigh.

In the office, the three people except Liu Shengmao were all stunned.

A man and a woman thought to themselves: Jiang is still old and spicy. Once Deputy Director Liu steps out, no matter what ghosts and monsters are there, they will all have to show their original forms.

Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie in astonishment: What the hell is going on?Is the report letter true?

Xu Jie raised his head, looked at everyone in the office, then set his eyes on Liu Shengmao's face, and said seriously, "Actually, I am a rich second generation."


Hearing Xu Jie's words, even Liu Shengmao was stunned this time.

Rich second generation?
Why never heard of it?

Everyone has not been relieved, only to hear Xu Jie continue to say:

"The reason why I work so hard is that I don't want to go back to the village to inherit my family's pig farm, and I don't want to deal with tens of thousands of pigs all day..."

"You, your family runs a pig farm? There are still tens of thousands of pigs?" Liu Shengmao asked.

Even if he had always been calm, he couldn't help being surprised at this moment.

"There is also a vegetable planting base and a fruit planting base, which are not big, only a few hundred smart greenhouses." Xu Jie said lightly.


In the room, no one spoke, but it was unusually noisy, which was the voice of everyone:


"Fuck you!"

There is actually a big landlord in the unit?

However, this is just the beginning, Xu Jie was still talking.

"My family grows all natural, pollution-free, green and organic vegetables and fruits. Strawberries cost 300 yuan a catty, and the supply exceeds demand."

"My father and mother are well-known leaders in getting rich."

"Su Yun went to my house for the first time, and my mother gave her a pair of jade bracelets worth more than 1000 yuan."

"My mother gave me tens of millions to buy a wedding house, but I'm useless. The money has been in my bank card."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't keep a low profile. I'll go back to the village tonight and drive the Land Rover that my mother usually pulls for commuting. It doesn't have much money, only three or four million, two diamond rings."

"It's my wife's birthday in half a month, and I'm going to buy her another diamond ring, which is bigger than the one on the news."


Everyone was dumbfounded and their heads were in a daze.

Where is this place?

Is it a big show off scene?
"I don't know if these can prove that I can afford a diamond ring? If not, there are many other things, such as my family also has some real estate in the south..." Xu Jie was unusually calm, as if he had nothing to do with him.

"Okay, stop talking!" Liu Shengmao stopped him.

"Do you believe it? If you don't believe me, I can check the balance of the bank card for you to see now, or I can call my parents to cooperate with the investigation." Xu Jie said.

"No, no!" Liu Shengmao said quickly.

He was worried that the other party's parents would buy the TV station in a fit of anger after they found out about the situation.

"Xiao Xu, I didn't expect you to hide it so deeply. Why have I never heard you mention it?" Jiang Hai only felt his throat dry, and he had swallowed too much saliva just now.

"Director, you didn't ask, I can't meet people, so why don't I introduce myself first?" Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai thinks about it, it seems to be the same.

"Okay, after understanding the situation, you can go back." Liu Shengmao said to Xu Jie.

He wasn't worried that the other party was lying, because it was very simple to investigate this kind of thing. As long as he found the other party's personal file, he could know the other party's identity information and thus find out the real situation of the other party's home.

"Yes, Director." Xu Jie turned around, stopped when he reached the door, turned around and came to Liu Shengmao, and asked, "Director, is this the end of the anonymous report letter?"

"Do you want to find out who wrote the anonymous report letter?" Liu Shengmao frowned.

"It doesn't matter who wrote it, but I was framed for no reason, and now many people in the station know about it, how should this matter be resolved?" Xu Jie asked.

"How do you want to solve it?" Liu Shengmao asked in turn.

"Well, I think that the person who wrote the letter came for this excellent program selection. My program has high ratings, good reputation, and has an audience base. He did this because he didn't want my program to Awarded, I think these people's schemes must not be allowed to succeed, what do you think?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.


This, isn't this directly asking for an award from the deputy director?

What a guts!
Liu Shengmao was taken aback, but this young man was honest and dared to say anything.


What are people afraid of?
It happened to go home and inherit hundreds of millions of property.

"Unfortunately, I don't count on this matter." Liu Shengmao said.

"Then I don't care, the matter is from you, you have to help me restore my reputation." Xu Jie said after hearing it
A man and a woman next to him stared blankly.

Fuck, you dare to blackmail even the deputy director, aren't you too courageous?

"Director, I think it makes sense to say what Xiao Xu said!" Jiang Hai said at this time: "You can't let such a good and outstanding young man suffer unfair injustice because of a broken report letter and miss the selection of excellent programs? He Now it is an important reserve force of our station, if you miss next year's promotion because of this incident, wouldn't it make your loved ones hurt your enemies? You will definitely not let this happen, right?"

The corner of Liu Shengmao's mouth twitched, and he began to have a headache.

It is to call someone to find out the situation, why are you still relying on it?

(End of this chapter)

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